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Kalinga State University

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The effectiveness of educational programs is best

measured through the feedback universities receive from

employers of their graduates. This feedback reflects how

well the graduates have applied their acquired knowledge and

skills in their respective workplaces. A successful

educational program is indicated by the competencies,

expertise, and skills demonstrated by graduates in their

workplaces. With society's demands continuously changing, it

is crucial for the country's educational system to adapt

accordingly. A market-driven educational system is necessary

to produce 'work-ready graduates' who have developed the

necessary attributes to function as productive and

responsible citizens (Evelyn et al., 2006).

Employers are considered significant partners of Higher

Education Institutions (HEIs) in the development of graduate

attributes such as knowledge, skills, and attitudes. They

hire individuals who contribute to the organization's

mission and vision. While employers can hone the graduates'

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

capabilities to become productive members of the


and society, they also provide feedback on the graduates'

ability to meet organizational requirements. This feedback

measures the match between the graduates' capabilities and

the organizational needs, reflecting the academic culture

and curriculum effectiveness of the HEI (Dotong et al.,


However, concerns have been raised about the quality of

student preparation in relation to industry needs and

trends. In the tourism and hospitality sectors, for

instance, stakeholders have criticized institutions for

failing to adequately prepare graduates for their careers.

Despite employers expecting graduates to possess

transferable generic competencies, such as leadership,

communication, strategic thinking, and decision-making, they

often need additional training due to deficient competencies

(Hussein et al., 2013).

Employers play a crucial role in higher education as

they add value to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of

graduates. They can enhance the potential of graduates to

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

holistic and integral parts of the community and society.

The feedback they provide on graduates' performance is a

critical input for educational institutions, reflectingthe

performance of the employee and the graduates'

capability to transition into the real world (Mehrotra &

Elias, 2017).

The feedback from employers is a valuable tool for

assessing the responsiveness and relevance of any program

curriculum. It provides information on how well the

graduates fulfill their roles and meet the needs of the

organization. This feedback can be used to develop new

strategies to improve the attributes of graduates (Omar et


Studies have found there are areas where graduates do

not meet employers’ expectations, particularly in critical

skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to apply

discipline knowledge and concepts in the workplace (Yen et

al., 2009). Kalinga State University and its campuses aim to

be more effective, competitive, and innovative in their

provision of higher education. This feedback will be used to

enhance program offerings and better prepare graduates for

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

opportunities. However, the university faces challenges in

preparing new graduates for the world of work. This study

aims to examine and analyze employers’ feedback to provide

reliable information for improving the BAPOS program

and meeting the demands of various industries and


Conceptual Framework

The proposed research, entitled "Employers’ Feedback on

the Job Performances of the Bachelor of Arts in Political

Science Graduates of Kalinga State University," aims to

develop a comprehensive understanding of the performance of

these graduates in their respective workplaces. The research

will be guided by the principles of the Task Performance,

Adaptive Performance, and Contextual Performance (TAC)


The primary inputs for this research are the job

performances of the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

graduates from Kalinga State University and the specific job

traits and skills these graduates possess. These inputs will

be examined through the lens of the TAC model, which

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
provides a

detailed framework for understanding job performance.

The research process involves conducting a meticulously

designed survey. The survey will serve as a tool for

gathering data on three key areas: the level of employers'

satisfaction with the graduates' job performance, the traits

and skills the graduates may be lacking, and the traits and

skills employers are seeking when hiring new employees.

The outputs of this research will be multifaceted.

Firstly, it will provide a measure of employers'


with the graduates' job performance. Secondly, it will

identify any traits and skills that may be lacking in the

graduates. Lastly, it will highlight the job traits and

skills that employers prioritize when recruiting new


By utilizing the TAC model as an underlying theory,

this research aims to offer valuable insights into the job

performances of the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

graduates from Kalinga State University. The findings could

potentially inform curriculum development and career

guidance programs, ultimately improving the employability

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
and job

performance of future graduates.


Job level of
performances satisfaction
of graduates on the job
Job traits performances
and skills Survey of graduates
of BAPos Lacking
graduate traits of
Job traits
needed by
from new

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Figure 1.

Research Paradigm of the Study

Statement of Objectives

The study aimed to determine feedback from the

employers of Bachelor of the Arts in Political Science

graduates of the Kalinga State University.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following


1. to identify the extent of employers’ satisfaction of

the job performances of the graduates;

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
2. to

determine which job traits and skills of the BA in Political

Science graduates are lacking; and

3. to assess which job traits and skills employers are

seeking when recruiting new employees.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally within

the context of the study for clearer understanding:

BA Political Science Graduates. These refer to the

graduate holders of the degree Bachelor of Arts in Political

Science of Kalinga State University.

Competencies. These refer to the capabilities of the

graduates in performing their respective tasks.

Constraints. These refer to the difficulties or

challenges encountered by the graduates while in the course

of their performance of duty.

Educational qualifications. These refer to the

educational attributes required for the job applied for such

as bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree.

Employers. These refer to the immediate supervisors

that oversee the activities or tasks of their employees.

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Employment status. This refers to the job situation or

condition of graduates which includes nature of work, status

of work, whether permanent, casual or temporary, years in

service, and other related matters to employment.

Feedback. This refers to the remarks, comments, or

suggestions from the employers of graduates regarding their

work performances.

Job Performance. This refers to the effectiveness and

efficiency of graduates in accomplishing their job task, as

evaluated by their employers.

Knowledge. This refers to the prior intellectual

ability of employees or graduates in terms of the tasks

given to them in their workplaces.

Lacking. This refers to the incapacities, shortcomings,

or weaknesses of graduates.

Skills. These refers to the abilities of graduates such

as ICT skills, communication skills, or research skills.

Workplace. This refers to the setting or place where

the graduate work.

Significance of the Study

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

results of this study are deemed beneficial to the


KSU Administration. This may provide the administration

with valuable insights into the job performances of their

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science graduates, as assessed

by their employers. This information can serve as a valuable

feedback mechanism, enabling the administration to identify

any gaps in their curriculum that may be affecting graduate

Program Chairperson and Faculty Members of BAPOS

Program. This may be used by the program chairperson and the

faculty members as basis in enhancing the curriculum of the

program, in order to correlate with the needs of the future

employers of the graduates.


Students. This may serve as a valuable guide for

students, shaping a curriculum that better prepares them for

the job market. It may help students understand which skills

are highly sought after by employers, thereby enabling them

to focus their learning towards these areas. The findings

may also highlight potential performance gaps among previous

graduates, providing current students with the opportunity

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

proactively improve in these areas.

Future Researchers. The result of this study would

serve as a reference or guide in conducting similar studies

in the future.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the feedback of employers onto the


The researchers present employers of BAPOS graduates as

respondents of the study.

Further, it was delimited to the responses of the

respondents on the the extent of employers’ satisfaction

with the job performances of the graduates, which job traits

of the graduates are their strengths and lacking and which

job traits employers are seeking when recruiting new



Chapter 2


This section presents the research design, location of

the study, population of the study, instrumentation, data

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

procedure, and the data analysis to be employed in

the study.

Research Design

The researchers made use of quantitative research

design, employing survey method. Survey method, according to

Creswell (2013), is used to: (1) describe trends; (2)

determine individual opinions about policy issues; (3) help

identify important beliefs and attitudes of individuals; (4)

used to follow up with graduates after college; and (5)

provide useful information to evaluate programs in schools.

Thus, the study made use of this method in order to

assess the feedback of the employers on the job performances

of the graduates of the program.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the employers of the

graduates of batch 2022. The researchers made use of random

sampling to determine the respondents of the study.


According to our survey, only 22 are employed among the

graduates out of 31 Political Science graduates of batch

2022. From this, the study gathered only 17 responses out of

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
the total



The researchers used a survey questionnaire in

gathering the data needed in the study. The questionnaire

comprised the following parts:

Part I the researcher solicated answers on the

employment profiles of the graduates;

Part II the researcher delves into the level of

satisfaction of the employers on the job performances of the

graduates as to the areas of competence, commitment,

collaboration/caring, and credibility;

Part III the researcher dealed with the strengths and

lacking skills of the graduates as perceived by their

employers; and

Part IV the researcher found answers on the skills

needed by employers from new recruits.


Significantly, items in part II were partly patterned

from the study of Dotong, C., Chavez, N., Pamplona, M.A., &

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Camello, N. (2016)

entitled, “Employers’ Feedback on Job Performance of

Engineering Graduates in one Private Academic Institution in

the Philippines.” However, modifications were made in order

to fit it to the objectives of the study. The indicators

under the areas of commitment, cooperation, and credibility

were carefully chosen, considering only 5 indicators that

are applicable to the BAPoS graduates.

Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 2 illustrates the cyclical procedure of

gathering data that was undertaken in this study.

Contact Scheduling
tracing of with Administering
Retrieval of Analysis and
graduates' gradutaes' Questionnaire
Questionnaire Interpratation
employers employers

Figure 2. Procedure of Gathering Data

In order to give results to the objectives posted in

this study, the following steps were undertaken:

A. Contact Tracing of Graduates’ Employers. The

researchers contacted first the graduates via Messenger,

mobile numbers, and email address before collating contact

details of their respective employers;


BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Scheduling with Graduates’ Employers. After seeking

contact details of the graduates and employers, the

researchers scheduled for the administering of

questionnaires for employers working within the city or the

province. Cases where employers work outside the city or

the province were sent emails or Google forms via Messenger

at their convenience;

C. Administering of Questionnaires. Personal

administering of questionnaires undertaken by the

researchers to the graduates’ employers during their

scheduled time;

D. Retrieval of Questionnaires. After administering the

questionnaires, the researchers personally retrieved the

questionnaires during the most convenient time of the


E. Analysis and Iterpretation of Data. The researchers

proceeded with the analysis and interpretation of the

gathered data, after retrieving the questionnaire.

Ethical Considerations. Further, ethical considerations

were accentuated. Hence, the participants were not forced to

undertake the interview unless willing to answer series of


BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Data Analysis

Data gathered analyzed using the following tools:

Frequency. This was used to determine the number of

responses of the respondents on the identified


Weighted mean. The gathered data were treated with

numerical equivalent. The formula is:

Xn = WiFi


Where: Xn = weighted mean

WiFi = Sum of the Weighted Frequencies

Fi = Number of Cases

Moreover, in order to determine and measure the level

of performances of the graduates by their employers, the

following five-point Likert scale were used:

Arbitrary Limits Description Symbol

5 4.21-5.00 Very Much Satisfied VMA

4 3.41-4.20 Much Satisfied MA

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Satisfied MOA

2 1.81-2.60 Less Satisfied LA

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
1 1.00-

1.80 Not Satisfied NA


Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the gathered data that will

be analyzed and interpreted for the better understanding of

the study. The framework of the analysis and interpretation

is guided by the problems stated in chapter 1.

Extent of Employers’ Satisfaction on the

Job Performances of the Graduates

The table below presents the data on the extent of

employers’ satisfaction on the job performances of the


Table 1. Extent of Employers’ Satisfaction on the Job

Performances of the Graduates (n=17)

Competence MEAN RANK
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
appropriate skills
inperforming 6 6 5 4.05 4
required tasks/
Functions (30) (24) (15)
2.Using technology
effectively in the
work place to 8 6 3 4.29 2
enhance his/her job
output (40) (24) (9)
communication skills
in dealing with

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
clients, 8 5 4 4.23 3
contemporaries, and
supervisors (40) (20) (12)


4.Providing sound
decision making in
responding to the
needs of the
organization/ 7 6 2 1 3.88 5
(35) (24) (6) (1)
professionally with
the team
11 3 1 2 4.35 1

(55) (12) (3) (4)

Commitment MEAN RANK
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
willingly and
leadership roles in
various activities
with an exceptional
7 6 3 1 4.11 2
sense of duty and
(35) (24) (9) (2)
necessary support,
service and
assistance for the 3 9 6 3.82 4.5
welfare of the
organization (15) (32) (18)
passion for
execution and sense
4 7 5 1 3.82 4.5
of urgency in all
(20) (28) (15) (2)
personal needs when
organizational 3.88 3
concerns need to be 5 6 5 1
attended to

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
(25) (24) (15) (2)


5.Participating in
making decisions and
implementing the
6 9 1 1
activities of the
4.17 1
(30) (36) (3) (2)
Collaboration/Caring MEAN RANK
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
harmonious and
friendly relations
with superior, peers
and subordinates
through respecting
their individual 4 11 1 1 4.05 1.5
(20) (44) (3) (2)
2.Fostering sense of
family in the
workplace by helping
co-employees with
3.82 4
difficulty in 3 9 4 1
completing some tasks
(15) (36) (12) (2)
3.Promoting positive
image of the
department through
clients/customers 5 9 2 1 4.05 1.5
(25) (36) (6) (2)
4.Demonstrating the
significant values of
in achieving its 4 10 1 2 3.94 3
vision and mission
(20) (40) (3) (4)
5. Showing marked 4 10 2 1 4 2
interest and pride in
the present job by (20) (40) (6) (2)

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
completing tasks on




Credibility MEAN
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) K
professionalism in 4 11 2
dealing with
colleagues (20) (44) (6) 4.11 4
2.Modeling leadership
that adheres to the
policies, rules and 4 12 1
regulations of the
organization (20) (48) (3) 4.17 3
3.Practicing honesty,
fairness and 6 9 2
transparency in all
transactions (30) (36) (6) 4.23 2.5
4Protecting and
preserving company’s
property through 5 11 1
careful and wise use
of the resources (25) (44) (3) 4.23 2.5
5.Setting oneself as 6 11
an example of moral
and ethical behavior (30) (44) 4.35 1

The general results of the survey indicate a positive

perception of the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

graduates from Kalinga State University across all

categories. The Total Average Weighted Mean (TAWM) for all

categories is 4.11, which falls within the "Much Satisfied"

(MS) range. This suggests that the graduates are largely

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

expectations in their respective workplaces.

The category with the highest mean is "Credibility"

with an area mean of 4.21. This suggests that the graduates

are highly regarded for their professionalism, adherence to


organizational policies, honesty, fairness, transparency,

and ethical behavior.

“Credibility" is closely followed by "Competence" with

an area mean of 4.15, indicating that the graduates are also

highly competent in their roles. They are seen as effective

in applying appropriate skills in performing required tasks,

using technology effectively, demonstrating effective

communication skills, and making sound decisions (Bound


The next category, "Commitment", has an area mean of

4.12. This shows that the graduates are perceived as

committed to their roles, willing to take on leadership

responsibilities, provide necessary support, demonstrate a

sense of urgency in tasks, and prioritize organizational

concerns over personal needs.

"Collaboration/Caring" follows with an area mean of

3.97. The graduates are seen as fostering a sense of family

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
in the

workplace, promoting a positive image of their department,

and demonstrating interest and pride in their jobs.

In conclusion, the graduates are performing well across

all categories, with particularly high scores in


"Credibility" and "Competence". However, there may be room

for improvement in "Collaboration/Caring", which received

the lowest mean score.

Job Traits of the Graduates

as to their Strengths

Table 2 presents the data gathered on the observed

strengths of the BAPoS graduates as perceived by their


Table 2. Job Traits of the Graduates as to Strengths

Critical thinker 8
Good communication skill, 7
Creative 7
Attentive 7
Hardwordking 4
Adaptive 5
Confident 3
Honest 3
Optimistic 3
Good in decision making 2
Humble 2
Disciplined 1
Team work skill 1
Fast learner 1

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Table 2 provides valuable insights into the perceived

strengths of the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

(BAPoS) graduates from Kalinga State University, as observed

by their employers. These strengths encompass a range of job

traits that are crucial in the workplace (Smith & Davis,



"Critical thinker" was identified 8 times, making it

the most frequently observed strength among the graduates.

Critical thinking, a pivotal skill in Political Science,

enables graduates to effectively analyze complex political

and social issues. It involves reasoning, questioning

assumptions, evaluating evidence, and making informed

decisions (Thompson & Davis, 2022). In the workplace,

critical thinkers can swiftly identify problems, offer

innovative solutions, and make strategic decisions that

drive organizational success (Johnson & Smith, 2023).

Further research could explore how graduates apply critical

thinking in their specific roles and how this skill can be

further developed.

Good Communication Skill' was one of the top-rated

strengths, observed 7 times. Effective communication is a

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
fundamental skill

in virtually all work environments (Robles, 2012). It

involves not only the ability to convey one's ideas clearly

and persuasively, but also the ability to listen and

understand others, fostering mutual respect and

understanding. In the context of Political Science,

communication skills are particularly important, as

graduates often find themselves in roles where they need to

negotiate, persuade, and build consensus among diverse

groups. The


frequency of this trait suggests that BAPoS graduates are

well-equipped to navigate these complex communicative

situations, which could significantly contribute to their

effectiveness and success in their respective roles.

'Creativity', also observed 7 times, is another vital

strength. Creativity is often associated with the ability to

generate new and innovative ideas, but it also involves

problem-solving and the ability to approach challenges from

unique perspectives (Florida, 2002). In the realm of

Political Science, creativity can manifest in various ways,

such as developing novel policy solutions, strategizing

political campaigns, or interpreting sociopolitical trends.

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

presence of this trait among BAPoS graduates indicates that

they are capable of thinking outside the box and bringing

fresh insights to their work, which can be a valuable asset

in today's rapidly changing political landscape.

'Adaptability' was observed 5 times, while

'Hardworking' was noted 4 times. These traits suggest that

the graduates are not only diligent and committed to their

work, but also capable of adjusting to different situations

and challenges, further enhancing their employability

(Bridges, 2000).


'Confidence', 'Honesty', and 'Optimism' were each

observed 3 times. These traits underline the positive

attitude and integrity of the graduates, traits that can

contribute to a positive work environment and effective team

dynamics (Luthans, 2002).

'Good Decision Making' and 'Humility' were noted twice,

suggesting that these graduates are perceived as thoughtful

decision-makers who remain modest and grounded (Peterson &

Seligman, 2004).

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Lastly, 'Discipline', 'Teamwork Skill', and 'Fast

Learning' were each observed once. While these traits were

less frequently noted, they are nonetheless important

characteristics that can contribute to the success of the

graduates in their respective workplaces (Robbins & Judge,


In conclusion, the data suggests that the BAPoS

graduates from Kalinga State University are well-rounded

individuals possessing a variety of strengths that are

highly valued in the workplace. These findings can provide

valuable feedback for the university in its ongoing efforts

to enhance its BAPoS program and better prepare its students

for their future careers.


Lacking Job Traits of the Graduates

Table 3 presents the data gathered on the observed

lacking job traits of the BAPoS graduates as perceived by

their employers.

Table 3. Lacking Job Traits of the Graduates

Time management 3
Project Management 2
Financial Literacy 1
Computer Literacy 1
Patience 1

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
None 9
Table 3 presents an insightful frequency analysis of

the mentioned lacking job traits among the graduates as

perceived by their employers.

Interestingly, "None" was mentioned 9 times, indicating

that a significant number of employers did not identify any

lacking job traits among the graduates. This observation

suggests a high level of satisfaction with the graduates'

performance and skills (Smith & Davis, 2021).

Subsequently, "Time management" was mentioned 3 times,

making it the most frequently cited area for improvement.

Effective time management, as Thompson & Davis (2022)

highlight, is crucial in the workplace as it affects

productivity, stress levels, and overall job performance.

Therefore, graduates may need to further develop their


ability to prioritize tasks, set and meet deadlines, and

manage their workload effectively.

"Project Management" was cited 2 times. This skill,

involving planning, executing, and overseeing projects, is a

critical competency in many roles within the field of

Political Science (Johnson & Smith, 2023). As a result,

further training in project management could enhance

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

ability to lead and manage projects effectively.

Lastly, "Financial Literacy," "Computer Literacy," and

"Patience" were each mentioned once. Financial literacy, as

Lee (2021) emphasizes, is important for understanding and

managing budgets, a skill that could be beneficial in roles

related to public policy or administration. On the other

hand, computer literacy, as per Brown & Jones (2022), is

increasingly important in today's digital age, and it's

crucial for tasks such as research, data analysis, and

communication. Patience, a valuable trait when dealing with

complex issues or challenging situations, is also identified

as an area for improvement (Davis, 2022).

In conclusion, while a significant number of employers

did not identify any lacking job traits among the graduates,

the data suggests areas where some graduates could further


develop their skills. Looking forward, future research could

explore strategies for enhancing these skills and examine

their impact on job performance.

Job Traits Required by Employers

from New Recruits

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
The table

below presents the data on the job traits required by

employers from new recruits.

Table 4. Job Traits Required by Employers From New Recruits

Required Job Traits Frequency
Computer Literacy 13
Profesionalism 8
Communication skills 7
Teamwork 7
Hardworking 7
Confident 7
Decision-Making Skills 5
Intelligent 5
Disciplined 4
Strong Work Ethics 2
Financial Literacy 2
Attentive 1
Patient 1
Responsible 1
Flexibility 1
Resourceful 1
Trustworthy 1
Sincere 1
Optimistic 1
Fast Learner 1

The most frequently required job trait, as indicated by

the data, is 'Computer Literacy', with a frequency of 13. In

the digital age, computer literacy has become a non-


negotiable skill in the workplace. It plays a critical role

in a company's ability to digitally transform and has a

significant impact on the employee experience. The ability

to navigate and utilize computer systems and software

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
effectively can

enhance productivity, facilitate communication, and

streamline various work processes.

The second most required job trait is

'Professionalism', observed 8 times. Professionalism is a

measure of how well an individual carries themselves at

work, how they treat coworkers, and how they handle

stressful situations. It demonstrates a commitment to the

job, fosters collaboration, establishes credibility, and is

good for personal development. Professionalism is highly

valued as it contributes to a positive work culture and is a

necessary component for the long-term success of both a

company and its workers.

'Communication Skills', 'Teamwork', 'Hardworking', and

'Confidence' were each observed 7 times. Good communication

skills are essential in the workplace as they can improve

relationships with managers and coworkers, build connections

with customers, and enhance the professional image of an

individual. Teamwork is vital for fostering collaboration



achieving common goals. Being hardworking and confident are

also valued traits, indicating an individual's commitment to

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
their role and

their self-assurance in performing their tasks.

The remaining traits, although noted less frequently,

are still key to a well-rounded employee. These include

'Decision-Making Skills','Intelligence', 'Discipline',

'Strong Work Ethics', 'Financial Literacy', 'Attentiveness',


'Trustworthiness','Sincerity', 'Optimism', and 'Fast

Learner'. Each of these traits contributes to the overall

effectiveness and success of an individual in their role.

In conclusion, this data emphasizes the importance of a

balanced skill set for new recruits. While hard skills like

computer literacy are crucial, soft skills such as

communication and teamwork are equally valued. The less

common traits reflect adaptability and growth potential,

making them vital for career success in the evolving



Chapter 4


BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

chapter pesents the summary of findings, conclusion drawn

and the recommendation made by the researchers. This study

was based on the results of the data gathered from the

respondents’ questionnaire.

Summary of Findings

Extent of Employers’ Satisfaction on the

Job Performances of the Graduates

Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

program at Kalinga State University have left a positive

mark on their employers. They have demonstrated high levels

of credibility, showing professionalism, honesty, and

ethical behavior, earning them respect and trust in their

workplaces. Their competence is also apparent, with

effective use of skills, technology, and sound decision-

making. They've shown commitment by taking on leadership

roles and prioritizing organizational needs. Despite these

strengths, the area of collaboration and caring, although

fostering a positive department image, scored the lowest.

This suggests a potential area for growth and development in

teamwork and empathy.


Job Traits of the Graduates

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
as to their

The graduates of Political Science from Kalinga State

University have proven to be highly effective in their

roles, with critical thinking being their most observed

strength. This skill, vital for analyzing complex political

and social issues, showcases their academic training and

their ability to apply it in the workplace. Alongside

critical thinking, they also exhibit good communication

skills, creativity, adaptability, and a hardworking nature.

These traits are fundamental in all work environments and

enhance their employability significantly, making them

valuable assets to their employers.

Lacking Job Traits of the Graduates

Despite their numerous strengths, there are areas where

the Political Science graduates from Kalinga State

University could improve. The most frequently cited area for

improvement is time management, a crucial skill affecting

productivity, stress levels, and overall job performance.

Other areas for enhancement include project management,

financial literacy, computer literacy, and patience. These

skills are important in many roles within the field of

Political Science and could

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

enhance the graduates' ability to effectively lead and

manage projects. However, it's noteworthy that a significant

number of employers did not identify any lacking job traits,

indicating a high level of satisfaction with the graduates'

performance and skills.

Job Traits Required by Employers

from New Recruits

Employers look for a variety of traits in new recruits,

with computer literacy being the most frequently required.

In today's digital age, effectively navigating and utilizing

computer systems and software is a crucial skill that

enhances productivity, facilitates communication, and

streamlines work processes. Other sought-after traits

include professionalism, good communication skills,

teamwork, hard work, and confidence. These traits reflect an

individual's dedication to their role and their confidence

in performing their tasks. Less frequently noted, but still

important traits include decision-making skills,

intelligence, and discipline. Strong work ethics, financial

literacy, attentiveness, patience, responsibility,

flexibility, resourcefulness, trustworthiness, sincerity,

optimism, and being fast learners are also valued. Each of

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
these traits

contributes to an individual's overall effectiveness and

success in their role.



1. The Political Science graduates of Kalinga State

University have shown commendable job performance, with high

marks in credibility and competence. However, they could

further improve in the area of collaboration and caring to

enhance overall satisfaction;

2. The job traits of the BA Political science as to

their strengths are as follows: critical thinking, effective

communication, creativity, and adaptability, which

significantly contribute to their workplace success;

3. As to their lackings, most of the respondents noted

none. However, some employers have observed some lackings

which include time management, project management, and

computer literacy; and

4. As to skill needed for new recruits, employers

prioritize traits such as computer literacy,

professionalism, good communication skills, and teamwork in

new recruits. Understanding these expectations can guide

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

graduates in their career preparation.



Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the

following are hereby recommended:

1.It is recommended that graduates focus on developing

their skills in collaboration and caring, as these areas

were identified as needing improvement in the study. This

can be achieved through participation in team-based

projects, group activities, and volunteering, which can

foster empathy and teamwork;

2. The study identified computer literacy as a highly

sought-after trait by employers. Therefore, it is

recommended that future graduates prioritize developing

their computer skills. This can be done by taking computer

science courses, learning various software and tools

relevant to their field, or seeking out internships that

provide opportunities to enhance these skills; and

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
3. The

university could enhance their curriculum by focusing more

on time and project management skills, as these were cited

as areas for improvement. Offering practical workshops or

courses in these areas could provide valuable hands-on

experience for students.



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Kalinga State University
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Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

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Kalinga State University
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Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
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Appendix A

Kalinga State University

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

September 28, 2023

Mr. Rodolfo B. Tucay, Jr.

This University

Dear Sir:

The Researchers are currently undertaking a study titled,


BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
In line
with this, may we solicit your permission to allow us to conduct
this study among the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
students of our respective college.

Rest assured that the information and the answers to the

questions will be disclosed for the purpose of the study only.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration of this

earnest request.


Nelia Addamag

Martin Gunday

Sheila Mabborang

Approved By:

Mr. Rodolfo B. Tucay, Jr.


Appendix B

Kalinga State University

College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

September 28, 2023

Dear Respondents:


The undersigned students - researchers of Bachelor of Arts

in Political Science, Kalinga State University-Dagupan Campus are
conducting a study entitled, “EMPLOYERS’ FEEDBACK ON THE JOB

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time and

effort to answer all the questions in the survey questionnaires,
which are very important and helpful for the completion of the

Rest assured that all the data to be gathered from you will
be kept confidential and will only be used in this study.

Your response to this request will be valuable contribution

for the success of the study and will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Nelia Addamag

Martin Gunday

Sheila Mabborang

Noted by:

Mr. Rodolfo B. Tucay Jr., MST


Appendix D


Name: Nelia B. Addamag

Birth Date: October 18, 2001

Age: 22

Home Address: Mabaca Tanudan Kalinga

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: All Tribes Ministry

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Mother: Flordeliza Addamag

Father: Leon Addamag

Educational Background

Primary: Mabaca Tanudan Kalinga

Secondary: Magtoma Pangol National High School- Annex

Tertiary: Kalinga State University

Course: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science


Name: Martin M. Gunday

Birth Date: September 29,1999

Age: 24

Home Address: Bugnay, Tinglayan Kalinga

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga


Mother: Martha Gunday

Father: Antonio Gunday

Educational Background

Primary: Bugnay Elementary School

Secondary: Southern Tinglayan National High School

Tertiary: Kalinga State University

Course: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science


Name: Shiela G. Mabborang

Birth Date: June 7, 1999

Age: 24

Home Address: Sagsag Taga Pinukpuk Kalinga

Nationality: Filipino

BA in Political Science
Kalinga State University
College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Dagupan Weste, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Religion: Roman


Email Address:

Mother: Aurelia G. Mabborang

Father: Vicente C. Mabborang

Educational Background

Primary: Junction Elementary School

Secondary: Pinukpuk Vocational School

Tertiary: Kalinga State University

Course: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

BA in Political Science

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