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Nama : Dela Harsiska

NIM : C1E123061
Prodi : Kewirausahaan R002
Fakultas : Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Dosen Pengampu : Sri Wachyunni S.S., M.Hum.,MA.

Tugas 6

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph

Writing a descriptive paragraph can be a fun and rewarding task, as it allows you to
use your creativity and descriptive language skills to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s
mind. Whether you’re describing a person, place, or thing, the key to how to write a
descriptive paragraph is to use sensory details and descriptive words to bring the subject to

What is a Descriptive Paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph or essay is characterized by the use of Adjectives. It tells how
something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sounds. A good description is a word picture;
the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in their mind. When describing a person,
you should speak about that person’s physical appearance and personality.
 What does s/he look like? (physically)
 How does s/he dress?
 What does s/he look like? (personality)
 What attracts you to that person?
 What do you like most about them?

To describe a person, you need to talk about their:

Physical appearance: the way they look like
 Height: tall, short, medium height
 Build: frail, slim, thin, skinny, stocky, plump, fat, chubby, large, heavy, well-built, fit
 Age: young, teenager, middle-aged, elderly
 Face: round, oval, wrinkled, furrowed, dimpled, sun-tanned, fair-skinned, baby-faced,
 Eyes: big, round, blue, hazel, small, piggy, narrow, bloodshot
 Hair: bald; straight, curly, spiky, wavy, black
 Clothes: casual, shabby, bright, tidy, untidy, messy
Personality: their psychological traits or attitudes
Intelligent, witty, clever, gifted, brainy
Shy, timid, introverted, extroverted, optimistic, pessimistic, sensitive, sensible, relaxed, tense
Compassionate, considerate, courteous, generous, exuberant, practical
Sociable, quarrelsome, argumentative, logical, rational, easy-going, even-tempered, honest,
trustworthy, reliable, sincere

Tips to help you write a descriptive paragraph

 Choose a subject that you find exciting and can describe in detail.
 Begin by introducing the subject and setting the scene. This will give the reader a
general understanding of what you’re describing.
 Use sensory details and descriptive words to help the reader visualize the subject. For
example, if you’re describing a person, you might use words like “warm,”
“generous,” and “kind.” If you’re describing a place, you might use words like
“bustling,” “picturesque,” and “charming.”
 Use vivid verbs and adjectives to bring the description to life and make it more
interesting for the reader. For example, instead of saying, “The sky was blue,” you
might say, “The sky was a brilliant, cerulean blue.”
 Avoid cliches and try to use original language to describe your subject.
 End the paragraph with a conclusion that ties everything together and reinforces the
overall image you were trying to create. This will help the reader remember the
subject and the details you included in the paragraph.
Example of descriptive paragraph

Dangers of smoking
Smoking can bring serious harm to body health. One of the most common dangers is
the risk of developing lung diseases, such as bronchitis and emphysema. Cigarette smoke
contains various toxic substances that can damage the respiratory tract and cause hardening
of the lungs, making breathing difficult and reducing lung capacity.
Apart from that, smoking also increases the risk of heart disease. The chemicals
contained in cigarettes can damage blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and increase
cholesterol levels in the body. This can cause narrowing of blood vessels, pollute plaque in
the arteries, and can ultimately trigger a heart attack or stroke.
Smoking is also a major cause of cancer, especially lung cancer. Cigarette smoke
contains carcinogens, substances that can damage body cells and trigger the growth of cancer
cells. Apart from lung cancer, smoking can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus
and pancreas.
Not only does it harm active smokers, cigarette smoke can also harm passive
smokers or people exposed to cigarette smoke. Children, pregnant women, and people with
certain health conditions are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of cigarette smoke.
Therefore, giving up the habit of smoking is an important step to maintain body health and
protect the people around us.

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