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Elegy- meditative lyric poem lamenting the

death of a public personage or a friend or love
Literature- defined as an oral or written work in one.
prose or verse. 5. Ode- long lyric poem with a serious subject
Amador Daguio- the Beautiful Expression of written in an elevated style and formal stanzaic
man’s interpretation of some aspect of human
life. NARRATIVE POETRY- gives a verbal
Roger Don Cerda- liberates people from representation, in verse of a sequence of
political, oppression, social injustice, economic connected events
inequality, emotional inhibition as reflected in 1. Ballad- a song, originally transmitted orally,
short stories, novel, drama, essays, and other which tells a story.
literary genres. 2. Metrical Romance- poem that tells a story
that ends happily, whether love is involved or
Prose Fiction- presents a story that is invented 3. Epic- extended narrative poem that operates
and not true. on a large scale, both in length and topic
1. Myth- is often a story of origins, attempts to
explain the origins and nature of the world as DRAMATIC POETRY- like narrative poetry, tells
well as certain addresses oneself to the stories but the poet lets one or more of the
innermost depths of the psyche. story’s characters act out of the story
2. Legend- refers to an unverified story handed  Dramatic Monologue- combination of the
down from earlier times, especially once words dramatic and monologue
popularly believed to be historical.  Soliloquy- long speech in which a
3. Parable- simple story illustrating a moral or character who is alone on a stage
religious lesson. expresses his or her private thoughts or
4. Fable- short narrative making an edifying or feelings
cautionary point often employing as characters
animals that speak and act like humans. DRAMA- Greek word “dran” which means “to
5. Fairy Tale- kind of folktale or fable. do” or “to act”
Marvelous and magical things happen to the 1. Tragedy- which a heroic protagonist meets an
characters in fairy tales. unhappy or calamitous end, brought about by
6. Short Story- piece of prose fiction marked by some fatal flaw of character
relative shortness and density, organized into a  Tragicomedy- refers to fictional works
plot and with some kind of denouement at the that blend aspects of the genres of tragedy
end. and comedy
7. Novel- fictional prose narrative of  Melodrama- uses music to increase the
considerable length, typically having a plot that spectator’s emotional response or to
is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts suggest character types.
of numerous characters placed in several 2. Comedy- depicts humorous incidents in
different situations. which protagonist are faced with moderate
8. Novella- Fictional prose narrative that is difficulties but overcome them and play ends
longer than a short story, but shorter than a happily
novel.  Satirical Comedy- generally ridicules
human folly and associated political, social,
POETRY- piece of art written by a poet in meter or moral problems.
or verse expressing various emotions which are  Romantic Comedy- involves idealized
expressed by the use of a variety of techniques romantic love as in romance
including metaphors, similes, and  Black Comedy- induces laughter as kind of
onomatopoeia. defense mechanism when a situation
1. Lyric Poetry- comparatively short, non- dispassionately considered, would be
narrative poem in which a single speaker simply horrifying
presents a state of mind or an emotional state.  Farce- depends upon the ridiculous
2. Song- musical work, an abstract entity that situations, exaggerated character types,
serves as an umbrella for many versions coarse humor and horseplay for its comic
renditions effects
3. Sonnet- fourteen-line poem in lambic
NONFICTION PROSE GROUP 1 “Why Filipinos are poor”
1. Autobiography- is a biography written by the Historical Approach
person himself/herself
2. Biography- is a personal account of a Philippine Economy- past 5 and half decades
person’s life written by another person. experienced episodes of strong growth in real
3. Character Sketch- abbreviated portrayal of a gross domestic product (GDP)
particular characteristic of people
4. Diary or Journal- is a daily record of events in 50’s & 60’s- the phillipines was the most envied
a person’s life country in Southeast Asia
5. Editorial- is a statement or an article by a Korean War (1953)- battered, poor
news organization,newspaper, or magazine that Taipei (50’s)- the traffic was composed of
expresses the opinion of the editor, editorial bicycles and army trucks, streets flanked by tile-
board or publisher roofed low buildings
6. Essay- brief work of nonfiction that offers an Jakarta- was a giant village & Kuala Lumpur was
opinion on a subject surrounded by jungle and rubber plantations.
Bangkok- was crisscrossed with canals
LITERATURE HAS DIFFERENT TYPES AND 1949- Indonesia got the Independence
1. Prose Fiction- pertains to the collection of James Fallows- wrote about the damaged
literary text written or spoken imaginatively culture which he asserted impeded our
2. Poetry- is an art written in rhythmically and development.
figuratively to conceal meaning
3. Drama- literary piece meant to be performed  We are poor because we are poor- the
or acted out culture of poverty is self perpetuating.
4. Nonfiction Prose- presents factual People are lazy and look the Japanese and
information rather than fictional ideas. how they save in spite of the fact that the
interest given them by their banks is so
APPROACHES TO LITERARY CRITICISM little and work extremely hard.
- Is the comparison analysis, interpretation and
evaluation of works of literature Yabang- that is what we are, and all that money
expended on status symbols on yabang
 HISTORICAL APPROACH- it deals with the
relation of the history and culture of the  We are poor because of our nationalism -
text with it production under its guise we protect inefficient
 BIOGRAPHICAL APPROACH- focuses on industries and monopolies
the author and the text Claro M. Recto & Lorenzo Tanada- opposed the
 SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH- concentrates agrarian reform. Both of them were merely anti-
on the social, economic, and political american
issues associated with the text.  We are poor because we have lost our
 READERS RESPONSE APPROACH- gives ethical moorings- we condone cronyism
importance to reader’s- your and corruption and we don’t ostracize our
interpretation of the literary piece. punish the crooks in our midst.
literary work intrinsically 2 DISTINCT WAY IN POVERTY
 PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH- deals with 1. Nationalist Revolution - EDSA
literature as a fictional expression of the 2. Education- perhaps a longer and more
author’s mind, emotions, hopes, and more. complex process.
 FEMINIST APPROACH- concerns the
portrayal of females in literature Arsenio Lacson- mayor of manila
Ramon Magsaysay- president
LITERATURE MAY BE BROAD, BUT IT ALSO - brought a clean government.
 First asia to rise against Western
 First to established a republic
 Battle of Tirad Pass and Glory of Gregorio  Filipino Artist
Del Pilar and 48 filipinos who died but  Author of Rice and Bullets
stopped the texas rangers  Poverty Oppression- societal struggles
 April 28 1911- December 28 1978
80 million- mass market in any language, a mass  National Artist of the Philippine for visual
market that should absorb our increased arts
productin in goods and services.

GROUP 2- “FOONOTE TO YOUTH”  Tura- protagonist struggle and

 Struggle of poverty
Dodong- Farmer’s Son LESSONS
Teang- Wife of Dodong  Realities of poverty & desperation
Blas- Son of dodong and Teang  The power of social commentary
Tona- Wife of Blas  Critique of social implicity
 Sack of rice
 3 biggest island luzon, visayas, mindanao
“Dodong tells his father plainly that he plans to  Salabat
marry teang.”
“Dodong feels that at the age of 17 he is already Character
sufficiently mature.”  Mr Remulla- chinese business man
 Totoy-tura’s son
“Blas tells his father dodong plainly that he  Clara and Ine- daughters of tura
plans to marry tona.”  Marta (asawa)
“Blas feels that at the age of 18 he is already  Tura- the head of the family
sufficiently mature.”

The Story Highlights the problem in the

Philippine Society- the practice of marrying too
young and suffering through the rest of the


 Hernando R. Ocampo
 1911-1978 (67 yrs old)

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