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Name: Valencia Putri Dezora

Class: X5



Drinking coffee, especially in the morning while reading newspaper, is really an enjoyable
activity to do. However, drinking coffee too much is not good for our health.

Firstly, it may be addictive and ultimately may result in adrenal exhaustion. In short
term, coffee gives benefits of more energy, but long term my result in a crash after each
consumption to lower levels of energy than previously thereby necessitating another cup, etc.

Secondly, it may make our immune system low. Coffee hampers the absorption of
essential minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium.

Thirdly, drinking coffee too much can contribute to many kinds of sickness. It can cause
carries in the teeth. The caffeine in coffee may aggravate osteoporosis by leaching calcium from
the bones. Long term coffee drinkers often develop liver function disorders. It also decreases
quality of sleep.

In conclusion, it is not good for us to drink coffee most of the time


Although many of us find fast food convenient when we are in a rush, it is a bad idea to
eat it too much or too often.

Recently, McDonald’s in Canada has had two-dollar deal: a big Mac and small fries. This
is a very big temptation, and even my son (who doesn’t normally eat at McDonald’s) bought
this meal last week. But what did he eat when he ate a Big Mac and fries? First, in the
hamburger he got 570 calories, with almost half of them (280 calories) coming from fat. Ten
grams of this fat is saturated, the most dangerous kids, the kids which is harmful to our heart.
The Canadian Food Guide recommends that we” choose lower-Fat foods more often.” Now,
remember that my son also gets small fries! Unfortunately, there are another 210 calories in
the fries, with 10 more grams of fat (1.5 grams of it saturated). I’m sure he bought a drink as
well, which adds another 150 calories (small size). Now, imagine he eats this dinner more than
once a week! A two-dollar meal contains a lot of fat.
So, although it is very convenient (and cheap) to buy fast food, it is quite alarming to
see just how much fat we are eating -I think I’ll go and eat an apple, instead!

A. Answer these questions in groups of 6 students. I will give the groups’ members and
leaders later.
1. What is an analytical exposition text?
- An analytical exposition text (persuasive text) is a form of essay or argumentative text
designed to persuade the reader/listener that something is the case (good, bad,
harmful, beneficial, etc.).

2. What is the function of the text?

- The function is to propose, disclose personal opinions and present some knowledge.

3. What is the structure of the text? Explain it.

- Introduction: Presents the issue or topic, often with a statement of the author's
Arguments: Presents multiple points supporting the author's position, usually with
evidence and reasoning.
Reiteration of Position: Concludes by restating the author's stance and often
summarizing key arguments. There’s two reiteration based what is analytical or
hortatory. If it’s analytical, it used conclusion at the end of the text. If it’s hortatory, it
used recommendation at the end of the text.

4. What are the language features of the text? Explain them.

- Persuasive Language: Uses language that aims to convince the reader of the validity of
the author's argument.
Logical Reasoning: Presents arguments in a logical sequence with evidence to support
each point.
Cause and Effect: Discusses the consequences or effects of the issue being analyzed.
Formal Language: Typically employs formal language and structure to convey authority
and credibility.
5. Please give the differences between an analytical exposition text and a hortatory
exposition text.
- Analytical Exposition: Analyzes an issue or topic by presenting arguments and evidence
to support a specific viewpoint. It focuses on explaining why something is the case.
- Hortatory Exposition: Encourages the reader to take action or adopt a certain belief or
behavior. It focuses on persuading the audience to act or think in a particular way.

6. Identify the texts above, which one is an analytical exposition text and which one is a
hortatory exposition text?

B. Find another 3 examples of analytical exposition texts.

C. Choose one of them to be analyzed (the function, the structure and the language
features) by your group to be presented in the next meeting. Each group will get 8
minutes to present the six questions above and the presentation of the analytical
exposition text chosen. Two of your group’s members will be the presenters.

D. The technique of presenting for the next meeting will be done randomly by groups
chosen. Please all of the groups be ready to do it.

E. Please do this all in a Power Point. Collect the power point to your captain and he will
send them by a link to me.

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