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1. Read the dialogue below.

Miss Maria : … Do the exercise on page 15, then submit it before the bell rings.
Students : Yes, Miss.
The correct expression to complete the sentence above is ….
A. You are clever C. I think it’s easy
B. Attention, please D. Do you understand?
2. Read the dialogue below.
Zeus : Let me tell you how to join in an online class.
Click the link and enter the username and the password. …
Aurel : Yes, I do. Thank you so much.
Zeus : My pleasure.
The correct expression to complete the sentence above is ….
A. Is it clear? C. What do you think?
B. Do you agree? D. Do you understand?
The following dialogue is for questions number 3 and 4.
Felca : I can’t use my computer, brother.
Do you think you can reboot it, please?
Irvin : I think so. I have done it before.
Felca : Thanks a lot.
Irvin : No problem.
3. What is the relationship of the speakers?
A. Siblings B. Classmates C. Playmates D. Neighbors
4. What is Felca’s problem?
A. She doesn’t know how to use a computer C. Her computer can’t be turned on
B. She cannot repair Irvin’s computer D. She would like to use Irvin’s computer
The following dialogue is for questions number 5 to 7.
Mr. Gita : Let’s help grandma.
She must be busy serving customers in the shop right now.
Josephine : Sure, Dad. How will we go there?
Mr. Gita : On foot.
Josephine : All right, Dad. Let’s pass the rice fields. It is faster to reach the shop.
Mr. Gita : Alright. You should wear a cap because it is hot.
Josephine : Sure. Wait, Dad, grandma texted me to bring plastic bags for sugar.
Mr. Gita : Ah, they are over there. Please get them.
Josephine : Okay, Dad.
5. What does Josephine’s grandmother do?
A. A teacher B. A grocer C. A farmer D. A breeder
6. What does Mr. Gita suggest to Josephine?
A. Text grandma before leaving C. Bring plastic bags for sugar
B. Pass the rice fields D. Wear a cap

7. From the dialogue above we can learn that we should ….

A. be friendly to others C. help others sincerely
B. be honest to parents D. work hard to achieve success
8. Read the dialogue below.
Angel : Look! The park is not well preserved.
The grass grows tall.
Hassel : You’re right. Visitors may be reluctant to visit.
Angel : ….
Hassel : That’s right.
The correct expression to complete the dialogue above is ….
A. The management should take care of the park well C. People must not visit this park
B. The management must issue a strict regulation D. People have to obey the regulation

9. Read the dialogue below.
Claire : Did you draw these cartoons?
Lois : Yes, I did. I am going to make a short cartoon movie.
Claire : … I hope you achieve success.
Lois : Thank you.
The correct expression to complete the sentence above is ….
A. What is your opinion about the cartoons? C. May I have your attention, please?
B. I think a short movie will be better. D. Wow, that’s great!
10. Read the dialogue below.
Mr. Heru : I think we must make our online classes more enjoyable,
so the students will not feel bored.
Mrs. Valen : … We should make the classes more attractive.
The correct expression to complete the sentence above is ….
A. Do you agree? C. I disagree with you
B. You are right D. What is your opinion?
11. Read the dialogue below.
Chelsea : Several people tend to consume organic food. …
Axell : It’s a good thing to do because organic food is good for our body health.
The correct expression to complete the sentence above is ….
A. What do you think? C. Could I have your attention?
B. It’s a good idea D. The organic food is healthy
The following dialogue is for questions number 12 to 14.
Nanda : Kevin, are you free next Saturday afternoon?
Kevin : Yes, I am. I have no plan yet. Why?
Nanda : I have a surprise for you. Will you come to my house at 4 p.m.?
Kevin : A surprise for me? I’m curious.
Sure, I’d love to come, but will you tell me what is it about?
Nanda : No, I won’t. I hope you like my surprise.
Kevin : I see. By the way, are you willing to join my group?
Nanda : What kind of group?
Kevin : I have a study group named Dream High. There are ten members, who are our schoolmates.
Moreover, we discuss about English, Math, and Science. We study online together on the weekends.
Nanda : It sounds interesting. Yes, I’m willing to join.
Please add my number.
Kevin : Alright, then.
12. Who are talking in the dialogue?
A. Siblings B. Neighbors C. Schoolmates D. Playmates
13. What will Kevin do next Saturday afternoon?
A. He will study together with Nanda C. He will prepare a surprise for Nanda
B. He and Nanda will join a study group called Dream High D. He will go to Nanda’s house
14. Why does Kevin accept Nanda’s invitation?
A. He’s curious about the surprise Nanda has prepared for him
B. He has a plan, but he decides to go to Nanda’s house

C. He has to study with Nanda

D. He joins the same study group as Nanda’s
The following dialogue is for questions number 15 to 17.
Quincy: Please don’t listen to music using an earphone while recharging your phone.
Abiel : What’s the matter?
Quincy: It’s very dangerous, you know.
Abiel : Only a few minutes. Only one song.
Quincy: You must stop it. Otherwise, you might suffer from an electrical shock.
Abiel : Alright, I’ll turn it off now.
Quincy: Never do it again, okay? It’s for your safety.
Abiel : I won’t. Thanks for reminding me.

15. Why does Quincy scold Abiel?
A. He is listening to music too loud
B. He is recharging his phone too long
C. He is listening to musing using an earphone while recharging his phone
D. He is making a call while recharging

16. What will probably happen if Abiel ignores Quincy’s warning?

A. His phone will be broken C. His phone will turn off automatically
B. He might get an electrical shock D. The battery cannot be recharged any longer
17. Quincy says, “It’s for your safety.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. security B. comfort C. health D. curiosity
The following dialogue is for questions number 18 to 20.
Orland : What are you doing, Felice?
Felice : I am designing a washbasin with a trampling system.
Orland : What does it look like?
Felice : When we're going to wash our hands,
we only need to step the paddle, to let the water flow.
Orland : Wow, that's excellent!
Felice : Thanks a lot. I will place it in front of my house,
so we can wash our hands without touching a tap.
Orland : You always have a great idea.
Felice : Thank you so much.
18. Orland compliments Felice for her ….
A. generosity B. diligence C. patience D. creativity
19. How does Felice respond to Orland’s compliments?
A. By stating an opinion C. By complimenting him
B. By expressing gratitude D. By asking for attention
20. From the dialogue we know that ....
A. Felice will sell a washbasin C. Felice cares about what is happening around
B. Orland is designing a washbasin D. Orland asks Felice to make a washbasin
The following dialogue is for questions number 21 to 23.
Justin : Fiona, as far as I know, this is not the entrance for visitors.
Fiona : I ever passed through this way and entered from that door.
Justin : Look at the sign! The door is for staff only.
We should find another entrance.
Fiona : You’re right, but the main entrance is far from here.
We must turn around the building.
Justin : It’s okay. We have no choice, don’t we?
Fiona : Wait, I will ask the security guard over there.
Who knows, he knows a nearby entrance.
Justin : That’s a great idea.

21. Why do Justin and Fiona forbidden to enter through the door?
A. The door is locked C. The door is the main entrance
B. The door is for staff only D. The door is an emergency exit
22. Justin says, “We should find another entrance.”
He says the sentence in order to give ….
A. suggestion B. instruction C. prohibition D. permission
23. What will Justin and Fiona do after the conversation?
A. They will return home C. They will meet a security guard
B. They will enter the building D. They will go to the main entrance
The following text is for questions number 24 and 25.
24. Where do you see the text?
A. In a classroom C. In a laboratory
B. In a teacher’s room D. On a school gate
25. If the students ignore the text, it means that they … the rules.
A. obey B. make C. change D. break
The following dialogue is for questions number 26 to 28.
Excel : Have you read my new comic?
Chell : Yes, I have.
Excel : What do you think?
Chell : The drawings are good and the story is interesting.
I like the ending. It is out of the box. I never guess it before.
Excel : Thank you. I am glad you like it.
Chell : Will you make its sequel?
Excel : I have planned it.
Chell : I’ll be waiting for it.
26. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Excel’s story B. Excel’s comic C. Excel’s drawings D. A comic series
27. What does Brian do?
A. An author B. A reviewer C. A comic artist D. A storyteller
28. What does Excel probably feel after reading the comic?
A. Amused B. Joyful C. Relieved D. Surprised
The following dialogue is for questions number 29 to 32.
Maria : Do you know? I have to make a 2-act drama script
for my Indonesian assignment in three days, Brother.
I don’t think I can do it.
Juan : Let me ask you. Have you tried to do it?
Maria : No, I haven’t. I can’t think of an idea fast.
Juan : Please listen to me. You should not lose your self-confidence.
Maria : I don’t lose self-confidence, but I know my limit.
Juan : Don’t say that. Motivate yourself that you can pass over your limit.
I know you can do it. You just need some references.
Maria : Thanks for your concern, but ....
Juan : No more argument. Let’s watch my play performances.
I hope you can get an idea from that.
Maria : Thanks for always supporting me, Bro.
29. Who are talking in the dialogue?
A. Daughter and father C. Sister and brother
B. Two close friends D. Student and teacher

30. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. Stating physical limitation C. Composing a script in three days
B. Losing self-confidence D. Motivating someone
31. Maria says, “I don’t think I can do it.”
What does the sentence express?
A. Incapability B. Suggestion C. Unwillingness D. Dissatisfaction
32. From the dialogue we can conclude that ….
A. Juan will show how to write a drama script effectively
B. Juan is sure that Maria is able to finish the assignment
C. Maria believes that she only needs some references
D. Maria has to forget her ambition to be a good script writer
The following text is for questions number 33 and 34.
33. What does the text mean?
A. People are forbidden to open the device
B. People should use low voltage
C. People must not disconnect the power
D. People must turn off the power before opening the device
34. Why should people pay attention to the warning?
A. To increase the voltage C. To save themselves from dangers
B. To save people around them D. To decrease the voltage
The following dialogue is for questions number 35 to 37.
Janice : Where are you going, Devina?
Devina : I am going to a new public library.
I want to borrow some reference books.
Janice : I’m going there too. I also want to borrow similar books.
Devina : Have you had a membership card?
Janice : Not yet.
Devina : You must have it to borrow books.
Janice : I see. What are the requirements to register?
Devina : Only show your student card and fill in the registration form. It’s free.
Janice : The library must be spacious with many book collections.
I’ll be confused to find the suitable ones.
Devina : You should browse the books via the library’s online catalogue.
If you want to register, just tell me. I will accompany you.
Janice : That’s very kind of you. Thanks.
35. What are the speakers talking about?
A. An online catalogue C. Reference books
B. A new public library D. A membership card
36. What does Devina suggest to find a book easily?
A. Check the book from its online catalogue C. Look for the book on the shelves
B. Ask a librarian for help D. Have a membership card
37. What must a person do to register?
A. Bring several books C. Show the identity card and fill the form in
B. Pay a registration fee D. Hand in the member card to the staff

The following dialogue is for questions number 38 to 40.

Vina : Hey, did you hear the loud sound? What’s that?
Vano : I guess it is the sound of a transformer exploding.
Please check out the electric centrals.
Vina : Ah, it’s a blackout.
Vano : I hope it will be fixed soon. My laptop battery is only 30% left.
Vina : Don’t worry. We can use my brother’s laptop. I will borrow it.
Please copy our assignment into the USB stick first.
Vano : Alright.
38. What were the speakers doing when they heard a loud sound?
A. They were doing an assignment C. They were looking for a USB stick
B. They were fixing a laptop D. They were checking the transformer
39. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A. On the way C. At Vano’s house
B. At Vina’s house D. At a laptop repair shop
40. What does Vina do after the conversation?
A. Check the electric centrals C. Meet his brother to borrow his laptop
B. Recharge the laptop's battery D. Copy the assignment into the USB stick

The following dialogue is for questions number 41 to 43.
Celyn : I need a person who is willing to represent me in the photography club’s meeting
tomorrow afternoon. I have to attend another meeting with the principal.
Pandu : (41.) ….
Celyn : I think everyone will agree. Thanks, Pandu.
Pandu : It’s not a big deal, Celyn.
Celyn : By the way, can you prepare all the documents you need for the meeting?
Pandu : Sure. Leave it to me. (42.) ….
Celyn : Thank you so much.
Pandu : Glad to help.
41. The correct expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I will go if the club’s members agree
B. We can attend the meeting together
C. I know what I have to do in the meeting
D. I can explain what the meeting agenda is
42. The correct expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. Let me contact you later
B. I will use the room
C. I can handle it
D. You should attend the meeting
43. Where do you think the dialogue probably takes place?
A. At home
B. In the principal’s office
C. On the street
D. In the classroom
44. Where can you see the caution?
A. In the gas station
B. In the kitchen
C. On a vehicle
D. In the factory
45. From the warning below, we are … to make fire / flames.
A. allowed
B. prohibited
C. let
D. permitted

___________________________ ## GOOD LUCK!! ## ___________________________


Name: _______________________________________ Class / Number: ______________________

B. Answer the questions correctly.

46. Read these situations and answer the questions.
a. You and your friends are chatting about an online course tomorrow. Suddenly, your English teacher
texts you informing about rescheduling the online course. The suitable expression to get your friend’s
attention is ….
# ___________________________________________________________________________________

b. You explain to your friend on how to transfer the date from phone to computer. After giving the
explanation, you may ask … to check your friend’s understanding.
# ___________________________________________________________________________________

47. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.

William : Hi Gabriella. Do you know about our school’s new rules?
Gabriella : Hi William. Yes, I do. We have to bring our own tumbler, right?
William : Yes, it’s true. It is because the school will provide us with the water gallon in each classes.
Gabriella : a.) ….
William : b.) ….
Gabriella : Alright, then. I need to back to the class.
William : Yeah, me, too.
Complete the dialogue above using the expressions of a.) Asking for Opinion and b.) Giving Opinion.
a.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
b.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

48. Read the table carefully.

No Name Play Basketball Speak English Fluently Play Guitar
1. Yukio  – –
2. Michelle –  
3. Areli   
According to the table above, make three (3) sentences using Ability / Disability expressions.
1.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
3.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

49. Write three (3) rules that people must obey in the park.
1.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
3.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

50. Write three (3) suggestions for your friends who are feeling sad.
1.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
2.) ___________________________________________________________________________________
3.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________ ## NEVER GIVE UP!! ## ___________________________

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