Exercises On Reported Speech

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Reported Yes / No Questions: Present Simple

Change the direct questions into reported questions.

1. "Is John at home?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

2. "Am I late?"
She asked me if __________________________________________________

3. "Is it cold outside?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

4. "Are they in Paris?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

5. "Is the bus stop near the shopping centre?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

6. "Is the milk fresh?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

7. "Are you a doctor?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

8. "Are James and Lucy from France?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

9. "Is my brother in the garden?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

10. "Is the weather good in Shanghai in the summer?"

She asked me if __________________________________________________

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
Reported Questions

Change these direct questions into reported speech:

1. "Where is he?"
She asked me ______________________________________________________

2. "What are you doing?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

3. "Why did you go out last night?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

4. "Who was that beautiful woman?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

5. "How is your mother?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

6. "What are you going to do at the weekend?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

7. "Where will you live after graduation?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

8. "What were you doing when I saw you?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

9. "How was the journey?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

10. "How often do you go to the cinema?"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

1 © perfect-english-grammar.com
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
Reported Requests and Orders

Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. "Please help me carry this"

She asked me ______________________________________________________

2. "Please come early"

She ______________________________________________________________

3. "Please buy some milk"

She ______________________________________________________________

4. "Could you please open the window?"

She ______________________________________________________________

5. "Could you bring the book tonight?"

She ______________________________________________________________

6. "Can you help me with my homework, please?"

She ______________________________________________________________

7. "Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?"

She ______________________________________________________________

8. "Would you mind passing the salt?"

She ______________________________________________________________

9. "Would you mind lending me a pencil?"

She ______________________________________________________________

10. "I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?"
She ______________________________________________________________

1 © perfect-english-grammar.com
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
11. "Do your homework!"
She told me ________________________________________________________

12. "Go to bed!"

She ______________________________________________________________

13. "Don't be late!"

She ______________________________________________________________

14. "Don't smoke!"

She ______________________________________________________________

15. "Tidy your room!"

She ______________________________________________________________

16. "Wait here!"

She ______________________________________________________________

17. "Don't do that!"

She ______________________________________________________________

18. "Eat your dinner!"

She ______________________________________________________________

19. "Don't make a mess!"

She ______________________________________________________________

20. "Do the washing-up!"

She ______________________________________________________________

2 © perfect-english-grammar.com
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.
B1 Reported Speech RS001

Change the sentences to reported speech !

1. He said, " I found the money in the garden yesterday."

He said that __________________________________________________________________________ .

2. The policeman asked me , "What were you wearing last Sunday" ?

The policeman asked me ____________________________________________________________ .

3. The teacher explained to us, "The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth."
The teacher explained to us that _____________________________________________________ .

4. Dad warned us , "Don't touch the fresh paint !"

Dad warned us _______________________________________________________________________ .

5. He wanted to know, "Will you go to the concert next week ?"

He wanted to know __________________________________________________________________ .

6. Mary begged the teacher, "Please , give me another chance !"

Mary begged the teacher ____________________________________________________________ .

7. Mother asked me, "Did he lend you the money ?"

Mother asked me _____________________________________________________________________ .

8. I was wondering, "Why does the earth move around the sun ?"
I was wondering _____________________________________________________________________ .

9. She said, "I'm sorry but I have to go now."

She said that _________________________________________________________________________ .

10. My mum complained, "I have been trying to phone you all day !"
My mum complained ________________________________________________________________ .

11. My friend told me , "I'll have to go to the party without you."

My friend told me ____________________________________________________________________ ,

12. Dad asked me , "Where have you been so long ?"

Dad asked me _______________________________________________________________________ .

13. Jane said , "I want to tell you about my trip to New York."
Jane said that ________________________________________________________________________ .

14. He asked us ," Don't make so much noise!"

He asked us __________________________________________________________________________ .

15. Robert said, " You can stay at my place over the weekend."
Robert said that ______________________________________________________________________ .

B1 Reported Speech RS002

Change the sentences to reported speech !

1. Mary said, “I will play a card game tomorrow.”

Mary informed me that ______________________________________________________________ .

2. Sophie said, “I went to bed early last night.”

Sophie said that ______________________________________________________________________ .

3. The teacher said to Jenny, „You have to learn your grammar.”

The teacher told Jenny ________________________________________________________________ .

4. Jessica told the immigration officer,” This is my first trip to England.”

Jessica told the immigration officer that ______________________________________________ .

5. He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
He told me that _______________________________________________________________________ .

6. Marty said, “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.”

Marty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .

7. Lara said, “I get on with my parents really fine.”

Lara said that _________________________________________________________________________ .

8. Gloria explained, “I can’t come to the party because I’m going away for the weekend.”
Gloria explained that _________________________________________________________________ .

9. Mark said, “My friend found a new job in the music business.”
Mark said that ________________________________________________________________________ .

10. Judy complained, “I have already written this essay four times.”
Judy complained that _________________________________________________________________ .

11. Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.”
Peter announced that ________________________________________________________________

12. Her boyfriend told her,” You have bought a wonderful dress.”
Her boyfriend told her that ___________________________________________________________ .

13. Paul said, “I don’t like my new flat.”

Paul said that ________________________________________________________________________ .

14. My father told Ben, “I am sure I saw you here last week.
My father told Ben that _______________________________________________________________ .

15. Betty said, „If I knew the answer, I would tell you.”
Betty said that _______________________________________________________________________ .

B1 Reported Speech RS003

Change the sentences to reported speech!

1. Keith told the immigration officer, “This is my first visit to the United States.”
Keith told the immigration officer ____________________________________________________ .

2. My friend said, „I’m going to visit my parents next month.”

My friend said ________________________________________________________________________ .

3. The tourist guide warned us, “Don’t drink tap water in this city.”
The tourist guide warned us _________________________________________________________ .

4. He asked me, “Are you starting work on Monday?”

He asked me _________________________________________________________________________ ?

5. Elisabeth to her brother: “Don’t read my emails!”

Elisabeth told her brother ____________________________________________________________ .

6. Jimmy complained, “I have already written this invitation twice.”

Jimmy complained ___________________________________________________________________ .

7. The policeman wondered, “Why didn’t you stop at the traffic lights?”
The policeman wondered ____________________________________________________________ .

8. My sister told me, “I saw you at the supermarket yesterday.”

My sister told me ____________________________________________________________________ .

9. The teacher said, “If I knew the answer, I would tell you.”
The teacher said _____________________________________________________________________ .

10. My dad said, “You have to study harder for the next test.”
My dad said __________________________________________________________________________ .

11. The girl asked the shop assistant, “Can you shorten this dress for me?”
The girl asked the shop assistant ____________________________________________________ ?

12. He asked, “Do you live near the city, James?”

He asked James ______________________________________________________________________ .

13. The reporter asked, “Did you see the accident?”

The reporter asked __________________________________________________________________ .

14. I advised Mike, “You should see a doctor”.

I advised Mike ________________________________________________________________________ .

15. The teacher told the students, “Speak up if you want to say something!”
The teacher told the students ________________________________________________________ .

B1 Reported Speech RS004

Change the sentences to reported speech!

1. The landlady said to the student, “You must keep your room clean !”
The landlady said to the student _____________________________________________________ .

2. Mr Simmons told Harry, “Don’t smoke in my car!”

Mr Simmons told Harry ______________________________________________________________ .

3. He asked me, “Do you want to be famous?”

He asked me _________________________________________________________________________ .

4. My dad said, “Our aunt will stay for breakfast.”

My dad said __________________________________________________________________________ .

5. Sally said, “I can’t believe he is leaving me like this.”

Sally said _____________________________________________________________________________ .

6. He wondered, “Where did Maud work?”

He wondered ________________________________________________________________________ .

7. Mom said, “I need to be at work early this morning.”

Mom said ____________________________________________________________________________ .

8. Maria said, “Angela had worked at this company before I came here.”
Maria said ___________________________________________________________________________ .

9. The woman complained,” The clock I bought yesterday doesn’t work.”

The woman complained _____________________________________________________________ .

10. He asked, “Were you followed by the police?”

He asked _____________________________________________________________________________ .

11. The chef advised us, “Cook the meat carefully.”

The chef advised us __________________________________________________________________ .

12. H promised, “I’ll return the book tomorrow.”

He promised _________________________________________________________________________ .

13. The teacher reminded us, “Don’t forget your homework”.

The teacher reminded us ____________________________________________________________ .

14. Patricia said, “My mother will celebrate her birthday next week.”
Patricia said __________________________________________________________________________ .

15. He warned me, “Don’t shout at me like that!”

He warned me _______________________________________________________________________ .

B1 Reported Speech RS005

Change the sentences in reported speech!

1. Sarah complained, “My head is aching.”

Sarah complained that _______________________________________________________________ .

2. I wanted to know, “Where are you going?”

I wanted to know ____________________________________________________________________ .

3. Uncle David said, “Please take off your shoes when you come in.”
Uncle David told us __________________________________________________________________ .

4. Mom asked me, “Are you feeling well?”

Mom asked me ______________________________________________________________________ .

5. The teacher said, “Turn the music down!”

The teacher ordered us ______________________________________________________________ .

6. Jasper said, “You can borrow the book for a few days.”
Jasper said that ______________________________________________________________________ .

7. Johnny admitted, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

Johnny admitted that ________________________________________________________________ .

8. The policeman ordered, “Move your car out of the way !”

The policeman ordered us ___________________________________________________________ .

9. Mary said, “I have just got back from New York.”

Mary said that _______________________________________________________________________ .

10. John explained, “I am starting work for a new company next week.
John explained that __________________________________________________________________ .

11. The teacher said, “Sardinia is an island that belongs to Italy.”

The teacher said that ________________________________________________________________ .

12. He asked me, “Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?”

He asked me _________________________________________________________________________ .

13. The manager said to Cathy, “Please stand up!”

The manager asked Cathy ___________________________________________________________ .

14. Jerry asked me,” Did you see that car over there?”
Jerry asked me _______________________________________________________________________ .

15. Mr Jackson said, „I wouldn’t go there if I were you.”

Mr Jackson advised me ______________________________________________________________ .


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