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Name : Muhammad Alfarisi

Class : XII TKR.O

Study : English

Brief Biography of Pangeran Antasari

Pangeran Antasari was born in 1809. He belonged to a Banjar Sultanate
family who grew up outside the palace.

The people who were nervous about the Dutch asked Prince Antasari to
block the colonial troops. He then joined together with regional heads
around the kingdom to expel the Dutch. And the Banjar War took place
under his leadership on April 18 1859 in the South Kalimantan and
Central Kalimantan areas.

The Banjar War lasted for 14 years. During the war, the Dutch asked to
collaborate several times, but Prince Antasari never wanted to.

In 1862, Antasari planned a major attack against the Netherlands.

However, a smallpox epidemic suddenly hit the area. He was also
stricken with smallpox and died on 11 October 1862 in Bayan Begak,
South Kalimantan and was buried in Banjarmasin. In 1986, Prince
Antasari was declared a hero according to Presidential Decree No.
06/Tk/Year 1968.
Name : Gilang Ramadhan Lubis
Class : XII TKR.O
Study : English
Short Biography of Moh. Hatta

Moh Hatta was born on 12 August

1902 in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.
In 1926, he became Chairman of the
Indonesian Association in the
Netherlands. And in 1932, he
returned to Indonesia and led the
National Education Party (PNI).
Because of his political activities,
Bung Hatta was arrested and then
exiled to Boven Digoel in 1935. He
was then moved to Banda Neira before going to Sukabumi.
During the Japanese colonial period, Bung Hatta led the Central Office
of People's Power (Putera). Together with Bung Karno, he proclaimed
Indonesian independence on August 17 1945 and he was appointed the
first vice president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Bung Hatta led the Indonesian delegation to the KMB Den Haag in
1949. Then he resigned as vice president in 1956. On March 14 1980, he
died and was buried in the Tanah Kusir cemetery in Jakarta. According
to RI Presidential Decree No. 081/TK/1986, Bung Hatta was declared a
proclaiming hero.
Name : Zulhadi Kuswari
Class : XII TKR.O
Study : English
Short Biography of Muh. Yamin (1903-
Muh. Yamin was born on 28 August
1903 in West Sumatra. He began
actively participating in the
organization when he became a
member of the Jong Sumatranen Bond
(JSB). And at that time, he served as a
member of the management.
He put forward the idea of Indonesian

unity in 1923 when he delivered a

speech in Dutch at the JSB event
namely Lustrum I Jong in Jakarta. In
Indonesian, his speech was entitled
"Malay Language in the Past, Present and Future".
Then, the idea of unity was raised again at the First Youth Congress in 1926. Then Muh.
Yamin strengthened it on Youth Pledge Day in 1928.
Apart from that, he played an active role in the Indonesian Independence Preparatory
Work Investigation Agency (BPUPKI) and also held a position on the Small Committee.
His thoughts regarding the basis of the state philosophy which later became known as
Pancasila were also discussed during the committee session.

After Indonesian independence, Muh. Yamin was appointed as a member of KNIP, Chair
of BAPPENAS, Minister of Education and Culture, First Deputy for Special Affairs, and
Minister of Information. He died in 1962 in Jakarta and was buried in Talawi,
Sawahlunto, West Sumatra.
Based on RI Presidential Decree No. 088/TK/Year 1973, Muh. Yamin was declared a
hero of the national movement.

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