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Other groups in the US of America

Arlande Ferdinand

Bunker Hill Community College

Amongst the ever-growing population of immigrants, the Asian

continent seems to be making a mark. The majority of them are
highly educated professionals who are simply looking for greener
pastures. These immigrants knew their way around and didn't need to
be taught much as they were already educated. The Asian Indians
were migrating for jobs, they came from a very populated country,
tightly packed, dense, and clustered, to a spacious area with more
opportunities. Koreans started their mass immigration after the
Chinese exclusion act was passed, which afford them more
opportunities as there was less competition. The act banned Chinese
laborers from immigrating to America for 10years. Teachers, farmers,
students, and diplomats were all included on the list as laborers. The
Vietnamese started theirs as a result of the war. A lot of refugees were
recorded, including high-ranking officials and ministers. This was a
trying time for the economy and it took a huge nose-dive. Filipino
American immigration began as a result of their recruitment in the
mines around the south coast and Hawaii. All of the immigrations
listed are a result of the search for a better life, comfort, satisfaction,
knowledge, and convenience. Though they may have had
opportunities in their home countries, they choose to explore options
that they felt could give them an upper hand, since the US of America
is a first-world country.
This could be made to work as America is a country that is advanced
in all ramifications. the problem, however, is that its citizen is not
known to be accepting of others. Americans are known to be open-
minded only when it's beneficial to them(however stereotypical it
sounds) this is true of most. the ability to accept others as they are is
only applicable when it directly involves them. The only downside to
the immigrants being welcomed is the draining of resources. but, to
counter, I think America has more than she's willing to share. She is
industrious, she is smart and she can regenerate if only she lets
herself. I know it looks like we're running out of opportunities but we
can get past this by putting the right measures in place. the right
measures being to create more opportunities and more resources will
be regenerated. Understanding that there is enough to go around is
greatly required and these immigrants would be able to live without
another person dying.

All of these suggestions will be good if they are put to good use, some
individuals are in the position to make laws that will protect and give
immigrants the opportunities and comfort they need. The question is;
why isn't that being done yet? why do we store up reserves when we
could save and recreate new ones? What stops Americans from
accommodating people who need tier help? when does this
segregation stop? when does it become illegal to hurt an immigrant?
When will there be active actions that will protect the rights of these
immigrants and guard them against exploitation?


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