LO Grade 10 Revision Book Term 1)

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Western Cape Education Department

Directorate: Curriculum FET

2023 TERM 1

Grade 10

This revision program is designed to assist you in revising the critical

content and skills that you have covered during the 1 st term. The
purpose is to prepare you to understand the key concepts and to
provide you with an opportunity to establish the required standard
and the application of the knowledge necessary to succeed in the
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

Dear Grade, 10 Learner

The past three years were challenging years for you as learners, and it’s no surprise that it left
a mark on your education and well-being. While analysing the cost of the pandemic, we use
the term” learning losses” to capture the reality that learners were not given the opportunity to
do all the learning they would have completed in a typical year. Distance learning was
especially challenging for many learners. Despite the Omicron virus that is still with us, we
want to prioritise your education to be more resilient, fair, and inclusive with access for all
learners so that you can have a successful school year. We know that the pandemic has added
an extra layer of panic to the already stressful times that high school learners experience.
Sometimes schooling can seem overwhelming, and that can be especially so with regards to
exams. In this revision booklet you will find information, activities and tips that can help you
with the revision required to do your best in any exam, task, or test. By getting to grips with
your revision you will help to manage any stress that you might face during the year. We have
designed this revision guide to help you to work through your first term curriculum. You will
find activities, notes, diagrams, and templates in this booklet that will help you to learn
concepts or acquire skills needed to do your tasks and tests. Complete all of these.
Ensure that you understand and can apply the additional notes so that you are adequately
prepared for the assignments and examination.
Doing the activities will allow you to reinforce and embed school learning. It will also identify
what knowledge you do know and what you don't know. It makes links with other learning and
will identify and fill gaps in your knowledge.
Nelson Mandela said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world”. We echo this sentiment, and we hope that this revision booklet will
contribute to your growth an own development.
We would like you to succeed, so we will help you with your studies by assisting you all the
way. We wish you well and hope that you will enjoy working through this booklet until you
have attained mastery of the knowledge and skills in preparation for your tests, assignments,
and especially exams.
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1


The Programme of Assessment for your grade 10 year is as follow:



Source-based task 90 100

Physical Education Task 10

2 June Examination 100 100

Project 90 100
Physical Education Task 10
4 November Examination 100 100

WCED ePortal

On the Western Cape Education Department's (WCED) e-Portal, is a range of educational resources
that learners can access at any time. More than 20,000 learning resources are available for free use on
the site. Learners can register through the WCED ePortal to access all the resources. There are a few
steps you need to follow if you want to register:


LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

During exams, it is very important to read the instructions carefully. This table lists the different
categories of questions you can expect in tests or exams. Make sure you know exactly what these
instructions mean. This will help you to answer questions correctly.

The following list is just to remind you about the meaning of the action verbs/ instruction words used
in controlled tests/tasks/examinations.

L1 and L 2 (lower order) L3 and L 4 (middle order) L5 and L 6 (higher order)

Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Exhibit Demonstrate Solve problems Examine and Compile

memory of understanding of to break information Present and information
previously facts and ideas new into parts by defend opinions together in a
learned by: organising, situations by identifying by making different way by
material by comparing, applying reasons or causes. judgements combining
recalling facts, translating, acquired Make inference about elements in a
basic concepts interpreting, knowledge, and find evidence information, new pattern or
and answers. giving facts to support validity of ideas proposing an
descriptions and techniques generalisations. or quality of alternative
stating main and rules in a work based on a solution
ideas. different way. set of criteria

Choose Classify Apply Analyse Apply Change

Define Compare Choose Assume Appraise Choose
Find Contrast Develop Categorise Assess Combine
How Explain Identify Classify Compare Compile
List Illustrate Interview Compare Conclude Compose
Match Outline Construct Contrast Consider Construct
Name Summarise Report Conclude Criticise Create
Relate Infer Change Distinguish Decide Develop
Select Relate Conclude Examine Defend Elaborate
What Show Demonstrate Infer Determine Imagine
When Demonstrate Discuss Evaluate Improve
Where Explain Explain Plan
Which Illustrate Interpret Predict
Who Interpret Judge Propose
Why Report Justify Solve
Review Recommend Suppose
Summarise Support Produce
Tell Argue
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1


Command verbs What is required /expected from you

Name / State State something without discussion / write facts.
Argue Make a case for accepting or rejecting a position by systematically giving reasons
and evidence for or against it. Demonstrate that you are aware of opposing
viewpoints and provide grounds for rejecting them.
List Write a list of items
Identify Pinpoint a fact or a figure or an example or an argument or a theoretical position
Consider Identify advantages and disadvantages or strengths and weaknesses in argument
and justify your own position and conclusion
Comment on Provide an informed and supported viewpoint
Distinguish Understand the difference between two things/ concepts
To perceive or recognise the way something differs from the other,
Give Write an answer by recall of information/
Define Give a clear meaning
Describe Give a detailed explanation of something
Discuss Write/talk as if you were sharing your knowledge with someone else.
Use details and examples to explain the topic
Explain To make clear, interpret and spell out the content.
Illustrate Make your points clearer with the use of specific examples, figures, diagrams,
graphs etc.
Interpret Outline what something means in simple terms and give your judgement or
comments in relation to the issue.
Justify Present convincing evidence and reasons to support your argument and answer
the main objections likely to be made about them
Outline Give an overview of a topic in an organised way, without going into too much
Present Put forward for consideration; show or display
Prove Show that something is true by presenting facts, statistics, examples etc.
Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information.
Recommend/Suggest Put an idea or plan/strategy forward for consideration that is most suitable in the
context. (In LO a solution)
Evaluate/ Assess Give your own opinions/views based on your findings and defend them. Give
judgments (is this right or wrong) about the information. This must include a
positive and negative.

Critically discuss
Make an appraisal of the importance/usefulness/accuracy of something, stressing
both advantages and limitations and back this up with relevant theories or
Synthetise Putting together various elements to make a whole


Outline of the controlled test / examination:
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

Section A: 20 marks Section B: 40 marks Section C: 40 marks

All questions are COMPULSORY All questions are COMPULSORY Learners will answer TWO 20-mark
questions out of THREE

 A short source may be used  Learners will answer TWO  Questions will predominantly focus on
to contextualise some of 20-mark questions. Short the application of knowledge and skills
the questions open-ended questions could  A short text/diagram/
 The questions must include be: data/graphs/cartoons can be provided
a combination of THREE or o Scenario based as a stimulus
more types of questions o Source-based  Questions will predominantly focus on
from the list below: o Case study the application of knowledge and skills
o Multiple choice o Cartoons  Learners will be required to:
o One-word responses o Explain/examine/
o Illustration
(List, state, provide, give) analyse/evaluate/
o Graphs critically discuss a topic.
o Definitions o Make decisions and give advice
o Short explanations  Questions should be o Provide recommendations
(Why, how, describe, explain, o Make conclusions.
knowledge-based, from
discuss) o Solve problems
information learners have
 Questions should test acquired from the Life
understanding and factual Orientation content in the  Learners should provide responses
knowledge FET band. through extended writing of
 Responses should be short, descriptive paragraphs or short
direct essays.
 Mark allocation for the  Learners should display,
questions should range present, and apply  Mark allocation for sub questions in
between 1 – 2 marks knowledge and skills gained this section could range between 4 – 8
from the Life Orientation
marks in total per question.
 Mark allocation for
questions in this section
could range between 2 – 4
marks in total per question.

 It is important that you study the mark allocation in brackets before answering a question, to
determine how marks will be applied.
 The mark allocation is also an indication of the format, depth and length of the answer
 The depth of content refers to the extent to which a topic is focused upon and explored.
 This will also help enhance the depth of learning as you develop your content learning.
 The breakdown of mark allocation is as follows:
 The first number is the restrictive number indicating the total of facts/statements/opinions
required(2x1) or (3x2).
 The second number indicates the mark regarding the depth/scope of your answer (1x2) or
(2x3) or (3x4)
 (1x2): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion () and qualifier ()
 (1x3): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion () qualifier () and
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

outcome/result ()
 (1x4): This mark allocation indicates fact/statement/opinion () elaboration/explanation (
qualifier () and outcome/result (): This is applicable when the question states “critically
When the question states “evaluate” your answer must include a positive and negative
Example: Positive= fact/statement/opinion () and qualifier () (2 marks)
Negative=fact/statement/opinion () and qualifier () (2 marks)


Define the following:
1.1. Self-awareness (2)
1.2. Self-esteem (2)
1.3. Self-development (2)
1.4. Uniqueness (2)

1.5. Identify FOUR signs that may indicate that a learner is suffering from low self-esteem as a
result of discrimination against him. (4x1)(4)

1.6. What are the advantages of having a positive self-esteem as a teenager? List two. (2x1)(2)

1.7. Discuss how a lack of self-esteem could lead to poor decision making. (1x2)(2)

1.8. Evaluate how the following two factors can influence self-esteem and self-awareness.
 Media
 Feedback from others (2x2)(4)

1.9. Recommend TWO strategies how your classmates can build self-confidence in their effort
to complete tasks and projects. (2x3)(6)

1.10 Critically discuss how will you acknowledge and respect uniqueness and differences. (2x4) (8)

LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

2.1 Distinguish between masculinity, femininity and gender. (3x2) (6)

2.2 Explain the negative impact of gender roles on both women and men. (2x2) (4)
2.3 List FOUR stereotypical views of gender roles and responsibilities. (4x1)(4)
2.4 Critically discuss the influence of gender inequality on relationships and well-being. (1x4) (4)
2.5 Evaluate TWO ways in which gender equitable leadership roles in the sporting industry
could have a positive impact on society. (2x4) (8)


Study the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Marisa first train to be a priest. Then she worked as social worker for troubled and refugee youth, and
then he trained to be a nurse. She says her religious training and counselling experiences sharpened
some of the strengths that made her a good nurse. She used her analysing skills to identify the deeper
problems of the youth and was calm under pressure. She was able to multitask and provided
satisfactory customer service. Being able to speak clearly and listening carefully, able to provide
accurate and brief reports made her a valuable worker in healthcare. She also had a passion for
outdoor environment and enjoy variety and challenges. But her passion was to become a surgeon, but
was not sure to pursue this field, as it is dominated by males. Some medical students also discouraged
her to be a surgeon because it is not compatible with having a family and was considered a job
suitable for males. Despite this she chose to study and eventually qualified as a surgeon.

3.1. Make a list of Marisa’s interests, abilities, strengths, and talents. Give two of each. (4x2) (8)
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

3.2. Marisa worked as a social worker. What duties do people in this career typically performs? (3x1)

3.3. What skills do they require? (3)

3.4. Name two compulsory subjects that you think Marisa has done to become a surgeon? (2x1) (2)

3.5. In which career field is her field of study? (1)

3.6. Did Marisa get a certificate pass, diploma pass or a Bachelor pass to study for a surgeon? (1)

3.7. What are the pass requirements for the option chosen in 3.6? (3)

3.8. State THREE reasons why gender discrimination is unconstitutional in South Africa. (3x1) (3)

3.9. Critically discuss how gender stereotyping could limit Marisa’s career choices. (1x4) (4)

3.10. Discuss THREE ways how a good career portfolio could assist Marisa to find work in careers

traditionally dominated by men. (3x3) (9)

3.11. Give the correct career field for each of the following careers: (8)

3.12. Differentiate between a career field, occupation, career, and job.

Provide an example of each. (4x2) (8)

3.13. Discuss TWO factors to be considered when choosing a career. (2x2)(4)

3. 14. Study at a higher education institution can be expensive. Discuss TWO financial options that

are available to you. (2x2) (4)

3.15. List the steps in choosing a career. (4)

3.16. Discuss TWO socio-economic factors to consider when making career or study choices. (2x3) (6)

3.17. Explain in TWO ways how your study and career choice could uplift your community and help

those in need. (2x3) (6)

LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1



Define the following:

4.1 LGBTQI+ (2)
4.2 Homophobia (2)
4.3 Corrective rape (2)
4.4 Gender-based violence (2)
4.5. List FOUR types of discriminating behaviour and violations in South Africa and globally. (4x1)(4)
Read the following extract:
” Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, from the bedroom to the battlefield.
From the school yard to the workplace, women and girls are at risk of rape and other forms of
4.6 Recommend THREE ways in which women can be protected from discrimination and violence in the
above context. (3x3) (9)
4.7 Discuss the importance of the Bill of Rights in opposing discrimination and violations of human rights.
(2x2) (4)
4.8. Asses the impact of these violations of human rights on:
 Individuals
 Society (2x2)(4)
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1


Desmon Tutu Helen Susman Charlotte Maxeke Beyers Naude

5.1. List three South African campaigns and initiatives that promote nation building. (3x1) (3)
5.2. Critically discuss the contributions of the above four persons who fight against human rights
abuses and discrimination. (4x4) (16)
5.3. Evaluate the impact of the following South African initiatives and campaigns which address
discrimination and human rights violations:
 16 Days of activism against Women and Child abuse
 67 minutes for Mandela (2x2) (4)
5.4. Suggest THREE ways in which you can oppose discrimination and prejudice in your community.
(3x2) (6)
5.5. Propose TWO practical strategies on how society can ensure that the dignity and security of
victims of xenophobia are upheld, as reflected in the Bill of Rights. (2x3) (6)
5.6 Suggest THREE strategies that Grade 10 learners, who are affected by discrimination, can do to
promote unity in your scshool. Also indicate in your answer how each strategy can help to
reduce future discriminatory practices in your school. (3x3) (9)

When revising, pay attention to the definitions of terms and concepts and base your study on
the range of topics covered in your workbooks and handouts.
LO revision booklet 2023 Grade 10 Term 1

 Read the questions carefully.

 Analyse the instructions carefully, highlighting/underlining any keywords that will help
you understand what’s required.
 Make sure you answer the question.

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