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Contributions of England


In the Middle Ages, before the rise of national states in western Europe, the people there lived under a
system called feudalism. This was a social system of rights and obligations based on land ownership


England remained a primarily agricultural economy, with the rights of major landowners and the duties
of serfs increasingly enshrined in English law. More land, much of it at the expense of the royal forests,
was brought into production to feed the growing population or to produce wool for export to Europe.


Feudalism was the leading way of political and economic life in the Medieval era. Monarchs, like kings
and queens, maintained control and power by the support of other powerful people called lords. Lords
were always men who owned extravagant homes, called manors, and estates in the country.

Contributions of Spain:


The medieval society was organized on the basis of the 'Three Estates Model'. It was divided into three
social orders: the First Estate comprising those who ruled or fought, the Second Estate were those who
prayed, and the Third Estate comprised those who worked.


Based mostly in agriculture, the economy also benefitted from the development of crafts and, above all,
Trade. Mainly through manufacturing, financial services, pharmaceuticals, textiles and apparel, and


Spain is a multi-party constitutional parliamentary democracy. According to the constitution, political

parties are the expression of political pluralism, contributing to the formation and expression of the will
of the people, and are an essential instrument of political participation.

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