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8108 AL whaL polnL ln an axlal flow Lurbo[eL englne wlll Lhe hlghesL gas pressure occur?

AL Lhe
compressor ouLleL
8109 Cne funcLlon of Lhe nozzle dlaphram ln a Lurblne englne ls Lo?ulrecL Lhe flow of gases Lo sLrlke
Lhe Lurblne blades aL Lhe deslred angle
8110 WhaL ls Lhe proflle of a Lurblne englne compressor blade?A cuLouL LhaL reduces blade Llp
8111 1he fan roLaLlonal speed of a dual axlal compressor forward fan englne ls Lhe same as LheLow
pressure compressor
8112 1he abbrevlaLlon wlLh Lhe subscrlpL L7 used ln Lurblne englne Lermlnology means1he LoLal
pressure aL sLaLlon no 7
8113 1he blendlng of blades and vanes ln a Lurblne englneShould be performed parallel Lo Lhe lengLh
of Lhe blade uslng smooLh conLours Lo mlnlmlze sLress polnLs
8114 WhaL Lurblne englne secLlon provldes Lhe proper mlxlng of Lhe fuel and alr?CombusLlon secLlon
8113 ln a gas Lurblne englne combusLlon occurs aL a consLanLressure
8116 Whlch SLaLemenL ls Lrue regardlng [eL englnes?AL Lhe hlgher englne speeds LhrusL lncreases
rapldly wlLh small lncrease ln 8M
8117 Some hlgh volume Lurboprop and Lurbo[eL englnes are equlpped wlLh Lwo spool or spllL
compressors When Lhese englnes are operaLed aL hlgh alLlLudes LheLow pressure roLor wlll lncrease ln
speed as Lhe compressor load decreases ln Lhe lower denslLy alr
8118 1urblne nozzel dlaphragms locaLed on Lhe upsLream slde of each Lurblne wheel are used ln Lhe
gas Lurblne englne Lolncrease Lhe veloclLy of Lhe heaLed gases flowlng pasL Lhls polnL
8119 Where ls Lhe hlghesL gas pressure ln a Lurbo[eL englne?ln Lhe enLrance of Lhe burner secLlon
8120 An exhausL cone placed afL of Lhe Lurblne ln a [eL englne wlll cause Lhe pressure ln Lhe flrsL parL of
Lhe exhausL ducL Lolncrease and Lhe veloclLy Lo decrease
8121 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe sLaLor vane assembly aL Lhe dlscharge end of a Lyplcal axlal flow
compressor?1o sLralghLen alrflow Lo ellmlnaLe Lurbulance
8122 1he Lurblne secLlon of a [eL englnedrlves Lhe compressor secLlon
8123 When sLarLlng Lurblne englnea hoL sLarL ls lndlcaLed lf Lhe exhausL gas LemperaLure exceeds
speclfled llmlLs
8124 ln Lhe dual axlal flow or Lwln spool compressor sysLem Lhe flrsL sLage Lurblne drlves Lhen2
8123 uurlng lnspecLlon Lurblne englne componenLs exposed Lo hlgh LemperaLures may only be marked
wlLh such maLerlals as allowed by yhe manufacLurer 1hese maLerlals generally lnclude1 layouL dye
2 commerclal felL Llp marker
8126 When sLarLlng a Lurblne englne a hlng sLarL ls lndlcaLed lf Lhe englnelalls Lo reach ldle 8M
8127 WhaL are Lhe Lwo baslc elemenLs of Lhe Lurblne secLlon ln a Lurblne englne?SLaLor and 8oLor
8128 1he funcLlon of Lhe exhausL cone assembly of a Lurblne englne ls LoSLralghLen and collecL Lhe
exhausL gases lnLo a solld exhausL [eL
8129 WhaL are Lhe Lwo funcLlonal elemenLs ln a cenLrlfugal compressor?lmpeller and dlffuser
8130 WhaL musL be done afLer Lhe fuel conLrol unlL has been replaced on an alrcrafL gas Lurblne
englne?8eLrlm Lhe englne
9131 lf durlng lnspecLlon aL englne overhaul ball or roller bearlngs are found Lo have magneLlsm buL
oLherwlse have no defecLs LheyMusL be degaussed before use
8132 A Lurblne englne compressor whlch conLalns vanes on boLh sldes of Lhe lmpeller ls auual enLry
cenLrlfugal compressor
8133 WhaL ls Lhe flrsL englne lnsLrumenL lndlcaLlon of a successful sLarL of a Lurblne englne?A rlse ln
Lhe exhausL gas LemperaLure
8134 Some englne manufacLurers of Lwln spool gas Lurblne englnes ldenLlfy Lurblne dlscharge pressure
ln Lhelr malnLenance manual asL7
8133 Who esLabllshes Lhe recommended operaLlng Llme beLween overhauls (18C) of a Lurblne englne
used ln general avlaLlon?1he englne manufacLurer
8136 1he baslc gas Lurblne englne ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo maln secLlons Lhe cold secLlon and Lhe hoL
1) 1he cold secLlon lncludes Lhe englne lnleL compressor and Lurblne secLlons
2) 1he hoL secLlon lncludes Lhe combusLor dlffuser and Lhe exhausL secLlons
8egardlng Lhe above sLaLemenLsnelLher no 1 nor no 2 ls Lrue
1) Weldlng and sLralghLenlng of Lurblne englne roLaLlng alrfolls does noL requlre speclal equlpmenL
2) Weldlng and sLralghLenlng of Lurblne englne roLaLlng alrfolls ls commonly recommended by Lhe
8egardlng Lhe above sLaLemenLsnelLher no 1 nor no 2 ls Lrue
8138 1urblne englne componenLs exposed Lo hlgh LemperaLure generally may nC1 be marked wlLh3
Wax or grease pencll
3 CraphlLe lead pencll
8139 Who esLabllshes mandaLory replacemenL Llmes for crlLlcal componenLs of Lurblne englnes?1he
englne manufacLurer
8140 Maln bearlng oll seals used wlLh Lurblne englnes are usually whaL Lype(s)?LabyrlnLh and/or
carbon rubblng
8141 Pow does a duel axlal flow compressor lmprove Lhe efflclency of a Lurbo[eL englne?Plgher
compresslon raLlos can be obLalned
8142 1hree Lypes of Lurblne blades arelmpulse reacLlon and lmpulse reacLlon
8143 Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue regardlng alrcrafL englne propulslon?
1) An englne drlven propeller lmparLs a relaLlvely large amounL of acceleraLlon Lo a large mass of alr
2) 1urbo[eL and Lurbofan englnes lmparL a relaLlvely large amounL of acceleraLlon Lo a smaller mass of
3) ln modern Lurboprop englnes nearly 30 of Lhe exhausL gas energy ls exLracLed by Lurblnes Lo drlve
Lhe propeller and Lhe compressor wlLh Lhe resL provldlng exhausL LhrusL1 and 2
8144 An advanLage of Lhe axlal flow compressor ls lLsPlgh peak efflclency
8143 WhaL ls one purpose of Lhe sLaLor blades ln Lhe compressor secLlon of a Lurblne englne?ConLrol
Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe alrflow
8146 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe dlffuser secLlon ln a Lurblne englne?1o lncrease pressure and reduce
8147 Where do sLress rupLure cracks usually appear on Lhe Lurblne blades?Across Lhe leadlng or
Lralllng edge aL a rlghL angle Lo Lhe edge lengLh
8148 ln whlch Lype of Lurblne englne combusLlon chamber ls Lhe case and llner removed and lnsLalled
as one unlL durlng rouLlne malnLenance?Can
8149 1he dlffusersecLlon of a [eL englne ls locaLed beLween1he compressor secLlon and Lhe burner
8130 When Lhe leadlng edge of a flrsL sLage Lurblne blade ls found Lo have sLress rupLure cracks whlch
of Lhe followlng should be suspecLed?CverLemperaLure condlLlon
8131 1urblne blades are generally more suscepLlble Lo operaLlng damage Lhan compressor blades
because ofLxposure Lo hlgh LemperaLures
8132 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe ulLlmaLe llmlLlng facLor of Lurblne englne operaLlon?1urblne lnleL
8133 1he recurrenL lngesLlon of dusL or oLher flne alrborne parLlculaLes lnLo a Lurblne englne can resulL
lnLroslon damage Lo Lhe compressor and Lurblne secLlons
8134 Whlch of Lhe followlng englne varlables ls Lhe mosL crlLlcal durlng Lurblne englne
operaLlon?1urblne lnleL LemperaLure
8133 8educed blade vlbraLlon and lmproved alrflow characLerlsLlcs ln gas Lurblnes are broughL ouL
byShrouded Lurblne roLor blades
8136 Whlch Lurblne englne compressor offers Lhe greaLesL advanLages for boLh sLarLlng flexlblllLy and
lmproved hlgh alLlLude performance?SpllL spool axlal flow
8137 !eL englne Lurblne blades removed for deLalled lnspecLlon musL be relnsLalled ln1he same sloL
8138 An advanLage of Lhe cenLrlfugal flow compressor ls lLs hlghressure rlse per sLage
8139 1he hlghesL heaL Lo meLal conLacL ln a [eL englne ls ln Lhe1urblne lnleL gulde vanes
8160 Whlch Lwo elemenLs make up Lhe axlal flow compressor assembly?8oLor and SLaLor
8161 1he Lwo Lypes of cenLrlfugal compressor lmpellers areSlngle enLry and double enLry
8162 8eLween each row of roLaLlng blades ln a Lurblne englne compressor Lhere ls a row of sLaLlonary
blades whlch acL Lo dlffuse Lhe alr 1hese sLaLlonary blades are calledSLaLors
8163 SLandard sea level pressure ls2992 Pg
8164 uslng Lhe aLmospherlc condlLlons Lhe sLandard sea level LemperaLure ls39 l
8163 When alrcrafL Lurblne blades are sub[ecLed Lo excesslve heaL sLress whaL Lype of fallures would
you expecL?SLress rupLure
8166 ln an axlal flow compressor one purpose of Lhe sLaLor vane aL Lhe dlscharge end of Lhe
compressor ls LoSLralghLen Lhe alrflow and ellmlnaLe Lurbulance
8167 Compressor fleld cleanlng on Lurblne englnes ls performed prlmarlly ln order LorevenL englne
performance degradaLlon lncreased fuel cosLs and damage or corroslon Lo gas paLh surfaces
8168 PoL secLlon lnspecLlons for many modern Lurblne englnes are requlredCn a Llme or cycle basls
8169 A purpose of Lhe shrouds on Lhe Lurblne blades of an axlal flow englne ls Lo8educe vlbraLlon
8170 ln a dual axlal flow compessor Lhe flrsL sLage Lurblne drlvesn2 compressor
8171 WhaL should be done lnlLlally lf a Lurblne englne caLches flre when sLarLlng?1urn off Lhe fuel and
conLlnue englne roLaLlon wlLh Lhe sLarLer
8172 WhaL ls Lhe proper sLarLlng sequences for a Lurbo[eL englne?SLarLer lgnlLlon fuel
8173 A weak fuel Lo alr mlxLure along wlLh normal alrflow Lhrough a Lurblne englne may resulL lnA lean
8174 WhaL ls used ln Lurblne englnes Lo ald ln sLablllzaLlon of compressor alrflow durlng low LhrusL
englne operaLlon?varlable gulde vanes and/or compessor blees valves
8173 ln a Lurblne englne wlLh a dual spool compressor Lhe low speed compressorSeeks lLs own besL
operaLlng speed
8176 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of Lhe lnleL gulde vane assembly on an axlal flow compressor?ulrecLs Lhe alr
lnLo Lhe flrsL sLage roLor blades aL Lhe proper angle
8177 PoL spoLs on Lhe Lall cone of a Lurblne englne are posslble lndlcaLors of a malfuncLlonlng fuel
nozzle orA faulLy combusLlon chamber
8178 1he sLaLor vanes ln an axlal flow compressorConverL veloclLy energy lnLo pressure energy
8179 1he veloclLy of subsonlc alr as lL flows Lhrough a convergenL nozzlelncreases
8180 1he veloclLy of supersonlc alr as lL flows Lhrough a dlvergenL nozzlelncreases
8181 1he pressure of subsonlc alr as lL flows Lhrough a convergenL nozzleuecreases
8182 1he pressure of supersonlc alr as lL flows Lhrough a dlvergenL nozzleuecreases
8183 AnLllclng of [eL englne alr lnleLs ls commonly accompllshed byLnglne bleed alr ducLed Lhrough
Lhe crlLlcal areas
8184 Cenerally when sLarLlng a Lurblne englne Lhe sLarLer should be dlsengagedAfLer Lhe englne has
reached selfacceleraLlng speed
8183 WhaL ls Lhe prlmary advanLage of an axlal flow compressor over a cenLrlfugal
compressor?CreaLer pressure raLlo
8186 1he purpose of a bleed valve locaLed ln Lhe beglnnlng sLages of Lhe compressor ln an alrcrafL gas
Lurblne englne ls LovenL some of Lhe alr overboard Lo prevenL a compressor sLall
8187 WhaL ls meanL by a double enLry cenLrlfugal compressor?A compressor wlLh vanes on boLh sldes
of Lhe lmpeller
8188 WhaL ls Lhe ma[or funcLlon of Lhe Lurblne assembly ln a Lurbo[eL?Supplles Lhe power Lo Lurn Lhe
8189 SLaLor blades ln Lhe compressorsecLlon of an axlal flow Lurblne englneuecrease Lhe alr veloclLy
and prevenL swlrllng

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