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“Genre text in ESP: Interpersonal Text, Transactional Text, Short

Functional Text, Long Functional Text”

Bahagia Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Arranged by:
Chyntia Romauli Sinurat (2213321053)
Delvi Roito Purba (2213321047)
Maria Angelia Siahaan (2213321066)
Erique Pasha Sihite (2213121001)


The authors thank God for His grace, so group 7 was able to complete this short paper on
time. The title of this paper is "Genre text in ESP: Interpersonal Text, Transactional Text,
Short Functional Text, Long Functional Text". On this occasion, group 7 would like to thank
Sir Bahagia Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum as lecturer in the " Creative and Innovation in English
Language" course who has given this assignment so the authors can increase the knowledge
and insight. The authors hope that this paper can be useful for readers.
The authors also realize that in writing this paper there is the lack. Therefore, it is hoped
that constructive criticism and suggestions can make this short paper better and useful for the
writer and readers.

Medan, February 26th 2024

Group 7
A. Background

B. Problems of The Study

1. What is Interpersonal Text?
2. What is Transactional Text?
3. What is Short Functional Text?
4. What is Long Functional Text?

C. Purposes of The Study

Genre text in English for specific purposes refers to written or spoken texts that are
crafted to fulfill particular communication goals within a given context or situation. These
texts are designed with a clear intention to achieve a specific outcome, whether it's to inform,
persuade, entertain, or instruct. Each genre text is tailored to suit the purpose it serves and the
audience it targets. Examples of genre texts for specific purposes include formal letters,
emails, user manuals, advertisements, recipes, academic essays, and more. These texts adhere
to certain conventions, structures, and language styles appropriate for their intended purpose,
making them effective tools for communication within their respective domains.

There are several reasons why genre texts in English are important :
a. Clarity and Efficiency: By using genre texts tailored to specific purposes, communication
becomes clearer and more efficient. The conventions and structures associated with each
genre help both the sender and the receiver understand the message quickly and accurately.
b. Audience Understanding: Genre texts are designed with the audience in mind. They take
into account the expectations, needs, and preferences of the intended audience, making the
communication more relevant and engaging.
c. Professionalism: In professional settings, using appropriate genre texts demonstrates
professionalism and competence. Whether it's a business proposal, a formal report, or a job
application, adhering to genre conventions enhances credibility and trustworthiness.
d. Effectiveness: Genre texts are crafted to achieve specific goals, whether it's to inform,
persuade, instruct, or entertain. By following established conventions and strategies, these
texts are more likely to accomplish their intended purposes effectively.
e. Standardization: Genre texts provide a standardized framework for communication within
specific contexts or industries. This standardization ensures consistency and coherence in
communication, reducing misunderstandings and errors.
f. Legal and Ethical Considerations: In fields such as law, medicine, and academia, using
genre texts ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards. For example, legal
documents follow specific formats to ensure clarity and validity, while academic papers
adhere to citation and formatting guidelines to maintain academic integrity.

A. Interpersonal Text
Interpersonal texts are designed to establish or maintain relationships such as personal
interviews or casual conversation role plays. The interpersonal function establishes and
maintains social relationships while also indicating communication participants' roles
(Halliday, 2002). Halliday also asserts that interpersonal meaning can be expressed through
the use of mood, modality, and key. He later included a pronoun system, an attitude modifier,
and word rhythmic features. Interpersonal communication includes how we send and receive
messages from others, given our internal perceptions, emotions, and unique contexts.
According to Celce-Murcia, interpersonal conversations are usually used to express : (Celce-
Murcia et. al. 1995)

a. Greeting and leave-taking

b. Making introductions, identifying oneself
c. Extending, accepting and declining invitations and offers
d. Making and breaking engagement
e. Expressing and acknowledging gratitude
f. Complimenting and congratulating
g. Reacting to the interlloctor’s speech
h. Showing attention, interest, surprise, sympathy, happiness, disbelief, disappointment.
This text can be done to fulfill the social interaction to the society like in socialization. The
topic is free and people just produce the talk to involve in the community. These texts can
range from informal, such as text messages between friends, to more formal communications,
like emails between colleagues. The key aspect of interpersonal texts is their focus on
interaction and social connection.
Personal letters
Chat messages
Social media posts
Emails expressing thanks or condolences

B. Transactional Text
Transactional texts are primarily focused on conveying information to accomplish a specific
task or to communicate specific information. Unlike interpersonal texts, the main purpose is
not about building relationships but rather about the exchange of information or services such
as information-gathering interviews, role plays, or debates. These texts tend to be more
formal and structured.
a. Business letters
b. Official reports
c. Purchase orders
d. Job applications and resumes
e. Customer service emails

A functional text is written material that was designed to solve a problem or fulfill a specific
purpose. The content of functional text should be something that is written for the purpose to
use the information to do something specific. Functional text is not material that someone
would read for pleasure or simply to gain knowledge.
Functional text is divided into 2 namely : Short Functional Text, and Long Functional Text.
C. Short Functional Text
Short functional texts are brief writings designed to convey information or instructions
clearly and directly. They are often found in everyday contexts and serve practical purposes.
The language used is typically straightforward and focused on delivering a message
a. Advertisements
b. Signage (e.g., road signs, warning signs)
c. Labels and packaging
d. Announcements

D. Long Functional Text

Long functional texts provide detailed information or elaborate on a specific topic. These
texts are structured to offer in-depth explanations, descriptions, or narratives. They can serve
educational, informational, or entertainment purposes and are found in both professional and
academic contexts.
a. Academic papers and essays
b. Business reports
c. Technical manuals and guides
d. Books (fiction and non-fiction)
e. Research articles

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