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English Honors; The Tempest

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1. perfidious unfaithful and dishonest

2. treacherous not trustworthy

3. usurp take over without having authority

4. How did Prospero and Mi- Prospero was exiled from Italy by his brother, the
randa end up on the island Duke of Milan because "(Prospero's) state grew
years before the present stranger, being transported and rapt in secret
actions of the play? studies" (517. 76-77). This was "twelve years
since" (516. 53). It is implied that Prospero's pow-
er was growing, "being once perfected at how to
grant suits, how to deny them, who t' advance"
(517. 80-83).

5. What does Prospero do to Prospero sends his servant Ariel to use a storm
bring the mariners to the to shipwreck the mariners. This can be under-
island? stood when Prospero says to Ariel, "Hast thou,
spirit, preformed to point, the tempest that I
bade thee?" (520. 193-194) and Ariel replies, "To
every article..."(520. 195). This means that using
the magic of his lackee, Prospero brought the
mariners to the island.

6. What happens when Mi- They experience love at first sight, MIranda say-
randa and Ferdinand meet ing when she first sees Ferdinand, "A thing
each other for the first divine; for nothing natural I ever saw so no-
time ? ble." However, Miranda's father disapproves and
threatens to kill Ferdinand, saying, "I'll manacle
thy neck and feet together: sea water shalt thou
drink..." (528. 460-461).

7. Who is Caliban? Caliban is the offspring of the witch Sycorax.

Caliban is "the native inhabitant of the island, is
often depicted as poorly or not fully formed..."
(525. Picture). There is hostility between Caliban
and Prospero and Miranda, as Caliban, attempt
to tape Miranda.

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(a.) How does Miranda re- Miranda reacts to the shipwreck with total em-
act to the shipwreck? (B.) pathy, crying, "O, I have suffered With those I
What does her actions saw that suffer!... A brave vessel dashed all to
show about her charac- pieces..." (515. 5-8). Though she does not know
ter? those involved in the shipwreck, she is heartbro-
ken by the tragedy. Prospero also realizes this,
saying to her, "Be collected... Tell you piteous
heart There's no harm done" (515. 13-15). (b)
Her reaction shows that she has a nearly super-
natural level of dramatism and empathy.

9. Who caused the ship- Ariel causes the shipwreck on Prospero's behalf;
wreck, and on whose be- This is revealed when Miranda was asleep be-
half? Why is this informa- cause Prospero doesn't want her to know that he
tion revealed when Miran- has a dark side. He takes this precaution as she
da is sleep? is already suspicious of him.

10. Why does Prospero Prospero arranges for Miranda and Ferdinand
arrange for Ferdinand and to meet in order to regain his former position
Miranda to meet? What of power; if Miranda falls for Ferdinand, prince
does Prospero achieve as of Naples, and they are wed then Prospero will
a result of their first en- be reinstated into his former glory as a man of
counter? power. (b) As a result of their first encounter, Mi-
randa and Ferdinand fall in love, thus furthering
Prospero's plan to come back into power.

11. Romance incorporates both of a tragedy the and a comedy.

Also shares some other features such as:
- magical, supernatural, or otherwise unrealistic
- a protagonist, or main character, who is an older
-a subplot featuring young characters
-characters representing a variety of social lev-
els, from laborers to the nobility
-dark emotions with hints of violence

12. succession the process by which one is entitled to a privilege

, rank, or inheirtance

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13. heir person who is legally entitled to inherited

14. supplant replace by unethical means

15. What does Alonso, Gon- They believe Ferdinand to be dead when Fran-
zalo, Sebastian, and Anto- cisco says, "I not doubt [Ferdinand] came alive
nio believe has happened to land." and Alonso replies, "No, no, he's gone...
to Ferdinand? So is the dear'st o' th' loss" (358. 117-119). Se-
bastian also believes the worst, saying to Alonso,
"We have lost your son, I fear, forever" (539.
128-129). Antonio also says to Sebastian, "'Tis
as impossible that he's undrowned" (541. 229).

16. In Scene i, why do most Most of the characters fall asleep because Ariel
characters fall asleep? enchants them as he enters the scene, invisible,
by, "playing solemn music" (540. 177-178). This
is done so that Ariel can listen in on Antonio and
Sebastian's plan and report back to Prospero so
that the plan may move forward.

17. What do Sebastian and Sebastian and Antonio plot to kill the others in
Antonio plot while the oth- their group for political advancement
ers are sleep?

18. Summary of Act II Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, Francisco, and An-

tonio have all washed up on the shore of Pros-
pero's island. As they recover from their ship-
wreck, the five men exchange digs, then decide
amongst themselves as to whether Ferdinand is
dead or not. They all think that Ferdinand is dead,
but Alonso still has hope. Ariel, hidden by invis-
ibility, enchants Alonso, Gonzalo, and Francisco
to fall asleep, then listens in on the conversation
between Antonio and Sebastian where they plan
on killing their co-travellers. Ariel wakes up the
three, and they decide to look for Ferdinand.
Scene two opens with Caliban cursing out Pros-
pero. Then in the most comedic scene thus far,
everyone is drunk.

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19. In Scene ii, why does Caliban thought that Stephano and Trinculo were
Caliban promise to serve gods and they also gave him alcohol.
Stephano and Trinculo?
What possible impact the
collaboration of Caliban,
Stephano, and Trinculo
have on the other charac-

20. blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter

21. iamb a metrics foot, or unit, that consists of one un-

stressed syllable

22. In Shakespeare's plays, True

high ranking, aristocratic
characters usually speak
in blank verse.

23. Comic character, joking True

aristocrats, and charac-
ters of low rank usual-
ly speak in prose, which
does not follow any metri-
cal pattern.

24. Caliban speaks in only False; Caliban speaks on both prose and blank
prose. verse.

25. valiant brave; courageous

26. vilgilance watchfulness

27. valor personal fortitude or bravery

28. invulnerable incapable of being harmed

29. What task does Prospero moving/piling loads of logs

require of Ferdinand?

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30. What decision do Ferdi- to marry each other
nand and Miranda make
during their conversa-

31. What does Caliban want Caliban wants to follow to kill Prospero
Stephano to do for him?

32. What does Ariel first pro- He first provides the banquet then takes it away
vide and then take away
from Alonso and his en-

33. How do you know that Propsero tells Ferdinand that he can marry Mi-
Prospero approves of the randa.
growing love between Mi-
randa and Ferdinand?

34. How does Prospero haunt He is discussed by the other characters, es-
this act, even though he pecially concerning having had his dukedom
does not make a formal usurped. However, we do not see much of his
appearance in any scene? behavior. We also see Caliban describing how
In what ways is Prospero Prospero's spirits have tormented him and real-
different from all the other ize that Prospero is not nearly as kind to Caliban
characters? as he could be or as others are to him.

35. What is the purpose of *Add* Alonso talks about how he realized the
Ariel's speech after the wrong he did to Prospero and how his son is
banquet vanishes? What going to suffer now.
contribution does the
speech make to the plot,
or sequence of events?
How does the speech
make to the end of the act
build on the speech?

36. plot the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar

work, devised and presented by the writer as an
interrelated sequence.

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37. subplots separate stories or series of incidents that are
related to the main plot in some way

38. Plot of The Tempest Prospero's plan to test and teach Alonso Sebas-
tian, and Antonio

39. Subplots of The Tempest Miranda and Ferdinand; Sebastian and Antonio
wanting to kill Alonso; Caliban, Stephano, and
Trinculo; Prospero and Ariel

40. opportune very favorable

41. industrious hard-working

42. incite strongly encouraged

43. Why does Prospero have Prospero asks Ariel to summon the three spirits
Ariel arrange a pageant? so that they can perform a masque show to
celebrate Ferdinand and Miranda's engagement.

44. Who are the actors in spirits (Iris, Juno, and Ceres)
Ariel's show?

45. What does Prospero com- They set up a lure (fancy clothes on a clothes-
mand the spirits to do line) to distract them so that they can then send
to Stephano, Trinculo, and a pack of (spirit) hounds on them. (He forgot all
Caliban? about Caliban's plan to kill him)

46. What services does Ariel He puts on a pageant for the married couple and
perform for Prospero in He is trying to help Prospero
Act IV? How are these ser-
vices similar, and how are
they different?

47. What does Prospero allow Prospero gives Ferdinand and Miranda his
Ferdinand and Miranda to blessing for marriage, but warns Ferdinand to not
do? break his daughter's "virgin-knot" until the mar-
riage is official or else they will be very unhappy

48. Dramatic Speeches

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special forms of dialogue to advance the plot
and provide insights into character' emotions and

49. soliloquy a lengthy speech in which a character (alone on

the stage) expressed his or her true emotions ;
i.e. when Ferdinand describes how thoughts of
Miranda help him tolerate hard labor

50. aside a brief remark, often addressed to the audience

and meant to be kept from the other characters;
i.e. Prospero uses a sarcastic aside to comment
in the veil of those who plotted against him

51. monologue a lengthy speech by one character delivered to

other characters who are on stage; i.e. Caliban's
monologue provides information about Prospero
to hs fellow conspirators

52. Motifs in The Tempest Deception; Magic; Sleep; Monsters; the word

53. penitent sorry for one's wrongdoings

54. pardon to forgive

55. merciful showing kindness

56. rectify correct

57. Why does Prospero de- Despite all that the conspiritors have done to
cide to forgive the con- Prospero, he decides to forgive them, as he is
spirators? "struck to th' quick" (588. 28). Prospero decides
to follow his "nobler reason 'gainst... fury..." since
the "rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance"
(588. 27-28). This shows that Prospero chose to
free the conspirators out of pity and a wish to
become a better person.

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When the audience knows On page 591, Alonso says, "I wish Myself were
something that a charac- mudded in that oozy bed Where my son lies"
ter does not, the effect (591, 150-153).This is dramatic irony, as the au-
is called dramatic irony. dience is aware that Ferdinand is not sleeping in
Where in Act V does Alon- any bed at the moment, let alone a coffin, which
so express a wish that is is what Alonso is implying. The reader knows
ironic in this way? What that Ferdinand is alive and well, which Alonso
makes the wish ironic? Is doesn't know.No, Prospero is not justified in plac-
Prospero justified in plac- ing Alonso in the circumstances that evoke this
ing Alonso in the circum- wish. Not much is gained from this ambiguous
stances that evoke this word choice on Prospero's part, aside from the
wish? surprise that Miranda and Ferdinand are alive,
even if such a surprise is "A most high miracle!"
(592. 177).

59. (a) What does Prospero do In the final scene, Prospero says to Ariel, "thou
for Ariel and Caliban in shalt have freedom... I shall miss thee" (590.
the final scene?(b) Syn- 95-96), and to Caliban, "Go to! Away!" (595.
thesize: How does Pros- 297). Prospero grants both creatures their free-
pero's final soliloquy, in dom.Prospero's final soliloquy is a plea for for-
the Epilogue, reflect these giveness and mercy, and functions as a reflec-
actions? tion upon Prospero's setting Ariel and Caliban
free. This is most shown when Prospero says,
"Now I want Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;
And my ending is despair..." (596. 13-15).

60. Resolution End of the story where loose ends are tied up

61. epilogue short speech at conclusion of dramatic work

62. Prospero (Resolution) Prospero's restoration to dukedom, and his new-

ly-found magical sobriety; power is restored, na-
ture is resolved, order is restored. (Nature is
resolved when Prospero tells Ariel, "Go, release
them... My charms I'll break, their senses I'll re-
store, And they shall be themselves" (5.30-33);
Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio, he is forgiving
them; Prospero is weighing his anger with his de-
sire to forgive, and chooses forgiveness, which

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he knows is the just thing to do. Prospero also
frees Ariel, and lets Caliban go.

63. Miranda (resolution) Alonso proclaiming that he is her father in law,

now that Ferdinand has promised to wed her (5.
190-197). Miranda is also given the opportunity
to go back to Italy with Ferdinand to adopt new
power, as Prospero, "hope[s] to see the nup-
tial Of these our dear-beloved solemnizèd; And
thence retire... to Milan" (5. 307-309).

64. Ferdinand (resolution) Is blessed to mary Miranda, as Prospero pro-

claims that he "hope[s] to see the nuptial Of
these our dear-beloved solemnizèd; And thence
retire... to Milan" (5. 307-309). Ferdinand's story
arc is also resolved when he and Alonso are
reunited, as "all the blessings Of a glad father
compass [them] about" (5. 179-180).

65. Alonso (resolution) Reunites with his son and he ask Prospero for
forgiveness and he returns to Naples

66. Sebastian (resolution) released from Prospero

67. Gonzalo (resolution) released from Prospero; After learning that Pros-
pero is alive and well, Gonzalo is deemed a
"true preserver, and a loyal sir", and Prospero
promises to "pay thy graces Home both in word
and deed" (5. 69-71).

68. Ariel (resolution) freedom; first time Prospero has showed Ariel
genuine affection

69. Caliban (resolution) released by Prospero and realized Stephano

was a drunk butler; also "seeks grace" but does
not receive it... Prospero tells him to go away

70. Stephano (resolution) loses Caliban's admiration and must leave with
his king

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71. Trinculo (resolution) still has no respect

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