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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Centro, Buguey, Cagayan


Grade 10 – Drafting

Name: ____________________________Section: _________________Score: _____

Signature of Parent: __________

I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best
describes the statement. Write your answer on the space provided before the item

__1. Non-isometric lines can be easily traced if you apply _________.

A. boxing method C. sketch method
B. inclined method D. axes method
__2. What system is used in drawing isometric circle?
A. Circular – center C. two-center
B. Four-center D. three- center
__3. The isometric circle will appear as _____when viewed on a drawing paper.
A. Circle B. ellipse C. oval D. sphere
__4. What surface is parallel when drawing oblique?
A. Front B. Left Side C. Right Side D. Top
__5. What angle is preferred for cavalier drawing?
A. 15 degrees C. 45 degrees
B. 30 degrees D. 60 degrees
__6. What component is an imaginary intersection of the sky and the open sea?
A. Eye level B. horizon C. picture plane D. vanishing point
__7. Which pictorial shows the real projection as seen by the observer?
A. Isometric drawing C. oblique drawing
B. Perspective drawing D. orthographic drawing
__8. What do you call the imaginary point or intersection of lines projected from the
receding horizontal edges of an object?
A. Eye level B. horizon C. picture plane D. vanishing point
__9. This was defined as an imaginary vertical plane where the perspective view
assumed or imagined to be projected or down.
A. Eye level B. horizon C. picture plane D. vanishing point
__10. This eye view is where the eye is above the level of the object viewed.
A. Birds eye view C. Man’s eye view
B. Astronaut’s eye view D. worm’s eye view
__11. This eye view is where the eye and the object viewed are on the same level.
A. Birds eye view C. Man’s eye view
B. Astronaut’s eye view D. worm’s eye view
__12. A pictorial drawing needs a ________________ to show its details.
A. front view B. multi-view C. single view D. top view
__13. To what group does Isometric belongs?
A. Axonometric B. Monometric C. Oblique D. Perspective
__14. The word “isometric” means _____________________.
A. equal measure C. equivalent measure
B. equal Size D. equivalent Size
__15. Isometric drawing is drawn with how many axes?
A. 1 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5
__16. The left and right isometric axes are inclined in what angle?
A. 15 degrees B. 30 degrees C. 45 degrees D. 60 degrees
__17. Non-isometric lines pertains to ___________ in isometric view?
A. horizontal lines C. vertical lines
B. sloping lines D. hidden lines
__18. Non-isometric lines is not ________ to the axes of the isometric drawing.
A. horizontal B. parallel C. perpendicular D. inclined
__19. Non-isometric lines cannot be ___________.
A. aligned B. measured C. projected D. sketched
__20. Which is the first step when sketching an object with non-isometric lines?
A. Draw all the inclined lines C. Draw all the vertical lines
B. Draw all the horizontal lines D. Draw all the horizontal and vertical lines
__21. It is the top view of the floor area of a house.
A. Floor plan C. Foundation plan
B. Footings plan D. Layout plan
__22. A part of foundation directly supporting the column or post of a house.
A. Floor plan C. Foundation plan
B. Footings D. Layout plan
__23. An electrical plan that shows the flow of house lightings.
A. Electrical plan C. Lighting plan
B. Electricity plan D. Light location plan
__24. A structural excavation plan of footings and walls of a building.
A. Floor plan C. Foundation plan
B. Footings plan D. Layout plan
__25. It is the depository of human excreta and a drainage reservoir for all washing
done in the kitchen and bathroom.
A. Sanitary plan C. Septic tank
B. Septic plan D. Drainage systems
__26. A site development plan is drawn using a scale which is not smaller than
_________ meters.
A. 1:50 B. 1:100 C. 1:200 D. 1:300
__27. This refers to the outline and measurements of the proposed building and its
placement on the property.
A. Floor Plan C. Roof plan
B. Location Plan D. Site development plan
__28. The finished drawings made by the architect, or a draftsman and used by
contractor are called _______.
A. Architectural floor plan C. Architectural working drawing
B. Architectural work plan D. Architectural floor lay-out
__29. The top view of the site or lot where the proposed house will be built. It shows
the position of the house inside the lot.
A. Floor Plan C. Roof plan
B. Location Plan D. Site development plan
__30. Site development plan is also termed as ___________.
A. House plan C. Plot plan
B. Location plan D. Site pen
__31. These are local laws that set standard for structural design within the
A. Building Code C. Corner Lot
B. Master Plan D. Constitution
__32. A is a lot having frontage on two public streets or highways
A. in lot B. corner lot C. open lot D. through lot
__33. It is the outline and measurements of the proposed building and its placement
on the property.
A. Property Lines C. Site Development Plan
B. Zoning D. Master Plan
__34. It is a lot with at least two adjacent sides meeting on a corner of two streets
A. In Lot B. Corner Lot C. Open Lot D. Through Lot
__35. It is the designer’s house or building design based on the needs and wants of his
A. Master Plan C. Site Plan
B. Construction Plan D. Site Development Plan

II. Application. Direction. Sketch the two-point perspective of the given figure
III. Essay.(5pts.)
Direction. Explain the given question briefly and concisely.

1. Why is Planning Consideration in Developing the Site important?

Prepared by:

TLE Teacher Noted by:

Principal III

Checked by:

Master Teacher I

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