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Second, the traffic problem in Ha Noi is infrastructure.

Hanoi’ s traffic infrastructue is

very poor and has many problems. The roads are too narrow to travel easily. Moreover, many
pot-holes can appear everywhere to threaten the goers. On the roads, there're sometimes the
illogical roundabouts. They are not only useless, but also make the traffic more chaotic.
There are roads full of trash without trash cans. Bad smells ríe from the roads. Whenever
theroads are repaired, the traffic is more dangerous with the unfinished structures. People still
travel on the repairing roads, and the roads are more and more narrow. As you know, Ha Noi
is a monsoonal tropical country, it has a lot of rain every year. During the rainy season, the
roads are flooded because all the waste pipes are stuck by rubbish and become very dirty.
People have to walk through dirty puddles filled with trash.

Experts have pointed out that the biggest reason leading to this situation is that traffic
planning is not synchronized with land use planning.
- The development of transport infrastructure does not meet the requirements for urban
development, the land area for traffic only reaches 10.07% of urban construction land, much
lower than regulations (must be reaching from 16%-26%). The rapid pace of urbanization
with population growth leading to personal vehicles has created great pressure on the
transportation infrastructure system.
- Currently, in Hanoi city, there are a total of about 6.5 million road vehicles, mainly personal
vehicles, including over 5.9 million motorbikes, and about 420,000 cars. The average growth
of personal means of transport is 11%/year, while the growth in road length is only
3.9%/year, and road surface area is 0.25%/year, especially in the Central region. The city
center almost did not increase. Urban railway lines are constantly behind schedule due to a
lack of capital and technical factors.
The quality of planning and implementation of current transport infrastructure projects still
has many limitations. A series of projects are continuously behind schedule and have quality
problems. The quality of transport infrastructure is also one of the concerns that delegates
have repeatedly questioned in the National Assembly.
Meanwhile, the number of personal vehicles has increased rapidly and most movements are
directed to or through the urban core area, where the land area for traffic is very limited.
Roads cannot meet the volume of vehicle traffic, and along with the imbalance in traffic
infrastructure planning, the proportion of land funds for traffic has only reached 8.65% of the
urban land area. This causes Hanoi to face a lack of transportation infrastructure. Congestion,
and lack of parking spots... are still problems.

To effectively address Hanoi's transportation challenges, a multi-pronged approach is

essential, focusing on investment in transportation infrastructure, development of public
transportation, and community awareness campaigns.
Investing in Transportation Infrastructure involves conducting comprehensive assessments of
existing infrastructure to identify areas in need of upgrades or expansion. By securing
additional funding through public-private partnerships, Hanoi can strategically enhance its
transportation capacity, facilitating smoother traffic flow and improved connectivity.
Simultaneously, the Development of Public Transportation is crucial to mitigate the rapid
growth in personal vehicle usage. Feasibility studies for projects like bus rapid transit (BRT)
systems and metro lines are imperative. Improving reliability, frequency, and affordability of
public transportation services incentivizes residents to opt for these alternatives, alleviating
congestion on roads.
Moreover, Boosting Community Awareness is vital to instigate behavioral change towards
sustainable transportation practices. Public awareness campaigns through various media
channels, along with engagement of community leaders and influencers, can educate citizens
on the benefits of using public transportation. By fostering a sense of responsibility within the
community, Hanoi can promote a collective effort towards reducing reliance on personal
vehicles and embracing environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

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