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COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)


Software Requirement Specification


Cryptocurrency Price Predictor

Version 1.0

Submitted By:
Zaki Bin Mazhar SP21-BCS-098
Zohaib Munir SP21-BCS-099


Mr.Tehseen Riaz Abbasi
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Conecpts CSC-291

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (2021-2025)

Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table of Contents

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope..............................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Modules.........................................................................................................................................1
Module 1: Admin....................................................................................................................................1
Module 2: User Profiling.......................................................................................................................1
Module 3: Smart Assistant....................................................................................................................2
Module 4: E-Wallet................................................................................................................................2
Module 5: Connector.............................................................................................................................2
Module 6: Explore..................................................................................................................................2
Module 7: Feedback & Support............................................................................................................3
Module 8: Configuration.......................................................................................................................3
1.4 Overview.......................................................................................................................................3
2. Overall Description................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective.....................................................................................................................3
2.2 User classes and characteristics..................................................................................................4
2.3 Operating Environment..............................................................................................................5
2.4 Design and Implementation Constraints...................................................................................5
3. Requirement Identifying Technique....................................................................................5
3.1. Use Case(s) Diagram:...................................................................................................................6
4. Functional Requirements....................................................................................................14
4.1. Use Case(s) (List):......................................................................................................................14
4.2. Use Case(s) (Tabular):...............................................................................................................16
4.2.1. SignIn......................................................................................................................................16
4.2.2. Change Password...................................................................................................................17
4.2.3. Add User.................................................................................................................................17
4.2.4. Delete User..............................................................................................................................18
4.2.5. Update information................................................................................................................19
4.2.6. Sign Up....................................................................................................................................20
4.2.7. Sign In.....................................................................................................................................20
4.2.8. Forgot Password.....................................................................................................................21
4.2.9. Enable Notification................................................................................................................22
4.2.10. Edit Profile..............................................................................................................................22
4.2.11. View Prediction......................................................................................................................23
4.2.12. Select Duration.......................................................................................................................24
4.2.13. View Personal Profit..............................................................................................................24
4.2.14. Add Money..............................................................................................................................25
4.2.15. View Transaction...................................................................................................................26
4.2.16. Currency Converter...............................................................................................................26
4.2.17. Add Friend..............................................................................................................................27
4.2.18. Remove Friend.......................................................................................................................28
4.2.19. Join Group..............................................................................................................................29
4.2.20. Join Community.....................................................................................................................29
4.2.21. Add to Blacklist......................................................................................................................30
4.2.22. View News Channel...............................................................................................................31
4.2.23. View Articles...........................................................................................................................31
4.2.24. View FB posts.........................................................................................................................32
4.2.25. View Twitter Posts.................................................................................................................33
4.2.26. Open Saved Stuff....................................................................................................................33
4.2.27. Give Feedback........................................................................................................................34
4.2.28. Give Rating.............................................................................................................................35
4.2.29. Edit Rating..............................................................................................................................35

Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

4.2.30. Call Support Team.................................................................................................................36

4.2.31. Questionnaire.........................................................................................................................37
4.2.32. About Us..................................................................................................................................37
4.2.33. Change Mode..........................................................................................................................38
4.2.34. Profile Setting.........................................................................................................................38
4.2.35. Help.........................................................................................................................................39
4.2.36. Change Language...................................................................................................................40
4.3. Functional Requirement X........................................................................................................40
1. Module 1: Admin...........................................................................................................................40
2. Module 2: User Profiling...............................................................................................................44
3. Module 3: Smart Assistant............................................................................................................48
4. Module 4: E-Wallet........................................................................................................................51
5. Module 5: Connecter.....................................................................................................................54
6. Module 6: Explore..........................................................................................................................60
7. Module 7: Feedback & Support...................................................................................................67
8. Module 8: Configuration...............................................................................................................73
5. Non-Functional Requirements...........................................................................................80
1. Reliability........................................................................................................................................80
2. Usability..........................................................................................................................................80
• Training time should be less than 15 minutes......................................................................................80
• Application should be accessible to all kinds of users.........................................................................80
• Application should be user friendly i.e. easy and simple to use...........................................................80
3. Performance...................................................................................................................................80
4. Security...........................................................................................................................................80
6. External Interface Requirements.......................................................................................80
1. User Interfaces Requirements.......................................................................................................81
2. Software interfaces.........................................................................................................................81
3. Hardware interfaces......................................................................................................................81
4. Communications interfaces...........................................................................................................81
7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................81
8. References.............................................................................................................................81
9. Plaragism Report.................................................................................................................82

Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

1. Introduction
The Software Requirement Specification document contains information about the requirements
mainly, the non-functional requirements, user interface requirements, requirement gathering techniques
and class diagrams for developers so that it can help them in developing the system and testers can take
help while testing the system.

The Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document contains the requirements and specifications
for Cryptocurrency Price Predictor. This document is being written for developers mainly as they use
this documentation for developing the system while project manager and testers also use this document
for taking help in testing and management.

Cryptocurrency price predictor provides price prediction for specified durations. The predictions are
done through different deep learning algorithms and techniques. The users first need to make an
account to fully benefit from the application. Once the users create an account, they can login
whenever they want. The application also provides users with a digital wallet. The users can use the
wallet like regular wallet, they can add cash using different sources and they can also withdraw cash
from it. Users can view the prediction of the given Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin).
The application also allows users to make friends online, join groups and communities. They can also
chat within these groups and through personal messages. Cryptocurrency price prediction system has
ability to update real time changings in price of different digital currencies. System is connected to
cryptocurrency market as well as internet based, and fetch news related to market trends to help
investors in taking decisions when to invest in targeted digital currencies. Users have access to check
news and changing government policies to better know about upcoming market trends.


The Cryptocurrency Price Predictor will have the following modules:

Module 1: Admin
Admin module is a must in a system like this one because this system requires almost daily
maintenance, data analysis and need to keep things in check. Following functionalities will be included
in this module:

FE-1: Sign In
FE-2: Change Password
FE-3: Admin can add, view, and delete users.
FE-4: Update Information
FE-5: Troubleshooting
FE-6: View Records

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Module 2: User Profiling

New users will be able to make an account and then they can use it to login. Their accounts will be
password protected. Following functionalities will be included in this module

FE-1: Create account and login using the account

FE-2: Password protected accounts
FE-3: Update account
FE-4: Forgot Password also available
FE-5: Get Help

Module 3: Smart Assistant

This module is concerned with AI functionality of the system like predicting the prices. Following
functionalities will be included in this module:

FE-1: Gives Predictions using deep learning algorithms

FE-2: Select algorithms
FE-3: Select durations for the prediction
FE-4: Highlights major increase and decrease
FE-5: Graphical Representation
FE-6: View Personal Profits and Losses

Module 4: E-Wallet
This module will act as regular simple wallet, but it will be digital. Following functionalities will be
included in this module:

FE-1: Adding money using various methods

FE-2: Trading money
FE-3: Cash Out
FE-4: View Transaction History
FE-5: Send Money
FE-6: Check Balance
FE-7: View Profits and Losses
FE-8: Currency Converter

Module 5: Connector
This module is to help users connect with each other. Following functionalities will be included in this

FE-1: Add Friend

FE-2: Join Group
FE-3: Join Community
FE-4: Includes Personal, Group, and Server Chat
FE-5: Add and Remove from Blacklist
FE-6: Report Someone
FE-7: Contact Support

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Module 6: Explore
This module is to help investors see the latest news about cryptocurrency from different sources.
Following functionalities will be included in this module:

FE-1: View News Channels

FE-2: View Articles
FE-3: View Facebook Posts
FE-4: View Twitter Posts
FE-5: Save Stuff
FE-6: View Information on Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Dogecoin

Module 7: Feedback & Support

This module is purely for getting customer feedback, so that the system stays updated according to
majority customers’ needs. Following functionalities will be included in this module:

FE-1: Get Feedback

FE-2: Give Stars
FE-3: Critics
FE-4: Questionnaire
FE-5: Call Support Team
FE-6: Email Support Team

Module 8: Configuration
This module is the general settings module. This module will also serve to assist user. User can change
account setting and modes of app. Following functionalities will be included in this module:

FE-1: About Us
FE-2: Dark/Light mode
FE-3: Profile settings
FE-4: FAQs
FE-5: Get Help
FE-6: Privacy policy
FE-7: Change Language

Mostly this document contains requirement of system such as User, hardware, software and other
requirements. It also includes non-functional and functional requirements of system that how precise,
scalable, recoverable, accurate and reliable system will be and what are the requirements of the system.
It also includes requirement identification techniques, context diagrams, class diagrams and what will
be operating environment of the system..

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2. Overall Description
This section presents a high-level overview of the product and the environment in which it will be
used, the anticipated users, and known constraints, assumptions, and dependencies.

2.1Product Perspective
Cryptocurrencies have become a major element in businesses and financial market potential during the
past 10 years. Currently ½ population of world is investing in cryptocurrency to help these investors in
growing market Cryptocurrency price prediction system is developed. Many Cryptocurrency Price
Predictors have been developed but they are not reliable.
The Cryptocurrency Price Predictor we are making will use linear regression and deep learning
methods to predict the prices more precisely and accurately, therefore the inverstors will not have to
worry about losing their shares. It will also keep the users updated with the trends and news of the
cryptocurrency and the app will also facilitate users to interact with eachother.

Figure 1: Context Diagram of Price Prediction for Cryptocurrency.

2.2User classes and characteristics

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This product will be used majorly by investors. It will be beneficial to both small investors and large
Table 1: Shows user classes and characteristic for Cryptocurrency Price Predictor

User class Description

Admin Admin is one on the major module or object in this whole system. He can log in
into the system and keep check on the user. He can add, delete and view all
users. He can also update different types of information.

Investors Investors are the users on whom this app focuses the most. They can make an
account and then use the app freely. They can see the price predictions which
will be 60-70% reliable. They can see all types of cryptocurrency related
information and can also interact with other people who are using the app.

Businesspeople These are the people whose focus is not on investing, instead they focus on
price trends, so they can use these for their own businesses. They can also make
an account and use the app freely. The decision is up to the users on how

News Writers These are the users who might only use this app for the purpose on getting up to
date news on cryptocurrency prices and their trends.

2.3Operating Environment
This system will work on all versions of Microsoft edge, Google Chrome and on Windows 7, 8, 9, 10
only. It also works correctly on all android versions only while this system is not yet working in
macOS and Linux similarly not available on Apple stores. There should be space in memory with good
processor and RAM of at least 2gb.

2.4Design and Implementation Constraints

Below are the design and development constraints of system:
• CON-1: Android version must be above 7.0.
• CON-2: All data must be saved in firebase.
• CON-3: Account should be created using phone number on email or other social media.
• CON-4: Internet should be available to use services.
• CON-5: Account password should be combination of 8-12 words.
• CON-6: Only registered user will be able to save data on database.

3. Requirement Identifying Technique

As Use case (use case diagram + detail use case) is an effective technique for interactive end-user
applications. So, the requirement identifying technique used for this project is use case. The use case
diagrams and their tabular forms are given below.

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3.1. Use Case(s) Diagram:

Following are the use case diagrams of all the modules:

Module 1: Admin

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Figure 3.1: UC Diagram for Admin Module

Module 2: User Profiling

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Figure 3.2: UC Diagram for User Profiling Module

Module 3: Smart Assistant

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Figure 3.3: UC Diagram for Smart Assistant Module

Module 4: E-Wallet

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Figure 3.4: UC Diagram for Smart Assistant Module

Module 5: Connector

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Figure 3.5: UC Diagram for Connector Module

Module 6: Explore

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Figure 3.6: UC Diagram for Explore Module

Module 7: Feedback & Support

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Figure 3.7: UC Diagram for Feedback & Support Module

Module 8: Configuration

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Figure 3.8: UC Diagram for Configuration Module

4. Functional Requirements
This section describes the functional requirements of the system expressed in the natural language
style. This section is typically organized by feature as a system feature name and specific functional
requirements associated with this feature. It is just one possible way to arrange them. Other

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organizational options include arranging functional requirements by use case, process flow, mode of
operation, user class, stimulus, and response depend on what kind of technique has been used to
understand functional requirements.

4.1. Use Case(s) (List):

Following is the list of the use cases of all the modules in this project:

Module 1: Admin

M1-UC1 Sign In
M1-UC2 Change Password
M1-UC3 Add User
M1-UC4 Delete User
M1-UC5 View Users
M1-UC6 Update Information
M1-UC7 Troubleshoot
M1-UC8 View Records

Module 2: User Profiling

M2-UC1 Sign Up
M2-UC2 Log In
M2-UC3 Forgot Password
M2-UC4 Enable Notifications
M2-UC5 Add Additional Information
M2-UC6 Edit Profile
M2-UC7 Change Password
M2-UC8 View Details
M2-UC9 Contact Us

Module 3: Smart Assistant

M3-UC1 View Predictions
M3-UC2 Select Algorithms
M3-UC3 Select Duration
M3-UC4 View Major Increase/Decrease
M3-UC5 View Graphs
M3-UC6 View Personal Profit
M3-UC7 View Personal Loss
M3-UC8 Contact Assistant

Module 4: E-Wallet
M4-UC1 Add Money
M4-UC2 Trade Money
M4-UC3 Cash Out

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M4-UC4 View Transaction History

M4-UC5 Send Money
M4-UC6 Check Balance
M4-UC7 View Profits
M4-UC8 View Losses
M4-UC9 Currency Converter

Module 5: Connector
M5-UC1 Add Friend
M5-UC2 Remove Friend
M5-UC3 Join Group
M5-UC4 Join Community
M5-UC5 Personal Chat
M5-UC6 Group Chat
M5-UC7 Server Chat
M5-UC8 Add to Blacklist
M5-UC9 Remove from Blacklist
M5-UC10 Report someone
M5-UC11 Contact Support

Module 6: Explore
M6-UC1 View News Channels
M6-UC2 View Articles
M6-UC3 View Facebook Posts
M6-UC4 View Twitter Posts
M6-UC5 Open Saved Stuff
M6-UC6 View Bitcoin Information
M6-UC7 View Ethereum Information
M6-UC8 View Dogecoin Information

Module 7: Feedback & Support

M7-UC1 Give Feedback
M7-UC2 Give Rating
M7-UC3 Edit Rating
M7-UC4 Critics
M7-UC5 Call Support Team
M7-UC6 Email Support Team
M7-UC7 Questionnaire

Module 8: Configuration
M8-UC1 About Us
M8-UC2 Dark/Light Mode
M8-UC3 Profile Setting
M8-UC5 Help
M8-UC6 Privacy Policy
M8-UC7 Change Language

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4.2. Use Case(s) (Tabular):

Following are the tabular use cases of this application:

Module 1: Admin
Below are the uses cases for Module-1

4.2.1. SignIn

Table 1.1: SignIn

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.1

Use Case Name: Sign In
Actors: Admin

Description: Adin will sign in, and access the system and admin can maintain system settings.
Trigger: Signin button or login button.
Level: High.

Preconditions: PR-1: Admin must enter email and password of account.

Postconditions: POST-1 Admin login.

Normal Flow: 1. Open Crypto Price Predictor application.
2. Admin will click signin button.
3. Sign in window having form will appear.
4. Admin will enter email and password.
5. Admin will press signin button.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: If in 4th step user enters wrong credentials then message will be displayed “Please
enter valid credentials”.
Business Rules Admin is registered in system.
Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.2. Change Password

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Table 1.2: Change Password

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.2

Use Case Name: Change Password
Actors: Admin

Description: Admin will sign in, and access the system and admin can maintain system settings.
Trigger: Signin button or login button.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: Admin must have to logged in system first.

Postconditions: POST-1 Admin password changed.

Normal Flow: 1. Open “Crypto Price Prediction” application.
2. Admin will signin using right credentials
3. Then admin can select change password from account setting.
4. Admin will enter last password and enter new password.
5. Then admin will submit by clicking submit button and changes will be
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: If in 4th step admin enters wrong credentials then message will be displayed
“Please enter valid credentials”.
Business Rules Admin is registered in system.
Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.3. Add User

Table 1.3: Add User

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.3

Use Case Name: Add User
Actors: Admin

Description: Admin will bs able to registere user in system directly by using user required
Trigger: Add user button.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: Admin must enter email and password of account.

Postconditions: POST-1 User registered in system.

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Normal Flow: 1. Open Crypto Price Predictor application.

2. Admin will click signin button.
3. Sign in window having form will appear.
4. Admin will enter email and password.
5. Admin will press signin button.
6. Admin will select add user from menu.
7. New Window will appear with registration form for user.
8. Admin will enter user details and submit to register.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: If in 4th step user enters wrong credentials then message will be displayed “Please
enter valid credentials”.
Business Rules User is registered in system.
Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.4. Delete User

Table 1.4: Delete User

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.4

Use Case Name: Delete User.
Actors: Admin

Description: Admin will be given rights of deleting user from the system, those user that are
violating rules or reported for violating rules.
Trigger: Delete user button.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: Admin is logged in system.

Postconditions: POST-1 Specific user will be removed from system.

Normal Flow: 1. Open Crypto Price Predictor application.
2. Admin will click signin button.
3. Sign in window having form will appear.
4. Admin will enter email and password.
5. Admin will press signin button.
6. Admin will select delete user from menu.
7. Admin will enter email of that user to delete that user from system.
8. Admin will click confirm button and user will be deleted from system.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: If in 4th step user enters wrong credentials then message will be displayed “Please
enter valid credentials”.

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Business Rules Admin is registered in system.

Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.5. Update information

Table 1.5: Update Information

Use Case ID: M1-UC1.5

Use Case Name: Update Information.
Actors: Admin

Description: Admin will be able to update changing policies and updates in system or new
features included in system.
Trigger: Update Information Button.
Level: High.

Preconditions: PR-1: Admin is logged in in system.

Postconditions: POST-1 Updated informations are uploaded in system and user will get
Normal Flow: 1. Admin will select “Update Information” from menu.
2. Admin will enter information or policies to change
3. Admin will click on confirm button.
4. Message will appear “Confirm Changes”
5. Admin click on “OK” to confirm.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: if admin enterd wrong information against country/region policies message

“Policies are against your country policies” .
1. Admin will be redirected to 2nd step.
Business Rules Admin has detail knowledge about policies of country.
Assumptions: N/A.

Module 2: User Profiling

Below are the uses cases for Module-2.

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4.2.6. Sign Up

Table 2.1: Sign Up

Use Case ID: M2-UC2.1

Use Case Name: Sign Up
Actors: User

Description: User Account will be created after taking important information about user.
Trigger: User press SignUo button.
Level: High.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must have application imstalled.

PR-2: User must have valid email account for signup.

Postconditions: POST-1 User registered.

Normal Flow: 1. Open Crypto Price Predictor application.
2. Press signup button.
3. Signup Window pops.
4. User will provide First and last name, email, password.
5. Signup button to submit and signup.
Alternative If user accidently press SignIn instead of signup then following fow will be
Flows: adopted
1. The Sign In window appears.
2. Then “Create Account” option.
3. User will directed to 3rd Step.
Exceptions: Email address not found or already exists.
Business Rules Valid Email.
Assumptions: User already have valid email account.

4.2.7. Sign In

Table 2.2: Sign In

Use Case ID: M2-UC2.2

Use Case Name: Sign In
Actors: User

Description: User will sign in, and access the system and user can use system features.
Trigger: Signin button or login button.
Level: High.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must enter email and password of account.

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Postconditions: POST-1 User login.

Normal Flow: 9. Open Crypto Price Predictor application.
10. User will click signin button.
11. Sign in window having form will appear.
12. User will enter email and password.
13. User will press signin button.
Alternative If user accidently press Signup instead of signin then following fow will be
Flows: adopted
1. Signup form appears then
2. User will click on “Already jave Account”
3. User will return to signin window.
Exceptions: If in 4th step user enters wrong credentials then message will be displayed “Please
enter valid credentials”.
Business Rules User is registered in system.
Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.8. Forgot Password

Table 2.3: Forgot Password

Use Case ID: M1-UC2.3

Use Case Name: Forget Password
Actors: User

Description: The user will change password of account if user forget account password.
Trigger: Click on forget password field.
Level: High.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must have account in system.

Postconditions: POST-1 Password will reset.

Normal Flow: 1. Open “Crypto Price Predictor” application.
2. Login to your account.
3. Tap on “Forget Password”
4. Select one option “Recover account password using email.
5. Then a code will be sent to selected email.
6. Then user will be able to enter new password.
7. Confirm password.
8. Tap Submit button.
Alternative N/A

Exceptions: If wrong email is entered that is not register against any account then user will be
asked again to enter email again.
Business Rules N/A.

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Assumptions: User have account with valid email.

4.2.9. Enable Notification

Table 2.4: Enable Notification

Use Case ID: M1-UC2.4

Use Case Name: Enable Notification
Actors: User

Description: User will be able enable notification of system.

Trigger: Click on enable notification.
Level: Low.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

Postconditions: POST-1 Notification allowed.

Normal Flow: 1. Open “Crypto Price Predictor” application.
2. Login to your account.
3. Go to notification setting.
4. Select “Enable Notification”.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: N/A.
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: N/A.

4.2.10. Edit Profile

Table 2.5: Edit Profile

Use Case ID: M2-UC2.6

Use Case Name: Edit Profile
Actors: User

Description: The profile of user will be updated and changes will be displayed.
Trigger: Click on “Edit Profile” button in account menu.
Level: Low.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

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Postconditions: POST-1 Updated profile will be now available.

Normal Flow: 1. Open “Crypto Price Predictor” application.
2. Login to your account.
3. Then user will go to Account Setting in menu.
4. Here user will find an option of “Edit Profile.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: Invalid details entered, then user will be asked “Please enter valid information”.
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: User is loggedin in system.

Module 3: Module Smart Assistant

4.2.11. View Prediction

Table 3.1: View Prediction

Use Case ID: M3-UC3.1

Use Case Name: View Prediction
Actors: User

Description: User will be able to view expected price in future for different digital currencies.
Trigger: View Predictions Button
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

Postconditions: N/A.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on smart assistant menu.
2. Then user will click on view prediction.
3. Then user will be directed to new window which appears with future
expected price graphs.
4. User will click on change currency button to select desired currency.
5. Then user will be able to see desired currency prediction.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: N/A.
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: User is loggedin in system.

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4.2.12. Select Duration

Table 3.2: Select Duration

Use Case ID: M3-UC3.3

Use Case Name: Select Duration
Actors: User

Description: Inside smart assistant user will be able to select specific time period to view
expected price in selected time period.
Trigger: Select Duration Button.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must be signin in system.

Postconditions: POST-1 System will show expected price for selected duration.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on “Select Duration” Button.
2. New Window with updated changes according to duration will appears.
3. User can view excpected prices for selected time.
Alternative N/A.
Exceptions: If user select wrong /past time then message will displayed “incorrect duration is
Business Rules: N/A.
Assumptions: User is loggedin in system.

4.2.13. View Personal Profit

Table 3.3: View Personal Profit

Use Case ID: M3-UC3.6

Use Case Name: View Personal Profit
Actors: User

Description: User will be able to view personal profit and loss.

Trigger: Click on “Personal Profit” button
Level: Low.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

Postconditions: N/A.
Normal Flow: 1. User will Click on “Smart Assistant” from menu.
2. New window will appear user will select “View Personal Profit”.
3. User will be able too view personal loss or profit.

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Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: N/A.
Business Rules User need to invest in crypto market.
Assumptions: User invested in crypto market and traded in crypto market.

Module 4: Module E-Wallet

4.2.14. Add Money

Table 4.1: Add Money

Use Case ID: M4-UC4.1

Use Case Name: Add Money
Actors: User

Description: User will be able to add money to wallet earned by trading in crypto market.
Trigger: Add Money Button
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

Postconditions: POST-1: Balance will be updated with amount added into e-wallet.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on “E-Wallet” menu.
2. Then user will click on “Add Money”.
3. Then user will be directed to new window which appears form with
required information filed.
4. User will enter correct “E-Wallet” number , amount to be added in
walleta and password of E-Wallet.
5. Then user will click on submit button.
6. New window for confirmation will appear.
7. User will click on “OK” to confirm transaction.
8. Amount is added in e-wallet.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: If user enters wrong e-wallet number or password or wrong amount user will be
directed to 4th step and message will appear “Wrong credentials please enter valid
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: User is loggedin in system.

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4.2.15. View Transaction

Table 4.2: View Transaction

Use Case ID: M4-UC4.4

Use Case Name: Transcation History
Actors: User

Description: User will be able to view every successful transaction history.

Trigger: Transaction History Button.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

Postconditions: N/A.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on “E-Wallet” menu.
2. Then user will click on “Transaction History”.
3. Then user will be directed to new window which appears with
transcation details.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: N/A.
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: User has made some transaction using E-Wallet facility.

4.2.16. Currency Converter

Table 4.3: Currency Converter

Use Case ID: M4-UC4.9

Use Case Name: Currency Converter
Actors: User

Description: User will be able to exchange currency from digital currency to any other paper
Trigger: Currency Converter.
Level: Medium.

Preconditions: PR-1: User must signin in system.

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Postconditions: POST-1: E-Wallet balance will be updated with currency user selected to convert
from digital currency.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on “E-Wallet” menu.
2. Then user will click on “Convert Currency”.
3. Then user will be directed to new window which appears form with
required information filed.
4. User will select the digital currency and paper currency to which user
want to convert.
5. Then user will click on submit button.
6. New window for confirmation will appear.
7. User will click on “OK” to confirm confirmation.
Alternative N/A.

Exceptions: N/A.
Business Rules N/A.
Assumptions: N/A.

Module 5: Connector
Below are the uses cases for Module-5.

4.2.17. Add Friend

Table 5.1: Add Friend

Use Case ID: M5-UC1

Use Case Name: Add Friend
Actors: User
Description: It will allow the user to add people as a friend and then he can chat with them. The
user can make friends from all around the world.

Trigger: By Clicking on “Add Friend” Option.

Level: High

Preconditions: User must have to login into the account.

Postconditions: 1. User will make a new friend.

2. Friend will be added in the friendlist.

Normal Flow: 1. User goes to the search bar.

2. Write name of friend in search bar.
3. Select the name of person who you want to be friends with.

Alternative 1.After step 3 a new box will appear which will ask for confirmation, if you to be
Flows: friends with the person.

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Exceptions: If the name entered is not found , a message will displayed “User not Found”.

Business Rules N/A

Assumptions: User knows the name of person who he wants to be friends with.

4.2.18. Remove Friend

Table 5.2: Remove Friend

Use Case ID: M5-UC2

Use Case Name: Remove Friend
Actors: User
Description: This will allow the user to get rid of someone from the friendlist.
Trigger: Option of “Remove Friend” selected.
Level: High

Preconditions: 1.User is logged in.

2.User have friends in the friendlist.

Postconditions: The person selected will be removed from the friendlist.

Normal Flow: 1.User’s friendlist will appear.
2.User can find person by scrolling or by searching.
3.User selects the person he want to remove.
4.Friendlist will be updated.
Alternative User will be asked for confirmation that ‘are you sure you want to remove this
Flows: person?’

Exceptions: If friend is not found a message is displayed “Person not found”.

Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User has friends in the friendlist.

4.2.19. Join Group

Table 5.3: Join Group

Use Case ID: M5-UC3

Use Case Name: Join Group
Actors: User

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Description: The user will be able to join groups with large or small amounts of people, which
help in better interaction.
Trigger: “Join A Group” option selected.
Level: Medium

Preconditions: User is logged in.

Postconditions: User will have joined a group.

Normal Flow: 1.User searches the group.
2.User can join by an invite also.
3.User finds the group he wants to join.
4.User selects the group.
5. User presses “Get Invite”.
6.The group admin accepts the invite.
Alternative 1.When group is selected, user will be asked are you sure about this group.
Flows: 2.When get invite is selected, it will give option to write something like why you
should be added in the group.
Exceptions: Group is not found.
The selected group does not accepts the invite.
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: 1.User gets an invite.
2.User knows the name of groups , he wants to join.

4.2.20. Join Community

Table 5.4: Join Community

Use Case ID: M5-UC4

Use Case Name: Join Community
Actors: Users
Description: The user will be able to join communities with large amounts of people, which
help in better interaction.
Trigger: “Join a community” option selected
Level: Medium

Preconditions: User is logged in.

Postconditions: User will have joined the community

Normal Flow: 1.User searches the community.

2.User can join by an invite also.
3.User finds the community he wants to join.
4.User selects the community.
5. User presses “Get Invite”.

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6.The group admin accepts the invite.

Alternative 1.When community is selected, user will be asked are you sure about this
Flows: community.
2.When get invite is selected, it will give option to write something like why you
should be added in the community.
Exceptions: Community is not found.
The selected group does not accepts the invite.
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: 1.User gets an invite.
2.User knows the name of community , he wants to join.

4.2.21. Add to Blacklist

Table 5.5: Add to Blacklist

Use Case ID: M5-UC5

Use Case Name: Add to Blacklist
Actors: User
Description: It will help user to get rid of someone for a while, when user adds someone in the
blacklist the other person cannot message or call the user.
Trigger: “Add to Blacklist” option selected.
Level: High

Preconditions: User is logged in successfully.

Postconditions: 1.The selected person will be added in the blacklist.

Normal Flow: 1.User selects the person from friendlist.
2.User can also select the person in the group.
3.User can also select the person in the community.
4.User selects option “Add to Blacklist”.
Alternative Whenever the person is selected , a confirmation box will appear.

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User knows who he wantst o blacklist.

Module 6: Explore
Below are the uses cases for Module-6.

4.2.22. View News Channel

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Table 6.1: View News Channel

Use Case ID: M6-UC1

Use Case Name: View News Channel
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to get latest news related to cryptocurrency.
Trigger: User presses “View News Channel”.
Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will get updated with the latest news about cryptocurrecy.
Normal Flow: 1.User selects the news channel he want to see.
2.User can switch between news channels.
3.User can save the news he is interested in.
4.User reads the news.
Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User understand how to read news.

4.2.23. View Articles

Table 6.2: View Articles

Use Case ID: M6-UC2

Use Case Name: View Articles
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to get latest news related to cryptocurrency.

Trigger: User presses “View Articles”.

Level: Medium

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will get updated with the latest news about cryptocurrecy.
Normal Flow: 1.User selects the articles he want to see.
2.User can switch between news articles.
3.User can save the article he is interested in.
4.User reads the article.

Alternative N/A

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Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User know how to read artiles.

4.2.24. View FB posts

Table 6.3: View FB posts

Use Case ID: M6-UC3

Use Case Name: View Facebook Posts
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to get latest news related to cryptocurrency.

Trigger: User presses “View FB posts”.

Level: Medium

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will get updated with the latest news about cryptocurrecy.
Normal Flow: 1.User selects the Facebook post he want to see.
2.User can scroll through different posts.
3.User can save the post he is interested in.
4.User reads the post.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User know how to go through Facebook posts.

4.2.25. View Twitter Posts

Table 6.4: View Twitter Posts

Use Case ID: M6-UC4

Use Case Name: View Twitter Posts
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to get latest news related to cryptocurrency.

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Trigger: User presses “View Twitter posts”.

Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will get updated with the latest news about cryptocurrecy.
Normal Flow: 1.User selects the twitter post he want to see.
2.User can scroll through different posts.
3.User can save the post he is interested in.
4.User reads the post.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User know how to go through Twitter posts.

4.2.26. Open Saved Stuff

Table 6.5: Open Saved Stuff

Use Case ID: M6-UC5

Use Case Name: Open Saved Stuff
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to see the useful stuff again, without wasting time in trying to
find by going through different news or posts

Trigger: User presses “Saved”.

Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will be able to see the things again he once saved.
Normal Flow: 1.User can scroll through the saved posts.
2.User can sort the posts.
3.User can unave the post he does not want to see again.
4.User can save the posts using folders.

Alternative When unsaving a post , it will ask for confirmation.


Exceptions: N/A

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Business Rules N/A

Assumptions: User has saves the useful stuff.

Module 7: Feedback & Support

Below are the uses cases for Module-7.

4.2.27. Give Feedback

Table 7.1: Give Feedback

Use Case ID: M7-UC1

Use Case Name: Give Feedback
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to give positive or negative feedback about anything in the app.
Trigger: User presses “Give feedback”.
Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: Feedback will be sent.

Normal Flow: 1.User enters feedback section.
2.User writes his own feedback.
3.User can select given wordings in the feedback.
4.User presses send button.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: User sends empty feedback

Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User can write both negative and positive feedback.

4.2.28. Give Rating

Table 7.2: Give Rating

Use Case ID: M7-UC2

Use Case Name: Give Rating
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to give positive or negative feedback about anything in the app.

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Trigger: User presses “Give Rating”.

Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: Rating will be sent.

Normal Flow: 1.User is given option to select from rating.
2.User select good rating.
3.User select bad rating.
4.User enters “Send Rating”
Alternative 1.If user enters good rating, he is asked what do you like most?
Flows: 2.If user enter bad rating, he is asked what did you hate most?

Exceptions: User does not gives rating.

Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: N/A

4.2.29. Edit Rating

Table 7.3: Edit Rating

Use Case ID: M7-UC3

Use Case Name: Edit Rating
Actors: User
Description: This will help user if to change the rating, if his mind has changed about the
Trigger: User presses “Edit Rating”.
Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

User has already given a rating before.

Postconditions: Changed Rating will be sent.

Normal Flow: 1.User is shown his previous rating.
2.User is given option to select from rating.
3.User select good rating.
4.User select bad rating.
5.User enters “Send Rating”
Alternative 1.If user enters good rating, he is asked what do you like most?
Flows: 2.If user enter bad rating, he is asked what did you hate most?

Exceptions: User sends empty rating.

Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User had given a rating before.

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4.2.30. Call Support Team

Table 7.4: Call Support Team

Use Case ID: M7-UC4

Use Case Name: Call Support Team
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to call support team in case of any serous issue.
Trigger: User presses “Call Support”.
Level: High

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

Postconditions: User will be satsified.

Normal Flow: 1.User presses the call support button.
2.The user will first be able to hear the machine speaking.
3.If the machine not able to help.
4.Then call is transferred to team member.
5.The team member will help the user.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User has an issue.

4.2.31. Questionnaire

Table 7.5: Questionnaire

Use Case ID: M7-UC5

Use Case Name: Questionnaire
Actors: User
Description: This will help user to give positive or negative feedback about anything in the app.
Trigger: User presses “Questionnaire”.
Level: Medium

Preconditions: User has logged into the account.

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Postconditions: The questionnaire report will be sent.

Normal Flow: 1.A questionnaire will appear.
2.User required to select the option.
3.For some question user will need to write the answer.
4.The user then presses “End Qusetionnaire”.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: User does not answers any questions.

Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User can write both negative and positive feedback.

Module 8: Configuration
Below are the uses cases for Module-8.

4.2.32. About Us

Table 8.1: About Us

Use Case ID: M8-UC1

Use Case Name: About Us
Actors: User,Admin
Description: User can take guidance in using app and admin can edit information
Trigger: “About Us” option pressed.
Level: High

Preconditions: User must have installed the app.

Postconditions: User will have some knowledge about the app.

Normal Flow: 1.Open application.
2.Select the about us option.
3. Scroll through it.
4.User reads it.
5. The user will get guidance.
Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User has installed the app.

4.2.33. Change Mode

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Table 8.2: Change Mode

Use Case ID: M8-UC2

Use Case Name: Change Mode
Actors: User
Description: User can take change the mode according to his liking.
Trigger: “Change mode” option pressed.
Level: Medium

Preconditions: User has logged in the app.

Postconditions: The mode of the app will be changed.

Normal Flow: 1.User will see some options.
2.User select the option.
3.User then saves it.
Alternative A confirmation message will appear.

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: N/A

4.2.34. Profile Setting

Table 8.3: Profile Setting

Use Case ID: M8-UC3

Use Case Name: Profile Setting
Actors: User,Admin
Description: User can make changes to the profile in settings.
Trigger: “Profile Settings” option pressed.
Level: High

Preconditions: User is logged into the application.

Postconditions: Settings will be updated.

Normal Flow: 1.Open application.
2.Select the Profile Setting option.
3.User select whatever he wants to change.
4.If he likes he changes, user saves it.
Alternative If setting is changed, a confirmation box will appear.

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Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User has installed the app.

4.2.35. Help

Table 8.4: Help

Use Case ID: M8-UC4

Use Case Name: Help
Actors: User,Admin
Description: In case if the user needs help, he can contact the team using this.
Trigger: “Get Help” option pressed.
Level: High

Preconditions: User must have installed the app.

User has a request or issure.

Postconditions: User will be facilitated.

Normal Flow: 1.User enters the help window.
2.User gets different option for contacting the team.
3.User contacts the team.
4.User sends his issue to the team.
5.Team tries to find a solution to it.

Alternative N/A

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: N/A

4.2.36. Change Language

Table 8.5: Change Language

Use Case ID: M8-UC5

Use Case Name: Change Language
Actors: User,Admin
Description: If user wishes to change the language , he can change it.
Trigger: “Change Language” option pressed.
Level: Medium

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Preconditions: User must have installed the app.

Postconditions: The language of the app will be changed.

Normal Flow: 1.Open application.
2.Select the change language option.
3.User will get menu full of language.
4.User selects the language.
5.User saves it.
Alternative Confirmation of change language appears.

Exceptions: N/A
Business Rules N/A
Assumptions: User has installed the app.

4.3. Functional Requirement X

Functional requirements (tabular form) of all the modules are given below:

1. Module 1: Admin

M1-UC1: Sign In

Table 1.1.1: Enter Email

Identifier M1-UC1-FR1
Title Enter Email
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale The motivation behind the requirement.
Dependencie -
Priority High

Table 1.1.2: Enter Password

Identifier M1-UC1-FR2
Title Enter Password
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.

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Source Student
Rationale The motivation behind the requirement.
Dependencies -
Priority High

M1-UC2: Change Password

Table 1.2.1: Enter Password

Identifier M1-UC2-FR1
Title Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter their password in the text field for changing password.
Source Student
Rationale User will be able to change account password when needed.
Dependencie -
Priority High

Table 1.2.2: Re-Enter Password

Identifier M1-UC2-FR2
Title Re-Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter their password in the text field to match password.
Source Student
Rationale User will be able to change account password when needed.
Dependencies -
Priority High

M1-UC3: Add User

Table 1.3.1: Enter Email

Identifier M1-UC3-FR1
Title Enter Email
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.

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Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account for user.
Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 1.3.2: Re-Enter Email

Identifier M1-UC3-FR2
Title Re-Enter Email
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account for user.
Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 1.3.3: Enter Password

Identifier M1-UC3-FR3
Title Enter Password
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account for user.
Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 1.3.4: Re-Enter Password

Identifier M1-UC3-FR4
Title Re-Enter Password
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their password in the text field to match password.
Source Student
Rationale Admin will be able to set account password when account is created.
Dependencie FR-1.3.3
Priority High

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Table 1.3.5: Enter Full Name

Identifier M1-UC3-FR5
Title Enter Full Name
Requirement Admin will be able to enter full name of user in text filed for creating account.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account for user.
Dependencies -
Priority High

M1-UC4: Delete User

Table 1.4.1: Enter User Email

Identifier M1-UC4-FR1
Title Enter User Email
Requirement Admin will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to search for user against email.
Dependencie -
Priority High

M1-UC5: Update Information

Table 1.5.1: Enter Information

Identifier M1-UC5-FR1
Title Enter Information/Policies
Requirement Admin will be able to enter changing policies in text filed.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to update changing policies in system.
Dependencie -

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Priority High

2. Module 2: User Profiling

M2-UC1: Sign In

Table 2.1.1: Enter Mail

Identifier M2-UC1-FR1
Title Enter mail
Requirement User will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale The motivation behind the requirement.
Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 2.1.2: Enter Password

Identifier M2-UC1-FR2
Title Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale The motivation behind the requirement.
Dependencies -
Priority High

M2-UC2: Sign Up

Table 2.2.1: Enter User Nme

Identifier M2-UC2-FR1
Title Enter User Name
Requirement User will be able to enter their user name in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to create an account.

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Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 2.2.2: Enter Email

Identifier M2-UC2-FR2
Title Enter Email
Requirement User will be able to enter their email in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to create an account.
Dependencies -
Priority High

Table 2.2.3: Enter Password

Identifier M2-UC2-FR3
Title Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter their password in the text field for signing up.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account.
Dependencie -
Priority High

Table 2.2.4: Re-Enter Password

Identifier M2-UC2-FR4
Title Re-Enter Password
Requirement User will be able to enter their password and confirm password.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the admin to create an account.
Dependencie -
Priority High

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M2-UC3: Enable/Disable Notification

Table 2.3.1: Disable Notification

Identifier M2-UC3-FR1
Title Disable Notification
Requirement User will be able to disable Notification.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to disable notification.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 2.3.2: Select Notification Tone

Identifier M2-UC3-FR2
Title Select Notification Tone(Local Directory)
Requirement User will be able to select tone from local directory.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to select audio tone.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

M2-UC4: Edit Profile

Table 2.4.1: Profile

Identifier M2-UC4-FR1
Title Profile
Requirement User will be able to click on “Profile” icon button to accesss their profile.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to access their profile credentials.

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 47 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Dependencies -
Priority High.

Table 2.4.2: Edit Full Name

Identifier M2-UC4-FR2
Title Edit Full Name
Requirement User will be able to edit their Fulll Name for previously added full name.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to confirm the change of their full name.
Dependencies FR-2.2.1
Priority High.

Table 2.4.3: Edit Email Address

Identifier M2-UC4-FR3
Title Edit Email Address
Requirement User will be able to edit their email address for the previously added email
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to confirm the change of their email
Dependencie FR-2.2.2
Priority High

M2-UC5: View Account Details

Table 2.5.1: Account Details

Identifier M2-UC5-FR1
Title Account Details
Requirement User will be able to access profile.
Source Student

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 48 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to view account details.
Dependencies -
Priority Medium.

3. Module 3: Smart Assistant

M3-UC1: View Prediction

Table 3.1.1: View Prediction

Identifier M3-UC1-FR1
Title View Prediction.
Requirement User will be able to view predictions.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to view expected prices for different
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.1.2: Select Currency

Identifier M3-UC1-FR2
Title Select Currency
Requirement User will be able to select different digital currency.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to change between different digital
Dependencie -
Priority High.

M3-UC2: Select Duration

Table 3.2.1: Select Time Period

Identifier M3-UC2-FR1
Title Select Time Period

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 49 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Requirement User will be able to choose different time period.

Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to select different time period to view
excpected prices for different digital currencies.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.2.2: Select Currency

Identifier M3-UC2-FR2
Title Select Currency
Requirement User will be able to choose different Digital Currency.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to select different digital currency to view
excpected prices.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

M3-UC3: View Loss and Profit

Table 3.3.1: Loss and Profit

Identifier M3-UC3-FR1
Title Loss and Profit.
Requirement User will be able be given access for loss and profit.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to view personal loss and profit on traded
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.3.2: Select Currency

Identifier M3-UC3-FR2
Title Select Currency
Requirement User will be able to choose different Digital Currency.

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 50 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to select different digital currency to view
loss and profit for different digital currencies.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

M3-UC4: Contact Assistant

Table 3.4.1: Chat Text Field

Identifier M3-UC4-FR1
Title Chat Text Field
Requirement User will be able to enter text.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to chat with smart system.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.4.2: File Attachment

Identifier M3-UC4-FR2
Title File attachment.
Requirement User will be able to attach file.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to send file from local directory.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.4.3: Emoji’s

Identifier M3-UC4-FR3
Title Emoji’s

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 51 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Requirement User will be able to include emoji’s.

Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to send or include emoji in text.
Dependencies -
Priority Medium.

Table 3.4.4: Send Button

Identifier M3-UC4-FR4
Title Send Button.
Requirement User will be able send messages.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to send messages for help and other
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

4. Module 4: E-Wallet

M4-UC1: Add Money

Table 4.1.1: Wallet Number

Identifier M4-UC1-FR1
Title Wallet Number
Requirement User will be able to enter e-wallet number against account.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to enter e-wallet account number for
Dependencie -
Priority High.

Table 4.1.2: Enter Password

Identifier M4-UC1-FR2
Title Enter Password

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 52 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Requirement User will be able enter password and verify.

Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to verify account before transaction.
Dependencies -
Priority High.

Table 4.1.3: Enter Amount

Identifier M4-UC1-FR3
Title Enter Amount
Requirement User will be able to add amount or enter amount.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to enter desired amount with iin limit of e-
wallet balance.
Dependencie -
Priority High.

M4-UC2: Transaction History

Table 4.2.1: View Transaction

Identifier M4-UC2-FR1
Title View Transaction
Requirement User will be able access transactions details.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to view transactions completed by user.
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

Table 4.2.2: Print History

Identifier M4-UC2-FR2
Title Print History
Requirement User will be able to hold recod in local memory.
Source Student

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 53 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to print transcation history and save to local
Dependencie -
Priority Medium.

M4-UC3: Currency Converter

Table 4.3.1: Enter Digital Currency

Identifier M4-UC3-FR1
Title Enter Digital Currency
Requirement User will be able access field and enter digital currency.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to enter digital currency that is preset in
user’s e-wallet.
Dependencie -
Priority High.

Table 4.3.2: Enter Paper Currency

Identifier M4-UC3-FR2
Title Enter Paper Currency
Requirement User will be able access field and desired paper currency.
Source Student
Rationale This requirement will facilitate the user to enter paper currency that is user want to
convert in.
Dependencie -
Priority High.

5. Module 5: Connecter
Functional requirements of module connector are given below:
M5-UC1: Add Friend

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 54 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 5.1.1: Enter Name

Identifier M5-UC1-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name needs to be entered to search the person.
Source Zaki
Rationale To add a friend
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.1.2: Search Menu

Identifier M5-UC1-FR2
Title Search Menu
Requirement The search menu will give all the names similar to the searched one
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M5-UC5-FR1
Priority High

Table 5.1.3: Send Request

Identifier M5-UC1-FR3
Title Send Request
Requirement This is required to get acceptance from other person
Source Zaki
Rationale To get other person permission
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.1.4: Confirm

Identifier M5-UC1-FR4

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 55 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Title Confirm
Requirement This is required to add the friend
Source Zaki
Rationale For confirmation if you want to friend
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M5-UC2: Remove Friend

Table 5.2.1: Enter Name

Identifier M5-UC2-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name needs to be entered to search the person.
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.2.2: Search Menu

Identifier M5-UC2-FR2
Title Search Menu
Requirement The search menu will give all the names similar to the searched one
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M5-UC2-FR1
Priority High

Table 5.2.3: Select Person

Identifier M5-UC2-FR3

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 56 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Title Select Person

Requirement This is required to select the specific person you want to delete
Source Zaki
Rationale To get rid of the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.2.4: Confirm

Identifier M5-UC2-FR4
Title Confirm
Requirement This is required to delete the friend
Source Zaki
Rationale For confirmation if you to actually remove friend
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M5-UC3: Join Group

Table 5.3.1: Enter Name

Identifier M5-UC3-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name needs to be entered to search the group.
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the group
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.3.2: Search Menu

Identifier M5-UC3-FR2

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 57 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Title Search Menu

Requirement The search menu will give all the names similar to the searched one
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the group
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.3.3: Get Invite

Identifier M5-UC3-FR3
Title Get Invite
Requirement This is required to get permission to enter the group
Source Zaki
Rationale To get entry in the group
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.3.4: Accept Invite

Identifier M5-UC3-FR4
Title Accept Invite
Requirement This is required to join the group
Source Zaki
Rationale For entering the group
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M5-UC4: Join Community

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 58 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 5.4.1: Enter Name

Identifier M5-UC4-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name needs to be entered to search the community.
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the community
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.4.2: Search Menu

Identifier M5-UC4-FR2
Title Search Menu
Requirement The search menu will give all the names similar to the searched one
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the community
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M5-UC4-FR1
Priority High

Table 5.4.3: Get Invite

Identifier M5-UC4-FR3
Title Get Invite
Requirement This is required to get permission to enter the community
Source Zaki
Rationale To get entry in the community
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.4.4: Accept Invite

Identifier M5-UC4-FR4

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 59 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Title Accept Invite

Requirement This is required to join the community
Source Zaki
Rationale For entering the community
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M5-UC5: Add to Blacklist

Table 5.5.1: Enter Name

Identifier M5-UC1-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name needs to be entered to search the person.
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.5.2: Search Menu

Identifier M5-UC5-FR2
Title Search Menu
Requirement The search menu will give all the names similar to the searched one
Source Zaki
Rationale To find the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M5-UC5-FR1
Priority High

Table 5.5.3: Select the Person

Identifier M5-UC5-FR3

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 60 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Title Send Request

Requirement This is required to get option for blacklisting the person
Source Zaki
Rationale It will also provide option to blacklist
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 5.5.4: Confirm

Identifier M5-UC5-FR4
Title Confirm
Requirement This is required to add the person in blacklist
Source Zaki
Rationale For confirmation if you want to add the person in blacklist
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

6. Module 6: Explore
Functional requirements of module explore are given below:
M6-UC1: View News Channel

Table 6.1.1: Select News Channel

Identifier M6-UC1-FR1
Title Select News Channel
Requirement This is required to select the specific news channel
Source Zaki
Rationale To read the news, a channel needs to be selected
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 61 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 6.1.2: Change News Channel

Identifier M6-UC1-FR2
Title Change New Channel
Requirement For changing from one news channel to other.
Source Zaki
Rationale To change news channel
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.1.3: Save News

Identifier M6-UC1-FR3
Title Save News
Requirement If user wants to save something for later.
Source Zaki
Rationale For saving news of choice.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.1.4: Share News

Identifier M6-UC1-FR4
Title Share News
Requirement If user wants to share something with others.
Source Zaki
Rationale For sharing news with friends.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 62 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

M6-UC2: View Articles

Table 6.2.1: Select Article

Identifier M6-UC2-FR1
Title Select Article
Requirement This is required to select the specific article
Source Zaki
Rationale To read the article, it needs to be selected
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.2.2: Switch Article

Identifier M6-UC2-FR2
Title Switch Article
Requirement For changing from one article to other.
Source Zaki
Rationale To change articles
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.2.3: Save Article

Identifier M6-UC2-FR3
Title Save Article
Requirement If user wants to save something for later.
Source Zaki
Rationale For saving article of choice.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 63 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 6.2.4: Share Article

Identifier M6-UC2-FR4
Title Share Article
Requirement If user wants to share something with others.
Source Zaki
Rationale For sharing useful articles with friends.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M6-UC3: View FB Posts

Table 6.3.1: Select Specific Topic

Identifier M6-UC3-FR1
Title Select Specific Topic
Requirement This is required to select the specific topic for showing of posts
Source Zaki
Rationale To get posts according to users choice.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.3.2: Select Post

Identifier M6-UC3-FR2
Title Select Post
Requirement This is required if user wants to view.
Source Zaki
Rationale To view the post.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 64 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 6.3.3: Save Post

Identifier M6-UC3-FR3
Title Save Post
Requirement If user wants to save something for later.
Source Zaki
Rationale For saving useful posts.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.3.4: Share Post

Identifier M6-UC3-FR4
Title Share Post
Requirement If user wants to share something with others.
Source Zaki
Rationale For sharing useful posts with friends.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M6-UC4: View Twitter Posts

Table 6.4.1: Select Specific Topic

Identifier M6-UC4-FR1
Title Select Specific Topic
Requirement This is required to select the specific topic for showing of posts
Source Zaki
Rationale To get posts according to users choice.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 65 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 6.4.2: Select Post

Identifier M6-UC4-FR2
Title Select Post
Requirement This is required if user wants to view the post.
Source Zaki
Rationale To view the post.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.4.3: Save Post

Identifier M6-UC4-FR3
Title Save Post
Requirement If user wants to save something for later.
Source Zaki
Rationale For saving useful posts.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.4.4: Share Post

Identifier M6-UC4-FR4
Title Share Post
Requirement If user wants to share something with others.
Source Zaki
Rationale For sharing useful posts with friends.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 66 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

M6-UC5: Open Saved Stuff

Table 6.5.1: View By Folder

Identifier M6-UC5-FR1
Title View By Folder
Requirement This is required if user wants to select a specific folder
Source Zaki
Rationale To give user ease for finding stuff.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.5.2: Select Saved Post

Identifier M6-UC5-FR2
Title Select Saved Post
Requirement This is required if user wants to view the post.
Source Zaki
Rationale To view the post.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 6.5.3: Sort By Date

Identifier M6-UC5-FR3
Title Sort By Date
Requirement If user wants to sort everything according to date
Source Zaki
Rationale Sorting makes stuff easier to find.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 67 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 6.5.4: Unsave Post

Identifier M6-UC5-FR4
Title Unsave Post
Requirement If user wants to remove something from saved section
Source Zaki
Rationale For removing unwanted posts
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

7. Module 7: Feedback & Support

Functional requirements of module feedback & support are given below:
M7-UC1: Give Feedback

Table 7.1.1: Enter Name

Identifier M7-UC1-FR1
Title Enter Name
Requirement The name is required to identify the person sending feedback.
Source Zaki
Rationale To identify the person
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 7.1.2: Enter Email

Identifier M7-UC1-FR2
Title Enter Email
Requirement The email is required, so a reply can be sent on email.
Source Zaki
Rationale To send a reply.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 68 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 7.1.3: Clear Form

Identifier M7-UC1-FR3
Title Clear Form
Requirement This is for clearing the entire form with one click..
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate the user in clearing the form quickly.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority Medium

Table 7.1.4: Submit Form

Identifier M7-UC1-FR4
Title Submit Form
Requirement This is for submitting the form to the support team.
Source Zaki
Rationale To submit the form.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M7-UC2: Give Rating

Table 7.2.1: Select Star

Identifier M7-UC2-FR1
Title Select Star
Requirement It is required to select the star for rating.
Source Zaki
Rationale To be able to select star
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 69 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 7.2.2: Save Rating

Identifier M7-UC2-FR2
Title Save rating
Requirement This is for saving the rating.
Source Zaki
Rationale To be able to save the rating.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M7-UC2-FR1
Priority High

Table 7.2.3: Submit Rating

Identifier M7-UC2-FR3
Title Submit Rating
Requirement This is required for submitting the rating
Source Zaki
Rationale To submit the rating
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M7-UC3: Edit Rating

Table 7.3.1: Edit Option

Identifier M7-UC3-FR1
Title Edit Option
Requirement This is required to edit the rating.
Source Zaki
Rationale To edit the rating.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 70 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 7.3.2: Save Changes

Identifier M7-UC3-FR2
Title Save Changes
Requirement This is required to save the edited changes.
Source Zaki
Rationale To save the changes.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M7-UC3-FR1
Priority High

Table 7.3.3: Submit Rating

Identifier M7-UC3-FR3
Title Submit Rating
Requirement This is required for submitting the rating.
Source Zaki
Rationale To submit the rating.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M7-UC4: Call Support Team

Table 7.4.1: Give Advice

Identifier M7-UC4-FR1
Title Give Advice
Requirement This is required for giving some advice
Source Zaki
Rationale To providing an advice.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 71 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 7.4.2: Send Complain

Identifier M7-UC4-FR2
Title Send Complain
Requirement The is required to send complain to the support team.
Source Zaki
Rationale To send complain to the team.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 7.4.3: Live Call

Identifier M7-UC4-FR3
Title Live Call
Requirement This is required to have a live call with a support team member.
Source Zaki
Rationale To have a live call with a support team member.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 7.4.4: Automatic Complaint

Identifier M7-UC4-FR4
Title Automatic Complaint
Requirement This is required to send a complaint using automated messages.
Source Zaki
Rationale To ease the process of complaint.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority Medium

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 72 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

M7-UC5: Questionnaire

Table 7.5.1: Answer using Choices

Identifier M7-UC5-FR1
Title Answer using choices
Requirement This is required if user wants to answer the questions using choices.
Source Zaki
Rationale To answer using given choices.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority Medium

Table 7.5.2: Answer Question

Identifier M7-UC5-FR2
Title Answer Question
Requirement This is required to answer the question.
Source Zaki
Rationale To answer the given questions.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 7.5.3: Next Question

Identifier M7-UC5-FR3
Title Next Question
Requirement This is required to move to the next question.
Source Zaki
Rationale To move from one question to other.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 73 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 7.5.4: Previous Question

Identifier M7-UC5-FR4
Title Previous Question
Requirement This is required to move to previous question.
Source Zaki
Rationale To be able to go back to previous question.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

8. Module 8: Configuration
Functional requirements of module configuration are given below:
M8-UC1: About Us

Table 8.1.1: Why Us

Identifier M8-UC1-FR1
Title Why Us
Requirement The admin should add some strong points that differentiate them from rest
of market.
Source Zaki
Rationale To attract users.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.1.2: Contact Us

Identifier M8-UC1-FR2
Title Contact Us
Requirement The admin should add contact no. and email of some owners of
Source Zaki
Rationale To help users get in contact with owners.
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 74 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 8.1.3: Our Goal

Identifier M8-UC1-FR3
Title Our Goal
Requirement The admin should add some long term goal of the team.
Source Zaki
Rationale To attract users and show them that we care about them.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.1.4: Code of Conduct

Identifier M8-UC1-FR4
Title Code of Conduct
Requirement The admin should add their code of conduct in this section.
Source Zaki
Rationale To tell users how the things work.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M8-UC2: Change Mode

Table 8.2.1: Dark Mode

Identifier M8-UC2-FR1
Title Dark Mode
Requirement This is required to change mode to dark mode.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate users liking dark mode.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 75 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

Table 8.2.2: Light Mode

Identifier M8-UC2-FR2
Title Light Mode
Requirement This is required to change mode to light mode
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user liking light mode
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.2.3: Sleep Mode

Identifier M8-UC2-FR3
Title Sleep Mode
Requirement This is required to change mode to sleep mode.
Source Zaki
Rationale To help users save battery by using sleep mode.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority Medium

Table 8.2.4: Default Mode

Identifier M8-UC2-FR4
Title Default Mode
Requirement This is required to change the mode to default settings.
Source Zaki
Rationale To quickly able to turn to default mode.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

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M8-UC3: Profile Setting

Table 8.3.1: Change Email Address

Identifier M8-UC3-FR1
Title Change Email Address
Requirement This is required if user wants to change his email address later on.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to change email address after sign up.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.3.2: Change Phone Number

Identifier M8-UC3-FR2
Title Change Phone Number
Requirement This is required if user wants to change his phone number later on.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to change phone number after sign up.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.3.3: Change Password

Identifier M8-UC3-FR3
Title Change Password
Requirement This is required if user wants to change his password later on.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to change password after sign up.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

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Table 8.3.4: Save Changes

Identifier M8-UC3-FR4
Title Save Changes
Requirement This is required to save the changes made.
Source Zaki
Rationale To save the implemented changes.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M8-UC4: Help

Table 8.4.1: Search Help

Identifier M8-UC4-FR1
Title Search Help
Requirement This is required so user can search the required help easily.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to get help quickly.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.4.2: Popular Help Resources

Identifier M8-UC4-FR2
Title Popular Help Resources
Requirement This is required to get popular help resources..
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to find required help quickly..
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

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Table 8.4.3: Clear Help History

Identifier M8-UC4-FR3
Title Clear Help History
Requirement This is required to clear the help history.
Source Zaki
Rationale To clear the help search history.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.4.4: Contact Team

Identifier M8-UC4-FR4
Title Contact Team
Requirement This is required so user can get help by contacting the team directly.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to get required help from the team.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

M8-UC5: Change Language

Table 8.5.1: Search Language

Identifier M8-UC5-FR1
Title Search Language
Requirement This is required as user will need to search language of his own preference.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate users in finding the language.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

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Table 8.5.2: Select Language

Identifier M8-UC5-FR2
Title Search Language
Requirement This is required so user can select the language of his own preference.
Source Zaki
Rationale To select the language of preference.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies M8-UC5-FR1
Priority High

Table 8.5.3: Change Language

Identifier M8-UC5-FR3
Title Change Language
Requirement This is required as user will need to search language of his own preference.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate users to change language.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

Table 8.5.4: Default Language

Identifier M8-UC5-FR4
Title Default Language
Requirement This is required as user will need to change to default language quickly.
Source Zaki
Rationale To facilitate user to change to default quickly.
Business Rule N/A
(if required)
Dependencies N/A
Priority High

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Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

5. Non-Functional Requirements
Non-Functional requirements for our product Crypto Currency Price Prediction are:
• Usable in all types of android phones, tabs (generic).
• Simple and user friendly (Easy to be used by user lay man).
• Performance (No lag or screen helding of user interface to increase our product performance).
• Portablility (App can run on any android device).
• Relaiblility (Available 24/ 7).

1. Reliability
• Our product is 97% reliable and accurate as compared to other market softwares.
• Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) Just in case if the app is dyfunctional, then the issue will be
within 8 hours of app down.
• Our code may have 3 bugs per 1000 lines. They will be fixed as soon as acknowleged.
• Critical bugs should not be more than 2 to 3%.
• Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) should be less than 15 days.

2. Usability
• Training time should be less than 15 minutes.
• Application should be accessible to all kinds of users.
• Application should be user friendly i.e. easy and simple to use.

3. Performance
• Response Time: Response time should not be more than 1 second.
• Resource Management: System should not consume more than 256 megabyte of ram.
• Capacity: System should accommodate atleast 10000 users at a time.
• Render time: Any component should not take more than 3 seconds to render.
• Throughput: System should be able to handle atleast 8 transactions at a time.

4. Security
Proper login authentication is needed. User passwords must be encrypted and https protocol will be
used on webpage.

6. External Interface Requirements

This section defines the interfaces that must be supported by the “Crypto Currency Price Predictor”
application. It should contain adequate specificity, protocols, ports and logical addresses, etc. so that
the software can be developed and verified against the interface requirements.

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 81 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

1. User Interfaces Requirements

Our application is “Crypto Currency Price Prediction” is very easy to understand and there is no
training time of more than 5-10 minutes. Our goal while making user interfaces is to make the
experience of user easy and good and intuitive.

2. Software interfaces
Our application is “Crypto Currency Price Prediction” is an android and web based application .It
will run on android devices but it only runs above android(6.0) version, Our application also support
multitasking functionality and split screen functionality also available in our application.

3. Hardware interfaces
Our application automatic “Crypto Currency Price Prediction” does not required any hardware

4. Communications interfaces
Our application “Crypto Currency Price Prediction” need internet connection because when a user
wants to view any type of prediction it require internet access to connect with digital currency market.

7. Conclusion
This system is a solution and help for to crypto investors worldwide and is user friendly and easy to
use. Communication barriers will be removed and there will be no miss-communication. It will aid
people to communicate effectively and will remove difficulties and complexities between

8. References
List any documents or other resources to which this SRS refers, if any. These might include user
interface style guides, standards, system requirements specifications, interface specifications, or the
SRS for a related product. The following are a few examples of different resources i.e. journal article,
book, and website.

[1] Lyda M.S. Lau, Jayne Curson, Richard Drew, Peter Dew and Christine Leigh, (1999), Use Of
VSP Resource Rooms to Support Group Work in a Learning Environment, ACM 99, pp-2.
(Journal paper example)

SP21-BCS-098,SP21-BCS-099 82 BCS-4B
Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

[2] Hideyuki Nakanishi, Chikara Yoshida, Toshikazu Nishmora and TuruIshada, (1996), FreeWalk:
Supporting Casual Meetings in a Network, pp 308-314 (paper on web)
[3] Ali Behforooz& Frederick J.Hudson, (1996), Software Engineering Fundamentals, Oxford
University Press. Chapter 8, pp255-235. (book reference example)
[4] Page Author, Page Title,, Last date accessed. (web site)

9. Plaragism Report
Attach the Plaragism report of your project requirement document from library staff of turnitin tool

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Assignment-02 Software Engineering Concepts CSC-291

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