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Activity 1. Review Quiz MATCH IT!

1. Theoretically considered to be the best justified A. Willi Hennig

system of classification

2. Known to be the "Father of Cladism" B. Monophyletic cladogram

3. A type of cladogram that contains the ancestral C. Cladogenesis

species and all its descendants.

4. A monophyletic group of taxa sharing a closer D. Clade

common ancestry with one another than with

members of any other clade.

5. A type of cladogram that only contains some of E. Paraphyletic cladogram

the descendants in a certain lineage.

6. A branching type of evolutionary progress involving F. Polyphyletic cladogram

the splitting and subsequent divergence of

populations to produce a new group of organisms

7. Used by scientist in studying phylogenetic G. Cladism

systematics to visualize the groups of organisms being

compared, how they are related, and their most

common ancestors.

8. A type of cladogram that contains unrelated H. Species

organisms who are from a different recent common


9. A taxonomic group of any rank, such as a species, I. Cladogram

family, or class

10. A group of living organisms consisting of similar J. Taxo

individuals capable of exchanging genes or

1. The basis for upward classification is _______________________.

2. The school of evolutionary classification was developed by_____________________.

3. _____________________ permits paraphyletic groups and monophyletic groups in associating


4. ______________________is the classification based on overall similarity of organisms.

5. ______________________is concerned with the use of numerical methods for taxonomic


6. ______________________is a group of taxa consisting only of an ancestor taxon and all of its
descendant taxa.

7. The level of adaptation of an organism is called _______________________.

8. A group which contains all the descendants of a common ancestor is called __________________.

9. Cladistic data is also used to create ___________________, which consist of diagrams proposing a
hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships between species based on shared characteristics.

10. ___________________refers to the ancestral traits that a taxon retains throughout evolution.
Activity 2.

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