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1. A child with diabetic ketoacidosis requires insulin. What lab level do you need to monitor?
a. Sodium level b. Potassium level c. Magnesium level d. Calcium level
2. What is the primary focus of pediatric nursing?
a. Geriatric care b. Care of infants, c. Adult psychiatry d. Surgical nursing
children, and
3. Which factor is crucial in pediatric nursing due to the developmental differences in
a. Communication b. Advanced c. Strict medication d. Routine adult-sized
skills technology schedules equipment
4. Which of the following is a milestone in the cognitive development of a preschooler (3-6
years old)?
a. Rolling over b. Walking c. Beginning to use d. Puberty
language to express
5. A child with delayed cognitive development may benefit from which nursing intervention?
a. Encouraging b. Discouraging play c. Limiting social d. Implementing a
isolation to minimize activities to avoid interactions to structured and
distractions cognitive strain prevent stimulating
overstimulation environment
6. The doctor prescribes amoxicillin for a child with a recommended dose of 20 mg/kg/day in
divided doses every 8 hours. The child weighs 18 kilograms. How much amoxicillin should be
given in each dose?
a. 60 mg b. 120 mg c. 180 mg d. 240 mg
7. Which of the following is a common complication in pediatric patients receiving prolonged
antibiotic therapy?
a. Hyperactivity b. Allergic reactions c. Hypertension d. Diarrhea caused
by Clostridium
difficile infection
8. What is the primary goal of therapeutic play in pediatric nursing?
a. To keep children b. To distract children c. To facilitate 1. d. To encourage
entertained during from their medical emotional competition among
hospital stays conditions expression, coping, pediatric patients
and understanding
9. Why is therapeutic play particularly beneficial for children undergoing medical procedures
or treatments?
a. It helps reduce b. It allows them to c. It minimizes the d. It promotes
anxiety and fear escape reality need for parental cooperation with
associated with temporarily involvement medical staff
10. Why is kangaroo care recommended for low birth weight (LBW) infants?
a. To encourage b. To reduce the risk c. To limit parental d. To promote
maternal-infant of infection involvement in care independent feeding
11. What is a potential complication associated with feeding low birth weight (LBW) infants?
a. Rapid weight gain b. Hyperglycemia c. Hypothermia d. Necrotizing
enterocolitis (NEC)
12. What is a common public health challenge in Pakistan related to the care of newborns?
a. Low literacy rates b. Overreliance on c. Lack of access to d. High incidence of
among parents traditional healing modern healthcare genetic disorders
practices facilities
13. What is a priority nursing intervention for premature babies in Pakistan to reduce the risk
of infections?
a. Administering b. Emphasizing hand c. ) Encouraging early d. Promoting strict
prophylactic hygiene and aseptic discharge to avoid isolation from family
antibiotics routinely techniques hospital-acquired members
14. Which enzyme deficiency is associated with Phenylketonuria (PKU)?
a. Tyrosine b. Glycogen synthase c. Glucose-6- d. Phenylalanine
hydroxylase phosphatase hydroxylase
15. A preterm newborn is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The infant is at
high risk for hypocalcemia due to prematurity. Which clinical manifestations would the nurse
most likely observe in this newborn if hypocalcemia is present?
a. Increased muscle b. Elevated body c. Hypotonia, poor d. Excessive weight
tone and temperature and feeding, and a weak gain and edema
hyperreflexia irritability cry
16. A high-risk newborn is suspected to have septicemia, and blood cultures are ordered.
What is the priority nursing action before obtaining blood cultures?
a. Administering b. Initiating c. Obtaining
broad-spectrum supportive care informed consent d. Taking the
antibiotics measures, such as from the parents newborn's
immediately intravenous fluids temperature to
document fever

17. A nurse is caring for a newborn with suspected PPHN. Which intervention is a priority in
the nursing care plan for a newborn with PPHN?
a. Providing b. Initiating early and c. Placing the d. Administering
supplemental aggressive antibiotic newborn in a warm intravenous fluids to
oxygen to improve therapy environment to correct dehydration
oxygenation prevent hypothermia
18. preschool-age child is about to start attending kindergarten. What is an example of a
common stressor for this developmental stage, and how might the child typically react?
a. Starting school; b. Parental divorce; c. Puberty; Reaction: d. Learning to walk;
Reaction: Fear of Reaction: Increased Expressing curiosity Reaction: Increased
separation, clinging independence and and asking questions. socialization and
behavior. defiance. cooperation.
19. The healthcare team is planning a family-centered approach for a hospitalized child. What
is a key stressor that a family-centered approach aims to address, and what could be a
positive reaction from the family?
a. Stressor: Lack of b. Stressor: Limited c. Stressor: Lack of d. Stressor: Strict
communication from visitation hours; information about adherence to hospital
healthcare providers; Reaction: Increased the child's rules; Reaction:
Reaction: Decreased feelings of isolation condition; Reaction: Decreased trust in
family involvement in and frustration. Enhanced the healthcare team.
the child's care. understanding and
participation in the
child's care.
20. A pediatric nurse is performing an initial assessment of a child admitted to the hospital.
Which aspect of the nursing care process is the nurse engaging in during this phase?
a. Planning b. Implementation c. Evaluation d. Assessment
21. A pediatric patient presents with progressive weakness and sensory loss in multiple limbs.
Nerve conduction studies reveal prolonged motor and sensory latencies. What is the likely
a. Guillain-Barré b. Muscular c. Peripheral d. Chronic
Syndrome dystrophy neuropathy Inflammatory
22. A 2-year-old child consistently refuses to eat certain textures of food, such as mashed
vegetables. What term best describes this feeding difficulty?
a. Picky eating b. Dysphagia c. Food intolerance d. Gastroesophageal
23. In fetal circulation, what is the shunt that allows blood to bypass the fetal liver?
a. Foramen ovale b. Ductus venosus c. Ductus arteriosus d. Umbilical vein
24. Indomethacin is commonly used in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to treat which
condition in premature infants?
a. Necrotizing b. Respiratory distress c. Patent ductus d. Intraventricular
enterocolitis (NEC) syndrome (RDS) arteriosus (PDA) hemorrhage (IVH)
25. Prostaglandin therapy is often used in infants with congenital heart defects. Which type of
congenital heart defect is prostaglandin therapy typically used to manage?
a. Atrial septal defect b. Ventricular septal c. Coarctation of the d. Transposition of
(ASD) defect (VSD) aorta the great arteries
26. What is the hallmark clinical feature of rheumatic heart disease?
a. Chest pain b. Murmurs on c. Joint swelling and d. Shortness of
auscultation pain breath
27. The primary clinical manifestation of tracheoesophageal fistula in a newborn is often:
a. Abdominal b. Hyperactivity c. Constipation d. Cyanosis during
distension feeding
28. In a pediatric patient with pyloric stenosis, what laboratory finding is typically observed
due to persistent vomiting?
a. Metabolic acidosis b. Hyperkalemia c. Respiratory d. Hypoglycemia
29. In addition to jaundice, what physical examination finding is often seen in infants with
biliary atresia?
a. Splenomegaly b. Abdominal c. Bradycardia d. Hyperactive bowel
distension sounds
30. What anatomical structure is often associated with a hiatal hernia in children?
a. Stomach b. Small intestine c. Colon d. Liver
31. Which of the following is a recognized risk factor for intussusception in children?
a. Early initiation of b. Exclusive c. Recent history of
solid foods breastfeeding abdominal surgery d. Exposure to

32. Which of the following is a common clinical manifestation of necrotizing enterocolitis in a

preterm infant?
a. Constipation b. Excessive weight c. Increased urine d. Bilious vomiting
gain output
33. A 6-year-old child is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following
manifestations is characteristic of nephrotic syndrome?
a. Hematuria b. Proteinuria c. Hypertension d. Decreased urinary
34. A child presents with fever, flank pain, and dysuria. What is the likely site of infection?
a. Kidney b. Bladder c. Urethra d. Ureter
35. What is a potential consequence of congenital renal atrophy in affected individuals?
a. Hyperfunctioning b. Enlargement of the c. Increased d. Normal renal
of the kidneys affected kidney susceptibility to function without
urinary tract complications
36. Bartter syndrome is associated with an imbalance in electrolyte levels. Which of the
following electrolyte imbalances is commonly observed in individuals with Bartter syndrome?
a. Hyperkalemia b. Hyponatremia d. Hypomagnesemia
c. Hypercalcemia

37. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of congenital renal atrophy?

a. Hyperkalemia b. Hypertension c. Renal hypoplasia c. Polyuria
38. The primary treatment modality for Bartter syndrome involves:
a. Prostaglandin b. Fluid restriction c. Sodium restriction d. Potassium
inhibitors supplements
39. Long-term complications of Bartter syndrome may include:
a. Renal failure b. Nephrotic c. Hypertension d. Hyperglycemia
40. A child with dehydration is likely to exhibit which of the following signs?
a. Bradycardia b. Weight gain c. Moist mucous d. Decreased urine
membranes output
41. Which of the following interventions is appropriate for a child with hyponatremia?
a. Monitoring for b. Encouraging foods c. Restricting fluid d. Administering
signs of fluid rich in potassium intake sodium bicarbonate
42. The nurse recognizes which of the following as an early sign of fluid imbalance in a child?
a. Bradycardia b. Tachycardia c. Hypotension d. Hypertension
43. Which of the following statements regarding burn wound care in children is correct?
a. Hydrogen peroxide b. Topical antibiotics c. Silver sulfadiazine d. Cold compresses
should be applied to are not is commonly used should be used to
clean the burn recommended for for burn wound alleviate pain.
wound. burn wounds. dressings.
44. The primary cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in infants is:
1. a. Allergy to cow's b. Delayed gastric c. Excessive intake of d. Immature lower
milk protein emptying acidic foods esophageal
45. Which of the following is a common symptom of intussusception in children?
a. Projectile vomiting b. Bloody diarrhea c. Ribbon-like stools d. Abdominal
46. Wilms tumor is a malignant tumor originating from which of the following organs?
a. Liver b. Kidney c. Bladder d. Testis
47. Acute otitis media (AOM) is often preceded by:
a. Rhinorrhea b. Pharyngitis c. Conjunctivitis d. Sinusitis
48. The primary causative agent of croup is:
a. Respiratory b. Human c. Parainfluenza d. Adenovirus
syncytial virus (RSV) metapneumovirus virus
49. Which of the following is a characteristic symptom of pertussis (whooping cough) in
a. Respiratory stridor b. Paroxysmal c. High-grade fever 1. d. Bradypnea
coughing spells 2.

50. The primary symptom of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is:

a. Muscle weakness b. Limited range of c. Morning stiffness d. Painful swelling
motion of the joints
51. Long-term complications of untreated congenital hip dislocation may include:
a. Genu varum b. Trendelenburg c. Baker's cyst d. Clubfoot
52. A child with Guillain-Barré syndrome may initially present with:

a. Muscle weakness b. Spasticity and c. Decreased muscle 1. d. Involuntary

ascending from the hyperreflexia tone muscle contractions
lower extremities 2.

53. Spina bifida occulta is characterized by the incomplete closure of the:

a. Vertebrae b. Ribs c. Skull d. Spinal cord

54. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by:

a. Impulsivity, b. Excessive c. Social withdrawal d. Obsessive-
hyperactivity, and daydreaming and and avoidance compulsive behaviors
inattention lethargy
55. Down syndrome is associated with:
1. a. Dyspraxia and b. Sensory processing c. Intellectual d. Autism spectrum
fine motor disorder and disability and disorder and
difficulties hyperactivity distinctive facial attention deficits
56. A child with hydrocephalus may present with:
a. Microcephaly b. Macrocephaly c. Absence of reflexes d. Hypotonia
57. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of Hodgkin lymphoma in children?
1. a. Abnormal b. Tumor arising from c. Philadelphia d. Reed-Sternberg
proliferation of the adrenal gland chromosome cells
58. Sickle cell disease results from a mutation in the gene encoding:
a. Hemoglobin A b. Hemoglobin F c. Hemoglobin S d. Hemoglobin C
59. Thrombocytopenia resulting from increased platelet destruction is often treated with:
a. Anticoagulants b. Corticosteroids c. Intravenous d. Platelet
immunoglobulin transfusions
60. Growth hormone deficiency in children may result in:
a. Short stature b. Gigantism c. Cushing syndrome d. Precocious puberty

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