Bonus Assignment

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Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering

Sciences and Technology (GIKI)

MT102 Spring 2022 Weight 1% CLO 1 and 3 10th May 2022
Assignment 1430 HRS

Question 1: In Einstein’s theory of special relativity the mass of an object moving with velocity v is

𝑚= Where m0 is the mass of the object at rest. As the kinetic energy of the object is the

difference between its total energy and its energy at rest (𝐾 = 𝑚𝑐 − 𝑚 𝑐 ), show that for small
values of v, this expression of K agrees with the classical Newtonian physics 𝐾 = 𝑚𝑣

2: Samsung is seeking to maximize its profit by optimizing the number of smartphones sold per week
in thousands (s) and the number of minutes per week of advertising (a). The profit model (in thousand
USD) is developed as the following function

𝑓(𝑠, 𝑎) = 𝑠 + 4𝑎 + 17𝑠 − 𝑎 − 9𝑠𝑎

However, the data shows that only a maximum of 15,000 smartphones can be manufactures and sold
per week, and the TV channels can only allow a maximum of 45 minutes of advertisement per week
for Samsung. Find the values of s and a, which can maximize the profit.

Question 3: The actual dimensions of a standard-sized 12-oz (12 ounce is 355mL) beverage can with a
volume of 21.66in3 are r=1.25 in and h= 4.875 in. What dimensions yield the minimum surface area?
Find the minimum surface area assuming that the shape of the can is cylinder.

Question 4: Suppose, you need to install three HVAC units (bought from different vendors) to provide
cooling at the university during summer. The design conditions require these units to run in parallel
and serve a load of 341,000 Btuh (eq to 10kW) for the structure, ducts, central vent and blower. Each
unit is tunable and can be set to provide a specific output in watts. Calculate the optimal scheduling
for the HVAC plant (the value of watts from each unit, which minimizes the overall hourly cost).

The operation data for each unit is taken in real time during the testing phase to analyze its running
cost per each watt of load it serves (termed as cost function). Polynomial curve fitting is used to
approximate that data in to equation for the cost function as

Unit 1: 𝑓 = x + 0.8𝑥 PKR per month

Unit 2: 𝑓 = 𝑦 + 0.75𝑦 PKR per month
Unit 3: 𝑓 = z + 0.85𝑧 PKR per month
Where x,y,z are the load served (in watts) by unit 1,2 and 3, respectively.

Question 5: Casing is one of the basic process in drilling the petroleum out of the reservoir. Steel is
widely used in casing because of its durability and corrosion resistance. A steel casing is to be installed
for an oil rig. Let’s say the labour cost for the instalment is $20 per hour. The price of the steel is $2000
per ton. The manager of the project is provided with the budget of $20,000 and the cost of the whole
project has to be satisfied with the provided budget. Find the optimized values of hours of labour (h)

and steel in tons (s) when the objective function (cost for casing) is given by 𝑓(ℎ, 𝑠) = +

Instructor: Dr. Usman Habib (FES)

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