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Development and Evaluation of GEOTRIGOAL: A Math Quiz Web App for

Assessment of Learning of Grade 7 Students in Mabini Colleges Inc.

An Undergraduate Research

Presented to the Faculty of

College of Education

Mabini Colleges Inc.

Daet, Camarines Norte

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for


(Research in Mathematics)


Piamonte, Villy G.

De Villa, Jeric

Matutina, Franklien Jay

Lipnica, Realyn
Chapter 1



Mathematics is a fundamental subject that equips individuals with critical

thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, essential for success in various academic

disciplines and real-world situations. Effective assessment of mathematics learning is

crucial for identifying student strengths and weaknesses, tailoring instruction, and

monitoring progress. Traditional assessment methods, such as paper-based quizzes

and tests, have limitations in terms of efficiency, engagement, and adaptability to

individual learning needs.

In recent years, technology has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing

teaching and learning across various subjects, including mathematics. Educational apps

offer a dynamic and interactive learning environment that can cater to diverse learning

styles and preferences. Recognizing the potential of technology, this research aims to

develop and evaluate a mathematics quiz web app called GEOTRIGOAL, specifically

designed for assessing student learning in Mathematics 7.

The integration of technology into mathematics education has gained significant

traction in recent years. Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of mobile apps

on student learning outcomes, engagement, and motivation. For instance, Prensky

(2001) proposed the concept of "digital natives," referring to a generation of students

who have grown up with technology and are more adept at navigating digital

environments. This suggests that web apps may be particularly well-suited for engaging

and motivating these students in mathematics.

According to Almasi (2013) the use of a app for teaching algebra concepts to

middle school students. The results indicated that the app effectively improved student

understanding of algebra concepts and increased their engagement in learning.

Similarly, a study by Chen and Lin (2014) examined the impact of a mobile math game

on elementary school students' mathematical problem-solving skills. The findings

revealed that the game significantly enhanced students' problem-solving abilities and


Moreover, in the current landscape of secondary education mathematics, a

formidable challenge persists in sustaining students' enthusiasm and fostering deep

understanding (Radović et al., 2018). The conventional classroom setting, entrenched in

traditional methodologies, may not fully exploit the potential of technology to address

these challenges. However, this study aims to shed light on the effectiveness of web

app-based quizzes as a tool for reinforcing Grade 7 mathematics skills.

Teachers face several challenges when using traditional paper-based quizzes

and tests for assessment. Grading these assessments can be time-consuming,

especially for larger classes, and providing meaningful feedback to each student can be

difficult. Additionally, traditional methods may not provide teachers with real-time data on

student progress, making it challenging to identify areas of strength and weakness for

individualized instruction.

Furthermore, Batiri, D. K., & Ndung'u, N. (2021) identified several ways in which

mobile technology can be used to improve mathematics instruction, including providing

access to instructional resources, facilitating interactive learning activities, and

supporting personalized learning. The authors concluded that mobile technology has the

potential to transform mathematics education.

Despite the advancements in technology-enhanced mathematics assessment,

there remains a need for effective and engaging assessment tools that specifically

address the needs of Mathematics 7 students. Traditional assessment methods may not

be sufficiently tailored to the specific learning objectives and content of this grade level.

Additionally, existing mobile apps for mathematics assessment may not fully address the

unique challenges and opportunities of teaching and learning mathematics in the


In light of the aforementioned scenario and situations, the researchers were

motivated to conduct the study to the development and evaluation of GEOTRIGOAL for

assessment of learning of Grade 7 students in Mabini Colleges, Inc.


The researchers aim to know the development and evaluation of GEOTRIGOAL,

a Mathematics quiz web app for the assessment of learning of Grade 7 students at

Mabini Colleges Inc.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What web app-based for assessment to be developed and evaluated?

2. What is the result of the evaluation of the jurors to the GEOTRIGOAL in terms of:

a. design;

b. mechanics;
c. alignment of the learning competencies; and

d. assessment activities?

3. What is the performance of Grade 7 before and after using GEOTRIGOAL?

4. What is the significant difference of the result of pre-test and post-test?

5. What are the recommendations based on the results of intervention?


1. There is no significant difference in student learning outcomes between using

GEOTRIGOAL and traditional assessment methods.

2. There is no significant difference in student engagement and motivation in

mathematics learning between using GEOTRIGOAL and traditional methods.

3. There is no significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of student learning

assessment between using GEOTRIGOAL and traditional methods.

4. There is no difference in personalized learning with GEOTRIGOAL compared to

traditional methods.

5. There is no difference in identifying areas of strength and weakness for individualized

instruction in Mathematics 7 with GEOTRIGOAL compared to traditional methods.


This study will focus on the development and evaluation of GEOTRIGOAL a

mathematics quiz web app designed to assess learning of Grade 7 Students in Mabini

Colleges Inc. The study will specifically investigate the impact of GEOTRIGOAL on

student learning outcomes, engagement, and motivation. The study will not investigate

the long-term impact of GEOTRIGOAL on student learning and motivation. Additionally,

the effectiveness of GEOTRIGOAL may vary depending on the specific context of the

classroom and the teacher's use of the app. The study will also not compare

GEOTRIGOAL to other web math quiz apps.


This study develops and evaluates the effects of the GEOTRIGOAL quiz web

app for assessment of learning of Grade 7 students in Mabini Colleges, Inc. will be a

great help to the following beneficiaries:

To the students. Learning mathematics can be a challenging but rewarding

experience. GEOTRIGOAL is designed to make the learning process more enjoyable

and effective by providing you with an interactive and engaging platform to practice and

assess your mathematical skills. The app's gamified design, adaptive questioning, and

personalized feedback can help you stay motivated, identify areas for improvement, and

achieve mastery of specific mathematical concepts.

To the teachers. This web app can be a valuable tool for teachers to assess

their students' understanding of mathematical concepts and skills. The app's adaptive

nature and personalized feedback provide teachers with insights into individual student

needs, allowing them to tailor instruction and provide targeted support. Additionally, the

app's data analytics capabilities can help teachers identify trends and patterns in student

performance, informing instructional decisions and improving overall learning outcomes.

To the school. The app's alignment with competency-based education (CBE)

can help the school achieve its goals of ensuring that all students master essential

mathematical competencies. Additionally, the app's data analytics capabilities can

provide valuable insights into school-wide trends in mathematics achievement, informing

strategic planning and resource allocation.

To the future researchers. The development of GEOTRIGOAL opens up new

avenues for research in mathematics education. The app's innovative features and

adaptability can be used to study the effectiveness of gamification, adaptive learning,

and personalized feedback in mathematics assessment. Additionally, the app's data

analytics capabilities can provide researchers with rich data to investigate patterns in

student learning and inform the development of future assessment tools.


Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.

Almasi, H. (2013). The effect of using mobile app on teaching algebra concepts to

middle school students. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning,

8(3), 1-12.

Chen, F. D., & Lin, T.-J. (2014).The effectiveness of using a mobile math game to

enhance elementary school students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities and

motivation. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10(3),




Radović, S., Dukić, M., & Jovanović, M. (2018). Fostering deep understanding and

interest in mathematics through interactive mobile apps. In Mathematics Education for

the Future – Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Mathematics

Education (ICME-13) (Vol. 11, pp. 359-366). Springer International Publishing.

Batiri, D. K., & Ndung'u, N. (2021). "Mobile Learning in Mathematics Education: A

Review of the Literature". International Journal of Education and Research, 10(2), 79-98.



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