Year - B.C.C.a. - II (C.B.C.S. Pattern) Sem-IV Subject - UBCCAT404 - Mathematics Paper-IV-1

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B.C.C.A.- II (C.B.C.S.

Pattern) Sem-IV
UBCCAT404 - Mathematics

P. Pages : 2 GUG/W/19/12048
Time : Three Hours *3722* Max. Marks : 40
_______________________________________ ______________________________
Notes : 1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2. Draw neat and labelled diagram and use supporting data wherever necessary.
3. Avoid vague answers and write specific answers related to equations.

1. Either
a) Explain about algebraic properties of set operations. 4

b) If a and b are two positive integers, then G  D (a, b) L  M(a, b) = ab . 4


c) n(n + 1) 4
Show by mathematical induction, that for all n  1, 1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + n =

d) Prove by mathematical induction that if A1, A 2 ,......, A n and B are any n + 1 sets, then 4
 n  n
 Ai  B = (Ai B)
 
 i = 1  i = 1

2. Either
a) Explain following with one example of each : 4
i) Tautology ii) Substitution Instances

b) Give the truth value of P and Q as T and those of R and S as F. Find the truth value of 4
following :
i) (  (P  Q)   R )  (((  P  Q)   R)  S)


c) If H1, H 2 ,....H m and P imply Q then H1, H2 ,...., H m imply P → Q . 4

d) Show that : (x)(P(x) → Q(x))  (x)(Q(x) →R(x)) (x)(P(x) →R(x)) 4

3. Either
a) If n pigeons are assigned to m pigeonholes and m < n, then at least one pigeon hole 4
contains two or more pigeons.

b) Let A = {0, 1}, give a recurrence relation for the number of strings of length n in A* 4
that do not contain 01.


GUG/W/19/12048 1 P.T.O
c) If R and S be relations from A to B. If R(a) = S(a) for all a in A, then R = S. 4

d) For n  2 and R a relation on a finite set A, we have 4

M n = MR MR ...... MR (n factors)

4. Either
a) Let A = Z. Define a  b as max {a, b}. Then  is a binary operation. For example 4
2  4 = 4, − 3  (−5) = −3 .

b) Let A = {0, 1} and consider the semi groups (A , ) and (A, +) where is the 4
catenation operation and + is defined by the table
+ 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 0


c) Let G is the set of all non-zero real numbers and  is a binary operation defined by 4
ab = , show that (G, ) is an abelian group.

d) Let G be a group. Each element a in G has only one inverse in G. 4

5. Solve all the questions.

a) Write short note on mathematical induction. 2

b) Write a note on normal forms. 2

c) Discuss in short about Warshall's algorithm. 2

d) Write a note on quotients of groups. 2


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