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JAMA Pediatrics | Original Investigation

Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults

in the United States, 2005-2016
Linda J. Andes, PhD; Yiling J. Cheng, PhD; Deborah B. Rolka, MS; Edward W. Gregg, PhD; Giuseppina Imperatore, MD, PhD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Individuals with prediabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes,
chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. The incidence and prevalence of type 2
diabetes in the US adolescent population have increased in the last decade. Therefore, it is
important to monitor the prevalence of prediabetes and varying levels of glucose tolerance to
assess the future risk of type 2 diabetes in the youngest segment of the population.

OBJECTIVE To examine the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose
tolerance (IGT), and increased glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels in US adolescents (aged
12-18 years) and young adults (aged 19-34 years) without diabetes.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This cross-sectional analyses of the 2005-2016 National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey assessed a population-based sample of adolescents
and young adults who were not pregnant, did not have diabetes, and had measured fasting
plasma glucose, 2-hour plasma glucose after a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and HbA1c
levels. Analysis began in April 2017.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Impaired fasting glucose was defined as fasting plasma
glucose of 100 mg/dL to less than 126 mg/dL, IGT as 2-hour plasma glucose of 140 mg/dL to
less than 200 mg/dL, and increased HbA1c level as HbA1c level between 5.7% and 6.4%. The
prevalence of IFG, isolated IFG, IGT, isolated IGT, increased HbA1c level, isolated increased
HbA1c level, and prediabetes (defined as having IFG, IGT, or increased HbA1c level) were
estimated. Fasting insulin levels and cardiometabolic risk factors across glycemic abnormality
phenotypes were also compared. Obesity was defined as having age- and sex-specific body
mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) in the
95th percentile or higher in adolescents or 30 or higher in young adults.

RESULTS Of 5786 individuals, 2606 (45%) were adolescents and 3180 (55%) were young
adults. Of adolescents, 50.6% (95% CI, 47.6%-53.6%) were boys, and 50.6% (95% CI,
48.8%-52.4%) of young adults were men. Among adolescents, the prevalence of prediabetes
was 18.0% (95% CI, 16.0%-20.1%) and among young adults was 24.0% (95% CI,
22.0%-26.1%). Impaired fasting glucose constituted the largest proportion of prediabetes,
with prevalence of 11.1% (95% CI, 9.5%-13.0%) in adolescents and 15.8% (95% CI,
14.0%-17.9%) in young adults. In multivariable logistic models including age, sex,
race/ethnicity, and body mass index, the predictive marginal prevalence of prediabetes was
significantly higher in male than in female individuals (22.5% [95% CI, 19.5%-25.4%] vs 13.4%
[95% CI, 10.8%-16.5%] in adolescents and 29.1% [95% CI, 26.4%-32.1%] vs 18.8% [95% CI,
16.5%-21.3%] in young adults). Prediabetes prevalence was significantly higher in individuals
with obesity than in those with normal weight (25.7% [95% CI, 20.0%-32.4%] vs 16.4% [95%
CI, 14.3%-18.7%] in adolescents and 36.9% [95% CI, 32.9%-41.1%] vs 16.6% [95% CI,
14.2%-19.4%] in young adults). Compared with persons with normal glucose tolerance, Author Affiliations: National Center
for Chronic Disease Prevention and
adolescents and young adults with prediabetes had significantly higher non–high-density
Health Promotion, Division of
lipoprotein cholesterol levels, systolic blood pressure, central adiposity, and lower insulin Diabetes Translation, Centers for
sensitivity (P < .05 for all). Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, Georgia (Andes, Cheng,
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In the United States, about 1 of 5 adolescents and 1 of 4 young Rolka, Imperatore); Department of
adults have prediabetes. The adjusted prevalence of prediabetes is higher in male individuals Public Health and Epidemiology,
Imperial College London, London,
and in people with obesity. Adolescents and young adults with prediabetes also present an
United Kingdom (Gregg).
unfavorable cardiometabolic risk profile, putting them both at increased risk of type 2
Corresponding Author: Linda J.
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Andes, PhD, Division of Diabetes
Translation, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford
JAMA Pediatr. 2020;174(2):e194498. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.4498 Hwy NE, Bldg 107, S107-3, Atlanta, GA
Published online December 2, 2019. 30341 (fwf7@cdc.gov).

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Research Original Investigation Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016

he American Diabetes Association has defined predia-
betes as the presence of impaired fasting glucose (IFG; Key Points
fasting plasma glucose [FPG] concentration between
Question What is the prevalence of prediabetes in US adolescents
100 mg/dL to <126 mg/dL; to convert to millimoles per liter, and young adults?
multiply by 0.0555), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT; a
Findings In this survey study of 5786 US adolescents and young
2-hour plasma glucose [2hrPG] concentration after a 75-g oral
adults, the prevalence of prediabetes was lower among
glucose tolerance test of 140 mg/dL to 199 mg/dL), or gly-
adolescents than young adults and significantly higher in male
cated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels between 5.7% and 6.4% than female individuals and in those with obesity overall.
(to convert to proportion of total hemoglobin, multiply by Participants with prediabetes in both age groups had significantly
0.01). 1 In adults, these 3 phenotypes increase the risk of higher non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, systolic
developing type 2 diabetes 2 as well as cardiovascular blood pressure, central adiposity, and lower insulin sensitivity than
diseases.3 In 2011 to 2012, the overall prevalence of prediabe- individuals with normal glucose tolerance.
tes among US adults, defined as the presence of any of the 3 Meaning Adolescents and young adults with prediabetes present
glucose metabolism dysregulation phenotypes, was 38% and an unfavorable cardiometabolic risk profile and are therefore at
it increased to about 50% in persons 65 years and older.4 In increased risk of not only developing type 2 diabetes, but also
2005 to 2014, in the US adolescent population aged 12 to 19 cardiovascular diseases.
years, the prevalence of prediabetes was 17.4% when mea-
sured as any of the 3 glucose metabolism phenotypes5; more Study Population
recent estimates of the prevalence of the 3 glucose abnormal- The study included participants aged 12 to 34 years who had
ity phenotypes in US adolescents are lacking. A study among fasted 8 to 24 hours and had valid results for FPG, 2hrPG, and
American Indian adolescents demonstrated that IFG, HbA1c tests. Participants were excluded if they reported re-
elevated HbA1c levels, and IGT performed equally well in pre- ceiving a diagnosis of diabetes by a health care professional
dicting the incidence of type 2 diabetes.6 Given the observed (n = 199) or had undiagnosed diabetes (FPG, >125 mg/dL;
recent increase in the incidence and prevalence of type 2 dia- 2hrPG, ≥200 mg/dL; or HbA1c, ≥6.5%) (n = 100). Also ex-
betes in US adolescents7,8 and the projected more than 4-fold cluded were pregnant women (n = 558) and those with miss-
increase9 in the next decades, it is important to monitor the ing values for FPG, 2hrPG, or HbA1c levels (n = 639). The study
prevalence of these phenotypes of glucose dysregulation at received approval for human subjects research from the Na-
the population level. This will help guide prevention strate- tional Center for Health Statistics Institutional Review Board.
gies and identify subgroups at higher risk for early-onset type All NHANES adult and emancipated minor participants pro-
2 diabetes. vided written informed consent; a parent or guardian gave
This study assessed the prevalence of IFG, IGT, increased permission for minors to participate.
HbA1c level, and prediabetes (IFG, IGT, or increased HbA1c lev-
els) among US adolescents (aged 12-18 years) and young adults Measurements and Glucose Status Definitions
(aged 19-34 years) by sex, race/ethnicity, and body mass in- NHANES survey instruments and protocols have been previ-
dex (BMI, calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height ously published.11 Laboratory analyses for biochemical indi-
in meters squared) status. We also compared insulin sensitiv- cators followed standard protocols and are described in detail.12
ity and cardiometabolic risk factors across these categories of Owing to changes in methodology for measuring FPG, 2hrPG,
glucose tolerance. and insulin, all glucose measures were backward calibrated to
the methodology used before the initial change in 2003,13,14
as were fasting insulin levels.14-16 Participants’ glucose me-
tabolism statuses were defined by 4 phenotypes: (1) IFG de-
Methods fined as FPG of 100 mg/dL to less than 126 mg/dL; (2) IGT
Data Source defined as 2hrPG of 140 mg/dL to less than 200 mg/dL;
We combined data from six 2-year cycles of the National Health (3) increased HbA1c level determined by HbA1c of 5.7% to less
and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES; 2005-2006 than 6.5%; or (4) prediabetes defined as having any of IFG, IGT,
through 2015-2016). NHANES is a cross-sectional, nationally or increased HbA1c level. Normal glucose tolerance (NGT) was
representative survey that includes household interviews and defined as FPG less than 100 mg/dL; 2hrPG less than 140 mg/
standardized medical examinations plus blood sample collec- dL; and HbA1c level less than 5.7%.
tions in mobile examination centers.10 Participants are ran- Total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cho-
domly assigned to a morning or afternoon/evening session for lesterol levels were measured enzymatically. Non-HDL cho-
their mobile examination centers appointment. Participants lesterol levels were calculated as total cholesterol minus HDL
assigned to the morning sessions and who are scheduled for cholesterol.
the oral glucose tolerance test are instructed to fast for at least The Single Point Insulin Sensitivity Estimator was used as
9 hours. The overall response rates among the examined a surrogate measure of insulin sensitivity and calculated from
samples were 77.4%, 75.4%, 77.3%, 69.5%, 68.5%, and 58.7% HDL cholesterol, triglyceride level, and BMI.17 Anthropomet-
for the 2005-2006, 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2011-2012, 2013- ric measurements included barefoot standing height (with a
2014, and 2015-2016 surveys, respectively. Analysis began in stadiometer), weight with minimal clothing (on a digital, elec-
April 2017. tronic scale), and waist circumference (in the horizontal plane

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Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016 Original Investigation Research

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the US Population Aged 12 to 34 Years

Using Data From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2016

Age Group, Mean (95% CI)

Characteristic 12-18 y 19-34 y P Value for Difference Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index
Sample size (population size) 2606 (10.0 million) 3180 (21.2 million) NA (calculated as weight in kilograms
Male, % 50.6 (47.6-53.6) 50.6 (48.8-52.4) .99 divided by height in meters squared);
HDL, high-density lipoprotein;
Age, y 15.1 (14.9-15.2) 26.4 (26.2-26.6) NA
NA, not applicable; SPISE, Single
Race/ethnicity, % Point Insulin Sensitivity Estimator.
Non-Hispanic SI conversion factors: To convert HDL
White 58.2 (53.8-62.4) 58.9 (55.1-62.6) .68 cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply by
0.0259; insulin to pmol/L, multiply by
Black 14.6 (12.5-17.0) 13.5 (11.5-15.8) .25 6.945.
Hispanic 19.6 (16.6-22.9) 19.5 (17.0-22.2) .95 a
Defined as age- and sex-specific BMI
Obesity, %a 16.2 (14.2-18.5) 29.8 (27.7-32.1) <.001 in the 95th percentile or higher for
BMI 23.8 (23.5-24.2) 27.7 (27.3-28.1) <.001 participants aged 12 to 18 years and
as BMI of 30 or higher in
Waist to height ratio >0.5, % 36.0 (33.3-38.9) 64.0 (61.2-66.7) <.001 participants aged 19 to 34 years.
Non-HDL cholesterol, mg/dL 103.0 (101.6-104.4) 125.8 (124.2-127.5) <.001 b
Values represent geometric means
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 109.2 (108.6-109.9) 114.2 (113.6-114.8) <.001 (95% CI).
Fasting insulin, μU/mLb 3.7 (3.5-3.9) 3.4 (3.3-3.5) .01 SPISE = 600 × HDL
c cholesterol0.185/(triglycerides0.2 ×
Insulin sensitivity (SPISE) 8.5 (8.3-8.7) 6.6 (6.5-6.7) <.001

at a point marked just above the right ilium on the midaxil- agnosed or undiagnosed) were excluded from the analysis. We
lary line at minimal respiration). Height and waist circum- compared the medians and confidence intervals for each
ference were recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm. We used waist- distribution by age group and sex.
to-height ratio greater than 0.5 as a measure of central To compare the prevalence of each glycemic status cat-
adiposity. Body mass index was categorized as normal or egory or prediabetes across groups within the sample, we
underweight, overweight, or obesity. In participants aged 19 calculated the predictive margins, ie, covariate-adjusted per-
to 34 years, normal weight was defined as BMI less than 25, centages, for each of the prediabetes phenotypes using logis-
overweight as 25 to less than 30, and obesity as BMI of 30 or tic regression models.20,21 Results were stratified by age in
less. For participants aged 12 to 18 years, BMI was compared years, sex, race/ethnicity, and BMI category. We used linear re-
with age- and sex-specific growth norms. 18 Participants gression models to calculate predictive margins, ie, covariate-
with BMI in less than the 85th percentile of their age- and adjusted means, for cardiometabolic continuous variables
sex-specific group were considered to have normal weight, across glycemic status categories. Results were adjusted by age
85th percentile to less than 95th percentile to have over- in years, sex, and race/ethnicity. Because of the skewed dis-
weight, and 95th percentile or higher to have obesity. tributions of fasting insulin levels, this variable was log-
Up to 3 blood pressure measurements were taken by a phy- transformed for the analyses. Statistical significance was de-
sician after a 5-minute rest following the NHANES standard fined as 2-sided P value less than .05.
protocol and the mean of the measurements was used for the
analysis. Interview data included sex and race/ethnicity, clas-
sified as non-Hispanic white (NHW), non-Hispanic black (NHB),
Hispanic, or other. Owing to small sample size, the other race/
ethnicity group was suppressed in all tables. The final analytic sample consisted of 5786 participants. Of
these, 2606 (45%) were adolescents aged 12 to 18 years and
Data Analysis 3180 (55%) were young adults aged 19 to 34 years. The distri-
Data were analyzed using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute) and bution of sex and race/ethnicity were similar across age groups
SAS-callable SUDAAN 11.0 to account for the complex sam- of adolescents and young adults (50.6% [95% CI, 47.6%-
pling design of NHANES, including unequal probabilities of se- 53.6%] vs 50.6% [95% CI, 48.8%-52.4%] male; 58.2% [95% CI,
lection, nonresponse adjustments, and a stratified, clustered 53.8%-62.4%] vs 58.9% [95% CI, 55.1%-62.6%] NHW; 14.6%
sample design. Because our sample included only participants [95% CI, 12.5%-17.0%] vs 13.5% [95% CI, 11.5%-15.8%] NHB;
with valid measures for both FPG and 2hrPG, we used the 19.6% [95% CI, 16.6%-22.9%] vs 19.5% [95% CI, 17.0%-22.2%]
sample weights for the oral glucose tolerance test subsample of Hispanic) (Table 1). However, there were significant differ-
NHANES to make results representative of the civilian, nonin- ences in many of the metabolic indicators. A larger propor-
stitutionalized US population. Distributions of FPG, 2hrPG, and tion of young adults had waist-to-height ratios greater than 0.5
HbA1c level were plotted using unweighted kernel probability (36.0% [95% CI, 33.3%-38.9%] vs 64.0% [95% CI, 61.2%-
density estimation of the probability density function to show 66.7%]; P < .001) and had higher non-HDL cholesterol (103.0
the shape of the overall distributions.19 The distribution plots [95% CI, 101.6-104.4] vs 125.8 [95% CI 124.2-127.5]; P < .001).
were right-truncated because people with diabetes (either di- Fasting insulin levels and insulin sensitivity were signifi-

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Research Original Investigation Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016

In girls aged 12 to 18 years, after adjusting for age in years,

Table 2. Distribution of Glucose Metabolism Abnormalities
in US Adolescents and Young Adults by Agea race/ethnicity, and BMI, the prevalence of IFG was signifi-
cantly lower than for boys (7.0% [95% CI, 5.1%-9.4%] vs 15.2%
% (95% CI)
[95% CI, 13.0%-17.8%]; P < .001) (Table 3). The prevalence of IFG
Characteristic Adolescents Young Adults
was significantly lower in NHB than Hispanic adolescents (7.8
Age, y 12-18 19-34
[95% CI, 5.5%-11.0%] vs 16.5% [95% CI, 13.5%-19.9%]; P < .001)
Normal glucose 82.0 (79.9-84.0) 76.0 (73.9-78.1)
while increased HbA1c levels were significantly more preva-
IFG only 9.2 (7.8-10.7) 11.4 (9.7-13.4)
lent in NHB adolescents than in Hispanic or NHW adolescents
IGT only 2.8 (2.0-3.8) 3.2 (2.6-4.0) (16.7% [95% CI, 13.1%-21.1%] vs 6.8% [95% CI, 4.7%-9.9%] and
Increased HbA1c level only 3.7 (3.0-4.7) 4.6 (3.9-5.4) 1.9% [95% CI, 1.0%-3.4%] for all increased HbA1c level; both
IFG + IGT 0.7 (0.3-1.6) 1.3 (0.9-1.9) P < .001). Among individuals aged 12 to 18 years, the adjusted
IFG + increased HbA1c level 1.0 (0.7-1.6) 2.2 (1.7-2.8) prevalence of prediabetes (any of IFG, IGT, or increased HbA1c
IGT + increased HbA1c level 0.3 (0.2-0.5) 0.3 (0.2-0.6) level) was significantly lower in girls than in boys (13.4% [95%
IFG + IGT + increased HbA1c level 0.2 (0.1-0.5) 0.9 (0.5-1.4) CI, 10.8%-16.5%] vs 22.5% [95% CI, 19.8%-25.4%]; P < .001), as
All IFG 11.1 (9.5-13.0) 15.8 (14.0-17.9) well as in adolescents with normal weight compared with ado-
All IGT 4.0 (3.1-5.2) 5.8 (4.9-6.8) lescents with obesity (16.4% [95% CI, 14.3%-18.7%] vs 25.7%
All increased HbA1c level 5.3 (4.3-6.4) 8.0 (7.0-9.2) [95% CI, 20.0%-32.4%]; P = .004).
Any prediabetes 18.0 (16.0-20.1) 24.0 (21.9-26.1) The results for young adults aged 19 to 34 years were simi-
lar (Table 4). The adjusted prevalence of IFG was significantly
Abbreviations: HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin A1c; IFG, impaired fasting glucose;
IGT, impaired glucose tolerance. lower in women than in men (10.1% [95% CI, 8.1%-12.5%] vs
Impaired fasting glucose is defined as a blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL to 21.5% [95% CI, 18.9%-24.3%]; P < .001). There were also sig-
less than 126 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555). Impaired nificant differences in the percentage with IFG between NHB
glucose tolerance is defined as 2-hour plasma glucose level of 140 mg/dL to and Hispanic young adults (19.0% [95% CI, 16.0%-22.3%] vs
less than 200 mg/dL after oral glucose tolerance test. Increased HbA1c level
defined as 5.7% to less than 6.5% (to convert to proportion of total
10.7% [95% CI, 8.2%-13.7%]; P < .001), but the prevalence of in-
hemoglobin, multiply by 0.01). Prediabetes is defined as having any of IFG, creased HbA1c level was significantly greater in NHB young
IGT, or increased HbA1c level. adults compared with Hispanic young adults (18.2% [95% CI,
15.4%-21.3%] vs 10.6% [95% CI, 8.7%-12.8%]; P < .001) and NHW
individuals (4.8% [95% CI, 3.5%-6.4%]; P < .001). The ad-
cantly higher in adolescents than in young adults (3.7 [95% CI, justed prevalence for prediabetes among individuals aged 19 to
3.5-3.9] vs 3.4 [95% CI, 3.3-3.5]; P = .01 and 8.5 [95% CI, 8.3- 34 years varied by BMI, with highest prevalence among people
8.7] vs 6.6 [95% CI, 6.5-6.7]; P < .001, respectively). with obesity, intermediate in those with overweight, and low-
The probability density estimates for FPG, 2hrPG, and est in those with normal weight or underweight (36.9% [95%
HbA1c level by age group and sex are shown in the eFigure in CI, 32.9%-41.1%], 20.7% [95% CI, 17.9%-23.7%], and 16.6% [95%
the Supplement; medians and confidence intervals are re- CI, 14.2%-19.4%], respectively).
ported in eTable 1 in the Supplement. For FPG, there was a sig- Among adolescents aged 12 to 18 years, systolic blood pres-
nificant difference between male and female individuals in sure was significantly higher among all with IFG, IGT, increased
both age groups, with male individuals having significantly HbA1c level, or prediabetes than in those with NGT (P values
higher medians. There were no significant differences in FPG shown in Table 5). Non-HDL cholesterol levels in adolescents
by age group. In addition, there were no significant differ- were significantly higher among all with IFG, IGT, or prediabe-
ences in 2hrPG or HbA1c level between male and female indi- tes compared with those with NGT. The groups of all adolescents
viduals or by age group. with IFG, all with increased HbA1c level or prediabetes also pre-
There was very little overlap among IFG, IGT, and in- sented significantly higher waist-to-height ratio compared with
creased HbA1c level categories (Table 2). For example, among those with NGT. All adolescents with IFG, with increased HbA1c
the 11.1% (95% CI, 9.5%-13.0%) of the population aged 12 to 18 level, or prediabetes had a significantly higher BMI and lower in-
years affected by IFG, 9.2% (95% CI, 7.8%-10.7%) had iso- sulin sensitivity when compared with those with NGT.
lated IFG. There were significant differences by age group in Among young adults aged 19 to 34 years, systolic blood pres-
the percentage with IFG (11.1% [95% CI, 9.5%-13.0%] among sure and non-HDL cholesterol were significantly higher for all
adolescents vs 15.8% [95% CI, 14.0%-17.9%] among young those with IFG, all with IGT, all with increased HbA1c level, or
adults; P < .001), with IGT (4.0% [95% CI, 3.1%-5.2%] among prediabetes compared with NGT (P values shown in Table 5).
adolescents vs 5.8% [95% CI, 4.9%-6.8%] among young adults; Young adults with any of the glucose abnormal phenotypes had
P = .015), and with increased HbA1c levels (5.3% [95% CI, 4.3%- significantly higher waist-to-height ratio than the NGT group and
6.4%] among adolescents vs 8.0% [95% CI, 7.0%-9.2%] among were also significantly less insulin sensitive than those with NGT.
young adults; P < .001). Overall, the percentage with predia-
betes (any of IFG, IGT, or increased HbA1c level) was signifi-
cantly lower for individuals aged 12 to 18 years than for those
aged 19 to 34 years (18.0% [95% CI, 16.0%-20.1%] vs 24.0%
[95% CI, 21.9%-26.1%]; P < .001) (eTable 2 in the Supplement Using a nationally representative data set comprising 12 years
provides distributions by age group and race/ethnicity). of NHANES data (2005-2016), we estimated the overall preva-

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Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016 Original Investigation Research

Table 3. Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of IFG, IGT, Increased HbA1c, and Prediabetes in US Adolescents
Aged 12 to 18 Years by Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and BMI Statusa

% (95% CI)
Isolated All
Increased Increased
Characteristic IFG IGT HbA1c Level IFG IGT HbA1c Level Prediabetes
All youth aged 9.2 (7.8-10.8) 2.8 (2.0-3.8) 3.7 (3.0-4.7) 11.1 (9.5-13.0) 4.0 (3.1-5.2) 5.3 (4.4-6.5) 18.0 (16.0-20.1)
12-18 y
Adjusted by Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and BMIb
Male 12.9 (10.8-15.4) 2.4 (1.4-4.1) 4.5 (3.5-5.9) 15.2 (13.0-17.8) 3.5 (2.4-5.2) 6.6 (5.3-8.1) 22.5 (19.8-25.4)
Female 5.4 (4.0-7.1) 3.1 (1.9-4.9) 2.9 (2.0-4.2) 7.0 (5.1-9.4) 4.5 (3.0-6.6) 4.0 (2.8-5.6) 13.4 (10.8-16.5)
White 9.7 (7.7-12.2) 3.4 (2.2-5.1) 1.7 (0.9-3.2) 10.7 (8.3-13.6) 4.3 (2.9-6.2) 1.9 (1.0-3.4) 15.8 (12.9-19.1)
Black 4.7 (3.2-7.0) 0.8 (0.3-1.8) 13.0 7.8 (5.5-11.0) 2.6 (1.6-4.3) 16.7 22.7 (19.0-26.8)
(10.4-16.1) (13.1-21.1)
Hispanic 12.5 (10.1-15.4) 2.3 (1.4-3.5) 3.2 (2.0-5.2) 16.5 (13.5-19.9) 4.2 (2.9-6.2) 6.8 (4.7-9.9) 22.5 (19.0-26.3)
Normal or 8.2 (6.6-10.2) 2.8 (1.9-4.1) 3.8 (2.9-4.9) 9.6 (7.7-12.0) 3.7 (2.6-5.2) 4.8 (3.7-6.2) 16.4 (14.3-18.7)
Overweight 10.6 (6.8-16.2) 1.5 (0.7-3.4) 2.8 (1.6-4.7) 12.4 (8.4-17.8) 2.4 (1.2-5.0) 4.2 (2.6-6.5) 16.6 (12.7-21.5)
Obesity 12.3 (8.5-17.5) 3.6 (1.7-7.4) 4.2 (2.3-7.5) 16.8 (12.3-22.4) 6.6 (4.1-10.6) 8 (5.7-11.1) 25.7 (20.0-32.4)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided hemoglobin, multiply by 0.01). Prediabetes is defined as having any of IFG,
by height in meters squared); HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin A1c; IFG, impaired IGT, or increased HbA1c level.
fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance. b
Predictive margins were obtained from logistic regression.
Impaired fasting glucose is defined as a blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL to c
Normal or underweight was defined as BMI less than 85th percentile,
less than 126 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555). Impaired overweight as 85th percentile to less than 95th percentile, and obesity as BMI
glucose tolerance is defined as 2-hour plasma glucose level of 140 mg/dL to of 95th percentile or higher.
less than 200 mg/dL after oral glucose tolerance test. Increased glycated
HbA1c is defined as 5.7% to less than 6.5% (to convert to proportion of total

lence of prediabetes (IFG, IGT, or increased HbA1c level) to be gitudinal studies are needed to examine the natural history
about 1 in 5 for adolescents aged 12 to 18 years and 1 in 4 for of these different phenotypes of glucose metabolism abnor-
young adults aged 19 to 34 years. In both age groups, of the malities in adolescents.
phenotypes of glucose homeostasis dysregulation, IFG was This study found that isolated IFG represented the most
the most prevalent. In addition, we found very little overlap common glucose dysregulation in adolescents and young
across the subgroups having IFG, IGT, and increased HbA1c adults. While individuals with IFG are at increased risk for type
level, indicating that the prevalence of prediabetes varies 2 diabetes,2 few primary prevention trials have included in-
depending on the method used to identify this condition. In dividuals selected for the presence of IFG35,36 and none have
adults, it has been demonstrated that the pathophysiology been conducted in adolescents with IFG or IGT, to our knowl-
of IFG and IGT differ22-28 with IFG characterized by reduced edge. A Japanese study in persons without diabetes but with
basal insulin secretion and increased hepatic and renal insu- IFG, regardless of their 2hrPG or HbA1c levels, found that life-
lin resistance, while IGT was associated with impaired post- style intervention significantly reduced the incidence of type
prandial insulin secretion and increased peripheral insulin 2 diabetes but only in individuals who had, in addition to IFG,
resistance.27,29-31 Very few data are available on the natural either IGT or elevated HbA1c levels. In individuals with iso-
history and rate of progression to type 2 diabetes of these lated IFG, there was no significant reduction in diabetes inci-
different phenotypes of glucose metabolism abnormalities dence (hazard ratio, 1.17 [95% CI, 0.50-2.74]).36 On the other
in adolescence, as studies are usually limited to populations hand, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
at very high risk for diabetes.6 In adolescents with obesity, trials of structured lifestyle interventions in adults without IGT
the predominant defect in IFG or IGT is impaired insulin found significant improvements in FPG, HbA1c level, fasting
secretion associated, as in adults, with insulin resistance. insulin levels, and insulin resistance.37 A simulation model
However, compared with adults, decline in β-cell function showed that applying the magnitude of changes observed in
seems to occur at an accelerated rate resulting in relative the meta-analysis in FPG (−2.5 mg/dL [95% CI, −3.4 mg/dL to
insulin defic ienc y and progression to overt type 2 −1.6 mg/dL]) or HbA 1c level (−0.05% [95% CI, −0.08% to
diabetes 32-34 with insulin treatment needed to control −0.02%]) to the US adult population could reduce the preva-
hyperglycemia within a few years after diagnosis. Large lon- lence of prediabetes by 29%.37

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Research Original Investigation Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016

Table 4. Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of IFG, IGT, Increased HbA1c, and Prediabetes in US Young Adults
Aged 19 to 34 Years by Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and BMI Statusa

% (95% CI)
Isolated All
Increased Increased HbA1c
Characteristic IFG IGT HbA1c Level IFG IGT Level Prediabetes
All young adults 11.4 (9.7-13.4) 3.3 (2.6-4.0) 4.6 (3.9-5.4) 15.8 (14.9-17.9) 5.8 (4.9-6.8) 8.0 (7.0-9.2) 24.0 (22.0-26.1)
aged 19-34 y
Adjusted by Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and BMIb
Male 16.9 (14.4-19.8) 2.3 (1.6-3.3) 5.0 (4.0-6.4) 21.5 (18.9-24.3) 4.5 (3.4-5.8) 8.6 (7.2-10.3) 29.1 (26.4-32.1)
Female 5.8 (4.4-7.7) 4.2 (3.2-5.5) 4.1 (3.3-5.1) 10.1 (8.1-12.5) 7.1 (5.8-8.7) 7.4 (6.1-9.0) 18.8 (16.5-21.3)
White 12.4 (9.9-15.3) 3.4 (2.5-4.7) 2.3 (1.6-3.4) 15.4 (12.8-18.5) 5.1 (4.0-6.6) 4.8 (3.5-6.4) 21.4 (18.5-24.5)
Black 6.4 (4.4-9.2) 1.4 (0.7-2.8) 14.5 10.7 (8.2-13.7) 3.5 (2.4-5.2) 18.2 (15.4-21.3) 26.9 (23.5-30.5)
Hispanic 11.4 (9.4-13.8) 3.7 (2.4-5.6) 5.4 (4.1-7.2) 19.0 (16.0-22.3) 8.3 (6.4-10.5) 10.6 (8.7-12.8) 28.7 (25.1-32.5)
Normal or 9.2 (7.3-11.5) 2.1 (1.3-3.6) 3.5 (2.6-4.9) 10.9 (9.0-13.1) 2.9 (1.9-4.3) 4.8 (3.7-6.1) 16.6 (14.2-19.4)
Overweight 10.1 (8.0-12.7) 2.8 (1.7-4.6) 4.4 (3.2-6.1) 13.2 (10.6-16.2) 4.9 (3.4-7.0) 6.5 (5.0-8.3) 20.7 (17.9-23.7)
Obesity 15.9 (12.8-19.7) 5.3 (3.9-7.2) 5.8 (4.3-7.8) 25.2 (21.7-29.0) 10.6 (8.5-13.2) 13 (10.5-15.9) 36.9 (32.9-41.1)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided HbA1c is defined as 5.7% to less than 6.5% (to convert to proportion of total
by height in meters squared); HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin A1c; IFG, impaired hemoglobin, multiply by 0.01). Prediabetes is defined as having any of IFG,
fasting glucose; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance. IGT, or increased HbA1c level.
a b
Impaired fasting glucose is defined as a blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL to Predictive margins were obtained from logistic regression.
less than 126 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555). Impaired c
Normal or underweight was defined as BMI less than 25, overweight as 25 to
glucose tolerance is defined as 2-hour plasma glucose level of 140 mg/dL to less than 30, and obesity as BMI of 30 or higher.
less than 200 mg/dL after oral glucose tolerance test. Increased glycated

We found that in adolescents and young adults, the preva- dividuals, which may be due to differences in hemoglobin gly-
lence of prediabetes in male individuals was almost twice that cation among children and adults47 or red cell survival among
in female individuals, which was driven by a 2-fold differ- adults.48 In NHB participants of the Atherosclerosis Risk in
ence in the percentage of IFG in male individuals compared Communities study with a mean age of 55 to 56 years and ad-
with female individuals. Female individuals, on the other hand, justed for age and sex, a 1% increase in HbA1c level at baseline
were more likely to have IGT than male individuals, but this was associated with a 4-fold increase in the incidence of type
difference was not statistically significant. These findings are 2 diabetes after 20 years of follow-up.49 Among individuals
consistent with those of other studies in adults26,38-43; how- with HbA1c level of 5.7% or higher, the incidence of diabetes
ever, the underlying mechanisms for explaining this discrep- in NHB was similar to that of NHW individuals (30.5 events per
ancy are still unclear. Hormone replacement therapy in post- 1000 person-years [95% CI, 28.6-32.5]) and 29.4 events per
menopausal women has been associated with reduced fasting 1000 person-years [95% CI, 26.8-32.1], respectively). How-
glucose levels, reduced insulin resistance, and increased risk ever, in young adults, a type 2 diabetes risk prediction model
of isolated IGT,43,44 suggesting that female sex hormones, pri- that included HbA1c level performed better among NHW than
marily estrogen, may contribute to the differences in the preva- NHB individuals at predicting 5-year diabetes incidence.50
lence of IFG and IGT between male and female individuals. The These findings highlight the need for additional studies on the
finding that IFG and IGT prevalence differs by sex also high- long-term consequences and preventive strategies of abnor-
lights the fact that screening programs based solely on fast- mal glucose metabolism as measured by HbA1c levels in ado-
ing glucose value may miss women at high risk for develop- lescents and young adults, especially of minority racial/
ing type 2 diabetes. ethnic groups.
In our study, NHB adolescents and young adults had higher Obesity is a strong predictor of increased risk for type 2
rates of increased HbA1c levels compared with Hispanic and diabetes in adults51,52 and probably also plays a major role in the
NHW individuals. Similarly, black participants with prediabe- development of the disease at younger ages. Obesity is highly
tes enrolled in the US Diabetes Prevention Program research prevalent among US adolescents and young adults.53 The find-
study had higher levels of HbA1c levels compared with white ing that a large proportion of adolescents and young adults with
participants, after adjustment for glucose concentration.45 This obesity already present glucose metabolism abnormalities is of
difference was also found in individuals with normal glucose great public health concern given the sharp increase in type 2
levels.46 Studies have shown that HbA1c levels overestimate diabetes in adolescence.7 In an obesity clinic population of ado-
mean glucose concentrations in NHB compared with NHW in- lescents with overweight or obesity with IGT during a median

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Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016 Original Investigation Research

Table 5. Metabolic Characteristics by Glucose Tolerance Status in US Adolescents and Young Adults Adjusted by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicitya,b

Mean (95% CI)

Isolated All
Increased Increased
Characteristic NGT IFG IGT HbA1c Level IFG IGT HbA1c Level Prediabetes
Adolescents, Aged 12-18 y
Systolic blood 108.5 113.1 112 111.5 113.1 111.6 112.2 112.6
pressure, mm Hg (107.8-109.1) (111.3-114.9)c (108.7-115.2) (109.3-113.8) (111.2-115.1)c (108.7-114.6)c (110.9-114.5)c (111.1-114.0)c
Non-HDL 101.6 110.5 110.2 103.2 110.9 112.6 105.8 109.3
cholesterol, (100.0-103.2) (104.8-116.1)c (98.6-121.7) (95.8-110.6) (105.6-116.3)c (103.1-122)c (100.1-111.5) (104.7-113.9)c
Waist-to-height 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.52 0.52 (0.48-0.55) 0.54 0.51 (0.50-0.53)c
ratio (0.48-0.49) (0.48-0.52) (0.46-0.54) (0.49-0.54) (0.50-0.53)c (0.52-0.57)c
BMI 23.5 24.4 23.3 25.3 25.3 24.7 (22.5-26.9) 27.2 25.1 (24.0-26.1)c
(23.2-23.9) (23.1-25.6) (20.7-25.9) (23.3-27.3) (24.0-26.6)c (25.4-29.0)c
Fasting insulin, 4.4 (4.2-4.7) 4.9 (4.4-5.5) 4.1 (3.3-4.8) 5.5 (4.4-6.7) 5.1 (4.5-5.7)c 4.4 (3.7-5.1) 5.8 (4.8-6.9)c 5.0 (4.5-5.5)c
Insulin 8.6 (8.4-8.8) 8 (7.4-8.6) 8.9 8.1 (7.4-8.9) 7.7 (7.0-8.3)c 8.4 (7.2-9.6) 7.3 (6.7-8.0)c 7.9 (7.4-8.5)c
sensitivity (7.6-10.2)
Young Adults, Aged 19-34 y
Systolic blood 113.4 116.9 115.7 115.1 117.6 117.6 117.6 117.0
pressure, mm Hg (112.8-113.9) (115.4-118.3)c (113.2-118.2) (113.1-117.1) (116.5-118.8)c (116.5-118.8)c (116.5-118.8)c (116.0-118.0)c
Non-HDL 101.6 128.9 136.3 126.3 132.8 112.6 133.7 132.8
cholesterol, (100.0-103.2) (125-132.9)c (129.5-143.1)c (119.6-132.9) (129.4-136.3)c (103.1-122)c (127.7-139.7)c (129.6-136.0)c
Waist-to-height 0.53 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.6 (0.59-0.63)c 0.61 0.59 (0.58-0.61)c
ratio (0.53-0.54) (0.57-0.60)c (0.56-0.61)c (0.55-0.60)c (0.58-0.61)c (0.59-0.62)c
BMI 26.7 30.2 29.1 29.5 31.2 31.2 (30-32.5)c 31.6 30.8 (29.9-31.6)c
(26.4-27.1) (29-31.3)c (27.4-30.7)c (27.8-31.2)c (30.2-32.2)c (30.4-32.8)c
Fasting insulin, 4.0 (3.8-4.1) 5.0 (4.3-5.7)c 5.0 (4.1-5.9)c 4.3 (3.7-5.0) 5.4 (4.9-5.9)c 5.4 (4.6-6.1)c 5.2 (4.7-5.7)c 5.1 (4.7-5.6)c
Insulin 6.9 (6.8-7.0) 5.8 (5.6-6.1)c 5.8 (5.2-6.5)c 6.2 (5.6-6.7)c 5.5 (5.3-5.7)c 5.3 (4.8-5.7)c 5.6 (5.2-5.9)c 5.6 (5.4-5.9)c
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided less than 126 mg/dL (to convert to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0555). Impaired
by height in meters squared); HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin A1c; glucose tolerance is defined as 2-hour plasma glucose level of 140 mg/dL to
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; IFG, impaired fasting glucose; IGT, impaired less than 200 mg/dL after oral glucose tolerance test. Increased HbA1c level is
glucose tolerance; NGT, normal glucose tolerance; SPISE, Single Point Insulin defined as 5.7% to less than 6.5% (to convert to proportion of total
Sensitivity Estimator. hemoglobin, multiply by 0.01). Prediabetes is defined as having any of IFG,
SI conversion factors: To convert HDL cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply by IGT, or increased HbA1c level.
0.0259; insulin to pmol/L, multiply by 6.945. P < .05 vs NGT.
a d
Predictive margins were obtained from linear regression. Dependent variable is the logarithm of fasting insulin.
b e
Impaired fasting glucose is defined as a blood glucose level of 100 mg/dL to SPISE = 600 × HDL-cholesterol0.185/(triglycerides0.2 × BMI1.338).

follow-up of 2.9 years, 65% reverted to NGT and 8% progressed regressed to normal range at a second confirmatory testing.61
to overt type 2 diabetes.54 In adults, primary prevention inter- Second, our analyses are cross-sectional in design and causal-
vention trials have demonstrated that in individuals at high ity cannot be inferred from our results. Third, we used Single
risk, type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed with lifestyle Point Insulin Sensitivity Estimator as a surrogate measure of
modifications55-59; similar studies have not been conducted in insulin sensitivity rather than direct measures of glucose dis-
the adolescent population. Therefore, future studies are needed posal. However, Single Point Insulin Sensitivity Estimator has
to assess whether these interventions with demonstrated effi- been shown to have good agreement with M values from the
cacy in adults are similarly effective in adolescents with differ- euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp test and has been vali-
ent phenotypes of glucose metabolic dysregulations. dated among juveniles and white adults.17 Fourth, we were not
able to differentiate between participants with one of the glu-
Limitations cose tolerance statuses and those with preclinical type 1 dia-
Our results are subject to several limitations. First, FPG, 2hrPG, betes. Finally, some of the glucose tolerance statuses had
and HbA1c levels were only measured once at the same time relatively few participants, although combining 10 years of
as all other biometric indicators, which may be problematic. NHANES data helps to counter this problem. However, com-
Because of the poor reproducibility of IGT and IFG,60 some in- bining multiple years of data to represent the entire period as-
dividuals may have been misclassified. Furthermore, a large sumes that prevalence is relatively constant across time.62 If
population-based screening program of people at high risk for the prevalence of prediabetes has risen, as has the preva-
type 2 diabetes reported that 21% of persons with elevated lence of type 2 diabetes, our prevalence estimates may be lower
HbA1c levels and 36% of those with IFG at first measurement than the true current prevalence levels.

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Research Original Investigation Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016

bolic risk profile and are therefore at increased risk of not only
Conclusions developing type 2 diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases.
These findings together with the observed increase in the
Our study found that prediabetes is highly prevalent in US ado- prevalence of type 2 diabetes in US adolescents7 and in dia-
lescents and young adults, especially in male individuals and betes-related complications in young adults63 highlight the
in people with obesity. Moreover, adolescents and young adults need for primary and secondary prevention efforts tailored to
with prediabetes also present an unfavorable cardiometa- the young segment of the US population.

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Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016 Original Investigation Research

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