Grand Test 2 - 1905-1924

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Beaconhouse School System

North Nazimabad O Level Commerce

History Test- Section B [1905-1924]

Name: Date: _

Class: ______________________ Max Marks: 50 Time: 1hour [60 min]

This Section is about the Khilafat Movement 1919-1924

Source A
‘First came the Rowlatt Bill- accompanied by the Punjab atrocities (Amritsar)- and then came the
spoilation of the Ottoman Empire and the Khilafat. The one attacks our liberty, the other our faith…. in
breach of the Prime Minister’s solemn pledges, outrages terms have been imposed on Turkey…. We
can no longer abide by our trust either in the Government of India or in the Government of His
Majesty the King of England to represent India in matters international…..
(Mr. Jinnah speaking to the Muslims League on 7 September 1920.

Procession with big spinning wheel during the Khilafat Movement.

Q1-(a) According to Source A, what was Jinnah’s stance on the Khilafat Movement. [3]
(b) What does source B tell about the rise of Khilafat Movement in India? [5]
(c) Why did Gandhi withdraw from the Khilafat Movement? [7]
(d) Khilafat movement spread more violence that any other event occurred during 1919-1920. Do you
agree? Give reasons. [10]

Q.2 (a) Who was Lord Minto? [4]

(b) Explain why the Lucknow Pact came about? [7]
(c) Partition of Bengal was the main reason behind the formation of All India Muslim League. . Do you
agree? Give reasons. [14]

Q.3 (a) Describe the significance of Jinnah’s fourteen points. [4]

(b) Why was Allama Iqbal asked to chair the Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930? [7]
(c) How successful were the 1937 elections? Explain your answer. [14]

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