Addina Silky Nuriyah - 210107110032 - ESP FINAL EXAM

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Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, Telepon (0341) 552398 Faximile (0341) 552398 Email:


Mata Kuliah: ESP (ICP and Non) Hari.Tgl: Wednesday and Thursday, 13-14 12 2023
Dosen: Prof. Dr.H. Langgeng Budianto, M.Pd Waktu : -

Name : Addina Silky Nuriyah

NIM : 210107110032
Class: ICP TBI 2021

1. Following are the template of needs assessment that should be explored in a proper data
presentation an intepretation. These collected data is used to respond a question on “ (1)
Target Situation Analysis( TSA), (2) Learning Situation Analysis (LSA) and (3) Context
Analysis from the the book of English for Political and Science (ICP class) and English
for Electrical Engineering (for non ICP Class). The analysis is merely based on the
Let’s Read, Let’s Write (Language Work) and Let’s Talks. You are also assigned to
analyze How is the students’ perception towards the use of ICT in teaching and
learning process”. The final project of ESP course submitted collectively via google
drive at the due date of the final test schedule.

Target Situation Analysis (TSA) Task

A. Who is your Target Learner? Be specific. My target learners is faculty of Social Science and
Political Science students (Third academic year student)

Is this a new course or an existing one to be revised? NEW REVISED

B. Based on the information you have at this time, complete the following chart with what your
target learners need to do in English to be successful in the specific content area (business,
engineering, etc.).

1. What do your target learners need to be able Where / How did you get this
to do in English at the end of the course? information?
Intensive discussion with the target
By the end of course, the learners are expected to be learners
able to: Classroom observation
Doing need survey with the target
1.Let’s Read learners
- to read political or social science textbook Conducting interview with the alumni
But as a whole the students are expected to be able to:
- to understand the meaning of difficult words in a
reading text through context clues and stems-affixes
- to comprehend upper intermediate reading texts
using basic reading skills or reading behaviour
- to restate and infer the idea of a sentence
- to comprehend intermediate reading texts at
paragraph and discourse level
- to comprehend the upper-intermediate reading texts
with different patterns of organization
- scanning,/skimming various types of reading on a
politic or social science topics.

2. Let’Write
- to write political reports
- to write articles for political & social science jurnals
- to take lecture notes
- to take notes from textbooks
- to recognize the characteristics of a paragraph
- to write with correct sentences
- to write a good supporting sentence
- to write with a good concluding paragraph

3. Let’s Speak
- to communicate in English with foreign minister of
another country.
- to interact with the language as it is spoken and
written in target situation of their real world work
- to ask and asnwer questions at seminars or other
important meetings.
-to develop conversation using introduction,
greetings, or partings.
- to develop conversation on daily activities
- to develop conversation on like and dislike to
argument in international meeting.
- to develop conversation on accepting and refusing
- to develop conversation on apologizing
- to develop an organized oral presentation

The present goals must be developed for future

By the end of the course the ESP faculty of political
& social science are expected to be able to:
1. Talk to minister or other state official and give
service excellent with good language
2. Talk in academic forum activities with
appropriate communication skills
3. Write a thesis in English
4. Write political reports, articles and other
related documents.
5. Participate in nationally or internationally.
2. Looking at the kinds of texts your learners Where / How did you get this
need to be able to comprehend or produce, what information?
are some key aspects of the genre of these
texts? Discussion with the coursebook
Discussion with previous classes or
Let’s read: students;
- a sequence of topics in the unit is arraged from easy to
more complex texts with diverse social terms; all reading
topics are taken from academic sources or scientific
- Topics in every unit are selected with various political &
social science themes which is relevant to their needs.
- The texts in the unit was selected on the basis of the level
of difficulties, lenght of the text, the vocabulary used
and the authenticity.

Let’s write
In let’s write skill, the topics which are written in the
textbook are taken from the text. In writing the let’s write,
the materials are design on the basis of the most dominat
grammar used in the text. For example, if the text in the
unit mostly used passive construction then in developing
the let’s talk activities with the passive sentence. By so
doing the learners will be more familiar with the writing

Let’s talk

In regard the speaking activities, the ESP text books used

are varied, the themes in the let’s talk is mached with the
themes in the unit. The examples of the topics are as
follows: “introducing oneself and others”.

3. What information do you still need to improve Where / How can you get this
your TSA? missing information?
- Among the four language skills (reading, writing, Discussion with the target learners
speaking and listening) which one(s) are the most
required in their profession as legislative member,
foreign minister, lecturer.

- The future job orientations needed for the alumni.
- the frequency of communicating English to
- The students’ expectations of their future job (type
of company, where and salary).

Present Situation Analysis (PSA) Task

C. Reflect on your target learner and complete the following chart based on the information
you have at this time.

1. What is their current level of English? Where / How did you get this
(Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) information?
From questioning to the target
In Let’s read learners
Asking face to face feedback
At the moment, the students’ reading skills are
relatively good, they are in intermediate up to upper
intermediate level. They can read text in the unit, but
sometimes still find problems in conjuction with
finding the gist of the texts.

In Let’s write
Presently, the ESP learners are able to write
in a good complex sentences, making paragraph
outline, writing thesis statement, developing topic
sentences and concluding paragraph. They can also
write in a descriptive and argumentative essays
paragraph. However, they still find problems with
writing good grammatical and words diction used.

In Let’s talk
In conjuction with their speaking skills, presently,
students are able to speak individually or in a group
discussion. They brave to speak more eventhough
some breaks of thinking with the use of correct
stucture and words choice still happened.
2. What is their current level of knowledge about Where / How did you get this

the content area (legislative member, foreign information?
minister, lecturer etc.)?
Day to day assesment
The ESP learners are compulsory to take part in the Talk with the director of nursing school
Class individual language performance
course during the first academic year. Their current
level of knowledge is considered at the intermediate
up to upper intermediate level.

3. What additional responsibilities do learners Where / How did you get this
have besides the ESP course? Do they use information?
English in these? How much time to they spend
on other responsibilities? Language center
Observe the students’ participation
They use in particular language events which designed
by the language center who are in charge with the
program of developing language proficiency. Usually
at the end of ESP program, the Language Center
provide the anual English competation of debate,
speech, story telling, writing composition and song
appreciation. The ESP Political & social science
students have to participate to complete with other
students from different faculty/department in the anual
English Contest. They are also invited by the language
center to participate as a presenter in “Interdiciplinary
Academic Seminar” where the ESP political & social
science students share their though with other students
from different disciplines. Mostly in the event of
Anual English Contest they spend 2-3 days
competition. While in the Interdisciplinary Acedemic
Seminar” they spend 4 hours in turn of presentation.

4. What are their desires / wishes in regard to Where / How did you get this
English language learning? information?

The ESP political & social science students are active From face to face discussion
learners, well-motivated and able to communicate English Interviewing
Talk with some of the students
effectively. They like to communicate English with their
colleagues and language teachers in class or outside the

class hours. Knowing their higher spirit from the course and
language events, I can judge that they are really interested
in English course.

5. What information about your current learners Where / How can you get this
do you still need to improve your PSA? missing information?

In the reality, the learners still find some problems in Talking/discussion with the students
Disccusion with the vice academic
interacting with colleagues or teachers of English.
The students’ mistakes in expressing good language,
in terms of pronunciation, correct grammatical used
and word diction might be a serious attention. In line
with this, I really want to improve some aspects of
their language competencies by considering whether
the subjects/topics in the units; let’s read, let’s write,
let’s talk need revision. In particular condition, the
let’s talk materials in the units need to be developed
with various of language tasks and exercises.

Context Analysis
D. People
1. Who are the stakeholders in the proposed Are there any more stakeholder who
course? should be involved?

The stakeholders in the proposed course is the Academic policy makers

ESP learners, the alumni, academic language center staff ,
faculty of politicaal and social science academic staff and
the university.

2. Why do they want this course to be developed?

The ESP political & social science students expects

that the course need to be developed because the
students are supposed to develop language successfully
within the academic setting in any kinds of academic
programs such as in examination, communicating with
foriegn minister, explain material in a class, For the
alumni, they can apply language in the real work for

example when they are working in the international

3. To improve your CA, what information do you Where / How can you get this
still need about the stakeholders? missing information?

The information about the course that fulfill the target Interviewing
Coursebook writers
learners’ needs is the concerned to be improved.
Reviewing from the course objectives during the one
year ESP course being implemented. What kinds of
most language skill prioritized in the future work

E. Physical setting of the course

1. How will the training be delivered –traditional What aspects of the physical setting
face-to-face instruction, online, computer-based, of the course need to be improved
or a combination? Does this have an impact on the or adjusted?
The number of students of 40 is
The training will be much better presented in the form considered to large.
of the combination between traditional face-to-face and Desk also needs to reformulate to avoid
boring situation
computer based instruction through the web-link

2. Where will the course be held? Does this

have an impact on the learners?

In line with course, the course is mainly conducted in

the political and social science faculty in a university.
During their stay in the campus hall of residence, the
ESP students are expected to use bilingual language,
English and Arabic as the basis of their language
interaction in campus. Usually every Saturday. They
have students day program where they learn English

3. To improve your CA, what information do you Where / How can you get this
still need about the physical setting of the course? missing information?

In particular extend, I would also like to know further about

Class observation
wheater the learners have personal internet access. In Feedback from students
addition, I’d like to know also about the availibility of
academic facilities that support the ESP learners such as the
language lab used for let’s listen tasks :

F. Nature of course
1. How many learners are in your course? What aspects of this situation
should be improved or adjusted?
The are actually 40 students
The number of the students for the
2. Is enrollment in the course voluntary or language course need more
involuntary? Once enrolled, is learner attendance consideration. Total 40 students for the
mandatory or optional? language course is to big. Thus, class
should be split into two classes.
The enrollment of the ESP course is compulsory.
Therefore, to participate to the course, The attendence
is mandatory. The ESP students must be the first and
second semester students. The course is offered with
12 credits for the whole semester.

3. How many total hours will the course be

offered? Over what period of time? How often will
the class meet face to face and for how many
minutes per class?

The learners are face to face 6 hours per week for

attending the ESP course. The course is held in the
morning where the ESP course are scheduled from
Monday to Friday. The course spend 24 for hours for
the total hours in semester. Face to face sessions is 90
% of hours i.e. 21,6 hours in this course and 10 % of
self-directed learning.

4. Are tests required during the course? Who

develops them?

The tests are required. Four type of evaluations are

given in a semester, those are assignment (10%), quiz
(20%), mid-test ( 30%) and final-test (40%). The final
exam is prepared by the lecturer himself and then the
items is submitted to final test committee.

5. To improve your CA, what information do you Where / How can you get this
still need about the nature of the course? missing information?

I think that the ESP students should be stimulated by Discussion with the po;itical and social
science director
inviting the native speakers. The number of the
learners should be made in two groups of class to make
more effective classroom activities

G. Teaching resources
1. What potential materials are already available to What aspects of the teaching
use or adapt for the course? Are they authentic? resources need to be improved or
The course book is ready to use becausethe text book
already available and icnlude of three components of The availability of an authentic materials
language there are reading, writing, and speaking. that meet the target learners needs should
be developed

2. List the resources and equipment available

(black/whiteboard, overhead projector, CD/audio
cassette player, DVD/videotape player, photocopy
machine, number of computers, Internet access,
printer, online course management platform, etc).
- Blackboard and whiteboard ( 1 in each room)
- Overhead projector
- CDs/ audio cassette players
- DVDs
- Printer
- TV
- Multi media lab: 2 units labs with 25 computers
in each room
- Standard lab : 1 unit with 40 seats.
- Internet access: moderate speed, but sometimes

3. To improve your CA, what information do you Where / How can you get this
still need about the teaching resources for the missing information?
Asking the administratrion of the
Suppose the internet access is good the online course political and social science university.
can also be conducted. The use of youtube is really

2. The Students’ percerptions toward the use of ICT

Based on the data that collected from thE quistionare which answered by sixty four students.
Reserachers can infer that teaching and learning process in the EFL classroom is more dominant
since this question is answered by thirty two respondent (50%). Then, classroom management
shows 18,8% and the only answered by twelve two respondent. There eleven student (17,2%)
claimed that student motivation is supporting their student in teaching and learning process in the
EFL Classroom. The last four students (7,8%) shows that integration of technology for teaching
and learning process in the EFL Classroom is not the aims. Thus the finding in table 1 implied
that the respondent expect that teaching and learning process in the EFL Classroom is more

Regarding the data that have been collected from sixty four respondents of 2 questions.

Founds out that 62 out of 64 respondents (98,4%) believe that The importance of technologies in
EFL teaching/ learning.
The other responses state by 2 respondent they choose there is do not believe The importance of
technologies in EFL teaching/ learning.

Thus, it can be implied that The importance of technologies in EFL teaching/ learning.

Regarding the data that have been collected from sixty four respondents of 2 questions.

Founds out that 62 out of 64 respondents (98,4%) agreed that The any relationship between
classroom management and EFL Learning.
The other responses state by 2 respondent they choose there is no relationship between classroom
management and EFL Learning

Thus, it can be implied thatany relationship between classroom management and EFL Learning.

From the data that we have the learners had very varied responds, toward the major English Skill
Need to Master Immediately.
The study found that forty respondent (62,5%) choose data show/projector. The personal
computer choosen from the eleven respondent (17,2%), and the last audio ads listing from nine
studen respondence (14,1%)
So, the finding for this item implied that technological device do your teachers use most in your
classroom to help you learn and improve is data show/projector.

From the data that we have the learners had very varied responds, toward the major relationship
between classroom management and makes the lessons run more smoothly than a traditional
The study found that thirty two respondent (50%) choose to think that sometimes relationship
between classroom management and makes the lessons run more smoothly than a traditional
classroom . And the thirty respondent (48,4%) choose to say no for the relationship between
classroom management and makes the lessons run more smoothly than a traditional classroom.
So, the finding for this item implied that relationship between classroom management and makes
the lessons run more smoothly than a traditional classroom


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