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Grades do not measure intelligence

A very good evening to our honourable judges, teachers and my fellow friends.
Today, I would like to deliver my speech entitled “Grades Do Not Measure

Grades are a measure of the quality of a student’s performance ,

It is usually represented by the letters A (the best) through F (the worst). Many
times, we are judged with our grades. But grades aren’t that important. For
example, if you are good in sports but have bad grades, you can be an athlete.
Grades limits us. It limits us especially when we grow up and need to find a job.
It is because people think we are smart only when we have good grades. But
sometimes, it isn’t like that. For example, if you are gifted in acting you can be a
actor. If you are gifted in singing you can be a singer.
In some countries like Finland, schools do not even have tests or if they do there
are a few. So if grades do measure intelligence then the student in these
countries will never find out how intelligent they are. Therefore, students should
worry less about their grades and instead care more about understanding what
they have learned. Getting an “A” in a test will not mean anything if you cannot
use the knowledge you learned in real-life situation. In fact, students should
concentrate on developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills rather
than memorizing information for a test.
Grades don’t measure our intelligence. If you get low grades in exams, people
start marking you as not intelligent. Proof them wrong by showing them your
In conclusion, I think grades are important but it can’t measure your intelligence.
Everyone is valuable if he contributes. Thank you.

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