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task in health 10

submitted by:
hansen nichols A. mamaclay
george andrew t. Cortez

submitted to;
teacher marc anjelo
the patient is diagnosed
first so that we can
determine what can be
done with the implant
depending on its
condition. This is because
some patients, whether
young or old, want to do
different things with
their implant after it
has been diagnosed and
the patient has received
the appropriate
treatment, such as
cleaning, extraction,
fixing, or braces if
I see so many patients, some
hurried, some impatient, that
time management is a challenge I
face from time to time. But every
time it happens, I work with my
patients to enhance my time
management skills so they can
keep getting my work without
any disruptions or problems with
time. I did this to get better at
managing my time. of my schedule
to enable each patient to visit
at their convenience. I was very
fortunate to be a dentist,
especially after I started a
family and had higher yearly
costs. In addition, I helped needy
individuals and charities from
both inside and outside of our
town, and I was thankful that I
was able to realize our dream
because it had benefited me.

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