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Sales Management (MARN16B)  Customer Loyalty is the degree to which an

Midterm Exam Reviewer individual will resist switching or defecting from

one offering to another.

CHAPTER 3: Customer Relationship Management  Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty are
and Building Partnerships two extremely popular metrics used by marketing
managers to gauge the health of their business
Definition of Customer Relationship Management and brands.
Example of Customer Relationship Management
 According to the book “Marketing Management”
by Marshall & Johnston: Customer Relationship  AMAZON has one of the complete CRM
Management (CRM) is a comprehensive business infrastructures globally that harness customer
model for increasing revenues and profits by data during purchases to instantly customize
focusing on customers. users ’online experience. You will need to set up
an account to purchase an item from Amazon.
 According to the book “Customer Relationship This allows Amazon to track your browsing and
Management” by Chakravorti: Customer Relation- purchase history to develop email and marketing
ship Management (CRM) is a business model that campaigns that are more relevant to you.
puts customers at the center of organizational
operations. Definition of Partnership

Goals and Objectives of CRM  A partnership is an arrangement between two or

more people to oversee business operations and
1. Customer Acquisition: acquisition of the right share its profits and liabilities.
customers based on known or learned charac-
teristics that will drive growth & increased margins Importance of Partnerships in Marketing
2. Customer Retention: retention of satisfied and
loyal profitable customers and channels, and thus,  Partnership Marketing (also known as partner
growing the business profitably over the long run marketing) is a strategic collaboration between
two parties, typically businesses or a business and
3. Customer Profitability: increased individual a public figure.
customer margins, while offering the right
products at the right time  The purpose of partner marketing is to reach
mutually beneficial marketing goals such as
CRM Process Cycle growing an audience on a new platform, growing
brand awareness in a specific demographic,
1. Knowledge Discovery: is the process of analyzing attracting new customers, or strengthening
the customer information acquired through various existing customer loyalty.
customer touchpoints
Example of Partnership
2. Marketing Planning: represents a key use of the
output from the knowledge discovery phase, that  SPOTIFY partnered w/ ride-hailing app UBER to
is, the information enables the capability to create “A SOUNDTRACK FOR YOUR RIDE.” This
develop marketing and customer strategies and is a great example of a co-branding partnership
programs between two very different products with very
similar goals— to earn more users.
3. Customer Interaction: represents the actual
implementation of customer strategies & programs The Importance of Customer Relationship
Management to Building Partnerships
4. Analysis and Refinement: is the CRM process
where organizational learning occurs based on 1. Consumer Partnerships: CRM helps businesses
customer response to the implemented strategies build a relationship with their customers that, in
and programs turn, creates loyalty and customer retention. Since
customer loyalty and revenue are both qualities
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty that affect a company's revenue, CRM is a
management strategy that results in increased
 Customer Satisfaction is the level of liking an profits for a business.
individual harbors for an offering - that is, to what
level is the offering meeting or exceeding the 2. Business Partnerships: CRM generates valuable
customer’s expectation. insights into partner behavior and preferences
through its analytical and reporting features. By opportunities to further explain the value of your
analyzing the data, companies can identify trends, offering and demonstrate your expertise.
opportunities, and areas of improvement in their
partnership strategies. Roles in Sales: Account Managers, Client
Services, and Inside Sales

CHAPTER 4: 7 Steps of Selling Process 6. Closing the Sale

‒ Guide the customer towards a buying decision.
 The selling process is the interaction between a ‒ Use closing techniques to secure their
salesperson and their potential buyer. commitment, such as offering a limited-time
incentive or asking for a clear next step.
7 Common Steps to the Selling Process
Roles in Sales: Inside Sales, Outside Sales, and
1. Prospecting Sales Support
‒ Identify potential customers who might be
interested in your product or service. This could 7. Follow-up
involve market research, lead generation ‒ Don't neglect the customer after the sale.
campaigns, or referrals. ‒ Follow up to ensure they are satisfied with their
‒ These includes assessing their needs, budget, purchase and address any questions or concerns
and decision-making authority. Not all leads are they may have.
created equal, so focusing on qualified leads ‒ This also helps build a long-term relationship and
improves efficiency. opens doors for future sales opportunities.

Roles in Sales: Lead generation/development is Roles in Sales: Account Managers, Client

responsible for conducting research and Services, and Inside Sales
networking to make new business contacts.

2. Preparation/Pre-approach CHAPTER 5: Sales Forecasting and Budgeting

‒ Research the potential customer's company,
industry, and specific needs.  Sales forecasting focuses on predicting future
‒ Prepare sales materials and presentations that sales of a product or service with the help of
are clear, concise, and engaging. historical data, market trends, and other relevant
Roles in Sales: Lead generation/development
 The primary goal of sales forecasting is to enable
3. Approach better financial planning, budget allocation, and
‒ Make initial contact with the potential customer. strategic decision-making.
‒ This could be through a phone call, email, social
media message, or in-person meeting. The Sales Forecasting Concepts
approach should be professional and attention-
grabbing. 1. Market Potential: is the highest possible expected
industry sales of a good or service in a specified
Roles in Sales: Outside Sales and Sales market segment for a given time period.
2. Sales Potential: refers to an individual firm’s
4. Presentation market share of the market potential, where
‒ Deliver a compelling presentation that showcases market share is defined as the percentage of
the value proposition of your product or service. market controlled by a particular company or
‒ Explain how your offering solves customer's product. It is the maximum sales a firm can hope
specific problems & how it compares to to obtain.
‒ Focus on the benefits the customer will 3. Actual Sales Forecast: is the sales estimate the
experience, not just the features of your product. company actually expects to obtain, based on the
market conditions, company resources, and the
Roles in Sales: Outside Sales and Sales firms marketing plan. The sales forecast is less
Representatives than the sales potential since it is based on
realistic set of circumstances.
5. Handling Objections
‒ It's common for potential customers to raise 4. Sales Quotas: is a sales goal assigned to a sales
concerns or objections during the sales process. person, region or a team. They are usually derived
‒ Be prepared to address these objections clearly from the sales forecasts. Sales goals and
and confidently and turn objections into objectives sought by management.
Sales Forecasting Procedures 8. Presentation and review
9. Modifications and revisions
1. Preparing a forecast for general economic 10. Budget Approval
2. Preparing a forecast of industry sales
3. Preparing a forecast of the product or company CHAPTER 6: Sales Force Planning & Organizing
Planning in Sales Force
Qualitative Method
 Planning refers to the process of developing a
1. Jury of executive opinion comprehensive strategy to guide the activities and
2. Delphi Technique operations of the sales team. It involves setting
objectives, defining goals, outlining strategies,
Quantitative Method allocating resources, and establishing a
framework for execution and evaluation.
1. Continuity Extrapolation: It is a technique that
attempts to project the last increment of sales Purpose of Sales Planning
change into the future.
1. Goal Achievement: Planning helps sales mana-
2. Time Series Analysis: Projection of the average gers set clear & achievable goals for their teams.
increment of sales change into the future. These goals provide direction and motivation for
sales representatives to work towards.
3. Exponential Smoothing: A weighted average time
series analysis. Actual sales of recent periods are 2. Resource Allocation: Planning allows sales
weighted more heavily than the average sales of managers to allocate resources effectively. By
earlier periods. analyzing past performance and market trends,
they can determine where resources such as time,
4. Regression and Correlation Analysis: Aim of budget, and personnel should be allocated to
regression analysis is to identify factors that maximize sales effectiveness.
influence, or are closely associated with changes
in sales. A simple regression is a forecasting 3. Strategy Development: Planning involves develo-
technique using only one independent variable. ping strategies to overcome challenges & capitalize
While multiple regressions use two or more on opportunities. Sales managers can identify
independent variables. market segments to target, develop sales tactics,
& create plans for product launches or promotions.
4. Risk Management: Planning helps sales
 Budgeting: Estimating future levels of revenue, managers anticipate and mitigate risks. By
selling expenses, and profit contributions of the identifying potential obstacles and developing
sales function. contingency plans, they can minimize disruptions
to sales activities and maintain steady progress
Types of Budget towards their goals.

1. Sales Budget: projection of revenue computed 5. Performance Evaluation: Planning provides a

from forecast unit sales and average prices. framework for evaluating performance. By
comparing actual results to planned targets, sales
2. Selling Expenses Budget: approved amount that managers can identify areas of strength and
the department will spend to obtain the revenues weakness, make adjustments as needed, and
projected in the sales budget. improve future planning processes.

3. Profit Budget: merged sales budget and the selling Planning at Different Levels of Sales Management
expense budget to determine gross profit.
1. Strategic Planning (Top-Level Management)
Budgeting Procedures
FOCUS: Defining the sales organization's
1. Situational Analysis mission, vision, values, and overarching sales
2. Identification of problems and opportunities goals. It includes assessing market trends,
3. Development of sales forecast identifying growth opportunities, and determining
4. Formulation of sales objectives the organization's competitive positioning.
5. Determination of sales tasks
6. Specification of resource requirement SCOPE: Conducted by top-level executives, such
7. Completion of projections as Chief Sales Officers (CSOs) or Sales Directors.
It involves the entire sales organization and its 5. Implement the Plan: Implementation is the stage
long-term direction. where the sales plan is put into action. Sales
managers oversee the execution of the plan,
2. Tactical Planning (Middle-Level Management) ensuring that strategies and tactics are
implemented effectively. This involves
FOCUS: Translating the sales organization's coordinating with sales teams, and providing
strategic objectives into actionable plans & support and guidance.
initiatives at the regional or departmental level. It
involves allocating sales resources, setting sales 6. Monitoring and Control: Throughout the planning
targets, & developing strategies to achieve them. process, sales managers monitor progress
against objectives and goals. This involves
SCOPE: Conducted by middle-level managers, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such
such as Sales Managers or Regional Sales as sales volume, revenue, conversion rates, and
Directors. It focuses on specific sales teams, customer satisfaction. They also implement
territories, or product lines within the organization. controls and corrective actions as needed to
ensure that sales targets are met.
3. Operational Planning (Front-Line Management)
7. Evaluation and Adjustment: After the sales plan is
FOCUS: Executing the tactical plans developed by implemented, sales managers evaluate its
middle-level management. It involves scheduling effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
sales activities, assigning sales quotas, coordi- This involves analyzing sales performance,
nating sales efforts, and monitoring sales identifying areas for improvement, and refining
performance to ensure that daily sales operations strategies and tactics to enhance sales
run smoothly. effectiveness.

SCOPE: Conducted by front-line sales managers Organizing in Sales Force

or team leaders. It focuses on the day-to-day sales
operations and activities within specific sales  Organizing refers to the structuring and
teams or territories. arrangement of the sales team and its resources
to effectively achieve sales objectives and goals.
Stages in Sales Management Planning Process It involves designing the sales organization's
hierarchy, defining roles and responsibilities,
1. Analysis of Current Situation: The planning establishing reporting relationships, and
process begins with an analysis of the current implementing processes and systems to
sales environment. This includes evaluating the streamline sales operations.
company's sales performance, market trends,
competitor analysis, customer demographics, and Essential Elements of Sales Force Organizing
any internal/external factors that may impact sales.
1. Sales Team Structure: Organizing begins with
2. Setting Objectives and Goals: Based on the determining the structure of the sales team. This
analysis, sales managers set specific, may involve organizing sales representatives into
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound geographical territories, industry verticals, product
(SMART) objectives and goals. These goals lines, or customer segments based on factors
should align with the overall business objectives such as market coverage, customer needs, and
and provide a clear direction for the sales team. sales complexity.

3. Developing Sales Strategies: Sales managers 2. Defining Roles & Responsibilities: Each member
develop strategies to achieve the set objectives of the sales team should have clearly defined roles
and goals. This involves determining target and responsibilities. This includes roles such as
markets, positioning products or services, setting sales representatives, account managers, sales
pricing strategies, identifying sales channels, and engineers, sales support staff, and sales
developing tactics for sales prospecting, lead managers. Defining roles helps in minimizing
generation, and closing deals. confusion, improving accountability, and ensuring
that each team member understands their
4. Allocating Resources and Developing Budgets: contribution to the sales process.
Once the strategies are developed, sales
managers allocate resources such as personnel, 3. Hierarchy & Reporting Relationships: Organizing
budget, technology, and marketing support to involves establishing a hierarchical structure
support the execution of the sales plan. This within the sales team and defining reporting
involves determining staffing levels, training relationships. This includes determining who
needs, budget allocation, and other resource reports to whom, establishing lines of
requirements. communication, and creating channels for
feedback and collaboration. Clear reporting 3. Product-Based Structure
relationships help in facilitating decision-making, ‒ Sales teams are organized around specific
communication, and coordination within the sales product lines or categories
organization. ‒ Each product line has its own sales team focused
on selling and promoting those products to
4. Sales Process Design: Organizing also entails customers This structure is effective for
designing the sales process – the series of steps companies with a diverse product portfolio and
that sales representatives follow to identify, allows for specialized sales expertise and targeted
qualify, pursue, and close sales opportunities. marketing efforts
This involves mapping out the customer journey,
defining sales stages, establishing criteria for
advancing opportunities, and designing workflows
and automation to streamline the process.

Types of Organizations

1. Functional Structure
‒ Sales teams are organized based on specialized
functions such as sales, marketing, customer
service, and product development
‒ Each function operates independently, with its
own manager responsible for overseeing activities
within that function
‒ This structure is efficient for large organizations 4. Customer-Based Structure
with diverse product lines or customer segments ‒ Sales teams are organized around different
customer segments or types
‒ Each customer segment has its own sales team
dedicated to serving the unique needs and prefe-
rences of those customers
‒ This structure is beneficial for companies with
diverse customer bases and allows for
personalized sales approaches and tailored

2. Geographical Structure
‒ Sales teams are organized based on geographic
regions or territories
‒ Each region or territory has its own sales team
responsible for serving customers in that area
‒ This structure is suitable for companies operating
in multiple geographic markets and allows for
localized sales efforts and customer support

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