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Inggris BUMN
Paket 1
Tes Bahasa Inggris

The following text is for questions 1 to 4! The company received the 2003 IEEE
Corporate Innovation Recognition award, an
Xerox, in full Xerox Corporation, major
honour presented by the Institute of Electrical
American corporation that was a pioneer in
and Electronics Engineers, Inc., to industrial,
office technology, notably being the first to
governmental, academic, or corporate entities

manufacture xerographic plain-paper copiers.
for the development of outstanding products
Headquarters are in Norwalk, Connecticut. The

or concepts that advance electrotechnology;
company was founded in 1906 as the Haloid

Xerox received the award for its DocuTech

Company, a manufacturer and distributor
product line, which combined copier and
of photographic paper. In 1947, the firm

computer resources to allow for the digital
obtained the commercial rights to xerography,

transmission and storage of documents for
an imaging process invented by Chester

print via a single machine, thereby creating
Carlson. Renamed the Haloid Xerox Company
the print-on-demand (POD) industry. Xerox

in 1958, the company introduced the 914
filed a patent in 2006 for photosensitive

xerographic copier in 1959. The process,
“erasable paper,” which produced prints with
which made photographic copies onto

images lasting only a day, thus allowing for
plain, uncoated paper, had been known for
the continuous reuse of paper. The company
some time, but this was its first commercial
acquired the technology sales and services
application. The product brought so much
company Global Imaging Systems (GIS) in
success and name recognition that the
2007. The same year, Xerox received the
company has waged a continuing campaign to
U.S. National Medal of Technology (now
prevent the trademark Xerox from becoming a
the National Medal of Technology and
generic term. The company changed its name
Innovation), the highest honour awarded
to Xerox Corporation in 1961.
by the president to the country’s leading
After the success of its first copier, Xerox innovators.
expanded into other information products
Most of the company’s 21st-century
and publishing businesses and founded PARC,
innovations occurred under the leadership
a research lab in Palo Alto, California, in 1970.
of Anne Mulcahy, who in 2001 became the
While remaining a major reprographics
first female chief executive of Xerox and, the
manufacturer, the company went on to
following year, its first female chairperson.
develop word-processing machines in 1974,
Upon her retirement in 2009, Mulcahy
laser printers in 1977, and Ethernet, an office
selected company president Ursula Burns as
communications network, in 1979. Xerox sold
her successor. Burns’s appointment marked
its publishing firms in 1985. The company’s
not only the first time an African American
product lines included copiers, printers, digital
woman headed a company of such size but
print production presses, and the software
also the first time a female chief executive
and systems support required for document
replaced another at a Fortune 500 company.
production. In the 1990s Xerox developed
digital photocopiers. Taken from:

1. What is the text mainly talking about? The following text is for questions 5 to 8!
A. The success of Xerox Corporatin
The brain is the body’s sovereign and
B. The founding of Xerox Corporation
receives protection in keeping with its high
C. One of the Fortune 500 company
status. Its cells are long-lived and sheltered
D. The history of Xerox Corporation
inside a fearsome fortification called the
E. The development of digital copier
blood–brain barrier. For a long time, scientists
2. What is the relationship between Anne thought that the brain was completely cut
Mulcahy and Ursula Burns? off from the chaos of the rest of the body —
A. Ursula Burns is the senior of Anne especially its eager defence system, a mass
Mulcahy. of immune cells that battle infections and
B. Anne Mulcahy is the beneficiary of whose actions could threaten a ruler caught
Ursula Burns. in the crossfire.
C. They were employer and employee.
In the past decade, however, scientists
D. Anne Mulcahy was the former

have discovered that the job of protecting the
employee of Ursula Burns.
brain isn’t as straightforward as they thought.

E. Ursula Burns is a descendant of Anne
They’ve learned that its fortifications have


gateways and gaps and that its borders are
3. It can be inferred from the text that .... bustling with active immune cells.

A. Xerox Corporation was built by

A large body of evidence now shows
Chester Carlson himself.

that the brain and the immune system are
B. Xerox expanded its business to

tightly intertwined. Scientists already knew
publishing company.
that the brain had its own resident immune

C. Xerox owned publishing company
cells, called microglia; recent discoveries

for more than 15 years.
are painting more-detailed pictures of their
D. Xerox was famous for its information
functions and revealing the characteristics
products and publishing businesses.
of the other immune warriors housed in the
E. Xerox Corporatin’s business is
regions around the brain. Some of these cells
photography paper.
come from elsewhere in the body; others are
4. The sentence “The company acquired the produced locally, in the bone marrow of the
technology sales and services company skull. By studying these immune cells and
Global Imaging Systems (GIS) in 2007.” mapping out how they interact with the brain,
in paragraph 3 means .... researchers are discovering that they play an
A. Xerox Corporation established a important part in both healthy and diseased
company named Global Imaging or damaged brains. Interest in the field has
Systems (GIS). exploded: there were fewer than 2,000 papers
B. Global Imaging System (GIS) per year on the subject in 2010, swelling
collaborated with Xerox Corporation. to more than 10,000 per year in 2021, and
C. Xerox Company took possession of researchers have made several major findings
Global Image System (GIS). in the past few years.
D. Global Image System would be
No longer do scientists consider the
the business partner of Xerox
brain to be a special, sealed-off zone. “This
whole idea of immune privilege is quite
E. Xerox Corporation would no longer
outdated now,” says Kiavash Movahedi, a
be part of Global Imaging Systems
neuroimmunologist at the Free University

of Brussels (VUB). Although the brain is still A. By observing the brain activities
seen as immunologically unique — its barriers B. By dissecting human brain
prevent immune cells from coming and going C. By trial and error
at will — it’s clear that the brain and immune D. By continuous study on the subject
system constantly interact, he adds. E. By conducting survey

This shift in attitude is widespread in the 8. What is the best title for the text?
community, says Leonardo Tonelli, chief of the A. Brain vs Immune System
neuroendocrinology and neuroimmunology B. Brain As The Main Immune System
programme at the US National Institute of C. Kiavash Movahedi’s Journal
Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. In D. Guardian Of The Brain
his experience, almost every neuroscientist E. The Sovereign of The Body
who reviews grant proposals for the agency
accepts the connection, he says, although The following text is for question 9 to 12!
many still need to catch up with the latest James Johnson hopes to drive a car again

discoveries in neuroimmunology, which have one day. If he does, he will do it using only

started to reveal the underlying mechanisms. his thoughts. In March 2017, Johnson broke

his neck in a go-carting accident, leaving

The rush to understand how the brain and
him almost completely paralysed below the
immune system knit together has prompted a

shoulders. He understood his new reality
wealth of questions, says Tony Wyss-Coray, a

better than most. For decades, he had been
neuroimmunologist at Stanford University in

a carer for people with paralysis. “There was
California. “How important is this in normal

a deep depression,” he says. “I thought that
brain function or disease? That is a very hard
when this happened to me there was nothing

question to answer.”
— nothing that I could do or give.”

Taken from:
Then Johnson’s rehabilitation team
5. The passage above mainly discusses .... introduced him to researchers from the
A. The brain as the immune system nearby California Institute of Technology
B. The brain and immune system (Caltech) in Pasadena, who invited him to join
parody a clinical trial of a brain–computer interface
C. Study about brain and its immune (BCI). This would first entail neurosurgery to
system implant two grids of electrodes into his cortex.
D. Study about brain and its abilities These electrodes would record neurons in
E. Brain’s sturdy defense mechanism his brain as they fire, and the researchers
would use algorithms to decode his thoughts
6. The word “intertwined” in paragraph and intentions. The system would then use
3 has the same meaning as the option Johnson’s brain activity to operate computer
below, EXCEPT .... applications or to move a prosthetic device. All
A. entwined told, it would take years and require hundreds
B. tangled of intensive training sessions. “I really didn’t
C. knit hesitate,” says Johnson.
D. knot
E. pot The first time he used his BCI, implanted in
November 2018, Johnson moved a cursor around
7. How did the scientists find out that the a computer screen. “It felt like The Matrix,” he says.
brain and the immune system have a “We hooked up to the computer, and lo and behold
connection? I was able to move the cursor just by thinking.”

Johnson has since used the BCI to control D. BCL growth is on its apex.
a robotic arm, use Photoshop software, play E. James can’t accept reality that he
‘shoot-’em-up’ video games, and now to drive became paralyzed from shoulder
a simulated car through a virtual environment, and below.
changing speed, steering, and reacting to
hazards. “I am always stunned at what we 12. The author’s intention is to ....
are able to do,” he says, “and it’s frigging A. make you give up
awesome.” B. introduce and promote BCL implant
C. boost BCL implant sales
Johnson is one of an estimated 35 people D. cheers James Johnson recovery
who have had a BCI implanted long-term in E. give readers vigor to keep going
their brain. Only around a dozen laboratories
conduct such research, but that number The following passage is for questions 13
is growing. And in the past five years, the to 16!
range of skills these devices can restore A single flash from the sky pointed the

has expanded enormously. Last year alone, way to a bizarre star that rotates very slowly,

scientists described a study participant using a making it difficult to figure out if it’s a pulsar

robotic arm that could send sensory feedback or some other stellar object.

directly to his brain; a prosthetic speech device
The object, known as PSR J0901-4046,

for someone left unable to speak by a stroke;
“Challenges our current understanding of how

and a person able to communicate at record
these systems evolve” due to its slow pirouette

speeds by imagining himself handwriting.
of 76 seconds and the fact that it emits radio

Taken from:
waves, both of which are unusual for pulsars,

researchers said in a study published Monday
9. The underlined word in paragraph 1

(May 30) in Nature Astronomy.
means ....
A. debuffed Pulsars are rapidly rotating objects that
B. buffed belong to the family of neutron stars. These
C. poisoned are ultra-dense, city-sized objects that are just
D. disabled a little more massive than our sun. They are
E. enabled thought to emerge from powerful supernova
explosions of massive stars. But typically,
10. Which of the following statement is
pulsars rotate several times a second.
INCORRECT according to the passage?
A. James becomes vegetables. That makes PSR J0901-4046 and its slow
B. Johnson has robotic arm. pirouette rather strange, and unlike any of the
C. James had a car accident.
other 3,000 other pulsars found in our
D. James is a fan of The Matrix.
Milky Way galaxy. The newly found object
E. BCL keeps growing better.
may belong to a “theorized class of ultra-
11. It can be inferred from the passage that long period magnetars with extremely
.... strong magnetic fields,” researchers
A. Many people has BCL implanted. said in a statement Tuesday (May 31).
B. James is afraid and doubtful at the “It took an eagle eye to recognize it as
beginning of BCL implant. something that was possibly a real source
C. James still can’t feel his arm even because it was so unusual looking,” Ian
when he is able to move the cursor Heywood, a radio astronomer at the University
around. of Oxford and collaborator on the research,
said in the statement.

Researchers spotted the flash using the 14. The following statements are true
MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa. It according to the text, EXCEPT ....
was initially spotted under a program called A. The PSR J0901-4046 was first found
ThunderKAT, which looks for radio transients, using ThunderKAT radio telescope.
and then the researchers brought in expertise B. The PSR J0901-4046 belong to a
from the University of Manchester’s MeerTRAP theorized class of ultra-long period
(More Transients and Pulsars) program. magnetars with extremely strong
Working together, the researchers were able to magnetic fields.
confirm the pulsar’s flash period and estimate C. Pulsars rotate several times a second.
its location in the sky, the statement said. D. PSR J0901-4046 is difficult to classify.
Lead author Manisha Caleb, an E. Pulsars are rapidly rotating objects
astronomer at the University of Sydney, said that belong to the family of neutron
that the radio emission was only visible for stars.
0.5% of the pulsar’s rotation period, making 15. “It took an eagle eye to recognize it for

the detection “very fortuitous,” she said. “The something that was possibly a real source
majority of pulsar surveys do not search for

because it was so unusual looking.”
periods this long, and so we have no idea how

What do the underlined words mean?

many of these sources there might be,” Caleb A. An eagle eye-like telescope
added in the statement.

B. An astronomic program referenced

The researchers noted that it is difficult from eagle eye

to classify this object. While the radio waves C. A keen and carefully perceptive
suggest it is a pulsar, the polarization of the observation

pulses (along with how the signal fluctuates) D. A radio program at the University of

points more to it being a magnetar, another Oxford

neutron star type which has powerfully strong E. An expertise from the University of
magnetic fields, greatly affecting their local Manchester
16. The following statements are incorrect
The star appears to pulse in at least according to the paragraph 6, EXCEPT ....
seven different ways, which might indicate A. PSR J0901-4046 was initially spotted
changes in seismic activity within the star, but by MeerTRAP radio telescope.
researchers aren’t quite sure what to make of B. The public was able to confirm the
what they are seeing. pulsar’s flash period and estimate its
Taken from: location in the sky.
C. ThunderKAT was the first program
13. What does the text mainly deal with? that spotted the PSR J0901-4046.
A. Milky Way Galaxy D. The expertise was from University of
B. ThunderKAT Oxford.
C. A rotating stellar object E. The researchers are working
D. PSR J0901-4046 dependently to confirm the pulsar’s
E. A star that rotates slowly in flash period and estimate its location
Andromeda Galaxy in the sky.

The following passage is for questions 17 That could make buying cars more
to 20! convenient, but it makes selling them easier,
too. Building cars to fulfill customers’ online
Few people love car dealerships. They’re
orders takes some guesswork out of vehicle
stressful and sprawling, and it’s hard to shake
production, meaning fewer unexpectedly
the feeling that someone is getting a raw
unpopular models end up languishing—
deal. But as the auto industry increasingly
and eventually selling at a discount—on
goes electric and moves online, companies
showroom floors. “We have learned that, yes,
like Honda are rethinking every aspect of the
operating with fewer vehicles on lots is not
purchase process—including the spaces in
only possible, but it’s better for customers,
which it happens.
dealers, and Ford,” Jim Farley, Ford’s CEO,
Honda announced today that it’s rolling told investors last summer. “But we’re also
out a new dealership design, one that takes up driving a significant increase in the number
less square footage and is modular and flexible; of customers configuring and ordering their
vehicles online, so we have better visibility to

what was once showroom space, for example,
can be transformed into offices for employees. real demand.”

It’ll also have electric vehicle chargers, as the

This pandemic-era adjustment has

company aims to sell half a million EVs in the
not always worked out in car buyers’ favor.
US by 2030. “Our dealers are looking at ways

Dealers report that the combination of a tight
to modernize and digitalize their business,”

car market and limited inventory means they
Mamadou Diallo, the vice president of auto

can offer fewer discounts to customers hoping
sales at American Honda, told reporters last
to drive their new purchases off the lot. Buyers

week. Recent experiences, he says, have taught
pay more, and dealers make higher margins

the automaker that selling cars “will not require
per sale. But industry experts are divided over

as much space.” And they’re not the only ones
whether those conditions will last beyond the
looking to shed square footage.
public health emergency and related supply
Like so many recent transformations, the chain struggles.
shift is in part a reflection of the pandemic. Taken from:
Automakers have struggled with a shortage
of semiconductor chips, a serious issue for 17. Why would a dealership modernize and
vehicles that need hundreds, and sometimes digitalize their business?
a thousand or more of them to work. The A. To make the new cars like Tesla and
supply chain bottleneck means new car Rivian cheaper.
dealers have fewer vehicles on hand to show B. B e c a u s e t h e p a n d e m i c - e r a
off to customers. Meanwhile, inspired by a new adjustment always worked out in
breed of electrified direct sales companies, like car buyers’ favor.
Tesla and Rivian, big automakers have started C. The unpopular models will be sold
experimenting with letting customers reserve at full price.
and even buy their cars online. Ford made its D. To make cars purchase more
first online sales of its electrified sports car, convenient and easier.
the Mustang Mach-E, on the internet and took E. To make customers purchase the
online reservations for its electric pickup truck. cars exclusively from store only.
Volvo said last year that its electric vehicles—
which the automaker says will account for 18. Why would many dealerships reconsider
100 percent of sales by 2030—will be sold every aspect of their purchase method to
exclusively online. be online? Because ....

A. The pandemic-era adjustment has The following text is for questions 21–24!
always worked out in car buyers’
Color blindness affects a substantial
portion of the human population. Protanopia
B. They need to sell the unpopular and deuteranopia, the two most common
model at full price. forms of inherited color blindness, are red-
C. The customer can easily buy cars green color vision defects caused by the
through dealership’s online store absence of red or green retinal photoreceptors,
because of the pandemic-era respectively. In individuals of Northern
adjustment. European ancestry, as many as 8 percent of
D. They need to sell more cars at a men and 0.5 percent of women experience the
massive discount because they are common form of red-green color blindness.
out of customers.
E. They want the customer to come to Picking colors suitable for color-blind
the store. readers not only enhances accessibility
but also is good graphic design practice.

19. The following statements are true For example, the Ishihara color vision test

according to the paragraph 4, EXCEPT .... intentionally relies only on color hue to create

A. The customer can order via online contrast. In general, colors will be easier to

because it’s easier. distinguish when they vary in lightness and

B. The dealers works better with lots of saturation as well as hue. Colors such as black,

vehicle in showroom. orange, sky blue, bluish green, yellow, blue,
vermilion, and reddish purple have good

C. Online buying means that the
dealership can avoid selling overall variability and can be differentiated

unpopular model at discounted by individuals with red-green color blindness.

price. It is useful to remember that pure red and

D. Operating with fewer vehicles on pure green are not the only culprits in color
showroom floor are better for confusion—rather, any color with components
customers, dealers, and the car of red and green can cause trouble. Authors
company in general. can rely on software to simulate how images
E. The dealerships make significant might appear to individuals with red-green
increase of customers configuring color blindness. In Adobe Illustrator and
and ordering their vehicles online. Photoshop, first convert the document to
RGB color space for accurate simulation and
20. “Volvo said last year that its electric then create a soft proof (View > Proof Setup
vehicles—which the automaker says > Color Blindness). Simultaneously viewing
will account for 100 percent of sales by the original and the soft proof (Window
2030—will be sold exclusively online.” > Arrange > New Window in Photoshop)
The underlined words mean .... makes it convenient to adjust colors in order
A. The customer should buy the car at to make them universally accessible. Web-
the dealership. based tools such as Vischeck (www.vischeck.
B. The dealership sells their cars door com) can also produce simulated images.
to door.
C. The customer can only purchase the Perhaps the most widespread use of
vehicle online. red-green color coding in the life sciences is
D. The vehicle will be sold on the in immunofluorescent images. To make this
showroom floor only. and other artificial color schemes accessible
E. The vehicle can be purchased from to readers with red-green color blindness,
a store or dealership. replace red with magenta. This can be easily

accomplished using Photoshop. Because red 24. The word “culprits” in paragraph 2 can
mixes with blue to produce magenta, copy be replaced with ....
the contents from the red channel (Window A. robber
> Channels) and paste them into the blue B. cause
channel. This unconventional magenta-green C. effect
color coding may require a key indicating that D. responsibility
the overlap of these colors produces white. E. trouble maker
Alternatively, some individuals with red-green
color blindness find that replacing green with The following text is for questions 25–27!
turquoise provides the most visible difference. The narrow, technical frame problem
Taken and adapted from: generated a great deal of work in logic-based
articles/nmeth.1618 artificial intelligence in the late 1980s and early
1990s, and its wider philosophical implications
21. What is the text mainly about? came to the fore at around the same time. But
A. The most common form of color the importance each thinker accords to the

blindness frame problem today will typically depend on

B. Study of color blindness in Northern their stance on other matters.


C. The Ishihara color vision test Within classical AI, a variety of workable

D. Creating graphic design for those solutions to the logical frame problem have

with color vision deficiencies been developed, and it is no longer considered

E. Color Coding a serious obstacle even for those working in

a strictly logic-based paradigm (Shanahan
22. According to paragraph 1, if there were 1997; Reiter 2001; Shanahan 2003; Lifschitz

a random sample of 500 men and 1.000 2015). It’s worth noting that logically-minded

women, how many of the sample would AI researchers can consistently retain their
likely suffer color blindness? methodology and yet, to the extent that they
A. 60 men and 4 women view their products purely as engineering,
B. 30 men and 4 women can reject the traditional cognitive scientist’s
C. 40 men and 4 women belief in the importance of computation over
D. 40 men and 5 women representations for understanding the mind.
E. 50 men and 5 women Moreover, insofar as the goal of classical AI is
not computers with human-level intelligence,
23. According to the text, which of the
but simply the design of better and more
following statements is TRUE?
useful computer programs, it is immune
A. Pure red and pure green are the
to the philosophical objections of Fodor,
main culprits in color confusion.
Dreyfus, and the like. Significantly though, for
B. Blue-red color vision defects are
AI researchers working outside the paradigm
the most common form of color
of symbolic representation altogether—
those working in situated robotics, for
C. Color Blindness can be cured.
example—the logical frame problem simply
D. Vermilion, orange, and blue are not
doesn’t feature in day-to-day investigations.
distinguishable by red-green color
blindness. Taken from://
E. Replacing red with magenta can problem
make images to be more accessible
for those with red-green color

25. What is the text talking about? work somewhere else.” Tesla did not respond
A. A classical AI to The Verge’s request for comment, but it is
B. The opinions of two different parties widely reported to have dissolved its press
regarding classical AI office.
C. The goal of classical AI
D. Future of classical AI In his email, the CEO added that he
E. Frame problem within classical AI would be willing to consider requests to
work remotely under some circumstances,
26. From the text above, we know that .... but indicated that such requests would have
A. Many workable solutions to the to be “exceptional” to be approved. “If there
classical AI has been developed. are particularly exceptional contributors for
B. The goal of classical AI is to design whom this is impossible, I will review and
a better and more useful computer approve those exceptions directly,” he wrote.
programs. Working 40 hours in person, he said, is “less
C. The frame problem is still a big than we ask of factory workers.”

obstacle in developing AI.
In a follow-up email seen by Electrek, the

D. The technical frame problem
CEO claimed his own history of almost living

generated a great deal of work in

logic-based artificial intelligence in in the Tesla factory was the reason behind the
company’s survival. “The more senior you are,

the early 1980s.
the more visible must be your presence,” he

E. The development of AI would lead
wrote. “There are of course companies that

to war.
don’t require this, but when was the last time

27. The antonym of the word “retain” in they shipped a great new product? It’s been

paragraph 2 line 7 is .... a while.”

A. keep
B. save After the global pandemic forced many
C. neglect companies to rapidly introduce remote
D. maintain working policies, many are now assessing
E. preserve how they should bring their employees back
into the office, or whether they even need
The following text is for questions 28–35! to in the first place. Some, such as Apple,
are testing a hybrid approach that involves
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has taken a hardline
employees coming into the office for just part
stance against his employees working from
of the week.
home, Electrek and Bloomberg report. In
an email apparently sent to the company’s Tesla’s hardline stance makes it a relative
executive staff with the subject line “Remote outlier in the so-called “new normal.” “If you
work is no longer acceptable,” the CEO said don’t show up, we will assume you have
employees must spend a minimum of 40 resigned,” Musk wrote. You can read both of
hours per week in the office, or else “depart his emails in their entirety over on Electrek.
Tesla.” He said this should be a “main Tesla
Taken from:
office,” and not a “remote branch office.”

Responding to a screenshot of the 28. What does the text tell us about?
alleged email posted on Twitter, Musk did A. The man who bought Twitter
not deny its authenticity, and wrote that B. The CEO of Tesla
anyone who disagrees with the policy of C. The founder of Space X
coming into the office “should pretend to

D. Elon Musk stance on remote work A. Someone is going on vacation.
E. The wealthiest person in the world B. Other companies are on a ship to
29. Which of the following statements is C. Other companies are shipping
A. Tesla’s employees are required to D. Other companies didn’t perform as
work at least 40 hours a week in the well as Tesla company.
office. E. Tesla is not going to ship a new
B. Tesla’s employees will be fired if they product.
work from home.
C. Apple completely agrees with 33. Inferring from paragraph 5, which of
remote work. these statements is TRUE?
D. Elon Musk is against the idea of A. Apple is adapting to the new method
remote work. of working.
E. Many companies haven’t created B. Tesla would likely adapt to Apple’s

new products. new approach.

C. A few companies are troubled about
30. From paragraph 3, we can infer that ....

how they should let their employees

A. The approval to be able to work at work
home is easy to get.

D. Apple’s employees are required to
B. You can’t actually ask for permission

come to the office 3 times a week.
to be able to work from home.

E. Working from home wasn’t born
C. E l o n M u s k c o m p a n y i s v e r y because of Covid.

demanding in their work hour.

D. Elon Musk would not bother to 34. The word “many” in paragraph 5 line 3

check the request about working refer to ....
from home. A. Tesla’s employee
E. Factory workers mostly work for 8 B. Apple’s employee
hours a day, in a week. C. the pandemic
D. companies
31. Which of the following statements is NOT E. the remote working policies
the right inference from paragraph 4?
A. E l o n M u s k e n c o u r a g e d h i s 35. From the text above, we can conclude
employees to live within the factory that .…
for better efficiency. A. Tesla is going to let their worker to
B. Elon Musk often sleeps at the factory work from home.
himself. B. Elon Musk has a hardline stance that
C. Elon Musk is very likely to work remote work is not acceptable.
overtime in a daily basis. C. Elon Musk has a hardline stance that
D. Tesla company never face a crisis in remote work is acceptable.
their survival. D. Elon Musk has a soft stance that
E. Living at the factory isn’t mandatory remote work is not acceptable.
in some other companies. E. Elon Musk doesn’t like lazy people.

32. “… when was the last time they shipped

a great new product? It’s been a while.”
What can we infer from the sentence

The following text is for questions 36–40! 37. According to the text, when will Omni
One likely to be shipped?
Virtual reality startup Virtuix is building
A. January
a VR treadmill for your home. The Omni One
B. December
is an elaborate full-body controller that lets
C. October
you physically run, jump, and crouch in place.
D. August
Following an earlier business- and arcade-
E. June
focused device, it’s supposed to ship in mid-
2021 for $1,995, and Virtuix is announcing 38. Which of these statements is TRUE?
the product with a crowdfunding investment A. You won’t get tired when using
campaign. Omni One
B. You can slip and trip very easily when
The crowdfunded Virtuix Omni started
using Omni One
development in 2013. It’s not a traditional
C. Omni One would allow player to
treadmill — it’s a low-friction platform that’s
experience full-dive gaming

used with special low-friction shows or shoe
D. Omni one is bigger and sturdier than
covers and a harness. (You may remember

its previous versions
the overall VR treadmill concept from Steven

E. Omni one is a sport device

Spielberg’s Ready Player One.) As an Omni
One prototype video demonstrates, the device 39. The word “Low-friction” in paragraph 2

basically holds you in place while your feet means…

slide across the platform, and that movement A. The platform is slippery

gets translated into a VR environment. We’ve B. Your feet will stick on the platform

tried earlier iterations of the Omni, and it’s C. The platform will not get hot from

an awkward yet fascinating experience. the friction

D. Unstable
The Omni One is more compact than
E. A cheap platform
its predecessors, anchoring users to a single
vertical bar instead of a ring around the whole 40. Referring to last paragraph, who is likely
treadmill. You can also fold it up and put it to buy the product with only $995?
away. It will play games from a dedicated A. The reader
store that’s supposed to launch with 30 titles. B. Industry
C. Streamer
The retail Omni One will be a self-
D. Reseller
contained system with a standalone headset
E. Game developer
— it’s being tested with a Pico Neo 2, but
Virtuix will decide which headset to use for
retail in the coming months. A $995 developer
kit will only offer the treadmill portion.
Taken from://

36. What does the text tell us about?

A. A gaming console
B. A sport treadmill
C. A gaming treadmill
D. The Omni Slash
E. Virtuix

1. Teks sepenuhnya membahas dengan antara otak dan sistem imun. Namun,
detail perusahaan Xerox dari masa berdiri hal tersebut merupakan sebuah ide
hingga masa jayanya dan tidak membahas pendukung di mana ide tersebut
hal yang lain. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat menjelaskan/mendukung suatu ide
adalah sejarah dari perusahaan Xerox pokok yaitu pertahanan diri sebuah otak.

(the history of Xerox Corporation). Jawaban: E

Jawaban: D

6. Dalam teks tersebut “Intertwined” berarti

2. Berdasarkan paragraf terakhir, Anne “saling terhubung” atau “bersangkutan”

memutuskan untuk memilih Ursula Burns di mana jawaban A, B, C, dan D adalah

sebagai penerusnya untuk memimpin jawaban yang salah karena memiliki arti

perusahaan Xerox. Jadi, jawaban yang yang sama dengan kata tersebut. Jadi,
tepat adalah Ursula Burns merupakan jawaban yang tepat adalah pot.

penerus dari Anne Mulcahy (Ursula Burns Jawaban: E

is the descendant of Anne Mulcahy.)

Jawaban: E 7. Dalam teks tersebut, disebutkan
beberapa kali bahwa para peneliti
3. Teks tersebut khususnya paragraf 2, melanjutkan penelitian mereka terhadap
membahas mengenai kesuksesan sistem kekebalan otak secara detail (by
perusahaan Xerox di bidang percetakan. continuous study on the subject).
Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Xerox Jawaban: D
expanded its business to publishing
company. 8. Teks tersebut sepenuhnya membahas
Jawaban: B tentang sistem kekebalan yang ada pada
otak dan cara mereka mempertahankan
4. Kata kunci dari pertanyaan ini adalah keamanan otak. Jadi, judul yang tepat
kata acquired, yang mana memiliki untuk teks tersebut adalah Guardian of
arti mendapatkan, bukan membangun The Brain.
(opsi A), bukan berkolaborasi (B), bukan Jawaban: D
partner (D), dan juga bukan berpisah (E).
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah Xerox 9. Kata “paralysed” diartikan sebagai “tidak
company took possession of Global Image bisa bergerak”. Jawaban A, B, C, dan E
System (GIS). tidak memiliki arti yang sama dengan
Jawaban: C kata tersebut. Jadi, kata yang memiliki
arti yang sama dengan kata “paralysed”
5. Jika dilihat sekilas, teks tersebut banyak adalah disable.
membahas tentang penelitian hubungan Jawaban: D

10. Kesimpulan dari teks tersebut tidak 17. Teks tersebut menjelaskan bahwa toko
mengandung informasi yang mengatakan dealer mobil ingin memodernisasikan
bahwa James menjadi lumpuh. Vegetable sistem jual-beli mereka agar pelanggan
dalam konteks tersebut diartikan lebih mudah membeli kendaraan yang
‘lumpuh’. ada di dealer mereka.
Jawaban: A Jawaban: D
11. Teks tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa James 18. Teks menyimpulkan bahwa dealer ingin
masih tidak bisa menggerakan tangannya mengubah sistem jual-beli mereka
walau bisa menggerakan cursor komputer menjadi online agar mendatangkan
dikarenakan adanya chip perangkat yang pembeli tanpa mengharuskan mereka
ditanamkan di otaknya (James still can’t feel datang ke dealer di masa pandemi.
his arm even when he is able to move the Jawaban: C
cursor around).
Jawaban: C 19. Pada paragraf 4, disimpulkan bahwa

semakin sedikitnya kendaraan yang
12. Melalui teks tersebut, penulis teks terpajang di showroom maka semakin

tersebut ingin menyampaikan adanya efektif kinerja pekerja dealer.

teknologi baru yang bisa membantu Jawaban: B
pasien hampir lumpuh pasca kecelakaan

(introduce and promote BCL implant). 20. Arti dari kata “exclusively online”

Jawaban: B adalah “hanya via online” yang dalam

teks tersebut berarti “tidak dipajang di
13. Teks tersebut membahas tentang benda

showroom”, artinya pelanggan hanya
asing yang sulit dikenali bernama PSR

bisa memesan lewat online.
J0901-4046. Jawaban: C

Jawaban: D
21. Walaupun pilihan A terlihat benar, pilihan
14. Pernyataan yang salah berdasarkan teks tersebut adalah jebakan dikarenakan
tersebut adalah The PSR J0901-4046 kalimat-kalimat pendukung dari tiap
was first found using ThunderKAT radio paragraf tidaklah membahas lebih
telescope karena nama teleskop radionya lanjut tentang hal tersebut, melainkan
adalah MeerKAT sedangkan ThunderKAT menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang
adalah nama programnya. bagaimana kita dapat membuat sesuatu
Jawaban: A lebih bisa diakses/dinikmati oleh mereka
yang buta warna (creating graphic design
15. Kata eagle-eye pada teks tersebut berarti
‘melihat dengan jeli’ atau ‘mencermati
Jawaban: D
dengan teliti’ (A keen and carefully
perceptive observation) yang diambil dari 22. Berdasarkan paragraf 1, sebanyak 8% laki-
perumpamaan mata elang yang sangat laki dan 0,5% perempuan mengalami buta
jeli melihat mangsanya. warna. Maka jika ada 500 laki-laki dan 1.000
Jawaban: C perempuan, banyak orang yang mengalami
buta warna ada
16. Pada paragraf ketiga dapat disimpulkan
8%  500 = 40 orang
bahwa ThunderKAT yang pertama kali
0,5%  1.000 = 5 orang
mendeteksi benda asing PSR J0901-4046.
Jawaban: D
Jawaban: C

23. Penjelasan tiap opsi sebagai berikut. 29. Pernyataan yang salah adalah opsi C.
A. Pure red and pure green bukanlah Perusahaan Apple TIDAK mendukung
penyebab utama. bekerja dari rumah sepenuhnya
B. Bentukk paling umum dari buta melainkan mereka mencoba metode
warna adalah buta warna merah hybrid baru yang mana membolehkan
hijau. pekerja mereka bekerja dari rumah,
C. Buta warna tidak bisa disembuhkan,
namun tetap harus datang ke kantor
tapi dapat diatasi dengan alat-alat
beberapa kali tiap minggunya.
bantu masa kini.
D. Warna-warna tersebut bisa lebih Jawaban: C
dibedakan oleh penderita buta
30. Kita umpamakan siklus 1 minggu bekerja
warna, bukan malah tidak bisa
(mingguan) adalah 6 hari kerja dan 1
hari libur, maka total jam kerja pekerja
Jadi, pernyataan yang benar opsi E
perusahaan pada umumnya adalah 8  6
(Replacing red with magenta can make
= 48 jam, Selama total jam kerja melebihi
images to be more accessible for those

40 jam, maka apa pun kombinasi siklus
with red-green color blindness).

kerja mingguannya, maka pernyataan E
Jawaban: E

akan selalu bernilai BENAR.

24. Culprit sendiri memiliki arti “pelaku” di Jawaban: E

mana jika kita masukan ke dalam kalimat
31. Pernyataan yang tidak benar berdasarkan

akan menjadi “ … bukanlah pelaku utama
paragraf 4 adalah Tesla never face a crisis

dari …” kata tersebut bisa diganti dengan
in their survival. Perusahaan Tesla juga

kata “cause” atau “penyebab”.
menghadapi krisis, namun telah berhasil
Jawaban: B

bertahan dan melewati krisis tersebut.

25. Permasalahan utama dari teks tersebut Jawaban: D
bukanlah Classical AI, melainkan frame
32. D a r i k a l i m a t t e r s e b u t k i t a a k a n
problem dalam sebuah AI secara umum.
mengetahui bahwa perusahaan lain
Jawaban: E
sudah lama tidak mengeluarkan produk
26. Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam teks di baru dibandingkan dengan Perusahaan
paragraf 2, bahwa tujuan dari kecerdasan Tesla yang berhasil mengeluarkan produk
buatan klasik adalah untuk mendesain baru. Maka dapat disimpulkan jawaban
program komputer yang lebih baik dan yang tepat adalah Other companies didn’t
lebih berguna. perform as well as Tesla company.
Jawaban: B Jawaban: D

27. Pilihan A, B, D, dan E memiliki arti yang 33. S e b a g a i m a n a d i s e b u t k a n d a l a m

sama dengan kata “retain” yaitu menjaga, paragraf 5 teks tersebut, Apple
maka antonim dari “retain” adalah neglect. sedang mengimplementasikan sebuah
Jawaban: C metode bekerja baru untuk karyawan-
karyawannya (Apple is adapting to the
28. Pilihan A, B, C, dan E mengacu pada satu new method of working).
orang yang sama yaitu Elon Musk yang Jawaban: A
mana pilihan tersebut tidak menjelaskan
apa pun tentang teks. Jadi, jawaban yang 34. Kata “many” pada paragraf 5 baris 3
tepat adalah Elon Musk stance on remote mengacu pada bagian awal kalimat, yaitu
work. “companies”.
Jawaban: D Jawaban: D

35. Sudah dijelaskan dengan jelas pada 40. $995 hanya akan memberikan kita
teks bahwa Elon Musk sendiri sangat treadmill-nya saja di mana jika kita
tidak setuju dengan metode WFH (Work adalah seorang developer game, maka
From Home) di mana dia akan memecat kita akan lebih memilih QUANTITY over
setiap karyawannya yang tidak datang ke Quality di karenakan tujuan pembelian
kantor untuk bekerja tanpa alasan yang kemungkinan besar adalah untuk TEST
benar-benar kuat. RUN game-game yang di buat dengan
Jawaban: B controller Omni One bukan untuk
menikmati game itu sendiri.
36. Banyak petunjuk dapat ditemukan pada Jawaban: E
teks, salah satunya adalah pada paragraf
1 baris 6, “…Full-body controller” yang
mana bisa langsung kita simpulkan
bahwa treadmill tersebut diperuntukan
untuk mengendalikan sebuah game.

Jawaban: C

37. Menurut teks, Omni One akan dirilis pada

PERTENGAHAN tahun 2021(Paragraf 1,
baris 5) yang mana paling mendekati

adalah bulan Juni.

Jawaban: E

38. Omni game sendiri adalah produk dari

sebuah perusahaan VR gaming yang
mana seperti yang kita tahu VR gaming

saat ini hanya terbatas pada kacamata
dan 2 buah controller yang kita pegang,
di mana hal itu tidak mengharuskan
kita untuk melakukan sebuah aksi untuk
mengendalikan karakter dalam game,
namun dengan Omni One, jika anda
ingin lari dari musuh, maka anda HARUS
berlari, tidak akan ada tombol perintah
untuk lari, pengalaman tersebutlah yang
kita sebut sebagai FULL DIVE.
Jawaban: C

39. Low friction memiliki arti “rendah gaya

gesek”. Sesuatu dengan gaya gesek kecil
maka sesuatu tersebut akan LICIN, dalam
konteks ini, yang licin adalah Pijakan
Omni One. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat
adalah You won’t get tired when using
Omni One.
Jawaban: A


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