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Sky and star Chocolate

Pen or Pencil Wild animals

Favourite Numbers Photography
Breakfast Making Plan
Learning Languages Street Market
Meeting People Sharing
Vehicle Flowers
Evening Watches
Law Movies
Weather Art
Computer History
Time Spending time

* Work or study
1. Do you work or are you study?
I’m currently a second-year student at Vietnam Maritime University. My major is
engineering, which means that I am studying to be qualified as a programmer in the future.
2. What do you like about your study? (Do you like your study?)
For the most part, I would say it’s the environment. We speak in English 100% in the class
and it helps us develop our English skills.
3. Is that a popular subject in your country?
Well, personally I think it’s quite a popular subject. Because of the society’s huge demand
for teaching career nowadays, a large number of people are devoting themselves to this area.
4. What’s the most difficult part of your study?
Well, it’s the workload, definitely. I mean there are lots of homework, and students are
always under pressure of getting high score.
* The area you live in
1. Do you like the area that you live in?
Yes, I love the area that I live in. It's a vibrant and lively neighborhood with plenty of
shops, cafes, and restaurants. I also appreciate the easy access to public transportation and
the beautiful parks nearby. Overall, it's a fantastic place to call home.
2. Where do you like to go in that area?
I enjoy going to the local park in my neighborhood. It's a peaceful and serene place with
lush greenery and a beautiful pond. I often go there to take a leisurely walk, jog, or simply
sit on a bench and enjoy the fresh air. It's a great way to unwind and connect with nature
after a busy day.
3. Do you know any famous people in your area?
No, there are no famous individuals in my area. It is a small and peaceful town where the
local community consists mostly of regular residents who are not widely recognized
or renowned.
4. What are some changes in the area recently?
Recently, there have been a few changes in my area. One of the most significant changes is
the construction of a new shopping mall, which has brought in a lot of new shops and
restaurants. Additionally, there have been some improvements to the local park, including the
addition of a playground and new walking paths
* The city you live in
1. What city do you live in?
I live in Hanoi City, the vibrant capital of Vietnam. It's a bustling metropolis with a rich
cultural heritage and a blend of traditional and modern elements. Hanoi also offers a wide
range of entertainment options, from lively markets to trendy cafes and art galleries.
2. Do you like this city? Why?
Yes, I really like Hanoi City. It has a unique charm and rich cultural heritage that I find
captivating. The bustling streets filled with motorbikes, the vibrant markets, and the
historical landmarks like the Old Quarter and Hoan Kiem Lake create a lively and dynamic
3. How long have you lived in this city?
I have been living in this city for about five years now. I moved here after completing my
studies, and it has become my second home. Over the years, I have grown to love
the vibrant atmosphere, diverse culture, and friendly people of this city.
4. Are there big changes in this city?
Yes, this city is my permanent residence. I have lived here for several years and consider it
my home. It offers a vibrant and diverse community, ample job opportunities, and a
comfortable lifestyle.
* Hometowns
1. Where are you from?
Well, I was born and raised in Hai Phong, which is a coastal city. It is one of the biggest
cities with 3 million people.
2. What do you like about your hometown?

Honestly, I’ m very proud of HP because it has all the modern facilities. Also, it is well-
known for its delicious cuisine. I think it is true to say that it is one of the worth-living cities
in VN.
3. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why)?
To be honest, I would like to live in the countryside because living there gives me a feeling
of nature. That way, I can be enjoying the fresh air every morning
4. Are there any changes in your hometown?
There are many, but I suppose the most impressive change would be the appearance of a
massive shopping mall which provides many job opportunities for local people.

Sky and star

Do you enjoy looking at the stars?
Yes, I find stargazing to be a mesmerizing experience because I deeply feel something is
awesome when observing the vastness of the night sky and thinking about the mysteries of the
Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?
Yes, I've had the opportunity to learn about outer space and stars through textbooks,
documentaries, and online resources. Exploring topics such as astronomy and space
exploration has enhanced my understanding and appreciation of the cosmos.
Are you interested in films about outer space and stars?
Absolutely, I'm fascinated by films that show outer space and stars, like “ Star War” or
documentaries about space exploration, as I enjoy immersing myself in the cinematic
landscape of the wonders of the universe.
Can you see many stars at night where you live?
Yes, fortunately, I live in an area with relatively low light pollution, which allows for clear
views of the night sky. Like, pn clear nights, I can see many stars, constellations, and even the
Milky Way stretching across the heavens.
Would you ever like to go into space?
The idea of going into space is incredibly intriguing to me. While it would undoubtedly be a
daunting and exhilarating experience, I would be thrilled at the opportunity to venture beyond
Earth's atmosphere and witness the beauty of space.
What would you do if you had the chance to go into space?

If given the chance to go into space, I would eagerly take the opportunity to explore and learn
about the cosmos. I would marvel at the breathtaking views of Earth from space, and conduct
scientific experiments to contribute to our understanding of the universe.
Pen or Pencil
Do you usually use a pen or pencil?
Well, for everyday tasks like jotting down quick notes or filling out forms, I generally use a
pen because it's more convenient and offers a smoother writing experience. However, when I
need to do something that requires frequent editing, I prefer using a pencil as it allows me to
erase mistakes easily.
Which do you prefer using, a pen or a pencil?
If I had to choose, I would say I slightly prefer using a pen because it provides a smoother
writing experience and often comes in different colours, which adds a bit of fun to my writing
When was the last time you bought a pen or a pencil?
I believe the last time I bought a pen or pencil was just a few weeks ago because I couldn't
resist the urge to try out new colors and experiment with different ink types. It was a set of
colorful pens for taking notes during my classes. I think it was a small but enjoyable shopping
What do you think if someone gives you a pen or a pencil as a gift?
I would actually appreciate it because receiving a pen or pencil as a gift shows that the person
has considered my interests and practical needs. It may enhance my daily writing experience
and become a cherished item in my collection. So, I would find it thoughtful and meaningful."

Favouvite Numbers
What is your favourite number? Why?
My favourite number is 8 because it shows the harmony and balance that I find appealing.
Besides, it's considered lucky in many cultures, which adds to its attraction. I've always felt a
connection to this number since childhood, and it's stuck with me ever since.
What numbers do you use often?
In my daily life, I frequently use numbers such as my phone number, bank account number,
and addresses because these are essential for communication, financial transactions, and
navigation. Also, numbers like dates and times, come up regularly in various contexts, from
scheduling appointments to cooking.
Which numbers are important to remember?

I believe that certain numbers hold significant importance and are crucial to remember. Like,
professional or academic ID numbers and passwords are critical for accessing various accounts
and systems securely.
Y2: Moreover, emergency contact numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs) for bank
cards, and important dates like birthdays and anniversaries are essential for staying connected
and organized.
Are you good at math? Why or why not?
I would say I'm reasonably good at math because I approach mathematical concepts with
curiosity and persistence, which has helped me understand lots of fundamental principles. And
I have always found numbers and problem-solving interesting.
Has the way people use numbers changed compared to a couple of decades before?
Well, the way we interact with numbers has evolved significantly over the past couple of
decades. Tasks that were once done manually, such as calculations, record-keeping, and
financial transactions, are now largely automated and digitized.
Y2: Moreover, the internet and mobile apps have made accessing and managing enormous
information more convenient than ever before.
Do you often eat breakfast?
Yes, I do make it a point to eat breakfast regularly because I believe it's essential to kickstart
the day with a nutritious meal that provides energy and sets the routine for healthy eating habits
throughout the day.
Do you make your own breakfast or eat out?
I prefer making my own breakfast at home because it allows me to control the ingredients,
portion sizes, and nutritional content of my meal. However, occasionally, especially on
weekends or when I'm busy during weekdays, I might opt to eat out or grab something on the
Did you usually have breakfast when you were a kid?
Yes, I was fortunate to have parents who really take care of us. Growing up, having breakfast
was a non-negotiable part of our daily routine. Whether it was a bowl of cereal or a hearty
omelette, looking back, I always remember those times happily.
Is it important to eat breakfast?
Absolutely, eating breakfast is crucial because it provides the body with essential nutrients
and energy after a night of sleep. Moreover, eating breakfast can improve cognitive function,
concentration, and mood throughout the day.
Learning Languages
Do you like learning languages?
Yes, I'm quite big on learning language because I find it fascinating to explore different
cultures, communicate with people from diverse backgrounds, and challenge myself
intellectually through language acquisition.
Y2: Moreover, it's a rewarding journey that opens up new opportunities for personal and
professional growth
What languages do you speak?
I speak Vietnamese fluently and I always try to enhance my language abilities. Recently, I've
been considering learning English to further broaden my linguistic horizons.
Do you learn any foreign languages?
Yes, I'm currently learning English. I believe in the importance of continuously learning and
mastering new languages, as it not only broadens my horizons but also enhances my ability to
connect with people from different parts of the world.
Do you think learning languages is important?
Absolutely, I believe learning languages to be incredibly important because it promotes
cultural understanding and fosters empathy by enabling individuals to communicate and
engage with people from diverse backgrounds.
Do you often meet new people?
Yes, I do find myself meeting new people quite regularly because I enjoy the opportunity to
interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Whether it's through
social gatherings, work events, or mutual connections,
How do you feel about meeting new people?
I generally feel positive about meeting new people because I see it as an opportunity to expand
my social network, learn from others, and potentially form meaningful connections. And I find
that the benefits of meeting new people often outweigh any discomfort."
Are you able to decide whether you like the person by the first meeting?
I think first impressions can certainly provide some insight intimeo a person's character.
However, I believe it's important not to rush to judgment but instead to give individuals the
opportunity to show more about themselves over time.
Is it easy for you to meet new people?
I wouldn't say it's always easy, but I do feel comfortable in social settings and am generally
open to meeting new people. Cuz, I believe it's important to approach such encounters with
an open mind and a genuine interest in getting to know others.
Do you care about people’s opinions about you?

I would not care about that because I believe it's important to stay true to oneself and prioritize
personal values and principles over external factors. So, I try not to let other people's opinions
drive my sense of self-worth or identity.
When was the last time you met a new person?
The last time I met a new person was just a few days ago at a networking event on Twitter
about Tech. It was an enriching experience to connect with someone who shares similar
interests and aspirations.
What kind of vehicle do you use most frequently, and why?
I primarily use a motorbike for my daily transportation needs due to the convenience it offers
in terms of flexibility and comfort. Like, with a bike, I can easily navigate through various
routes, and carry groceries in everyday life.
Have you ever had any interesting experiences while travelling in a vehicle?
Yes, I've had one, which was during a road trip with friends to Cát Bà Island. Along the way,
we encountered breathtaking landscapes and unexpected adventures, such as coming across
hidden waterfalls and peaceful villages.
How do you feel about the idea of self-driving vehicles?
I think it is interesting cuz I see the potential benefits in terms of increased safety, reduced
traffic congestion, and enhanced accessibility for individuals who are unable to drive
What features do you consider most important when purchasing a vehicle?
When purchasing a vehicle, safety features should be considered, such as airbags, anti-lock
brakes, and stability control because these are crucial to ensure the well-being of passengers.
What safety measures do you think are essential for vehicles?
I believe several safety measures are essential for vehicles, including advanced technology and
braking systems, like anti-lock brakes (ABS) or features such as airbags, seat belts, and blind-
spot monitoring, which contribute to enhancing overall safety on the road.

What do you often do in the evenings?
In the evenings, I usually unwind and relax after a long day. This typically involves a variety
of activities, such as spending time with family, engaging in hobbies like reading or watching
movies, or simply taking a walk outdoors to clear my mind.
Do you do the same thing every evening?
Not necessarily. I enjoy having dinner with my family or catching up on my favourite TV
shows, I also like to mix things up and explore different activities to keep my evenings
interesting and fulfilling.
Do you prefer to spend your evenings with family or friends?
Well, I do value quality time with both my family and friends, as each provides unique
experiences and meaningful connections. Sometimes, I cherish the cosy atmosphere of
spending evenings with friends on special occasions, like birthday parties.
Do you ever work or study in the evenings?
Yes, when I need to work or study in the evenings, especially when deadlines are coming or
exams are approaching, it can be challenging to stay focused after a long day. Sometimes, I
find that spending some time resting in the evening helps me manage my workload more
What is a popular activity for young people in your country in the evenings?
Well, young people in my country in the evenings are gathering at cafes or restaurants to
socialize and enjoy a cup of coffee with friends or simply hang out because these evening
outings provide opportunities for relaxation and bonding in a lively atmosphere.
Why do you think law and order are important?
Laws and orders are important because they keep society safe and fair. Moreover, they tell
people what they can and cannot do, and they make sure everyone is treated fairly.
Should laws be more universal?
Yes, laws should be more similar across different places because it would make things fairer
for everyone and help people understand what's right and wrong no matter where they are.
Is there any law you think is too strict? [Why?/Why not?]
Yes, some laws might be too harsh. For example, some punishments might be too severe for
the crime, or some rules might not take into account why someone did something wrong."
What do people in your country generally think about obeying laws?
Most people in my country think it's important to follow the laws as they know that laws are
there to keep everyone safe and that following them helps make society run smoothly.
Do people like being police officers in your country?
Some people like being police officers because they want to help keep their community safe.
But it's a tough job, and not everyone wants to do it.
Why do some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Some people like being lawyers because they enjoy helping others and solving problems.
Also, lawyers play an important role in making sure people's rights are protected
What's the weather like where you live?
I live in a region where the weather tends to be quite varied throughout the year. We experience
distinct seasons, with hot and humid summers, mild autumns, cold winters, and pleasantly
warm springs.
Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Personally, If I had to choose between cold and hot weather, I would lean towards cold weather
because I find it easier to stay comfortable in colder temperatures by wearing lots of layers of
Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
I prefer dry weather over wet weather because excessive rainfall or long periods without sun
make me feel gloomy and inconvenienced. Moreover, dry weather allows for more outdoor
activities and generally boosts my mood.
Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/How often?
Well, being a student, I do make it a habit to check the weather forecast regularly. I typically
use weather apps to check the forecast in the morning before heading out for the day and again
in the evening to prepare for the following day.
Would you like to visit other cities that have different climates from where you live?
Absolutely! I love exploring new places and experiencing different climates and environments
because visiting cities with distinct climates would offer a unique opportunity to immerse
myself in diverse cultures, landscapes, and weather patterns.
Do you use a computer/laptop?
Yes, I rely on both a computer and a laptop extensively in my daily life. Whether it's for work,
studies, or personal activities, these devices have become indispensable tools for me.
What do you do with it?
I use them for a multitude of tasks ranging from work-related activities such as creating
documents and attending online meetings to personal endeavours like browsing the internet
and watching movies.
When did you first start using it?

I first started using computers when I was quite young, probably around the age of seven or
eight. It began with simple activities like playing educational games, but as I grew older, I
gradually learned to navigate more complex tasks
Is it difficult to use them?
I think, while there may be a learning curve for some individuals, modern computers and
mobile phones are designed with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive features, making them
accessible to people of different skill levels.
What would your life be like without computers?
I guess, without computers, my life would be drastically different because I heavily rely on
computers for various aspects of my daily routine, from work and studies to personal activities
and communication.
Time Management
How do you plan your time in a day?
I plan my time in a day by creating a schedule or to-do list. I prioritize tasks based on their
importance and urgency, allocating specific time slots for each activity because this helps me
stay organized and focused throughout the day.
Is it easy to manage time for you?
Generally, yes. I have developed effective time management skills over the years, which help
me prioritize tasks and allocate time efficiently. However, sometimes, when unexpected
events or distractions can make time management more challenging
When do you find it hard to allocate time?
I find it hard to allocate time when I have too many tasks to complete within a limited
timeframe or when faced with unexpected interruptions or emergencies. It can also be
challenging when tasks require more time and effort than initially anticipated
Do you like being busy?
I appreciate staying productive and engaged, but I also value balance in my life. While being
busy can be fulfilling and rewarding, I recognize the importance of taking breaks and
prioritizing self-care to avoid burnout
Are you good at organizing time?
Yes, I consider myself proficient at organizing time. I utilize various techniques such as
creating schedules, setting deadlines, and using productivity tools to effectively manage my
time and accomplish tasks efficiently
How do you usually organize time?

I usually organize time by creating daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. I identify key tasks
and goals, break them down into manageable steps, and allocate specific time slots for each
activity. Also, I regularly review and change my schedule as needed to stay on track and adapt
to changing priorities.
How do you usually get your news?
I mainly get my news from online sources, such as news websites, mobile apps, and social
media platforms. I find it convenient to access a wide range of news articles and updates in
real time through these digital channels.
Do you often read the newspapers?
While I occasionally read newspapers, especially when I come across them in public places or
during leisurely moments. And I don't rely on them as my primary source of news because I
find digital platforms more accessible and up-to-date.
What kind of news do you usually follow?
I usually follow a variety of news topics, including current events, politics, technology,
environment, and entertainment. I believe it's important to stay informed about various issues
both locally and globally to have a well-rounded understanding of the world
How do most people get the news in your country?
In my country, most people get their news through a combination of television, online sources,
and social media. However, an increasing number of younger individuals are turning to digital
platforms for news consumption.
Do you think international news is important?
Yes, I believe international news is important as it helps broaden our perspectives and
understanding of global events and issues. Moreover, international news also fosters empathy
and solidarity by highlighting shared challenges and experiences across borders.
Do you like eating chocolate? Why/Why not?
I enjoy eating chocolate because I find its rich, creamy texture and sweet taste quite satisfying.
Additionally, chocolate has a comforting quality that can uplift my mood, making it a
wonderful treat.
Did you often eat chocolate when you were a kid?
Yes, I used to eat chocolate quite often as a child because it was a popular snack choice and a
favourite treat for special occasions like birthdays or holidays.
What's your favorite flavor of chocolate?

My favourite flavour of chocolate is dark chocolate because I appreciate its bold and intense
flavor taste, as well as its slightly bitter undertones. Plus, dark chocolate is often touted for its
health benefits, making it a guilt-free indulgence for me.
Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others?
Yes, I believe chocolate makes a delightful gift for others because it is a universally loved treat
that can convey thoughtfulness for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions, and receiving a
box of chocolates can bring joy and appreciation to the recipient.
Wild animals
Are there wild animals in your country?
Yes, there are various species of wild animals in my country. From forests to mountains and
even urban areas, I can find a diverse range of wildlife habitats. Common examples include
deer, foxes, rabbits, squirrels, and various bird species.
Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
Yes, I have visited both zoos and safari parks. Zoos offer the opportunity to observe a wide
variety of animals up close. Safari parks, however, provide a more immersive experience
where you can see animals roaming in large, naturalistic enclosures.
What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
One animal I would love to see in the wild is the majestic tiger. Tigers are iconic and elusive
creatures, and witnessing them in their natural habitat would be a truly unforgettable
Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?
Yes, there are numerous TV programs called “Natural World Chanel” dedicated to showcasing
wildlife and nature in my country. These programs often feature breathtaking videos of animals
in their natural habitats, along with informative commentary about their behavior, habitat, and
conservation efforts.
Do you like taking photographs?
Yes, I enjoy taking photographs as a hobby because capturing moments and scenes through
photography allows me to express creativity and preserve memories.
How often do you take photos?
I take photos regularly, especially when I'm travelling or during special occasions like family
gatherings or celebrations. However, I also enjoy spontaneous photography sessions when I
encounter interesting subjects or scenes in everyday life.
In which situations do you like to take photos?

I particularly enjoy taking photos in outdoor settings with natural lighting, such as landscapes,
cityscapes, and nature scenes. I also like capturing moments and emotions in social gatherings
or cultural events.
Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
I appreciate both, but if I had to choose, I would lean towards taking pictures of scenery
because I find landscapes and natural settings visually captivating and enjoy the challenge of
capturing their beauty through photography.
Do you prefer to take photographs yourself or to have other people take photos?
While I'm comfortable taking photographs myself, I also appreciate having other people take
photos for me, especially in group settings or when I want to be included in the picture as it
allows me to fully immerse myself in the moment.
Do you like science?
Yes, I have a strong interest in science because I find it fascinating to explore the natural world,
understand how things work, and uncover the underlying principles that govern the universe.
What science have you studied?
I have studied a variety of sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental
science. Each discipline offers unique insights into different aspects of the world around us,
from the complexity of living organisms to the properties of matter and energy.
What science subject did you like the most in school? Why?
One science subject I particularly enjoyed in school was biology because I was fascinated by
the complexity and diversity of life forms. Moreover, learning about topics such as genetics
and ecology provides me with a deeper understanding of the natural world.
How has the science that you have studied helped you?
Studying science has equipped me with critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities.
Moreover, a scientific mindset helps me make informed decisions, analyze information
critically, and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.
Did you like science classes when you were young?
Yes, I enjoyed science classes when I was young because I was naturally curious about how
things worked and enjoyed conducting experiments, making observations, and exploring
scientific concepts.
Do you like to go to the cinema/movies at weekends? (Why/Why not?)

Yes, I enjoy going to the cinema on weekends because it's a great way to unwind and immerse
myself in captivating stories and visuals. Moreover, watching movies in a theater creates a
unique and immersive experience that I find both entertaining and relaxing.
Who do you go with? Alone or with others?
I usually go to the movies with friends or family since it allows us to bond over shared interests
and discuss the film afterwards. However, I also enjoy the occasional solo trip to the cinema,
as it gives me the freedom to choose the movie and enjoy some alone time.
What do you enjoy doing most at weekends? (Why/Why not?)
On weekends, I enjoy a variety of activities, but one of my favorites is spending time outdoors,
like, hiking or biking, or simply chilling in nature. Cuz, I believe it's a chance to disconnect
from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and reconnect with nature.
Are you planning to do anything special next weekend? (Why/Why not?)
Yes, I'm planning to attend a music festival next weekend. It's an annual event that I look
forward to since it features live performances from some of my favourite artists. I enjoy the
vibrant atmosphere, lively music, and the opportunity to make memories with friends.
What kinds of activities do you often do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I enjoy a variety of activities, including reading, cooking, playing sports,
and spending time with loved ones. I also like to pursue hobbies like painting, gardening, or
learning a new skill.
How do you often relax yourself on weekends?
To relax on weekends, I enjoy indulging in activities that help me unwind and destress. This
could involve reading a book, watching a movie, practising yoga or meditation, or simply
spending quality time with friends and family.
Do you use perfume?
Yes, I enjoy using perfume as part of my daily grooming routine because I find that selecting
a fragrance each morning adds a touch of elegance and personalization to my overall
What kind of perfume do you like?
I prefer perfumes with floral or citrusy notes, because I find them refreshing and uplifting.
However, I also appreciate a variety of scents depending on the occasion and my mood."
What does perfume mean to you?

Perfume holds significance for me beyond its fragrance because it serves as a form of self-
expression, allowing me to convey my personality and mood through scent. Additionally,
wearing perfume enhances my confidence and leaves a lasting impression on others.
Do you give perfume as a gift?
Yes, I often give perfume as a gift for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or
holidays. I believe perfume makes a thoughtful and personalized gift, as it allows the recipient
to indulge in a sensory experience and create lasting memories associated with the scent.
Do you like art?
Yes, I have a strong appreciation for art. Whether it's paintings, sculptures, or other forms of
artistic expression because I find art to be a powerful tool for conveying emotions, ideas, and
Did you take art lessons in your childhood?
Yes, I took art lessons in my childhood. It was a fun and creative activity that allowed me to
explore different techniques, experiment with various mediums, and unleash my imagination.
Have you ever been to an art gallery?
Yes, I've been to art galleries on several occasions. Visiting art galleries is a wonderful way to
immerse myself in the world of art, discover new artists, and appreciate a diverse range of
artistic styles and genres.
Do you often go to art galleries?
While I don't go to art galleries as often as I'd like, I do make an effort to visit them whenever
I can. I find the experience of exploring galleries to be enriching and inspiring, as it exposes
me to different artistic movements and helps me broaden my artistic horizons.
Is it interesting to become an artist?
Becoming an artist can be a fascinating and rewarding career path for those who have a passion
for creativity and self-expression. Cuz, it offers the opportunity to share one's unique vision
with the world, evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and leave a lasting impact through art.
Are there any paintings on the wall of your home?
Yes, I have several paintings displayed on the walls of my home. Each painting holds
sentimental value or aesthetic appeal, and they contribute to the overall ambience and character
of my living space.
Do you like reading?

Yes, I'm big on reading book because I find readinf to be both enjoyable and enriching, as it
allows me to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and empathize with diverse perspectives."
What books do you like to read?
I have a diverse taste in books and enjoy exploring various genres. Like, I'm drawn to mystery,
fantasy, and historical fiction. I also appreciate non-fiction works, particularly those related to
psychology, science, and personal development.
In what places do you think it is difficult to read?
I find it difficult to read in noisy or crowded environments, such as bustling cafes, busy streets,
or public transportation. The constant distractions and lack of quiet can make it challenging to
focus on the text and immerse myself in the story.
Do you like to read at home or in other places?
While I enjoy reading at home for its comfort and quiet ambience, I also appreciate reading in
other places, such as parks, libraries, or cozy cafes. I believe each setting offers a unique
atmosphere that can enhance the reading experience.
Making Plan
Do you usually make plans?
Yes, I'm someone who typically likes to make plans for various aspects of my life, whether it's
for work, social activities, or personal goals. Cuz, planning helps me stay organized, focused,
and prepared for upcoming tasks and events.
What about your time management ability?
I would say that I have a strong ability to manage my time effectively. I prioritize tasks, set
deadlines, and allocate time efficiently to ensure that I can accomplish my goals and meet my
commitments on time.
Is it easy to manage time for you?
Yes, managing time comes relatively easy to me. I have developed strategies and techniques
over the years that help me stay on track and make the most of my time.
Do you like planning things?
Yes, I enjoy planning things because it gives me a sense of control and direction in my life,
like, creating a daily to-do list, outlining long-term goals, or organizing events.
Why can’t you make plans?
Well, I guess, there are times when unexpected circumstances or uncertainties may make it
challenging to create concrete plans. In such situations, I prioritize flexibility and adaptability,
remaining open to alternative solutions or adjusting plans as needed.
Do you like doing things step by step or making a long-term plan?
I think it depends, while I appreciate the importance of breaking down tasks into manageable
steps, I also value the clarity and vision provided by long-term planning, and setting goals.
Street Martket
What do people usually buy at the street market?
People typically buy a variety of goods at street markets, including fresh produce such as fruits
and vegetables, meats, and seafood.
Moreover, street markets offer a diverse selection of products, often at affordable prices,
making them popular shopping destinations for local residents.
Are there any supermarkets in your country?
Supermarkets are widely available in urban and suburban areas in my country, offering a wide
range of groceries, and household items.
Moreover, they provide convenience and modern facilities, attracting shoppers seeking a
favourite destination for their shopping needs."
Why do so many people prefer street markets over supermarkets?
Well, lots of people prefer street markets over supermarkets because street markets often
feature fresh, locally sourced produce and specialty items that may not be readily available in
When was the last time you went to a street market?
The last time I went to a street market with my mom was about two weeks ago. It was a
weekend market in the downtown area, featuring a variety of food products, artisanal crafts,
and live entertainment, which was quite interesting and exciting for me though.
Do you have anything to share with others recently?
Absolutely, I recently had the opportunity to share my knowledge and insights with my
classmates during a group project at school. I believe collaborating with others allowed us to
pool our expertise and achieve our common goals more effectively.
Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?
Yes, sharing was an important value carved in me by my parents from a young age because
they emphasised the importance of generosity and compassion, teaching me to share my toys,
snacks, and time with others.
What kind of things do you like to share with others?
I take pleasure in sharing various things with others, including knowledge, experiences,
resources, and acts of kindness, like offering support to a friend in need, sharing a meal with
loved ones. I find fulfillment in giving back and making a positive impact on others' lives.
What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?
I guess, there are certain things that may not be suitable for sharing due to personal or health
reasons. Like, items of sentimental value or personal belongings such as family heirlooms or
treasured keepsakes may not be appropriate for sharing.
Do you like flowers?
Yes, I have a deep appreciation for flowers because their beauty, fragrance, and vibrant colours
never fail to uplift my spirits and bring joy to my surroundings.
Do you like to receive flowers as a gift?
Absolutely, receiving flowers as a gift always brings a smile to my face because it's a
thoughtful gesture that conveys warmth, affection, and appreciation, making me feel cherished
and valued.
Have you planted any flowers?
Yes, I've planted various flowers in my garden over the years because gardening is a rewarding
hobby that allows me to nurture and care for living organisms while making outdoor space
more beautiful."
What kinds of flowers do you know?
I'm familiar with a wide variety of flowers, ranging from popular blooms like roses, tulips,
and sunflowers. Cuz, each type of flower possesses its own unique charm and symbolism,
adding diversity and intrigue to the world of flora.
Are there any flowers that have special meanings in Vietnam?
Yes, in Vietnam, certain flowers hold special cultural and symbolic significance. Like, the lotus
flower is revered for its beauty and purity, symbolizing enlightenment and spiritual awakening
in Vietnamese culture.
Did you wear a watch when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
Yes, I wore a watch when I was a child. My parents encouraged me to wear one as it helped
me develop a sense of time management and responsibility. Having a watch allowed me to
keep track of my schedule and be punctual in my daily life
Have you ever received a watch as a gift? (When/Who from?)
Yes, I received a watch as a gift on my graduation day from my grandparents. It was a
meaningful gesture symbolizing the passage into adulthood and the importance of cherishing
time and making the most of opportunities.
Do you usually wear a watch now? (Why/Why not?)
No, I don't usually wear a watch now. Cuz, with the prevalence of smartphones and other
digital devices that display the time, I find it more convenient to check the time on my phone
rather than wearing a watch.
Why do you think some people like to wear expensive watches?
Some people are drawn to wearing expensive watches because they are often seen as status
symbols, reflecting one's wealth, taste, and social standing.
Moreover, luxury watches are perceived as timeless investments that hold their value over
Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?
Though I appreciate the convenience and comfort of watching movies at home, I prefer
watching movies in a cinema because the big screen, surround sound, and communal
atmosphere create a cinematic experience that enhances my enjoyment of the film.
Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?
I enjoy both solo and group movie-watching experiences, but if I had to choose, I'd lean
towards watching movies with others. Sharing the experience with friends or family adds to
the enjoyment as we can discuss the film, share reactions, and create lasting memories together.
What kinds of movies do you like best?
I like all kinds of movies, but I especially enjoy comedies and action films because they're
entertaining and keep me engaged.
How often do you spend time watching movies?
I try to make time for watching movies regularly because it's one of my favorite forms of
entertainment and relaxation. On average, I spend a few hours each week watching movies,
whether it's at home or in a cinema.
Do you usually wear T-shirts?
Absolutely, t-shirts are a staple in my wardrobe, and I wear them regularly, especially during
casual occasions or when I'm relaxing at home. They're flexible and comfortable, making them
my go-to choice for everyday wear.
Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
Absolutely, I'm a fan of T-shirts with pictures or prints because they add an element of fun and
creativity to my outfit, allowing me to express my personality and interests.
Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

Yes, I believe that fashion is ageless, and older individuals can certainly rock T-shirts with
style and confidence. It's not about age but rather about how you carry yourself and put
together your look.
Do you like art?
Yes, I have a strong appreciation for art in its various forms. Whether it's paintings, sculptures,
or installations, art has the power to evoke emotions and inspire creativity.
Did you take art lessons in your childhood?
Yes, I had the opportunity to take art lessons during my childhood, and I found them to be both
enjoyable and enriching. It allowed me to explore my creativity, learn different techniques,
and develop my artistic skills.
Have you ever been to an art gallery?
Yes, I've had the pleasure of visiting art galleries on several occasions in my town with my
classmates. It's always a fascinating experience to immerse myself in the world of art,
surrounded by masterpieces from various artists and periods.
Do you often go to art galleries?
While I don't go to art galleries as often as I'd like due to time constraints, I make an effort to
visit them whenever I can. Each visit is a source of inspiration and enlightenment, allowing
me to appreciate artistry and creativity in its art form.
Is it interesting to become an artist?
Becoming an artist can be a deeply fulfilling and rewarding journey for those passionate about
self-expression and creativity. However, it also requires dedication and a willingness to take
both successes and challenges along the way.
Do you like history? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I find history fascinating because it allows us to understand the past and learn
from the experiences of our ancestors. It offers valuable insights into the evolution of societies,
cultures, and civilizations, helping us make informed decisions in the present and shape a
better future.
Are there any historical monuments or sites you would like to visit? Why?
One historical site that has always been on my bucket list is the Great Wall of China. Its
majestic structure and the fact that it’s one of the few man-made wonders visible from space
make it truly awe-inspiring.
Do you think it’s essential for young people to learn about history?

Absolutely! Learning about history is crucial for young people. It provides a sense of identity
and cultural awareness, enabling them to appreciate their roots and understand how past events
have shaped the world they live in.
What historical event do you find interesting?
I think the first event that spring to mind is probably Independence Day, which is the biggest
milestone in Vietnamese history. Because it marks the day when Vietnam has become a
sovereign state. I mean Vietnam is totally free from French colonization.
Do you like history as a subject in your school? Why?
Yeah, I'm into history at school think it's useful cause it helps us understand how things got to
be the way they are today.
When was the last time you read a book about history?
I think it was a few weeks ago. I read this book about World War II, really interesting stuff.
Have you visited any history museums?
Oh yeah, I've been to a few history museums. They're awesome 'cuz you get to see all these
artefacts and learn about different time periods.
Do you like watching documentaries/movies related to history?
Definitely! I love watching history documentaries and movies because they make learning
about the past so much more exciting.
Spending time
Do you like talking with people?
Yeah, I’m really into talking with people. It’s a good idea to pour out my trouble to them, you
know, to relieve the pressure. And if I have a problem, I’m gonna turn to people with
distinguished reputation for help. It’s because I can learn a lot from them through discussion.
Do you like to spend time by yourself or with your friend? Why?
I enjoy both, but I gotta say, there's something special about spending time by myself. It's like
a chance to recharge and unwind. Don't get me wrong, hanging out with friends is awesome
too, but solo time lets me do things at my own pace and really focus on myself."
When was the last time you spent time by yourself?
Oh yeah, just last weekend actually. I had the whole afternoon to myself, so I decided to take
a stroll in the park and just enjoy some peace and quiet.
What did you do?
Well, besides the stroll in the park, I also grabbed a coffee at my favorite café and did a bit of
reading. It was nice to just slow down and take a breather.

Do you want to spend more time by yourself?
Yeah, definitely. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, I think it's important to carve out some
me-time whenever I can. So yeah, I'm all for spending more time by myself, whether it's just
chilling at home or exploring new places solo.
Is it important to have some time alone?
Without a doubt! I think we all need some time alone for self-reflection. Furthermore, when
we spend too much time with people, we tend to get annoyed with them, even take them for
granted at times. With this said, we all need a break from people to remember just how great
they are.
Do you like wearing T-shirts?
Yes, I do enjoy wearing T-shirts. They are comfortable and versatile, making them suitable
for various occasions. Whether I'm lounging at home or going out with friends, T-shirts provide
a casual and relaxed style.
How often do you wear T-shirts?
I wear T-shirts quite frequently, especially during casual occasions or when the weather is
warm. They are comfortable and versatile, making them a go-to choice for everyday wear. I
usually wear T-shirts when hanging out with friends, running errands, or engaging in outdoor
Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
Yes, I quite like T-shirts with pictures or prints. They add a touch
of personality and uniqueness to my outfits. I often choose T-shirts with interesting graphics
or designs that reflect my interests or hobbies.
Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
Yes, I do think older people who wear T-shirts can be fashionable. T-shirts can be versatile and
can be styled in various ways to create a fashionable look regardless of age. With the right
combination of colors, patterns, and accessories, older people can effortlessly showcase their
unique style while wearing T-shirts.
Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?
Yes, I would definitely consider buying T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation. They are practical,
easy to pack, and can serve as a tangible reminder of the places I've visited.
1. What kinds of thing make you laugh?

I laugh most when I'm with friends talking about funny things that have happened to us. I also
like watching comedians and comedy films.
2. Do you like making other people laugh?
Yes, it's a nice feeling when you can make someone laugh because you can see that you've
made them happy. It's great to share a funny moment with someone.
3. Do you think it's important for people to laugh?
Yes, of course. It's important to see the funny side of things; humour helps us not to take life
too seriously. I think that laughter is good for our health.
4. Is laughing the same as feeling happy?
It's not exactly the same because you can be happy without laughing, and sometimes we laugh
when something bad has happened; a sense of humour can help us to cope with difficult

Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
No, I don't always bring a lot of keys with me. I usually carry only two keys - one for my house
and one for my bike lock. I find it inconvenient to carry too many keys, and I try to keep
my keychain as minimal as possible.
Have you ever lost your keys?
Yes, I have lost my keys a few times in the past. It's always frustrating when it happens,
especially when I'm in a hurry. I now have a designated spot for my keys at home, and I try
to be more mindful of where I place them when I'm out and about.
Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?
No, fortunately, I don't often forget my keys and lock myself out. I'm usually quite mindful of
keeping my keys in a designated place and ensuring I have them with me before leaving.
However, there have been a few rare occasions when I've absentmindedly left my keys inside
the house, but those instances are few and far between.
Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?
Yes, I believe it can be a good idea to leave your keys with a trusted neighbor. It can provide
an added layer of security, especially when you are away for an extended period or in case of
emergencies. However, it's crucial to choose a trustworthy neighbor whom you have a good
relationship with to ensure the safety of your home and belongings.

*Daily routine
1. What is your daily routine?
My everyday activities are determined by my job schedule, so nothing is set in stone. But the
one thing I never break is keeping a journal, which allows me to reflect on myself at the end
of the day. I spend most of the day at work, but still try to make time to eat and rest well, and
also cover at least 10 pages of books before bed.
2. Have you ever changed your routine?
Yes, I have. I used to work and study at night as I found it easier to concentrate, the silence at
night assists me in focusing on my work. However, since I had office work in the morning.
I’ve learnt to get used toworking and studying during the day. For the first time, I had
difficulties concentrating on working. But now, It’s not what I’m comfortable doing, but it’s
not too bad to keep up with it.
3. What part of your day do you like best?
As I mentioned earlier, I used to be a night owl so I tended to prefer the night. However, I’ve
converted myself into an early riser and morning has become my favorite time of the day. I
find that waking up early and having healthy daily habits like having breakfast, working out
and alleviating stress each day.
4. What is the busiest part of the day for you?
The evening is not only the part of the day I like but also the busiest part for me. I’m up to my
neck in finishing all deadlines before the new day starts. I concentrate on working well
because no motivation is as good as the urge to sleep.
5.How do you organize your time of study?
To avoid putting pressure on myself, I tend to learn little by little every day. Moreover, I
have a plan which is the most important so I can know what I should do first. When I have a
great deal of energy, I immediately sit at the desk to push up study efficiency.
*Fixing things
1.Do you like repairing things?
-Yes, I do enjoy repairing things whenever possible because I find it satisfying to troubleshoot
and fix broken objects. Moreover, it not only saves money but also reduces waste and helps to
minimize our environmental impact.
2.What kinds of things would you repair at home?
-Well, if I were to repair things at home, I would start with small tasks like fixing some of my
clothes if they have small tears or holes, rather than throwing them away because these are
easy and quick fixes that don't require much technical knowledge or tools.
3.Do you prefer repairing things or buying new ones?
-Well, I prefer repairing things rather than buying new ones because not only is it more cost-
effective, but it also can be a fun and rewarding way to learn new skills and provide me with
a sense of accomplishment.
4.Do you find it difficult to repair things?
-Definitely, I do find it difficult to fix things from time to time, especially if I have no previous
experience with it. But I always try to learn from resources like online tutorials or seek help
from my dad to make the repair process easier.
5.What kinds of things do you would never repair?
-I would never attempt to repair something that involves electricity or any sort of complex
machinery because I don't have the necessary knowledge or skills to safely repair such items.
I would rather leave it to my dad who is really good at doing the job.
1.Do you like eating ice cream?
-Absolutely, I'm a huge fan of eating ice cream because of the way it makes me feel the cold
and creamy texture creates a pleasant sensation in my mouth. Moreover, the variety of flavours
allows me to explore different tastes, such as mint chocolate chip or strawberry.
2.Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?
-I enjoyed eating ice cream as a child because the cold and sweet treat was always a delightful
reward from my parents after finishing my homework and chores. Sometimes, I would even
make my own ice cream at home with my family and friends, experimenting with different
ingredients and flavours, but I had never succeeded
3.Can you make ice cream?
-I am incapable of making ice cream, as I lack the necessary knowledge and skills to do so.
However, I have some fun and imaginative ideas for how I might go about making it if I could.
I might try making ice cream using unconventional ingredients, such as avocado or coconut
milk, for a vegan and dairy-free option.
4.What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
-My ice cream flavour changes depending on the weather. When it's hot and sunny outside, I
like to cool down with a bar of Blueberry Breeze, a refreshing blend of blueberry and mint.
But when it's cold and rainy, I crave something cosy and comforting, like cinnamon ice cream.
1.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

-Staying focused can be challenging at times for me. I could get easily distracted by other
things like notification sounds and the cry of a baby when trying to study. However, I try my
best to employ techniques like setting goals and managing my time effectively, to stay focused
on the task at hand.
2. What do you do to help you concentrate?
-I employ various methods to enhance my concentration. One way I find helpful is creating a
quiet and organized workspace, free from distractions. Besides, taking short breaks and
engaging in activities like stretching or deep breathing exercises can help me regain my focus.
3.What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?
-I guess lots of things can distract me when I'm trying to stay concentrated, like, the attraction
of social media and the constant stream of notifications from my devices. Additionally,
personal worries or concerns sometimes occupy my mind and make it difficult to fully focus
on the present moment.
4.When do you need to be focused?
-I will need to stay focused when I'm studying for an exam or working on a complex task that
requires my full attention and concentration. Another scenario is when I'm engaged in a
meaningful conversation or participating in a group discussion, where being focused enables
me to actively listen, understand, and contribute effectively.
1. Do you remember your dream when you wake up?
Sometimes I remember my dreams when I wake up, but other times they just disappear from
my memory. It's like they vanish into thin air, you know.
2. Do you like hearing others’ dreams?
I think hearing about other people's dreams can be pretty cool, especially if they're bizarre or
wild. But I also feel like some people go on and on about their dreams, and I'm like, "Okay, I
get it, you had a dream about flying, move on."
3. Have you told others about your dreams?
Oh yeah, I've definitely told people about my dreams. Some of them are just too interesting or
too weird not to share. Plus, I feel like dreams can tell you a lot about yourself and
your subconscious, so it's kind of like free therapy.
4.Have you had a bad dream before?
I have a bad dream almost every day. I usually dream about being chased by strangers or
falling off a cliff or being late for an important exam. Last night, for example, I dreamt about
being chased by a group of aliens. They wanted to kill me because I knew their secrets.
Fortunately, I woke up before I was killed in my dream.

5.Why are dreams so important? / Do you think dreams will affect life?
I think dreams might affect how we feel after waking up. If we have a really bad dream,
dreaming about the death of a loved one, for example, may make us worried all day. Dreams
might even affect our behaviour. For example, some people even change their travel plans after
dreaming of a plane crash.
*Language learning
1. Why do you like the language you want to learn?
-I am intrigued by the rich history, traditions, and diverse perspectives associated with the
language. Moreover, learning English would allow me to delve into literature, music, films,
and other cultural expressions of that language, expanding my understanding of the world.
-I believe that language is a powerful tool for fostering connections between people. By
learning a new language, I can interact with a wider range of individuals, build relationships,
and engage in meaningful conversations with people from different backgrounds.
2. Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?
-I believe learning a new language can be challenging because it requires time, dedication, and
consistent practice. Moreover, each language has its own grammar rules, vocabulary,
pronunciation, and cultural nuances. It takes effort to understand and internalize these aspects.
- Learning a new language is an exciting and rewarding journey because it may have its
difficulties, but it's also a chance to explore a new culture, connect with different people, and
broaden your horizons
3. Will you learn other languages in the future?
-Absolutely! Learning new languages is a lifelong pursuit for me because I find great joy in
exploring different cultures and communicating with people from around the world. As
technology advances, I can continue expanding my linguistic capabilities and mastering new
-Learning new languages is definitely a lifelong passion of mine because I believe language is
a powerful tool for connection and understanding. By expanding my linguistic ability, I can
enhance my ability to interact with diverse individuals and cultures.
1.Do you like to carry a bag when you go out?
For sure, I always carry a bag when I go to school/work because it comes in handy to have a
place to store my essential items like my phone, wallet, laptop and keys, and I feel more
organized when everything is in one place.
2.What types of bags do you use in your everyday life?

As I said, I usually use a backpack to carry my everyday essentials such as my laptop, books,
and snacks. I also have a small cross-body bag that I use when I just need to carry my phone,
wallet, and keys when I go travelling.
3.What do you often put in these bags?
I usually put my daily essentials in my bag, such as my phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses, and a
small notebook because it is very convenient. Sometimes I also bring snacks, a water bottle,
and a book or magazine to read during my commute to kill time
4.Do you think the style of a bag is important?
Yes, I believe the style of a bag is important because not only does it affect the overall look of
an outfit, but it can also reflect one's personal taste and fashion sense.
5.Do you have a bag for special occasions?
Sure, I do have a bag for special occasions. It's a small, elegant clutch that matches well with
formal attire. I usually use it for weddings, fancy dinners, and other formal events. It's not very
practical for everyday use, but it adds a touch of sophistication to my outfits
6.What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
-When I am buying a bag, I consider a few factors such as the size and design. I usually look
for a bag that is big enough to fit all my belongings but not too heavy to carry around. In
addition, the design and style are also important to me, as I want the bag to reflect my
personality and fashion taste.
-When I am buying a bag, I consider a few factors such as the colour, material, and price. I
usually look for a versatile colour that can match most of my outfits. Also, the material should
be durable and of good quality to ensure the bag can last for a long time. Lastly, I try to find a
bag that fits my budget and offers good value for money.
7.Have you ever lost a bag?
-Yes, I have lost a bag before. It was a small backpack that I used to carry my everyday
essentials, such as my phone, wallet, and keys. I think I left it on a bus or train and
unfortunately, I never saw it again.
-Yes, I have lost a bag before. It was a small backpack that I had taken with me on a hiking
trip in the mountains. I must have left it somewhere along the trail and didn't realize it until I
had hiked back down to the base. I searched for it for a while but never found it, and I was
very upset about losing.
1.What do you think of “a good teacher”?
-I guess when considering what makes a good teacher, several qualities come to mind. A good
teacher should possess deep knowledge and understanding of the subject matter they teach.

They should also have expertise in their field and can effectively convey information to their
-I believe a good teacher also possesses patience, empathy, and the ability to establish strong
relationships with their students. They understand the challenges students may face and
provide encouragement and support to help them overcome difficulties and reach their
2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
-Teaching may not be the right fit for me, as I recognize that patience is not one of my strongest
traits. Furthermore, I don’t look forward to the thought of standing in front of the classroom
trying to get the class’s attention while the children fool around. I believe that being a teacher
requires a special set of qualities that I don't possess.
3.Do you think high school students should be encouraged to make comments on their
-Certainly! I believe students should be encouraged to provide feedback and voice their
opinion on teachers because this promotes a healthy and open communication channel between
students and teachers. This allows them to have a constructive conversation and improvement
in the learning environment.
4.What are the most important qualities of “a good teacher”?
-I’m pretty sure that good teacher needs to have a unique set of qualities that contribute to
their effectiveness, including a deep understanding of their field, the ability to inspire and
engage students, effective classroom management skills, empathy and a compassionate heart.
These qualities allow them to reach their full potential.
*Wild animals
1.Have you ever seen any wild animals?
-Yes, definitely. One time, I went trekking in Catba National Park, where I saw monkeys,
elephants, giraffes, and zebras. It was an incredible experience to see these animals up close
and in their natural habitats.
-Well, yeah. One time, when I was hiking in a national park with friends, I saw a family of
black bears in the distance, which was both thrilling and slightly nerve-wracking. Seeing wild
animals is always a reminder of the beauty and diversity of nature.
2.Do you have a favourite wild animal?
-If I had to choose a favourite, it would be the monkey because of its sense of humour.
Moreover, monkeys are known for their intelligence, and playfulness. I guess, the monkey
might be a popular choice for people's favourite wild animal.
3.Do you think wild animals should be protected?

-Absolutely, I believe wildlife should be protected because they play an important role in the
natural ecosystem. Moreover, their extinction can have negative impacts on the living
environment. By protecting wild animals, we are also protecting the biodiversity of the planet.
4.Do you like to go to the zoo?
- Well, I would like to visit the zoo because they provide an opportunity to learn about animals
and conservation efforts. However, I also have concerns about the treatment and welfare of
animals in captivity. I may be more into visiting if the zoo is operated ethically and
1.Do you like rainy days?
-Sure! Rainy days can be a great opportunity to relax and stay cosy indoors or to go out and
enjoy the unique atmosphere that rainy weather can bring. Also, the sound of raindrops falling
on the roof or pavement can be calming, and the scent of fresh rain can be invigorating.
2.What do you do on rainy days?
-On rainy days, I love to curl up under a cosy blanket, with a good book or to watch a movie.
Sometimes I also enjoy baking a cake or cooking warm meals to enjoy with friends or family.
If I'm feeling more adventurous, I will take a walk in the rain with an umbrella. It's always
nice to have a change and find new ways to enjoy the wet weather.
3.Does it rain much in your country?
-In Vietnam, it depends on the region. Some areas receive heavy rainfall during the rainy
season, while others experience more of a dry season. In general, the country has a tropical
climate with a rainy season from May to October, with the most rainfall occurring in the central
and southern regions.
4.Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily?
-One time, there was a severe thunderstorm that caused heavy rain and flooding throughout
the entire city a few months ago. The rain was so heavy that many streets became impassable,
and cars had to be abandoned on the side of the road. I think it was a challenging time for the
5.In what season does it rain the most?
-As I know, in Vietnam, the season when it rains the most is the monsoon season, which
typically occurs during the summer months. The heavy rainfall during this season is important
for agriculture and replenishing water sources, but it can also cause flooding and other hazards.
6.Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?
-Yes, in my hometown, heavy rain can sometimes cause transportation disruptions. Flooding
can occur on certain roads, making them impassable. In addition, public transportation systems

such as buses and trains may experience delays or even cancellations due to safety concerns
or mechanical issues caused by the rain.
*Favourite days
1.Which day is your favourite day?
- I think it would be challenging for me to choose a favourite day since each day can bring its
own unique experiences and joys. However, I enjoy weekends because they often provide a
break from work or school responsibilities, allowing time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending
quality time with loved ones.
2.How do you spend your time?
- I enjoy spending time learning and exploring various subjects. I also love to immerse myself
in books, engage in funny conversations, and seek out new knowledge and perspectives. I
might also dedicate time to relaxation, or engaging in physical exercise to maintain a healthy
3.What makes your favourite day stand out from other days?
-I guess, my favourite day would stand out from other days if it could be a day filled with
activities and experiences that bring me joy and fulfilment. Moreover, it could also be a day
where I have the opportunity to relax and recharge, indulging in self-care and enjoying
moments of tranquillity.
4.Do you celebrate your favourite day with family or friends?
- I love celebrating my favourite day with both family and friends because it would be a time
for gathering together, creating cherished memories, and sharing special moments. The
presence of family and friends would make it a meaningful and enjoyable experience that
strengthens the bonds we share.
How important are friends to you?
Friends hold great importance in my life. They are a source of support, companionship, and
joy. Having friends allows me to share experiences, seek advice, and create lasting memories.
Do you often go out with your friends?
Yes, I often go out with my friends. We enjoy exploring new cafes, restaurants, and trying out
different cuisines together. We also like to catch up over a cup of coffee or go to the movies.
Occasionally, we plan outdoor activities like hiking or picnics in nearby parks.
Where do you often meet each other?
My friends and I often meet at a local café in our neighborhood. It's a cozy and
relaxed setting where we can catch up, chat, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. It's a convenient

meeting place for us, and we often spend hours there, sharing stories, discussing our interests,
and creating memorable moments together.
What do you usually do with your friends?
When I hang out with my friends, we often engage in various activities. We enjoy going to the
movies together and discussing our favorite films afterward. Additionally, we love exploring
new restaurants and trying different cuisines, which allows us to bond over shared dining
Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?
Yes, I have a close friend whom I have known for a long time. We became friends back in
elementary school and have remained close ever since. Over the years, we have shared
countless memories, supported each other through ups and downs, and grown together.
*Days off
1.What do you do on your day off?
I love using the time to engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation. I also try to catch
up on my favourite hobbies, such as reading a good book or practising a musical instrument.
Alternatively, I might take the opportunity to recharge, rejuvenate, and engage in activities that
bring me happiness and fulfilment.
2.Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
- It would be both actually. Sometimes, I enjoy spending my days off with my parents,
engaging in activities on the weekends, such as going for walks, having meaningful
conversations, or enjoying meals as a family. Besides, I love engaging in activities, such as
going to movies and playing sports with friends to strengthen our friendships.
3.Do you prefer to have your days off all to yourself or spend them with others?
-I prefer having some time to myself allows me to recharge, pursue my interests, and engage
in self-care activities that bring me joy and relaxation. However, spending my days off with
others also brings a sense of connection, and community, allowing me to strengthen my social
4.What activities or hobbies do you enjoy engaging in on your days off?
- Like I said before, one of my favourite pastimes would be immersing myself in a good book,
cooking delicious meals, and spending time with loved ones on my days off. Also, taking long
walks in nature would be another enjoyable activity as it allows me to soak in the beauty of
the surroundings.
1. How do you keep healthy?

To maintain good health, I prioritize regular exercise and a balanced diet. I engage in various
physical activities such as jogging, cycling, and yoga to stay active. Drinking plenty of water
and getting enough sleep are also important aspects of my health routine.
2. What are your favourite sports?
My favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy the fast-paced nature of the game and the teamwork
involved. It's exhilarating to dribble the ball, make accurate passes, and score baskets. Playing
basketball not only helps me stay active and improve my physical fitness but also enhances
my coordination and agility.
3. Are there health classes in your school?
Yes, there are health classes in my school. These classes focus on various aspects of health
and wellness, including physical fitness, nutrition, mental health, and personal hygiene. We
learn about the importance of maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and practicing
good hygiene habits
4.What sports help people stay healthy?
I believe all sports are great for our health. For example, activities like swimming, jogging,
and cycling are excellent for cardiovascular fitness and help strengthen the muscles.
5.Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?
In Vietnam, it is relatively easy for people to exercise. There are numerous options available
for individuals to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Public parks and recreational
areas are common, providing spaces for people to jog, walk, or engage in outdoor activities.
Additionally, fitness centers, gyms, and sports clubs are readily accessible in urban areas.

1. What do you think about geography?
I find geography to be a fascinating subject because it helps us understand the world's physical
and cultural landscapes, and it's crucial for gaining insights into global issues and the greatness
of our planet.
2. Have you ever studied geography at school?
Yes, I have studied geography at school since it was a part of the curriculum, and I learned
about topics such as climate, ecosystems, and human geography.
3. Are you good at reading maps?
I would say that I am quite good at reading maps. I can tell different types of maps, like paper
and online maps, and roadmaps. I use them for navigation when travelling.

4. What is your favorite type of environment?
My favorite type of environment is coastal areas because I love the combination of the sea,
sandy beaches, and coastal landscapes. The sound of waves and the ocean breeze create a
tranquil and beautiful setting.
5. Do you think geography is useful?
Absolutely, I believe geography is highly useful because it provides us with knowledge about
the world, which can be applied in various fields such as urban planning, environmental
conservation, and international relations.
1. Do you like eating fish?
Yes, I quite enjoy eating fish because it's a rich source of protein and healthy fat. Besides, I
find fish dishes delicious when they are properly prepared.
2. Where would you go to find fish?
Well, I guess, fish can be found in various places. You can typically purchase fresh fish at local
fish markets, and specialized seafood shops. Additionally, When I have more time, I often go
shipping at coastal regions or fishing docks for the freshest catch.
3. If you do eat fish, what is your favorite?
My favorite type of fish is salmon as the rich, buttery flavor and tender texture are absolutely
delightful. It's also incredibly nutritious and can be prepared in numerous ways.
4. Why do people go fishing?
People go fishing for a variety of reasons. Some view it as a recreational activity, a way to
relax and connect with nature. Others engage in fishing as a sport, striving to catch specific
species or compete with others.
* Helping others
1. Do you usually help people around you?
Yes, I make an effort to help people around me whenever possible because I believe in the
importance of kindness and offering assistance when it's needed.
2. How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family, and friends?
I help people in various ways depending on the situation. For neighbours, it might involve
lending a hand with chores or offering to pick up groceries. With family and friends, I provide
emotional support, offer advice, or assist with tasks like moving or babysitting.
3. Did your parents teach you how to help others?
Yes, my parents have always played a significant role in teaching me the value of helping
others. For instance, they have led by example and encouraged me to be considerate and
compassionate from a young age. This guidance has had a lasting influence on my willingness
to assist others.
4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?
Yes, my parents provided a lot of support when I was young. Like, they helped me with my
education, provided emotional guidance, and taught me valuable life skills. Their support was
instrumental in shaping my values and character.
1. Do you often give expensive gifts to others?
Being a student, I don't often give expensive gifts to others because I believe that the thought
and sentiment behind a gift matter more than its price tag. I prefer to choose gifts that are
meaningful and reflect the recipient's interests or needs.
2. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others?
Yes, I have sent handmade gifts on occasions where I wanted to add a personal touch. I believe
handmade gifts can be very special because they show the effort and care put into creating
something unique for the recipient.
3. How do you choose a gift?
When choosing a gift, I consider the recipient's interests, preferences, and needs. I think about
what would make them happy or be useful to them. Additionally, I pay attention to any hints
they may have dropped about things they like or want.
4.What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
In my country, it's common to give gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and small tokens of
appreciation for various occasions. Personalized gifts and experiences, like spa vouchers or
tickets to events, are also becoming more popular.

* Tea and coffee

1. Do you prefer drinking tea to coffee?
Personally, I do prefer drinking tea over coffee since the various flavors and types of tea are
more appealing to me , and the caffeine content is usually lower, which suits me better.
2. Do you ever go out to drink tea or coffee?
Of course, occasionally go out to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee because it's a pleasant way to
unwind. I sometimes meet friends or colleagues at cafes for a chat over a hot beverage.
3. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

Funny enough, the last time I had a cup of tea was just right before this speaking section. This
is because in this important exam, I need to stay focused to avoid mistakes and perform better,
and I believe the small caffeine intake helps boost my concentration levels.
4. If someone visits your home, will you serve tea or coffee?
It depends on the person's preference. I usually offer both tea and coffee to guests when they
visit my home, so they can choose what they'd like to drink. I believe in providing options to
ensure their comfort.
* Robots
1. Are you interested in robots?
Yes, I am quite curious about robots because they represent a fascinating combination of
technology and artificial intelligence. I find their potential applications in various fields, like
education and healthcare, to be intriguing.
2. Have you ever learned anything about robots?
Yes, I have learned about robots through various sources, including books, documentaries, and
online courses. I'm particularly interested in their role in automation, healthcare, and space
3. How would you feel travelling in a car driven by a robot?
I would feel cautiously optimistic about travelling in a car driven by a robot. I understand the
potential safety and efficiency benefits, but there would also be a degree of concern about
technical issues. I believe the safety aspect will continue to improve.
4. Would robots affect people's lives?
Yes, robots have the potential to significantly impact people's lives because they can enhance
productivity in industries like manufacturing and agriculture, and provide support in healthcare
and caregiving. They also change the way we work and interact with each other in our daily
* Running
1. Do you go running a lot?
Yes, I do go running quite regularly. It's become a significant part of my fitness routine, and I
try to go at least three times a week.
2. Where do you usually go running?
I typically go running at a nearby park in my neighbourhood. It offers a pleasant and scenic
route with well-maintained paths, making it an ideal place for a run and relaxation.
3. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

Running, in my opinion, is an excellent form of exercise. It's not only a great way to improve
cardiovascular fitness but also helps in building endurance and strengthening leg muscles.
4. Who do you like running with, friends or family?
I enjoy running with both friends and family, but it depends on the mood and the purpose of
the run. Running with friends can be more competitive and motivating, while with family
provides a chance to bond and share the experience, making it an enjoyable run.
1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to clothing, but I do have my preferences. I love comfortable
casual wear, like jeans and a comfy t-shirt for everyday activities. It's simple and practical.
2. What kind of clothes do you never wear?
I'm pretty open when it comes to clothing, but there are a few things I tend to avoid. For one,
I rarely wear overly formal attire. Suits and formal clothes are reserved for special
occasions for me; they're just not my day-to-day style.
3. Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?
I tend to mix it up when it comes to my clothing style on weekdays and weekends. During the
workweek, especially if I have meetings or appointments, I'll opt for business-casual attire like
dress shirts and slacks. It's all about looking professional and put-together. On the weekends,
though, I like to keep things more relaxed and comfortable. You'll often find me in jeans, T-
shirts, or casual shirts. It's the time to unwind and let loose a bit in terms of fashion.
4. Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes?
I'm all about comfort, so I definitely prefer wearing comfortable and casual clothes. There's
something liberating about slipping into a cozy pair of jeans and a soft t-shirt, you know. Don't
get me wrong; dressing up in smart clothes for special occasions can be fun, but for day-to-
day wear, comfort wins for me.
5. Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?
Not really, I wouldn't say I spend a lot of time choosing clothes. I mean, I like to look
presentable and all, but I'm not one to stand in front of my wardrobe for hours deciding what
to wear.
What's your favourite film?
One of my all-time favourite films is "Titanic." It's a captivating love story set against the
background of a tragic historical event, and I find it incredibly moving and memorable.
Did you often watch films when you were a child?
Yes, I watched quite a few films during my childhood. I particularly enjoyed animated classics
like "The Lion King" and "Toy Story," which my family and I would watch together.
Are there any kinds of films that you do not like?
I'm not a big fan of horror films. I tend to find them a bit unsettling, so I usually prefer genres
that offer more easy-going or entertaining.
Would you like to be a movie star?
Well, the idea of being a movie star is intriguing, but I think it comes with a lot of challenges
and a loss of privacy. I value my personal space and a sense of normality in life, so I'm not
sure if it's something I'd pursue.
What kinds of films do young people like?
Young people today have diverse tastes in films, but many are drawn to action-packed
blockbusters, superhero movies, and science fiction films. These kinds offer visually stunning
effects and engaging storylines that appeal to the younger generation.
Do you think it’s better to use a paper map or a map on your phone?
In my opinion, using a map on a phone is generally more advantageous than relying on a paper
map because phone maps are more convenient due to their portability. We carry our phones
with us everywhere, making it easy to access a map whenever needed.
When was the last time you needed to use a map?
The last time I needed to use a map was during a road trip with my friends a few months ago.
We were exploring a remote area with a limited cell phone signal, and our GPS navigation on
the phone became unreliable. Therefore, we decided to using a physical paper map.
If you visit a new city, do you always use a map to find your way around?
When visiting a new city, it really depends, if it's a small city or if I'm travelling with a group
and someone is familiar with the area, I may not need a map. However, in larger and more
complex cities or if I'm traveling alone, I prefer to use a map to ensure I don't get lost.
In general, do you find it easy to read maps?
Yes, I find it relatively easy to read maps as I have been exposed to maps from a young age.
Moreover, technology makes it simpler, and I've practiced during activities like hiking, or
travelling during family road trips
1. Do you mind noise?
You know, it really depends on the situation. I don't mind a bit of background noise when I'm
out and about, like in a café or a park. It can actually be kind of comforting, like a reminder
that there's life happening all around. But when I need to concentrate or relax at
home, excessive noise can be a bit bothersome. It's like trying to read a book with a loud TV
in the background – not the most enjoyable experience.
2. Do you think there’s too much noise in today’s world?
Well, you know, it does seem like there's a lot of noise in today's world, especially with
technology and constant connectivity. It's like there's always something beeping, buzzing, or
ringing for our attention. It can get a bit overwhelming at times.
3. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?
In my daily life, I encounter a mix of noises. There's the usual urban hustle and bustle, like the
sound of traffic, people chatting, and the occasional sirens. It's like the soundtrack of city
living. At home, it's more about the hum of appliances, the creaking of doors, and maybe some
music playing in the background.
4. Are there any noise that you like?
Yeah, there are definitely some noises I like. For instance, I find the sound of rain pretty
soothing, especially when I'm indoors all cozy. It's like nature's lullaby. I also enjoy the sound
of laughter from friends and family. It's infectious and makes any moment more enjoyable.
What do you like to talk about with your friends?
I enjoy talking to my friends about a wide range of topics. We often discuss our daily lives,
hobbies, interests, current events, movies, music, and sometimes even deeper subjects like
goals, dreams, and personal experiences.
Do you prefer chatting face-to-face or on the phone?
I prefer chatting face-to-face with my friends whenever possible. Face-to-face interactions
allow for a better connection, body language reading, and a more personal touch to our
Do you talk about the same things you did when you were younger?
When we were younger, we talked more about school, hobbies, and immediate concerns. Now,
we discuss more adult-related topics like work, relationships, and future plans. So, there's a
mix of familiar and new subjects in our conversations.
Where are some places where you like to chat with your friends?
I enjoy chatting with friends in various places like cafes, parks, and restaurants are great for
casual catch-ups. For deeper conversations, we often choose comfortable and quiet settings,
like someone's home or a cosy spot where we can relax and talk without distractions.
Do you think some people chat too much?

Yes, some people can chat excessively, and it can be overwhelming at times. So, it's important
to strike a balance between socializing and respecting others' need for space and quiet.
#Pen and pencils
1. Do you usually use a pen or pencil?
To be honest, as a university student, I don't use either a pen or pencil all that often in class
these days. With all the reading and lectures being online, most note-taking happens on my
2. Which do you prefer, a pen or a pencil?
As I mentioned earlier, since my notes are mostly digital these days, I'd say I have no strong
preference for either. However, if I had to choose, I suppose a pen would be slightly more
convenient for quick in-book annotations or jotting down ideas.
3. When was the last time you brought a pen or a pencil?
Well, if my memory serves me right, I last used a pen in a recent group project with my
university friends. It was during a brainstorming session where we were sketching ideas on a
4. What do you think if someone gives you a pen or a pencil as a gift?
I think it depends on the type of pen or pencil! A nice, high-quality pen would be a thoughtful
gift, especially if it's comfortable to write with. Pencils wouldn't be as practical for my current
studies, though, but a unique or mechanical pencil could still be a pretty cool present.
* Video games
1. What video games do you like to play?
I enjoy playing a variety of video games, with a particular interest in strategic video games.
This is because these games help me improve critical, logical and strategic thinking
2. How often do you play video games?
I play video games regularly but in moderation. Typically, I allocate a few hours during the
weekends to unwind and enjoy gaming.
3. Who do you most enjoy playing games with?
I most enjoy playing games with my friends because the collaborative and competitive aspects
of multiplayer games enhance the overall players' experience and make it more enjoyable.
4. Are the games you play now different from 10 years before? How?
The video games I play now are significantly different from those of 10 years ago because
technological advancements have led to more sophisticated graphics, intricate storytelling,
which provides a much better gaming experience overall.

5. What kind of games do you think children will play in the future?
In the future, I expect children to engage with more technologically advanced games,
incorporating virtual reality and artificial intelligence for a more interactive and educational
6. Why do you think young people like to play games?
Young individuals find enjoyment in playing games because games offer mental stimulation,
entertainment, and a sense of achievement. Additionally, gaming provides a social platform,
allowing young people to connect with others, especially in online communities.
* Advertisement
1. What kinds of advertisements do you watch?
I typically watch a variety of advertisements, including those for technology products, clothing
brands, and occasionally, food and beverages because the content and creativity of these
advertisements often catch my attention.
2. Where can you see advertisements?
Frankly speaking, advertisements are everywhere in our daily lives. I often encounter them on
television, streaming services, social media platforms, billboards, and even at schools.
3. Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?
Yes, I remember one time when I purchased a tech gadget after seeing a persuasive and visually
appealing advertisement on TV. You know, that TV commercial highlighted the product's
innovative features and demonstrated its practical applications, which took my interest.
4. Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?
Well, I guess, I largely depends on the content and relevance to my interests. engaging and
well-crafted advertisements tend to capture my attention throughout; however, I tend to skip
the ads immediately if it does not align with my interests.
* Memory
1. Are you good at memorizing things?
Yes, I consider myself good at memorizing things because I often use memorising techniques
and repetition to enhance my memory skills, especially when studying for exams or learning
new information.
2. Why do some people have good memory while others just don’t?
People have different memory abilities mostly because of genetics. Some people naturally
possess a strong memory capacity, while others may need to employ specific strategies to
enhance their memorization skills.
3. Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things?
People these days become increasingly dependent on smartphones to memorize things because
of the convenience and accessibility these devices offer. For example, people can use memory
applications to store information efficiently and retrieve it instantly if needed
4. Have you ever forgotten something that was important?
Yes, there have been instances where I forgot something important, mostly because I was
occupied by other more significant tasks. For example, during the exam season last year, I
once forgot to attend a crucial birthday party of one of my friends.
#Famous people
1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?
Among all the celebrities appearing on screen, there is this one exceptional actor who left a
great impression in my mind – his name is Doan Quoc Dam. He is a well-known actor and has
starred in many film projects, undertaking numerous roles that require depth and versatility to
pull off. In addition, I also really admire him for his humility and the positive influence off-
2. What kind of famous people do you often see on the news?
Needless to say, celebrities are one of the most prominent groups that are frequently seen in
the news. Actors, musicians, and other well-known figures in the entertainment industry are
often in the spotlight due to their latest projects, awards, or personal lives. Lately, there have
also been prominent sights of social media influencers as these individuals have amassed large
followers and success through digital platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
3. Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?
Normally, media coverage of famous individuals has not had much influence on me as I don’t
actively seek out celebrity news, especially their personal affairs. It is, however, important to
me to stay informed about current events involving influential figures. This could help me
acquire insights into the entertainment industry or the impact made by famous individuals
through their social endeavors.
4. Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?
To me, it is important to approach stories you heard of celebrities with a certain level of
skepticism as not everything you read online is credible. While some news articles or reports
may provide accurate information from reliable news outlets, it’s important to recognize that
journalists and reporters can sometimes sensationalize or distort the truth in their pursuit of
increasing viewership.
#Cakes and other sweet things
1. Did you enjoy cakes and sweets when you were a child?
If you enjoyed cakes and sweets: Yes, as a child, I absolutely adored cakes and sweets. My
eyes would light up at the sight of a chocolate cake or a candy bar. It was more than just the
taste; it was the excitement and joy that came with those special treats, especially during
birthdays or when I got good grades. They were like little rewards that made any day better.
If you did not enjoy cakes and sweets: Actually, I wasn't a big fan of cakes and sweets when
I was a child. I preferred savory snacks over sweet ones. While my friends would chase after
the ice cream truck, I would be more excited about a bag of chips or a slice of pizza. It wasn't
that I disliked sweets; I just found other types of food more appealing to my taste buds.
2. Have you ever made a cake yourself?
If you've made a cake before: Yes, I've actually tried my hand at baking a cake myself a few
times. It was a bit of a hit and miss initially, with some attempts turning out better than others.
But there's a certain satisfaction in seeing your creation come to life, especially when you get
to share it with friends and family. It's a fun, albeit sometimes challenging, way to express
creativity in the kitchen.
If you've never made a cake: No, I haven't had the chance to bake a cake myself yet. It's
something I've always wanted to try, though. I think baking requires a certain level of skill and
patience, which I admire in those who can do it well. Plus, the idea of creating something from
scratch that can bring joy to others is quite appealing to me. Hopefully, I'll get around to it
someday soon.

3. On what occasions do people in your culture eat special cakes or other sweet food?
If we're talking about festive occasions: In my culture, special cakes are a must-have during
Lunar New Year celebrations. It’s like, without these sweet delicacies, the festival wouldn’t
feel complete. We have this particular cake called 'Bánh chưng' or 'Bánh tét', which are not
only delicious but also symbolize prosperity and togetherness.
If we consider more personal milestones: Well, birthdays are definitely a time when sweet
treats take center stage. I mean, can you even imagine a birthday without a cake? It's practically
a sin! The cake is not just a dessert; it's a symbol of celebration and togetherness. And then,
there’s always that playful moment of making a wish before blowing out the candles.
4. Do you enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal?
If you like eating something sweet after a meal: Well, I must admit, I have a bit of a sweet
tooth. There's something about finishing a meal with a dessert, be it a slice of chocolate cake
or a scoop of ice cream, that just feels like the perfect ending. It's like putting a cherry on top
of an already fantastic experience.
If you usually don't enjoy eating something sweet at the end of a meal: To be honest, I
usually skip dessert. After a full meal, I often feel too stuffed to eat anything more. Plus, I try
to maintain a balanced diet, so I tend to avoid extra sugar. It’s not that I don’t enjoy a sweet
treat now and then, but I prefer to have them separately rather than as a part of my daily meals.
* Social media
1. Do you like using social media?
Absolutely, social media helps me stay connected with friends and family, and stay informed
about current events. Therefore, using social media is an essential part of my daily life.
2. Why do some people choose not to use social media?
Most people choose to stay away from social networking sites because of online negativity.
This is because there is so much negative news on these sites, and this has a negative effect on
their mental well-being. Besides, others may prioritize face-to-face interactions over virtual
3. Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?
I believe both myself and my friends use social media moderately because we recognize the
importance of maintaining real-life connections and engaging in activities offline.
4. Do you want to work in the social media industry? Why?
Even though the social media industry plays a crucial role in shaping online interactions, I
don't aspire to work in this field, because my career interests align with different sectors such
as IT and tourism
5. What social media apps do you use very often?
I use many social media platforms, but my all time favourite apps is Facebook, and I use it on
a daily basis to share updates and connect with friends.
* Crowded Place
1. What kind of places are crowded in where you’re living now?
In my current location, popular shopping malls and public transportation hubs tend to be
crowded because these places attract a large number of people providing shoppers with
convenience and accessibility.
2. Do you like crowded places?
While I appreciate the vibrancy and energy of crowded places, I tend to prefer more peaceful
and less crowded environments since it allows for a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.
3. When was the last time you were in a crowded place?
The last time I was in a crowded place was during a local festival last month because the festive
atmosphere drew a large crowd, creating a lively and spirited environment.
4. Do you prefer to go to crowded places or places that have few people?
I generally prefer places with fewer people because the tranquillity of less crowded spaces
allows for a more personal and serene experience, providing me with an opportunity to
appreciate the surroundings without the hustle and bustle of a large crowd.

* Sunglasses
1. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?
Certainly, sunglasses are a common accessory in my country because they serve both practical
and aesthetic purposes, and you can see people wearing them regularly, especially when the
sun is shining brightly.
2. Where can you buy sunglasses?
Sunglasses are readily available in a variety of places. One can find them in optical stores,
fashionable boutiques, and even online platforms, making it convenient for individuals to
choose a pair that suits their style.
3. Do you like to wear sunglasses?
Being a fashionista, I do like wearing sunglasses because apart from protecting from the sun,
the right pair can enhance one's appearance and contribute to a sense of confidence.
4. How often do you wear sunglasses?
I guess, the frequency of wearing sunglasses depends on the weather and the nature of the
outdoor activities. Like, on bright and sunny days, I wear them consistently to shield my eyes,
while on overcast days, I might wear them less often.
1. Do you like singing? Why?
– Yeah, I love to sing after school time coz I’m a music lover. You know, I often hum the song
along with the melody when taking a shower because it makes me happy. Moreover, singing
is a great way to unwind and bond with my friends.
-Nope cuz I’m often out of tune when I sing, and I was told that I had no sense of rhythm when
singing. I always find it difficult to reach the high notes of the song. So, you know, I wouldn’t
say I’ve got a talent for singing.
2. Have you ever learnt how to sing?
-Yes, I have. Every child in Vietnam takes music lessons in primary school/ kindergarten, and
I'm not an exception I started to learn singing at a pretty young age. However, I’ve forgotten
most of what I learnt though.
3. Who do you want to sing for?
- Oh, I’d like to sing for people who I love, my mom and dad, my friends, my little
sister/brother… well, only if they want me to sing for them.
– Oh, only for myself. As I said earlier, I’m not good at singing, so I prefer to sing alone.
Otherwise, it’s pretty embarrassing to sing in front of others.
4. Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?
-Definitely, people often feel happy when they can sing their favourite songs, as singing makes
people's lives more colourful. Moreover, when somebody’s stressed out, singing is like a way
to blow off some steam.
- Yes. I believe that singing it is a useful tool to make people's lives feel better as singing is the
form of expressing emotions through melody which helps heal our soul.
#Stages of Life
1. Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
Answer 1: Yes, I am currently a student and thoroughly enjoying this stage of life. Right now,
I just have to think about getting into a good college. I have some personal responsibilities but
don’t have to worry about finances, getting a job, buying a house. I think life becomes busy,
and responsibilities become bigger when you start working.
Answer 2: I think we all are so lucky that we have a life, so we should enjoy all stages of life.
Presently, I prepare for the entrance exam for that course in which I want to take admission,
so I feel very stressed. Despite tension still, I am enjoying the current stage of my life.
2. In what stage of your life were you the happiest?
I think early childhood was the happiest stage of my life. I was carefree, had zero
responsibilities, didn’t have to worry about studying, and my parents were always there to care
for me. I had many neighborhood friends, and I have happy memories of playing all day with
3. Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?
I believe this current stage of my life as a high school student because I’ve learnt to develop
my skills such as interpersonal, critical thinking, cooking, driving, among others. Those
teenage dramas that I had in the past were definitely over and done. I feel like I’ve become
4. What’s your plan for your next stage of life?
Answer 1: I want to graduate from a good college and find a well-paying satisfactory job. I
would like to help my parents financially and also pay off my student loans. I also want to
achieve a work-life balance and find time for my hobbies.
Answer 2: Well, every person makes the plan for the next at my life stage. I also plan for my
coming life. As I said earlier, I am preparing for the entrance exam. I want to study there
because it is the best college where the student gets placement quickly. I make a plan to
complete graduation and get a good job so that I can save money for the future and give
financial support to my family.
*Feeling Bored
1. What kinds of things are boring to you?

For me, tedious and repetitive tasks, such as sorting files or doing household chores, are rather
boring. Additionally, lengthy lessons without much interaction tend to lose my interest quickly.
2. What will you do when you feel bored?
Well, I often turn to activities that stimulate my mind and creativity by reading a captivating
book and or engaging in a hobby like painting because those are the ways I can reduce boredom
and make productive use of my time.
3. Do you think school is boring?
I think it depends on subjects and teaching methods. Some classes like science are engaging,
while others may feel less interesting. Moreover, effective teaching and a relevant curriculum
shape students' opinions. Personally, I believe schools should contain dynamic and interactive
lessons for enjoyable and meaningful learning.
4. Who do you think get bored easily, the young or the old?
Well, I would say the young may experience boredom due to a desire for constant stimulation
and novelty. A lot of young people can’t sit down for very long, and they have to be moving
all the time.
1. Do you have any favourite colours?
If you have a specific favourite colour: I've always been a fan of blue. It's just so calming
and versatile. Whether it’s a bright sky blue or a deep navy, I find that it fits almost every mood
and setting.
If you like a range of colours: I don’t really have one favourite; I like a bunch of colours. It
depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm into warm colours like red or orange, and other times I
prefer cooler tones like green or purple.
2. Did you wear bright colours when you were younger?
If you wore bright colours as a child: Yeah, I loved wearing bright colours when I was
younger. I was all about standing out and having fun with my clothes. Bright yellows, pinks,
and greens were my go-to choices.
If you didn't wear bright colours in your youth: Not really, I was more into muted tones
even as a kid. I preferred wearing darker or more neutral colours. Bright colours just weren’t
my thing, even back then.
3. What colour would you choose for the walls of your room?
If you prefer a specific colour for your room: I’d probably go for a soft grey for my room's
walls. It’s neutral and calming, plus it goes well with almost any kind of decor. It’s the perfect
backdrop that isn’t too overpowering.

If you have a bold choice for your room: I’d love to paint my walls a vibrant teal. It’s bold
and energetic, and it would really bring some life into my room. I think it's a great way to add
a splash of personality.
4. Is the colour of a car important to you?
If car colour is important to you: Absolutely, the colour of a car is a big deal for me. It's part
of the car's identity, and I see it as an extension of my own style. I'd likely choose something
that stands out, like a bright blue or red.
If car colour isn't a big concern: Not particularly, I'm more about the car's performance and
features than its colour. As long as it’s not something too flashy, I’m good with any colour.
Practicality over appearance, that’s my take.
#Money/ Spending money
1. Do you spend a lot of money?
I am mindful of my spending and try to maintain a balanced approach. While I don't indulge
in unnecessary expenses, I believe in spending on experiences and items that bring value to
my life.
2. What do you usually spend money for?
I typically spend money on essential needs like food, transportation, and housing. Additionally,
I allocate a portion for leisure activities, socializing, and occasionally treating myself to things
that bring joy and relaxation.
3. Do you use a credit card?
Yes, I do use a credit card for certain transactions. It offers convenience and can be useful in
emergencies. However, I am cautious about managing credit responsibly to avoid unnecessary
4. Do you think you will use cash more in the future?
I believe that the use of cash might decrease in the future as digital payment methods become
more prevalent. However, I will likely continue to use cash for smaller transactions and in
situations where it is the preferred or only option.
5. How do Vietnamese people generally make payments?
In Vietnam, a variety of payment methods are common. While cash is widely used, digital
payment methods, such as mobile wallets and bank transfers, have gained popularity,
especially in urban areas. Many people also use credit and debit cards for convenience.
6. How do you save money?
I save money by setting a budget, prioritizing needs over wants, and putting aside a portion of
my income into a savings account. I also look for opportunities to invest wisely for long-term
financial goals.
7. What do you think of e-payment?
I think e-payment is a convenient and efficient way to conduct transactions. It offers speed and
ease, reducing the need for physical cash. However, it's important to ensure the security of
online transactions to prevent any potential risks.
8. Do you often use credit cards?
I use credit cards for certain transactions, especially when making online purchases or for
larger expenses. However, I use them responsibly, paying off the balance regularly to avoid
accumulating unnecessary debt.
9. Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?
While the popularity of cash might decrease with the rise of digital payments, I believe it will
continue to be used, especially in certain situations and regions where digital infrastructure
may not be as advanced.
10. Do you like spending money or saving money?
I appreciate both spending and saving money, but I prioritize finding a balance between the
two. Spending on experiences and necessities brings joy, while saving ensures financial
stability and the ability to achieve long-term goals.
Collecting things
Do you collect things?
Certainly, collecting things has been a passion of mine. Like, I have a collection of vintage
postcards that I find intriguing and culturally significant because each postcard tells a unique
story of different periods and cultures
Are there any things you keep from childhood?
Definitely, I keep several items from my childhood due to their sentimental value. These
include childhood toys, books, and personal drawings, because they recall fond memories of
my formative years.
Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?
Of course, I have a habit of keeping old things for an extended period, primarily due to the
emotional attachment and memories associated with them. Moreover, these items serve as a
link to my past, reminding me of significant moments and experiences.
Where do you usually keep things you need?
I prefer to keep things I need in organized and accessible places because this helps streamline
my daily routines and ensures that essential items are readily available when needed
Living in the city
Do you like the city you are living in now?
Yes, I really enjoy living in Hai Phong City where I was born and raised. At present, this city
is overcrowded with a population of more or less than 2 million, with the problem of daily
traffic congestion and the pollution level here is kinda high, but it’s still attracting more and
more people, including both tourists and immigrants.
Are there big changes in this city?
Yes, there have been noticeable changes in the city during the time I’ve lived here. For
example, the construction of several new skyscrapers, and the improvements in public
transportation, which makes the city much more modern.
Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
Although possessing a peaceful and calm atmosphere that could help refresh any stressful
mind, the countryside is only an ideal place for the rich or the elderly.
I grew up in a crowded city filled with hurly-burly and endless opportunities to work and enjoy
modern amenities, therefore, I wouldn’t hesitate to say that I’m definitely a city person.
What kinds of city do you like?
A mix of modern and old. I like when there is an old historic quarter, but also a district with
skyscrapers and a more futuristic look. Moreover, I require a city with friendly people and
Is it good for young people to grow up in the city?
Young people frequently see my hometown, which is among the most populated and developed
in the country, as a promising area with better educational and employment opportunities.
Big cities are great places for young people to study and get jobs, but in my opinion they are
congested and have horrifying levels of pollution. So, I think, it’s basically like two sides of a
Being happy
Are you a happy person?
Honestly, I am not exactly whom people call a ray of sunshine. I cannot say that I could stay
in high spirits no matter what happens, because things get me down rather easily. But I do
make an effort to enjoy myself and take delight in the simple pleasures of life.
What usually makes you happy?
There are many things that make me happy. Going for a meal with my friends, or riding my
bicycle on a sunny day. Also, breathing in fresh air when stepping outside the door in morning.
Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?
Yes, there is something that has made me feel happy recently. I recently adopted a rescue dog
from a local shelter. The unconditional love and joy that my new furry friend brings into my

life have truly brightened my days. It's heartwarming to see the dog's wagging tail and excited
greetings every time I come home.
What made you happy when you were little?
When I was young, spending time with my grandparents always made me happy. They would
tell me stories, play games with me, and take me on walks in the park. I always felt loved and
cherished in their company, and those memories still bring a smile to my face.
Do you think people are happy when buying new things?
Yes, I believe people often experience happiness when buying new things. Purchasing items
they desire can bring a sense of excitement, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It's a moment of
acquiring something new and potentially improving their quality of life.
Why do you think happiness is important?
Happiness is important, because without it, life would be very difficult to get through. From
my personal experience, I believe it is very hard to find meaning in doing something that i
Where did you go to school?
I went to a few different schools, mostly in the vicinity of my neighborhood. My primary
school, middle school and high school were just 10 minutes away from my house. However,
my academy was the only school that took me literally half an hour for my daily commute,
and I have to say it was a huge burden to me.
Do/Did you go to good school?
Yes, I did go to a good school. I attended a private school that was known for its excellent
academic standards and extracurricular activities. The school provided me with a solid
foundation of knowledge and skills that have helped me in my personal and professional life.
Do you like your teachers?
Most of the time, I like my teachers/professors. You can really tell when they care about
teaching, about their work, and about their students, which in turn, motivates me to participate
and excel in the class. My pet peeve is when teachers don’t seem like they care.
What are the differences between your school and other schools?
I think the universities around mine are quite similar in terms of education quality, faculty
expertise and facilities. Maybe certain majors from one university are better than the other
ones, but I think overall, they are very close to each other.
Is there anything you want to change about your school?

I would like to see more modern facilities and resources in my school, such as updated
technology and a well-equipped library. Additionally, having more opportunities for
interactive and collaborative learning would greatly enhance the overall educational
How important do you think it is for students to have a good relationship with their
I think if teachers and students have good rapport among themselves, it would enhance the
teaching levels, and students will have free access to approach teachers with their difficulties.
Do you like chocolate ?
Well, chocolate is my all-time favorite. After working my butt off all day long, I usually
decompress with a chocolate bar. Yes, I do. I am actually a chocoholic (lol).
Well, I am not really a big fan of chocolate. Perhaps, because I don’t particularly have a sweet
tooth. Having said however, when I feel blue, I enjoy a bar of chocolate because it enhances
my mood considerably
What’s your favorite flavours?
- I am actually a chocoholic (lol). My all-time favourite kind is white chocolate because of its
sweet, rich and creamy taste. Although most people love the bitterness of dark chocolate, I
find it too strong personality. Meanwhile, milk chocolate just isn’t sweet enough. So white
chocolate is just a perfect fit.
- I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate because I enjoy its distinctive bitter taste of it.
Chocolate lava cake is also one of my favourites. Even the mere mention of it makes my mouth
water. Gordon Ramsay often showcases this kind of cake in the Masterchef series.
How often do you eat chocolate?
-Once in a blue moon. I know some people find it hard to resist buying chocolate every time
they go to convenience stores or supermarkets, but I only buy it on special occasions like
Valentine’s Day or my beloved’s birthday. It costs a small fortune to buy fancy confectionaries
like a great box of dark Belgium
-Well, I eat chocolate whenever I feel like. On days when I am in a good mood, I buy and share
it with my friends. Whereas, when things go wrong, and I’m plagued by misfortune, chocolate
is an energy bar for me. Just a minuscule taste cheers me up instantly
When was the first time you eat chocolate?
To the best of my recollection, it was 20 years ago when I ate chocolate for the first time. The
7-year-old me was over the moon when eating something that yummy. Now that my taste
changed though, still I enjoy having some dark chocolate after working hard all day long.

Is chocolate good for our health?
-Scientifically, chocolate provides human a number of health benefits. Eating chocolate helps
improve our mood and lift our spirits, even when we’re under pressure. Moreover, consuming
chocolate at a suitable level is good for the cardiovascular system. However, if people are over-
consumption, it can pose a dire threat to their bone density.
Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?
-Well, I have never ever thought about it. However, I suppose that people living in this modern
life prefer eating chocolate than their ancestors. In my country, the number of chocolate
consumption is on the rise, especially in young consumers.

Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?

-Yes. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common present that people choose to give
their beloved ones in special days, especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day
Do you often go to the library?
Yes, quite often actually. I love to go there to read and the library is a great place to find new
books. It has a great selection of magazines and newspapers that I can browse through. Another
perk of the library I could think of is the quiet atmosphere to study or work on projects.
What do you usually do in the library?
In the library, I usually engage in quiet studying and research. I find a comfortable spot, gather
my study materials, and focus on completing assignments or preparing for exams. I also take
advantage of the library's resources, such as books and journals, to gather information and
deepen my understanding of various subjects
Did you go to the library when you were a kid?
Yes, I used to go to the library quite often when I was a kid. My parents encouraged me to
read, so we would visit the library every couple of weeks to borrow new books. I remember
spending hours there, browsing through the shelves and picking out my favorites.
What do you think about libraries?

I think libraries are fantastic resources for communities. They provide access to information
and education for everyone. There are also many different sections available, such as books,
magazines, and newspapers, which can be useful for research. Moreover, they're ideal places
to focus and be productive or just to escape from the real world for a little while.
Do you like weekends?

Yes, I do like weekends. It's a great opportunity to unwind and relax after a busy week. I
usually spend my weekends catching up with friends and family, pursuing my hobbies or just
enjoying some downtime. I find that weekends help me recharge and prepare for the coming
week ahead.
What do you usually do on weekends?
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, whether it's going out for a meal, watching
a movie together, or simply having quality conversations. I also make sure to engage in
activities that I find personally fulfilling, such as reading books, practicing a hobby, or going
for a refreshing walk in nature.
Do you study or work on weekends?
Yes, I study on weekends. As a student, weekends provide me with valuable time to catch up
on my studies, review course materials, and complete assignments. While it does require some
discipline and time management, studying on weekends helps me maintain a balanced
approach to my studies and achieve academic success.
What did you do last weekend?
Last weekend, I took advantage of the good weather and went hiking with a group of friends.
We explored a nearby nature reserve, enjoying the scenic trails and fresh air. It was a refreshing
and invigorating experience that allowed me to reconnect with nature and create lasting
Do you make plans for your weekends?
Yes, I do make plans for my weekends. Having a plan helps me make the most of my free time
and ensures that I engage in activities that I enjoy. Whether it's organizing a gathering with
friends, visiting a museum, or trying out a new recipe, having a plan adds excitement and
structure to my weekends.
Do you like singing? Why?
Yes, I particularly enjoy singing because it serves as a form of self-expression and allows me
to convey emotions in a unique and enjoyable way. In addition, singing is a great way to
unwind after an exhausting day at school
Will you take singing lessons in the future?
Considering my passion for singing, I am open to the idea of taking singing lessons in the
future. I believe formal training could enhance my vocal skills and provide a structured
approach to exploring different genres and techniques.
Have you ever learnt to sing?

Yes, I have taken singing lessons in the past. The experience was valuable in refining my vocal
abilities, learning proper techniques, and gaining a deeper understanding of the art of singing.
How often do you sing?
I sing regularly as a part of my daily routine. Whether it's humming along to my favorite tunes,
singing in the shower, or participating in karaoke with friends, singing is a joyful and frequent
activity for me.
Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?
Absolutely, I believe singing has the power to bring happiness to people because the act of
singing, whether alone or in a group, can uplift spirits and evoke positive emotions.
Do you like playing sports?
Well, I think I’m a big fan of sports. Although I’m not good at it, but my favorite one is
swimming. You know I can often meet new people and make friends when I do sports. \
And as I think that, you know, practicing a sport regularly does wonder for my health. It keeps
me in shape, it helps to relieve my back and neck pains. And last but not least, it refreshes my
mind after a long day of hard work.
What sport are popular in your country?
Well, I guess in Vietnam right now, it’s football. I think football is considered the king of
sports. It’s very easy to play. All you need is just a ball, a few friends and two goals, which
you can always make or create by marking the ground with, you know, a piece of clothing or
bags, for example. And I think it’s a competitive sport, it can be very enjoyable to watch and
Do you often watch sports on TV?
Definitely yes, I have a busy schedule, so I don’t have enough time to watch a match in person.
Then, watching it on TV is the optimal choice.
Who do you like to watch sports games with?
I really can't say for sure. I can't think of anyone in particular. Nonetheless, if I must tell
someone, it will probably be my dad because we both enjoy sports and share an affection for
Vietnamese football team.
Do you prefer watching or playing sports?
As a person who likes to engage in outdoor activities, I would prefer playing sports. I can’t
deny the benefits of playing sports. It helps me to keep my body in shape, and increase
resistance to illness. Moreover, I love the sense of winning, especially when you put a lot of
effort and determination into it.

Are boys and girls interested in the same sports?
I don’t think so. I think boys tend to be into extreme sports that require physical strength while
girls are keen on more tolerable sports. For example, wrestling and rock climbing are played
more by male players. On the other hand, girls are huge fans of volleyball and gymnastics.
However, there are still some exceptions, and people are consistent in their pursuits.
Is it important for children to play sports?
Certainly. In addition to keeping kids healthy, sport teaches them discipline and keeps them
out of trouble. In my class, for instance, those who were committed to sports also earned the
highest grades and went on to elite universities where they continued to work hard.
Small business
Do you know many small businesses where you live?
Yes, I do. There's a small bakery near my house that sells freshly baked bread and pastries
every morning. The owner is a lovely lady who takes pride in her products and always greets
her customers with a smile. I also know a small family-owned grocery store that has been
around for decades and has a loyal customer base.
Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?
I think both big companies and small businesses have their own advantages. Big companies
often offer a wide range of products at competitive prices, while small businesses provide
personalized services and unique products. It ultimately depends on my needs and budget.
Have you ever worked in small businesses?
Yes, I have had the opportunity to work in small businesses. One notable experience was when
I worked part-time at a family-owned bakery during my summer break. I had the chance to
interact directly with customers, learning about their preferences and building relationships.
Have you ever thought about starting your own business?
Yes, I have actually thought about starting my own business in the future. I have a passion for
baking, and I've always dreamed of opening my own bakery. I would love to create unique
flavors and experiment with different ingredients to offer a delightful culinary experience.
Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?
Of course I would choose to work in a large corporation. This is due to the fact that I want to
have the chance to work in a professional working environment and talented colleagues. There
is no doubt that spending valuable years at a well-known firm can be a huge benefit in the
labor market if one decides to apply for another job. For example, employers generally favor
applicants with strong references and experience over those who worked for small unknown
Having a short break

How often do you take a break?
I normally take a break every 2 hours, especially when I work or when I need to fully
concentrate on something. I’ve read on newspapers that taking regular breaks could really
boost productivity and reduce stress.
When do you usually have a break?
I am currently a student; therefore, my studying schedule is quite tense. However, we always
have long breaks in summers, which can take up to 2 or 3 months.
What do you often do during a break?
Well, as I mentioned I always need to stretch my tight muscles first, then grab some water or
coffee before returning to my desk and resuming work. I also love to have a quick chat with
other colleagues from time to time.
Do you like several short breaks or a long break?
Frequent, short breaks don’t sound like a good idea to me as it takes me quite a while to get
back in the zone (concentrate) after staying away from I’d rather take a long break, maybe 15
to 30 minutes, which I find more productive and efficient.
Is it important to take a break?
Obviously, a sedentary lifestyle can be devastating to our health. These days, most people
spend the majority of their working or studying time in front of a computer so physical
inactivity is unavoidable. Breaks are thus crucial for people to rejuvenate and stay healthy,
which in turn could boost their productivity drastically.
Do you like parks?
Yes, I love parks because they’re great places to go for a walk and relax. I think every city
needs some green space so that people can go there and escape from the crowds.
How often do you visit parks?
There’s a park very close to where I live, so I probably go there once or twice a week if the
weather’s nice.
What do you like to do when visiting a park?
While I visit a park typically, I would like to enjoy the serene atmosphere inside the park.
Besides, friends or relatives are with me most of the time, and I want to chat with them. Lastly,
I will enjoy the scenery of beautiful flowers, fish ponds, fountains and playing pieces of
equipment for kids.
Are parks important for a city?

I reckon parks are an unavoidable part of the city. It helps citizens socialize and develop.
People get numerous opportunities to interact with different kinds of people in our society.
Additionally, it is a favourite spot for senior citizens and adolescents for their regular exercises
like yoga, walking and cycling.
How have parks changed today compared to the time you were a kid?
Well, I suppose parks nowadays have transformed drastically compared to when I was small.
The bulk of them now has more recreational facilities and adventure playgrounds, as opposed
to the past, when all I could see in a park was pretty much only grass, lakes, and trees.
Water sports
Are water sports popular in your country?
No, I don’t think that water sports are widely-played in Vietnam even though my country has
a very long coastline. It’s because water sports facilities are not widely available in my country.
What water sport is popular in Vietnam?
As far as I’m concerned, swimming is the only and most prevalent water sport in Vietnam.
Snorkeling and kitesurfing have recently been introduced to beach resorts but not many people
play these water sports because they are not affordable.
Have you done water sports?
To be honest, no, I didn’t play any sports games. However, it’s my dream to play scuba driving.
What water sport do you often play?
I will say it’s swimming if it’s counted as a water sport. That’s the only form of water-related
exercise that I do. I’ve grown so attached to my hometown in the countryside where we are so
used to life around paddy fields and rivers. We went swimming on a daily basis in the river in
What kind of water sports do you want to try?
I want to try surfing, which is a surface water activity in which the wave rider, referred to as a
surfer, rides on the forward part, or face, of a moving wave, which usually carries the surfer
towards the shore.
Free time
How do you like to spend your free time?
I usually spend my free time either resting or indulging myself in a hobby. I mean, I'll prefer
to rest if I have had a hard day at work and just want to relax a little bit.
However, if I feel like I still have a bit of energy left then I'll be more likely to work on my
hobby, which is playing the piano.
What is your favourite leisure activity?
My favourite leisure activity is watching movies. I like to watch them as it keeps me relaxed
and not thinking about work. It takes me to a new place, and I happily live in that place for 2
or 3 hours.
Do you like to spend your free time with families or friends?
Well, if I had to choose I would go with my family. I live far from my family because I have
moved to the city to study at university for two years. Therefore, I take advantage of my free
time to come back home and visit them.
Do you spend your free time at home or outside?
I would prefer to be at home in my leisure time because I feel peaceful and relaxed when I can
read books in my room or watering my flower pots in the garden. However, hanging out with
friends is a good idea, I also do it sometimes.
What is a common leisure activity in your country?
Most of them go out for a walk or to eat. Apart from that few of them have a routine sports
activity. Many elders prefer to stay at home watching the news on the television.
What did you enjoy doing in your free time as a child?
Well, if I remember correctly, I used to spend a lot of time playing with other kids in my
neighbourhood. We usually did some role-play or got involved in some kind of play fight with
each other. It was such a good time for me.
Do you think leisure time is important?
Of course, they are. It drives us to a stress-free life and keeps us fresh throughout. I feel the
leisure time during the weekend is essential for cleansing our mind, so that we would be fresh
for the upcoming week.
Studying science
When did you start to learn science?
I started learning science when I was in primary school. It was part of the regular curriculum,
so I was exposed to basic scientific concepts from a young age.
Do you think science classes are important?
Absolutely, I believe science classes are very important. They provide us with a fundamental
understanding of the world around us. Science helps us explain natural phenomena, make
informed decisions, and develop critical thinking skills. It's not just about memorizing facts;
it's about learning how to think scientifically.
Which science subject is interesting to you?

Honestly, I find all branches of science fascinating, but biology is the one that really grabs my
attention. There's something really cool about the way living organisms interact with each
other and the environment, and I love learning about how different species fit into ecosystems.
What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?
Well, I've done so many cool things with science over the years! One thing that stands out is
an experiment I did in biology class where we studied how different temperatures affect plant
We grew a bunch of plants in different conditions and watched them grow over a few weeks,
and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference even small changes in temperature
could make.
Have you ever visited a science museum or exhibition? What was it like?
Certainly! I've visited a few science museums and exhibitions, but the Vietnam National
Science Museum in Hanoi really stood out to me. It's packed with interactive exhibits and
engaging activities that illustrate scientific concepts in a playful yet informative way.
Do you think science is important in our society?
Absolutely! Scientific interventions cannot be overlooked. We can’t deny the fact that science
has done humanity a whole lot of good. A good example is the computer and phones we use,
not forgetting cars and aeroplanes, they’ve made life and communication a lot easier. I can’t
imagine a world without science.
Do you often wear jewelry?
Yes, I am quite fond of wearing jewelry and consider it an integral part of my personal style. I
believe that it adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to an outfit, and it can also reflect
my individual taste and personality.
What kind of jewelry do you like to wear/see on other people?
If I were to choose, I’d opt for gold necklace or bracelet. The reason behind this is that they
are eye-catching and a girl would look gorgeous with some accessories on such body parts.
For me, any piece of jewelry has its own beauty, depending on the beholders and the
appropriateness of the situation.
What type of jewelry do you like to buy?
I have a soft spot for simple yet elegant pieces, such as dainty necklaces, bracelets, and
earrings. I tend to gravitate towards jewelry that is made of high-quality materials, such as
gold, silver, or precious gems. I believe that these types of jewelry can be worn every day and
will never go out of style.
Why some people wear a jewel for a long time?

I suppose each has their own reasons. In most cases, if people get attached to a certain piece
of jewelries, there might be a story behind it. It could be a family heirloom that has been passed
down generations to generations so it has a special meaning to the owner.
Another reason is that they keep wearing the same jewel just out of habit. They get accustomed
to it after a while and are too lazy to change the new one so there it stays.

Have you ever given jewelry to someone as a gift?

I have on several occasions, to my friends. I went on holiday to Ha Noi a few years ago and
bought some nice items of jewelry for my friends from a factory outlet. I think that was the
last time I gave jewelry to someone as a gift.
Do you like listening to music?
Yes, of course, I’ve always been a big fan of music since I was a little girl. Sometimes I also
listen to music before sleeping at night for one hour and when I am riding my motorbike,
which will both help me relax and feel more energetic when I hear the tune.
What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
I have a diverse taste in music. I appreciate classical, jazz, and pop music. But for me, music
is not just about the melody or lyrics; it's about the emotional connection that it creates.
How do you feel when you listen to this music?
Listening to music makes me feel at peace when I need to relax. Certain types of music, like
Lofi, also help me concentrate when I'm working. I need to listen to upbeat music while
exercising as well. It pumps me up and motivates me to push through a hard workout.
If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?
If I had the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, I would love to learn how to play the
piano. I think that playing the piano would also help me develop my creativity and self-
expression, as it requires both technical proficiency and artistic interpretation.
Have you ever been to a concert before? Or Have you ever been to a musical
I attend concerts, once in a blue moon, since the ticket price for foreign artists’ concerts is out
of my reach. So I can only stay home and watch online.
Is music an important subject at school in your country?
Music is one of the compulsory subjects for primary and secondary students in my country.
However, the main focus was on singing. We could also add some movements to make the

songs more lively. Only those who were selected for the large performances were allowed to
use musical instruments.
Staying up late
Do you often stay up late?
No, I don't often stay up late. I prefer to get a good night's sleep, as I feel more productive and
focused during the day. However, there are occasions when I need to stay up late to finish a
project or spend time with friends, but it's not a regular occurrence.

What do you do when you stay up late?

When I stay up late, I usually spend my time reading a book, watching a movie, or chatting
with friends online. I try to avoid using electronic devices as the blue light can disrupt my
sleep, but sometimes I find myself browsing social media or playing games on my phone.
How do you feel the next day after staying up late?
Although staying up late has become a habit for me, sometimes after a night of staying up to
complete assigned tasks or due to struggling with insomnia, I feel drowsy the next morning
and have trouble staying focused at work.
How do you balance staying up late and getting enough sleep?
Well, there are some tips that I usually apply to balance staying up late and getting enough
sleep. The first tip is to take a short nap whenever possible, as it can help us feel refreshed and
have more energy to continue our work.
The second tip is to limit the use of coffee or tea to stay alert while working at night because
they can reduce the quality of your sleep.
Do you think it's important to get enough sleep?
Well, I think getting enough sleep is extremely important for both physical and mental health
because it helps our body relax and heal after a day of studying and working under stress.
Do you think technology has made it harder for people to get enough sleep?
Yes, I think so. The rapid development of smartphones and other electronic devices has made
it easy for people to access various forms of entertainment and social media at any time,
including late at night.
Moreover, the constant notifications from these devices can disturb people's sleep and make it
difficult for them to sleep soundly.


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