Antigone Study Guide - Hayden Hamilton

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Antigone Study Guide (line numbers match the version available at

Prologue and Parados

1. How are Antigone and Ismene contrasted in the first lines of the play?

2. Re-read lines 20-23. What do you think Antigone is trying to accomplish with such strong language?

3. What does line 28 reveal about Antigone’s character? Write down at least 5 traits that you think seem
to describe her so far.






4. Re-read Ismene’s speech in lines 44-53 and paraphrase her argument.

5. Which of Antigone’s last words (lines 77-81) would have had the greatest emotional impact on
Ismene? Why?

Scene 1

6. In Creon’s first words to the Chorus, what were the “storms” that threatened to destroy the Ship of

7. What reasons does Creon give for not allowing Polyneices to be buried? How does Choragos feel
about this command?

8. How does the arrival of the Sentry change the mood of this scene?

9. How does the Sentry’s announcement (evidence that Creon’s command has been disobeyed) affect
the action of the plot?

10. Using quotes from Ode 1, explain how the audience knows the Chorus strongly supports Creon.

Scene 2

11. Re-read lines 57-74. Why has Antigone violated Creon’s decree? Paraphrase her speech in one or
two complete sentences.

12. What is ironic about Creon’s speech in lines 77-86?

13. How do you feel about Creon’s accusation of Ismene (lines 87-93)?

14. In lines 95-120, what is Creon’s main point? What is Antigone’s?

15. Lines 121 -127 have contrasting images of Ismene – one from Choragos and one from Creon. What
are they?
16. From what we know of Ismene, why do you think she wants to join Antigone in her death sentence?
Why does Antigone reject her?

Scene 3

17. Reread lines 35 and 36 and describe the kind of leader that would say these words.

18. Look at lines 45-48 and explain what you think Creon fears most.

19. What is Haimon’s main argument in lines 51-67?

20. How believable is Haimon’s threat in line 119? Why?

21. How does Haimon’s attitude change from the beginning of the scene to the end? Clearly describe the
changes you see happening in the discussion.

22. Describe the tone of Ode 3 in talking about love.

Scenes 4-5

23. How does the mention of the “family curse” fit scene 4?

24. In scene 5, Teiresias says “I tell you, Creon, you yourself have brought this new calamity upon us.”
Beginning at line 70, re-read Teiresias’s prediction and summarize it in at least one sentence.

25. At what point (line numbers) does Creon change his attitude? When does he give in?

26. What quote demonstrates why Creon has finally decided to save Antigone’s life? Exodus

27. What words does Creon repeat in lines 103-107? What does this repetition tell the reader about
Creon’s state of mind?

28. After re-reading the four final lines of the play, explain what you think is the main theme, or message
of this play.

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