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Season 1

Episode 1

Select the correct option to answer the following questions.

1.- What was the last thing Rick’s wife said thet morning?
a) he doesn’t care b) he is never c) he doesn’t care about
about them with them his son’s grades

2.- About being shot Rick asks his partner not to tell…
a) All the police b) the sherif c) his wife
3.- Rick asks Shane to admite he stole…
a) The vase b) the flowers c) the spoon collection
4.- What does Rick use to light the room?
a) A candle b) matches c) a lighter

5.- What does rick use to go to his house?

a) A helicopter b) a car c) a bicycle

6.- What did the kid use to hit Rick?

a) A shovel b) a bat c) a rock
7.- What did Rick realize is missing in his house?
a) Clothes and b) money c) his gun
SHANE Pictures
8.- Rick is approaching to Atlanta on…
a) Highway 55 b) Highway 65 c) Highway 85
9.- The man on the tank is being eaten by…
a) dogs b) zombies c) crows
10.- Once in the tank, someone asks Rick if he is?
a) Cozy b) safe c) alive

 Imagine you wake up and you find out everybody has become a Zombie, what would you do?
Write at least 100 words. Try to be specific about the actions you would do.

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