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The NSTP-CWTS program is a very important, useful, and beneficiary program that assisted me
through gaining information that is useful for the future especially in our community which can
be prone to natural disasters. I experienced a lot throughout this course in which I am very
thankful that I have attended this course. The program’s teachings and lessons will forever
always be in me for it left me with a mark of someone who is willing to volunteer, help, and be
there at times of great need. The activities that the program provided made me realize that we
have a very small world and a lot of risks and problems may come through but we will always be
together helping each other. It has been a great experience for me because it really taught me
valuable lessons that I may apply to myself and spread to other people that did not have

2. The social issue that addressed within me through the service learning activity is that I began to
remove my cultural difference in which it became a bad trait of mine. Through the activity, I
came to appreciate how it is to be someone that can help people either low or high in their
social positions. I realized that many people are not lucky to receive help and being able to stand
up again. The only thing that I can suggest for the activity is to be sustaining because a lot of
people still need help in their lives. Being able to help is a very proud accomplishment not only
as a student, but also as a human being.

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