French Revolution Class9

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Louis XVT became kinq in 34 at the age of o years
Mazmed Austxian_pribcess MARIE ANTOINETT

hree edates ot
rench socieY duing 1th lendury

Frst Estate Second Estate Thixd Cstate

Clexg Nobility Bugainesmah-

iea LAdminishrtion) merchant, Laulas_
labours, famas

Subsistence A Hnextreme Situationwhere the

Cises basic m£ans_of livelibood xemains


Tithes: ftox teyied-
by church 1oth-
Ot Agriculture fodute

Paid diretl to State.
DELTA Notebook Oisect ax on Lahd.

DELTA Notebook
Pg.: 2lta
Causes_of trench Kevolution

Socia Couse Poltical Cause EconomiC Cause

1 Social division 1 Weak Rulers 1 EmptY Treasua
2 Bisth Privi leges 2. Poos Policies 2 War Debt
of Louis XU 3 8ad Harvest

Immediate Cause
Roleaf Philosphers
1: Proposal Cause of 1Tgnited People mind
incraseín Taxes in 1989 Talked against baitish
Tnsistehe of Louis X 5 Phesented a model ot
on Estate -wise Voting
in Estate Gienera) administation based on
MoNTOSQUIEU g SePexation of PouerSTATEleaislatue
JoHA LOCke luwo taeatises ogoenmosi Eecutíve
opPosed doctrine o diuine
RousseAUAOocIAL CoNTRACT bw People_and -their.
DELTA Notebook


On SthMaY 89 Members ot third eadate

Louis xvI called Hagether demanded Person uise vioting
the meing oestaBez inskead of £stale wise
Genera mpose neu Voting
Incame tax

KingrejecHed the
cle mand o thiad
kinq oxdered tmops estate
to moe in panis
which angered
Hhe na-eg and
the deshoed Members of thim
Hhe brto Basille Estate unlKed out at
the assembly in Arotest

Kie Meonuhile bad On othjune1189the

haxuet inthe lounhaidel. gathered in the hal
led to xicking of an irdonx dennis Couat
or bread at inhe qound ot vexsallies|
man place^ and called themselueg
in Paxiss a Mationa Assembly
ThY demandeg da
Cuxdailthe poueof King

DELTA Notebook
Pg. 2a
On tutb july H89 the agitated Canuud Sioxmed he o
oBastille", a symbol uannopld regime
and deshnued

This higsered the chainsf revalt acmss he Cound

( I Eaced uoith fhuer aiotingSubjects, Louis XUIaccordecl
ecognitonto Hbe Nahional dsem.bly and agareed o que
u bisÞouer
On 4th Auqus_18g all the eudasystem aobligad-ion
and axesuee abolísked by a decree

T)chuxches poperhies were Conriscated and cler oo had

oaue up all te privellega
Ihe aladonal Assembly drarfted dhe conitution in 149
And dixtrbukedthe pouer in- tegislartube, executue
And iudiciay alongsith one bersoD one \oHe.

Howeer votinq uas yesticted to Acive citizen_Only


Paytaxes Alctive
equa to atlast
Age above-
ofa labour
As Hears

DELTA Notebook
Pg. 2ha
Remaininq men and womon were classed as Passive ciizen
who did Lal haveanl Palitical igk
blitical clubs became a mllying Pointothe discussions
on govexnmerta Palicies in which Jacobin club emexged
as the_mogt favouxite
Smali_sh»Pkee Pers
MembersoTacobin club artisans

Shoe maker

Servants,vwage wwo KeS-

heir Leader uns Maximillían_Robegpieme and they were
Called sans-culotHes meanin Athaut Kne baeeches

Onloth August 192 Jacobins Plannedan insuxmection

and imprisoned the molal family
On 21s1 Sepfembex 1792it declazed xace a RePublic
Louis XVI wasgentenced o death at cbage ot leSon
and was Publicallexecuted on_21st anuar 1193

Tbe Tacobin leader Robespienie zuled zuthlesslY om

T93 to194 and bis seign was Knoun as" Reign.of lemo
n Tuly I194 Robespiexxe was convicted aexcessivis.m
and exeeutedon Gruillortine

DELTA Notebook

-fall_of Jacobin_allbwed the wealthier middle class

lbe thaOugh an Executiveude
o Sieze the pouwey and uled om 26 oct1T95
membexs, called DIRE TOR
up otfiue
fheuent clash of diectons wth Legíslatíve_
Howevey the
Counciled to Palitical in&tabiltyY

his Paved the way for the rise o militaay dictatorship

under Napalean_Bonaparte wbo ended directorY in_1199
and became the irst Council and Latey_Crowned
himsel as-be EmPexD of rance in 1804

The deal iberty, tqualit Ánd

inpiredaom Mapokeon. And
NaPoleon was defeated in the battle o wateloo
in 1815

The LegacY f zeedom equality.ard tlezniiy that

emergedout otaench euolution emained -the
inspiringideals ofthe -olloing world.
Slauerwas inaly _abolishedl n 1848emall
the Colonfes of fance

Wlomen ParticiPated in Revolutfon theY demanded

equal polihcal righi ax man but 1191 Consfiluhion
oduced wemento Phssiie cihzens

Jomentought their ouin waY o gad mght do yote

in 1946 n_4oan.ce
DELTA Notebook
French Revolution and subsequent events through the eyes of dates.
1774 Louis XVI ascended the throne

5 May 1789 * ***************************************************

20 June 1789 **********************"******************************"**********|

14 July 1789 French Revolution started with the destruction of Fort of Bastille.

4 August 1789 ****************************************************************

10 Augsut1789

1791 **********
***************************** **************************|

Jacobins planned an insurrection and imprisoned royal family.

10 August 1792

21 Spet. 1792 ***** ***************************************************

21 Jan.1793 ***************************************************************

July 1794 *******************************************************

Fall of Jacobin and rule of Directory

26 Oct.1795

1804 * ******************************************************

1815 ***************************************************************

1848 **********************************************"*****************|

1946 Women get right to vote


(1) Who was the king of France during French Revolution?
(a) Louis XIV b) Louis XV

(c) Louis XVI (d) Louis XI

(2) In how many estates French society was divided during 18th century?
(a) One b) Two

(c) Three d Four

(3) Who wrote the book-"The Social Contract?

(a) Rousseau (b) Abbe Sieyas

(c) Mirabeau (d) Montesquieu

(4) When did Napoleon fight the 'Battle of Waterloo'?
(a) 1804 b) 1810
(c) 1832 d) 1815

(5) Name the tax directly paid to the state?

(a) Tithe (b) Taille

(c) Both ) None ofthe above

19 Class X-Soclal Sclence

(6) In the year. Napoleon became the emperor of France.

(7) .Wasthe currency of France which was used till 1794.
(8) The tax levied by Church of France was c a l l e d .*********

(9) The reign of Maximilian Robespierre was termed as.*****************************

(10) France became republic in the year.******************************
(11) What was Estate general?
(12) What do you mean by the term 'subsistence crises'?
(13) What do you understand by the term 'privilege by birth' in connection with
French revolution?
(14) When was slavery abolished from all the colonies of France?
(15) What was rule of Directoryin the history of French Revolution?
(1) What was condition of France when LouisXVl ascended the throne?
2) Explain- Third Estate.

3) What laws were passed by National Assembly in France on 4th august 1789?

(4) Describe the condition of women in 18th century French society? Does
French revolution change any of it?
5) Describe the rise of Jacobin club in France?

(6) What legacy was left behind by the French revolution for the world?
(7) Explain the rise of Napoleon?

(8) What was subsistence crisis in France? How it triggered the French
(9) Which rights were described as the "Natural and inalienable" by the French
constitution of 1791?

(10) "French Revolution didn't fulfil the aspiration of all the sections of society
Explain your answer with suitable anrgument.

20 Class iX- Soclal Sclence


(1) (c) Louis XVI

(2) (c) Three

3) (a) Rousseau

(4) (d) 1815

5) Tithe

6) 1804
7) Livares
8) Taille
9) Reign of Terror
(10) 21September 1792
(11) Estate General was a political organisation in France prior to 1789 revolution
in which allthe Estates
(12) An extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were
endangered-called subsistence crisis.
(13) The privilege of exemption from paying any taxes to church or state by the
first and second Estate members of French revolution just because of their
birth in that Estate was called'privilege by birth'.
(14) 1848

(15) The fall of Jacobin allowed the wealthier middle class to seize the power and
ruled through an Executive, made up offive members, called DIRECTORY.
(1) Empty treasury,
(i) Destruction of economicresources due to war,
Extravagant cost of living by the kings.
(iv) Adebt of more than ten billion livres,
Ademand of interest by the lenders
(2) The Third Estate was comprised of peasants, landless labours,
teachers, lawyers etc.

(i) It was the lowest strata of the French society,

21 Class X-SocialScience

(ii) They didn't have any political rights,

(iv) All the taxes imposed by state or church were to be paid by them
v During French revolution they fought against birth rights and feudal
(3) End of feudal system of obligation and taxes,
Forced priestly class to give up their privileges'
End of religious taxes like "tithe",

(iv) Confiscation of church property.

(4) Worked for subsistence,

(i) They didn't have access to education orjob training,
(itn) Theyworked as laundresses, sold flower or even worked as domestic
(iv) Their wages were lower than men,
(v) Though after French revolution their condition inmproved a bit yet
they were eluded by general political right to vote till 1946.

(5) (i) The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic hardship to the
(i) Political clubs became an important rallying point for people to
discuss government policies and their own course of action,

(ii) The most successful of these club was the Jacobean, whose
members belong mainly small shopkeepers, shoemakers,
servants, daily-wage workers etc.
(iv) Their leader was Maxmllian Robespierre who adopted red cap (a
symbol of liberty) along with a trouser without knee breachesas
worn by the dockyard labourer

(v All this was done to show themselves apart from the wealthier class
and nobility and to show solidarity with lower class which made
them favourite.
(6) The legacy left behind by the French revolution were-
End offeudal privileges
(i) The ideal of liberty

(ii) The principal of equality

(iv) The sense of brotherhood

(v) The idea of democracy

(7) ) After the fall of Jacobin govt, wealthier middle class once again got
an opportunity to seize power,

(0 A new constitution denied the vote to non-propertied sections of

society and had provisions fortwo legislative council,a safeguard
against concentration of power in one hand,

(ii) This then appointed a five member executive, known as Directory.

(iv) However the Directors often clashed with the legislative councis,
who then sought to dismiss them

(v) This political instability of directory paved the way for the rise of
military dictator, Napoleon who between 1793 to 1796 conquered
most of the central Europe and defeated Austria, Prussia and
Russia to become national Hero.

(8) The production of food grain didn't keep pace with the rapid
increase in population, so the price of bread rose rapidly.

() As wages were fixed for the workers, the rising price of bread got out
oftheir reach,
(ili) Situation worsen v ere was drought or hail thus an
extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood
were endangered-called subsistence crisis

(iv) This situation triggered the bell of French Revolution as angry

women stormed into the bakery shop after spending hours in long
queues as cod winter had destroyed the harvest.

(V They marched towards the king's palace asking for bread, while their
men were striking in tennis court for justice. This led to a chain of
events which culminated in French Revolution.
(9) (4) In 1791 the National Assembly completed the draft of the
(i1) The constitution began with a declaration of Rights of Man and
(ii) Rights such as right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion,
equality before law were established as natural and inalienable
(iv) These rights were considered as a right by birth which cannot be
taken away

(v) It was the duty of state to protect each citizen's natural rights.
(10) French Revolution was fought by all unprivileged sections of the
French society like-merchants, peasants, landless-labourers,
women etc.

) All had their own believes and aspiration from French Revolution

(ii) They aspired for a better life in terms offood and work,
(iv) However it didn't fulfil those aspirations, like political rights was
reserved for wealthy class, women had to fight for almost two
century before they got voting rights in 1946.
Actually its very own principles of liberty and equality were violated
when they denied the rights to its poor citizen, women and slaves
whogot emancipated ultimately in 1848.

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