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STUDENT ID : 224023438


Employee Relations Strategy for Jubern Pharmaceutical Services

Jubern Pharmaceutical Services aims to solidify its position as a leader in pharmaceutical

production in the West Africa sub-region. Our employee relations strategy will be aligned with

this vision by fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and employee empowerment. By

prioritizing the well-being and development of our employees, we aim to enhance productivity,

drive growth, and maintain our competitive edge in the market.

Goal Setting:

1. Innovation:

 Employee Innovation Initiatives: Establish regular innovation challenges and

idea-sharing platforms to encourage employees at all levels to contribute

innovative ideas for process improvements, product development, and market


 Innovation Metrics: Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the

implementation and impact of employee-generated ideas on product innovation,

operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

2. Diversity and Inclusion:

 Diversity Training Programs: Implement diversity and inclusion training

programs to promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of diversity

among all employees.

 Diversity Goals: Set measurable goals for increasing diversity at all levels of the

organization, including leadership positions, and track progress through regular

diversity reports and audits.

3. Strong Organizational Structure:

 Organizational Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of the organizational

structure to streamline communication channels, clarify reporting lines, and

optimize decision-making processes.

 Leadership Development: Provide training and development opportunities for

managers to strengthen their leadership skills and support the implementation of

the new organizational structure.

 Flat Hierarchy: Flatten hierarchies where possible and encourage collaboration

across teams. Promote autonomy and ownership because we believe that

employees are empowered to make decisions without excessive hierarchy

4. Employee Experience through Customer Experience:

 Customer-Centric Training: Align employee training and development

initiatives with the company's customer service standards to ensure that

employees are equipped to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

 Recognition Programs: Recognize and reward employees who consistently

demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the customer experience through their

work, fostering a culture of customer-centricity and excellence.

Employee Motivation:

1. Communication and Feedback:

 Open Communication Channels: Implement regular town hall meetings,

departmental meetings, and employee surveys to facilitate open communication

and gather feedback from employees at all levels.

 Feedback Mechanisms: Establish formal channels for employees to voice their

concerns, suggestions, and ideas, and ensure that timely feedback is provided on

all submissions to foster a culture of transparency and trust.

2. Career Progression:

 Transparent Promotion Criteria: Develop clear criteria and standards for career

progression and promotion based on performance, skills development, and

potential, ensuring transparency and fairness in the promotion process.

 Career Development Programs: Implement career development programs and

mentorship initiatives to support employees in their professional growth and

advancement within the organization.

3. Regional HR Presence:

 Localized HR Support: Establish regional HR teams to provide localized

support and ensure that human resource management activities are aligned with

the company's overall HR strategy.

 Empowerment and Accountability: Empower regional HR teams to address

employee concerns, administer training and development programs, and facilitate

career development opportunities within their respective regions, promoting

autonomy and accountability.

4. Grievance Procedure:

 Formal Grievance Process: Develop and implement a formal grievance

procedure that provides employees with a clear process for addressing workplace

issues, conflicts, and concerns.

 Training and Awareness: Train managers and HR staff on the proper handling

of employee grievances and ensure that all cases are addressed promptly, fairly,

and confidentially to foster a culture of trust and fairness.

5. Training and Development:

 Effective Training Allocation: Review the training and development budget to

ensure that it is allocated effectively to benefit a larger portion of the workforce,

prioritizing initiatives that align with business objectives and employee

development goals.

 Training Needs Assessment: Implement a comprehensive training needs

assessment process to identify skill gaps and prioritize training initiatives,

ensuring that resources are directed towards areas of critical importance and

relevance to employee roles and responsibilities.

6. Leave Management:

 Promotion of Work-Life Balance: Review the leave management policy to

promote a healthy work-life balance and prevent the accumulation of excessive

leave, emphasizing the importance of regular breaks and vacations to prevent

burnout and enhance employee well-being.

 Occupational Health and Safety: Address occupational health and safety

concerns to mitigate the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace, ensuring

that employees feel safe and supported in their roles.

7. Performance-Based Culture:

 Recognition and Reward: Foster a performance-based culture where employees

are recognized and rewarded based on their contributions to the company's

success, promoting a sense of achievement and motivation.

 Performance Management Systems: Implement performance management

systems to set clear goals, provide ongoing feedback, and evaluate employee

performance objectively, facilitating continuous improvement and development.

Implementation and Monitoring:

 Establish a dedicated HR team to oversee the implementation of the employee relations

strategy and monitor progress towards achieving the identified goals, ensuring

accountability and alignment with organizational objectives.

 Conduct regular reviews and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of the employee

relations policies and programs and make adjustments as needed to address emerging

challenges and opportunities.

 Communicate updates and progress reports to employees through various channels,

including company-wide meetings, newsletters, and intranet portals, fostering

transparency and engagement.





Jubern Pharmaceutical Services acknowledges that its workforce is its greatest asset and

recognizes the critical importance of nurturing positive relationships with employees for the

company's prosperity. This comprehensive Employee Relations Policy is strategically designed

to tackle current organizational hurdles, aiming to mitigate high turnover rates and sustain

optimal productivity levels. Through the adoption of equitable and efficient employee relations

practices, our objective is to cultivate a nurturing work environment where every team member

feels esteemed, acknowledged, and incentivized to contribute to our collective objectives. In

order to foster good employer-employee relations to help foster growth of the company, the

policy document will touch on the following areas;

1. Open Communication

At Jubern Pharmaceutical Services, we prioritize fostering transparent and inclusive

communication channels between management and employees across all hierarchical levels. We

actively encourage employees to express their concerns, ideas, and feedback through a variety of

platforms, including regular meetings, suggestion boxes, and anonymous surveys. Management

is committed to attentively listening to employee input and promptly addressing issues in an

impartial and timely manner.

2. Career Progression

We are dedicated to ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement and professional

development for all our employees. To achieve this, clear criteria and pathways for promotion

will be established, grounded in performance evaluation, skill enhancement, and leadership

potential assessment. Our managers are tasked with providing ongoing feedback and guidance to

employees, aiding them in identifying and pursuing career advancement opportunities within the


3. Decentralization of HR Management:

In recognition of our diverse operational landscape spanning various regions and countries,

Jubern Pharmaceutical Services will decentralize HR functions. Regional HR teams will be

empowered to cater to local HR needs, encompassing recruitment, employee relations, and

training endeavors. HR policies and practices will be tailored to suit the unique contexts of each

operational hub, ensuring alignment with local labor laws and regulations.

4. Grievance Procedure:

We understand the significance of providing employees with a fair and accessible mechanism for

addressing grievances and conflicts. To this end, a formal grievance procedure will be

established, delineating the steps for employees to voice concerns, including avenues for

confidential reporting and access to impartial mediation or arbitration. Both managers and HR

professionals will undergo training in effective conflict resolution techniques to facilitate prompt

and equitable grievance resolution.

5. Training and Development:

Jubern Pharmaceutical Services is committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and

development among its workforce. Regular assessments of training needs will be conducted, and

resources will be allocated accordingly to ensure equitable access to learning opportunities for all

employees. Embracing a blended learning approach, encompassing traditional classroom settings

alongside online courses, workshops, and experiential learning, will enhance skill acquisition and

professional growth.

6. Leave Management:

Recognizing the pivotal role of promoting employee well-being and work-life balance, we will

review and update our leave policy yearly. This updated policy will encourage employees to

utilize their leave entitlements responsibly, fostering a culture of self-care and rejuvenation.

Managers will be equipped with training on the importance of supporting employee well-being

and effectively managing workloads to mitigate absenteeism and enhance productivity levels.


Through the diligent implementation of this Employee Relations Policy, Jubern Pharmaceutical

Services endeavors to address prevailing challenges and cultivate a nurturing work environment

where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to contribute to our collective success.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering robust relationships with our employees,

ensuring their holistic well-being and professional growth within the organization. Together, we

will surmount obstacles and continue to thrive within the dynamic landscape of the

pharmaceutical industry.


1. Open Communication Policy

Policy Statement: At Jubern Pharmaceutical Services, we recognize the vital role of transparent

communication in nurturing trust, teamwork, and creativity within our company. As such, we are

dedicated to establishing a culture where every team member feels confident to express their

thoughts, contribute ideas, and address issues without facing any negative consequences."

Guidelines for Implementation:

I. Establish Multiple Communication Channels:

 Offer a range of communication channels, such as team gatherings, feedback

boxes, online platforms (like internal forums or messaging applications), and

periodic individual meetings between supervisors and their team members.

 Guarantee that all staff members, regardless of their position or where they work

within the company, have access to these communication options.

II. Encourage Open Dialogue:

 Encourage managers to maintain an open-door policy, where employees feel

comfortable approaching them with any concerns or ideas.

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 Train managers and team leaders in active listening techniques and effective

communication strategies to facilitate constructive dialogue.

III. Promptly Address Feedback:

 Commit to promptly addressing and acknowledging feedback received from

employees, whether positive or negative.

 Establish clear procedures for escalating and resolving issues raised by

employees, ensuring that they are addressed in a timely and fair manner.

IV. Promote Transparency:

 Share relevant information about company goals, strategies, and performance

with employees on a regular basis.

 Provide updates on key decisions, initiatives, and changes within the organization

to keep employees informed and engaged.

V. Foster a Culture of Respect:

 Emphasize the importance of respect and professionalism in all communications,

whether verbal, written, or digital.

 Ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and courtesy, regardless of their

position or background.

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2. Career Progression Policy

Policy Statement: Jubern Pharmaceutical Services is committed to providing all employees with

equal opportunities for career advancement and professional growth. We believe in recognizing

and rewarding talent, dedication, and contributions to the success of our organization.

Guidelines for Implementation:

I. Establish Clear Criteria for Advancement:

 Develop transparent criteria and pathways for career progression within the

organization, outlining the skills, experience, and performance expectations for

each level.

 Communicate these criteria clearly to all employees and provide guidance on how

they can work towards meeting them.

II. Support Employee Development:

 Provide access to training, mentorship, and professional development

opportunities to support employees in acquiring the skills and competencies

needed for career advancement.

 Encourage employees to take ownership of their career development by setting

goals, seeking feedback, and actively pursuing growth opportunities.

III. Ensure Fairness and Transparency:

 Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide constructive feedback to

employees on their progress towards meeting advancement criteria.

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 Ensure that promotion decisions are based on merit, performance, and potential,

free from bias or favoritism.

IV. Encourage Internal Mobility:

 Promote internal mobility by encouraging employees to explore opportunities for

lateral moves or upward progression within the organization.

 Provide support and resources for employees transitioning to new roles or

departments to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

V. Recognize and Reward Achievement:

 Acknowledge and celebrate employees' achievements and milestones, including

promotions, certifications, and significant contributions to projects or initiatives.

 Consider implementing a formal recognition program to publicly commend

employees for their dedication and accomplishments.

3. Decentralization of HR Management Policy

Policy Statement: To better support our diverse workforce and address the unique needs of

employees across different regions and countries, Jubern Pharmaceutical Services will

decentralize HR management by establishing HR functions at regional and country levels.

Guidelines for Implementation:

I. Establish Regional HR Teams:

 Recruit and train HR professionals with local expertise and cultural knowledge to

lead HR functions in each region or country where the company operates.

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 Ensure that regional HR teams are equipped with the necessary resources, tools,

and support to effectively manage HR operations within their respective areas.

II. Tailor HR Policies and Practices:

 Develop standardized HR policies and practices that can be adapted to the specific

context of each operating location, taking into account local labor laws,

regulations, and cultural norms.

 Ensure consistency in core HR principles and values across all regions, while

allowing for flexibility in implementation as needed.

III. Provide Localized Support:

 Empower regional HR teams to address local recruitment, employee relations,

training, and development needs, allowing them to respond quickly and

effectively to issues as they arise.

 Establish regular communication channels between central HR leadership and

regional HR teams to share best practices, align strategies, and provide ongoing

support and guidance.

IV. Ensure Compliance and Consistency:

 Maintain oversight and accountability for HR activities at both the regional and

central levels to ensure compliance with company policies, procedures, and

ethical standards.

 Conduct periodic audits and reviews to monitor the effectiveness of decentralized

HR management practices and identify areas for improvement or standardization.

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V. Promote Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:

 Facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among HR professionals across

different regions through regular meetings, workshops, and training sessions.

 Encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices to foster

continuous learning and improvement within the HR function.

4. Grievance Procedure Policy

Policy Statement: Jubern Pharmaceutical Services is committed to providing a fair and

transparent process for employees to raise concerns, address grievances, and resolve conflicts in

a timely and respectful manner.

Guidelines for Implementation:

I. Establish Formal Grievance Procedures:

 Develop a formal grievance procedure outlining the steps for employees to raise

concerns, including the submission of written complaints, meetings with HR

representatives, and appeals process.

 Ensure that the grievance procedure is communicated clearly to all employees and

is easily accessible through company policies and resources.

II. Provide Confidential Reporting Mechanisms:

 Offer multiple channels for employees to report grievances and concerns,

including anonymous hotlines, online portals, and in-person meetings with HR


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 Guarantee confidentiality and protection from retaliation for employees who raise

grievances, ensuring that their identities are kept confidential throughout the


III. Conduct Impartial Investigations:

 Assign trained HR professionals or designated investigators to conduct impartial

and thorough investigations into employee grievances, ensuring that all relevant

facts and evidence are gathered and reviewed.

 Treat all parties involved in the grievance process with respect and fairness,

allowing them the opportunity to present their side of the story and respond to


IV. Facilitate Mediation and Resolution:

 Encourage parties involved in a grievance to engage in constructive dialogue and

mediation to resolve conflicts amicably and reach mutually acceptable solutions.

 Provide access to mediation services or third-party facilitators trained in conflict

resolution techniques to assist in resolving complex or contentious grievances.

V. Ensure Timely Follow-Up and Closure:

 Establish clear timelines and milestones for investigating and resolving

grievances, with regular updates provided to employees on the status of their


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 Communicate outcomes and decisions to all parties involved in the grievance

process in a timely and transparent manner, ensuring that appropriate follow-up

actions are taken to address any underlying issues or concerns.

5. Training and Development Policy

Policy Statement: Jubern Pharmaceutical Services is committed to investing in the continuous

learning and development of our employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and

competencies and support their career growth within the organization.

Guidelines for Implementation:

I. Assess Training Needs:

 Conduct regular assessments of training needs across the organization through

employee surveys, performance evaluations, and skills gap

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