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SOCIAL SCIENCE 1 most faithful stewards of the earth’s natural

CRAFTING TRADITIONS: MGA MANLILIKHA NG resources. Their spiritual view of the world, their
BAYAN values of collective responsibility and respect
for elders, ancestors, spirits and the community,
GAMABA (Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan) guide their individual behavior in daily life.
● 1989 - Indigenous people who have kept their unique
- formally launched with the screening artists of primeval institutions which are threatened by
Filipino crafts in the municipal, provincial, and large scale mining, dam building, logging,
regional levels. exploration, industrialization and cash crop
projects that displaced members of traditional
● 1990 communities risk of becoming dysfunctional
- Senate Bill No. 240 authored by Senators social elements.
Edgardo Angara, Leticia Shahani and Sotero
Laurel, proposed the bearers of traditional art HOW TO BECOME A MANLILIKHA NG BAYAN?
with a Presidential award, recognizing them as ● CATEGORIES
National Living Treasures. - may cover traditional and folk arts in the areas
of performing arts and craft. Consideration shall
● April 3,1992 be made for adequate representation in
- institutionalized through Republic Act No. geographic distribution and different artistic
7355. Section 1 or “Manlilikha ng Bayan Act”. categories.
- The National Commission for Culture and the
Arts (NCCA), through the Gawad sa Manlilikha ● AD HOC PANEL OF EXPERTS
ng Bayan Executive Council, conducts the - To ensure a fair selection of potential awardees,
search for traditional artists, adopt a program the Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan Executive
assuring the transfer of skills to the youth, and Council shall be assisted by an Ad Hoc Panel
undertake measures to promote a genuine of Expert, experts in the traditional and folk arts
appreciation of and instill pride among our categories.
people in the genius of the Gawad sa Manlilikha - names of those selected to become members of
ng Bayan and our traditional cultures. the Ad Hoc Panel of Expert shall be submitted to
the NCCA Board of Commissioners for proper
● GAMABA LOGO designation.
- a stylized representation of the human form used - term of the members shall expire upon
in traditional cloth. completion of the search and selection process.
- motif is ‘Manlilikha ng Bayan’ written in
ancient Filipino script extensively used TO BECOME A MANLILIKHA NG BAYAN, A
throughout the Philippines at the time of western CANDIDATE MUST:
contact in the sixteenth century. Possess a mastery of tools and materials needed
for the traditional, folk art and be a maker of
works of extraordinary technical quality;
Have consistently produced works of superior
quality over significant period;
Have engaged in a traditional and folk art which
has been in existence and documented for at
least fifty (50) years;
Command respect and inspire admiration of the
country with character and integrity;
- awarded to a person or a group of people who Must have transferred and/or willing to transfer
have proved excellence in their craft or art. May to other members of the community the skills in
also be those sharing their talents and skill with the traditional and folk arts for which the
the people in their community to preserve the art community has become nationally known.
form in generations to come However, a candidate who, due to age or
infirmity, has left him/her/them incapable of
TO WHOM IS GAMABA GIVEN? teaching further his/her craft, may still be
- Indigenous peoples who have retreated to the recognized provided that s/he must possess the
highlands or coastal hinterlands have been the qualifications as enumerated above.
➔ enjoys the same privileges as a National Artist
➔ a gold-plated medal from the Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas,
➔ a cash award of P200,000, a lifetime stipend of
➔ medical and hospitalization benefits of P750,000
a year;
➔ a state funeral, and room in Libingan ng Mga
Bayani (should they choose), and a place of
honor in state functions.

❖ LANG DULAY (1928-2015)
- T’boli weaver of T’nalak, from Lake Sebu,
South Cotabato. Aware of her origin myth built
around creation from the upsurge of water and
earthly life emerging from floods.
- must first dream of a design before she could
weave once. A single piece can take up to three
months to finish.
● T’nalak
○ unique traditional cloth, hand-woven by
T’boli women in finest ikat (tie-dye)
method from abaca fibers with three
primary colors- natural color of abaca,
red, and black.
● 1998,
○ received GAMABA recognition
○ her creations were exhibited at the
Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC
as part of the Philippine Centennial
- trained 46 weavers in her passing and mantle
her granddaughters, Noemi Dulay, as apparent
successor to her weaving prowess.

❖ HAJA AMINA APPI (1925-2013)

- Sama mat weaver from Taw-Tawi.
- executed traditional Sulu designs of Ukkil or
● Sama
○ believed to have originated from the
Austronesian root sama meaning
“together”. It is also a term suggesting
the binding together of leaves and
grasses that go into a banig (mat).
○ locally called Tepo, mats are made of
pandan leaves and the whole process of
making is engaged only by women.
○ traditionally, mats made by weavers in
Unggus Matata, in Tandubas Island
where Haja Aminana hails from and
kept within family or clan.
- establish a School of Living Tradition in his
❖ ALONZO SACLAG (B. 1942) home village.
- from Lubuagan, Kalinga, in the Cordillera
Region. ❖ MASINO INTARAY (1943-2013)
- master of dance, music and the performing - a Pala’wan musician, storyteller and epic
arts with cultural practices of a people, known chanter, and master of rites from Makagwa
since colonial times for fiercely guarding their Valley in Palawan.
community and cultural heritage. - skilled in playing musical instruments- basal
- advocates the documentation of Kalinga beliefs (gong), aroding (mouth harp), and babarak
and customs to uphold and defend indigenous (ring, flute)
people’s rights threatened by the negative forces - highly respected for being knowledgeable of
of globalization. many tultul (epics), sudsungit (narratives) and
● Budong tuturan (myths of origin and heritage teachings)
○ a traditional peace pact meant to resolve - in the ritual of Tambilaw, Intaray leads the basal
tribal wars since colonial times to ensemble, playing the sacred music that
Martial Law. spiritually connects the Pala’awan community
● Gong or Gangsa with the Great Lod, Ampo and the Master of
○ most important artifact which is a Rice, Ampo’t Paray
disappearing craft, thus Saclag’s efforts ● Tarak
at propagating its use. ○ the dance and sound element of the
basal where women moving back and
❖ FEDERICO CABALLERO forth on the bamboo-slated floor
- Sulod-Bukidnon epic chanter from Calinog, rhythmically stomp their feet as they
Iloilo. hold taro leaves and their sides.
- devoted his life to painstaking research, ● Kulilal
documentation, and performance of ten epics of ○ a sentimental poetry expressing love.
the Panay-Bukidnon people. These epics in an ● Bagit
Archaic, dying language akin to Kiniray-a. ○ the imitation of rhythms, movements
- mastered 10 epics from Humadapnon, longest and sounds of nature, strictly through
epic, continues the practice of chanting, so that the playing of Kudyapi, such as the
the tradition would live on. sensory motion of leaves, the flight of
- documents more epics together with researchers birds, the twitter of insects, and the
such as Tikung Kadlum, an epic which tells of sounds of monkeys and snakes.
how justice is meted out to those who cut down
trees. ❖ SALINTA MONON (1920-2009)
- also a Manughusay or an arbiter of disputes, - a Tagabawa Bagobo weaver of textiles from
and recognized as Bantugan, a person of Bansalan, Davao del Sur.
outstanding integrity regarded with distinction - exposed to the craft by her mother, at 12, she
by his people. performed the task herself.
● 2001 - dedicated her life into weaving, even as she
○ with the assistance from the NCCA raised a family of six children with her husband
founded Balay Turun-an, a school of a farmer.
living tradition, where 20-50 school - Salinta had built a solid reputation for her
children, aged 8-16, learn the rudiments outstanding designs and quality of weaving.
of traditional Panay- Bukidnon culture. - one of the many designs she wove is the
Binuwaya (crocodile) which is also difficult to
- a Hanuno Mangyan Poet from Panaytayan, ● 1998
Mansalya, Oriental Mindoro. ○ the NCCA presented GAMABA to
- master of Ambahan, a poetic literary form Salinta, “the last Bagobo weaver” and
composed of seven-syllable lines conveying since then Bagobo-Tagabawa weaving
picturesque, metaphoric messages. has continued to live on.
- Hanuno Mangyan etched verses on bamboo
tubes using the ancient script of Surat Mangyan.
- most treasured Ambahans were those he
inherited from his father and grandfather.
❖ DARHATA SAWABI - watched her aunt weave as a little girl and she
- a Tausug weaver of Pis Syabit (traditional began to wave by herself at 16. In her 90s
handwoven head cover) Magdalena has taught a handful of younger
- In the island of Jolo, women perform the craft of women her craft.
pis syabit, which has been passed on for - she is fortunate at her age to have good eyesight
generations from mothers to their daughters. It as this is the most challenging and crucial task in
took 3 months to weave one design and in recent weaving
years it cost P2000 each.
- Pis syabit weaving is a difficult art. ❖ TEOFILO GARCIA (B. 1941)
- Sawabi faced challenges as the war tore apart - an Ilocano maker of Tabungaw (casque or
Jolo in the 1970s. After returning to Parang, she Gourd hat) from San Quintin, Abra.
rebuilt her loom and resumed weaving at home, - inheriting the craft from his grandfather. Teofilo
also taught other women in the community and started making the gourd hat at 15 and finished it
the weavers she trained have also become in 7 days.
teachers of the craft. - With GAMABA recognition of writing a
curriculum in Tabungaw making which he
❖ UWANG AHADAS now teaches to selected students in his
- a Yakan musician from Lamitan, Basilan where hometown’s public school.
playing of musical instruments is a tradition, - His work is now widely exhibited in art trade
closely connected to the spiritual realm. fairs and his tabungaws are much sought after as
- to the Yakan, spirits control the forces of nature, special gifts.
human life, and the agricultural cycle, and music
is a means for meditation and supplication. ❖ EDUARDO MUTUC
- Uwang gathers bamboo and constructs the - From Apalit, Pampanga is a metal smith of
simplest gabbang (five-slat xylophone). religious and secular art.
- made a Kwintangan Kayu (hanging percussion - He only managed to finish elementary, but at 29
instruments) using five horizontal tree limbs he was motivated to support his growing family
hung from longest to shortest. - worked as a woodcarver of household furniture
and discovered a talent in carving.
❖ SAMAON SULAIMAN (1953-2011) - After 6 years as a woodcarver, he developed his
- a Magindanaon musician from Mamasapano, skill in Pinukpok (beaten metal).
Maguindanao, meaning “people of the flood - Knowing that artistry begins with understanding
plains” are one of the major Filipino Islamic the nature of one’s materials and using the right
groups who populate the lands near Pulangi tools, Eduardo has embarked on teaching the
river. foundations of the craft to his students, saying
- achieved the highest level of excellence in the that, “Fulfillment and satisfaction at the
art of Kudyapi playing. His extensive repertoire beauty of one’s work is the best reward.”
of dinaladay, linapu, minuna, binalig. Apart
from being a master at Kudyapi, he is also ● TRADITIONAL PERFORMING ARTS
proficient in kulintang, agong, gandingan, 1. Masino Mataray (1993) - Brookes Point,
palendag and tambul. Palawan
- merited the highest honor for his exemplary 2. Samaon Sulaman (1993) - Mamasapano,
artistry and dedication to his chosen instrument, Maguindanao
and the music of kudyapi at a time when this 3. Alonzo Saclag (2000) - Lubuagan, Kalinga
instrument no longer exists in many parts of 4. Uwang Ahadas (2000) - Lamitan, Basilan
❖ MAGDALENA GAMAYO (B. 1924) 1. Lang Dulay (1998) - Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
- a textile weaver from Pinili, Ilocus Norte 2. Salinta Monon (1998) - Bansalan, Davao del Sur
- recognized as a master in weaving the Abel, 3. Darhata Sawabi (2004) - Parang, Sulu
the Ilocano textile hand-woven from local cotton 4. Eduardo Mutuc (2004) - Apalit, Pampanga
and other fibers. 5. Haja Amina Appi (2004) - Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi
- learned all by herself the traditional patterns of 6. Magdalena Gamayo (2012) - Pinili, Ilocos Norte
Binakul, Inuritan, Kuikos and Sinan-sabong by 7. Teofilo Garcia (2012) - San Quintin, Abra
observation and practice. 8. Ambalang Ausalin (2016) - Lamitan, Basilan
9. Estelita Bantilan (2016) - Malapatan, Sarangani
10. Yabing Masalon Dulo (2016) - Polomolok, ➔ The final stage is the conferment ceremony,
South Cotabato as prepared by the Secretariat and ultimately
led by the President of the Republic.
1. Ginaw Bilog (1993) - Mansalay, Oriental BENEFITS
Mindoro ➔ rank and title of National Artist, as
2. Federico Caballero (2000) - Calinog, Iloilo proclaimed by the President of the
NATIONAL ARTISTS FOR THE TANGIBLE ARTS ➔ the National Artist gold-plated medallion
minted by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- highest distinction bestowed upon Filipino ➔ lifetime emolument and material and
Artists whose body of work is recognized by physical benefits.
their peers and more importantly by their ➔ minimum cash award of Two Hundred
countrymen Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00), net of taxes
for living awardees
TANGIBLE ARTS ➔ minimum cash award of One Hundred Fifty
- Architecture, Literature, Visual Arts, Fashion Thousand Pesos (P150,000.00), net of taxes
Design for posthumous awardees, payable to legal
- includes buildings and historic places, heir/s
monuments, artifacts, etc., which are considered ➔ minimum lifetime personal monthly stipend
worthy of preservation for the future. of Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00)
- has a physical presence ➔ life insurance coverage for insurable
BACKGROUND ➔ state funeral benefit not exceeding
● ORDER OF NATIONAL ARTIST (Orden ng P500,000.00.
Pambansa ng Alagad ng Sining) ➔ a place of honor in state functions and
- established under Proclamation No. 1001 dated recognition at cultural events.
April 27, 1972 to give appropriate recognition
and prestige to Filipinos who have distinguished GUIDELINES ON SELECTION
themselves and made outstanding contributions living artist who are Filipino citizens or
to Philippine arts and letters. artists who died as Filipino citizens after the
- 73 Filipinos recognized as National Artists. The establishment of the award may be eligible
last recognition was in 2018, in which seven for nomination;
artists were given the distinction. The last one artist whose works have contributed towards
before that was in 2014. developing a Filipino sense of nationhood;
- recognition was called National Artists Award, artists who have pioneered in evolving
until it was elevated in 2003 by then-President modes of relative expression or individual
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the rank of Order. styles which have gained distinction here
The Order is conferred to individuals by the and abroad, and which could make an
National Commission for the Culture and the impact on future generations of artists;
Arts (NCCA) and the Cultural Center of the
artists who have created a significant body
Philippines (CCP) at a ceremony in Malacañang
of works which have consistently
manifested excellence towards enriching
their particular expressions
➔ begins with the announcement of the artists who enjoy broad and extensive
opening of nominations. A series of recognition from their peers nationally and
screenings and deliberations by peers, internationally, and who have garnered
colleagues, and artistic-c. critical acclaim for their works.
➔ The list of selected national artists then
cultural administration of both the CCP and ● Fernando Amorsolo
NCCA follows which issues the - the first Philippine National Artist in 1972
proclamation submitted to the Office of the
President, on conferring the rank and title of ● Proclamation No. 1144
National Artists. - dated May 15, 1973 named the CCP Board of
Trustees as the National Artist Awards
Committee and Presidential Decree No. 208 - In 1922, he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree
issued on June 7, 1973 reiterated the mandate of in Civil Engineering from the University of
CCP to administer the National Artist Awards Kansas.
and privileges and honors to National Artists - studied Architecture at the Fontainebleau School
of Fine Arts in France.
National Artists for Tangible Arts - named one of the National Artists for
1. PABLO S. ANTONIO architecture in 1973.
2. LEANDRO V. LOCSIN - regarded as the Dean of Filipino Architects.
3. JUAN F. NAKPIL - known for his works, including Geronimo de los
4. ILDEFONSO P. SANTOS JR. Reyes Building, Magsaysay Building, Rizal
5. JOSE MARIA V. ZARAGOZA Theater, Capitol Theater, Captain Pepe Building,
Manila Jockey Club, Rufino Building,
❖ PABLO S. ANTONIO Philippine Village Hotel, University of the
- architect Philippines Administration and University
- National Artist of the Philippines (1976) Library and the reconstructed Rizal house in
- BUILDINGS: Ideal Theater, Life Theater, Calamba.
Manila Polo Club
- PROJECTS: Far Eastern University Campus ❖ ILDEFONSO P. SANTOS JR.
- known as “IP Santos”
❖ LEANDRO V. LOCSIN - Father of Philippine Landscape Architecture
- grandson of the first governor of the province. - National Artist of the Philippines (2006)
- celebrated architect of the Philippines, designed
numerous modern buildings with climatic MAJOR ARCHITECTURAL WORKS
features of Southeast Asia and the traditional ● Cultural Center of the Philippines
style of the Philippines. Complex
- accomplishment contributed remarkable to the ● Manila Hotel
development of architectural culture in Asia ● San Miguel Corporation Building
● Nayong Pilipino
● Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice ● Rizal Park
● University of the Philippines, Quezon City, ● Loyola Memorial Park
1955 ● Tagaytay Highlands Golf and Country
● Cultural Center of the Philippines Club
● Complex, Manila Theater for the Performing ● The Orchard Golf and Country Club
Arts, 1969 ● Magallanes Church
● Folk Arts Theater, 1974 ● Asian Institute of Management
● Philippine Center for International Trade
● Philippine International Convention Center,
● Philippine Plaza Hotel 1976 - traditions or living expressions inherited from
● Philippine Pavilion Expo '70, Osaka, Japan, our ancestors and passed on to our descendants,
1970 such as oral traditions, performing arts, social
● Makati Stock Exchange Building, Manila, practices, rituals, festive events.
1971 - knowledge and practices concerning nature and
● Istana Nurul Iman (Palace of the Sultan of the universe or the knowledge and skills to
Brunei), produce traditional crafts, food and medicine
● Bandar Seri Bagawan, Brunei, 1984 heritage and digital heritage.
● Supreme Court of the Philippines, Manila - consists of Cinema, Dance, Music, and
1991 Theatre.
- engage the audience in a multi-sensory
❖ JUAN F. NAKPIL experience
- son of Julio Nakpil and Gregoria de Jesús.
- studied Engineering at the University of the National Artists for Cinema
Philippines. 1. LINO BROCKA
3. MANUEL CONDE Tenoso (1941), Siete Infantes de Lara (1950) and
4. GERARDO “GERRY DE LEON Ibong Adarna (1955).
5. RONALD ALLAN K. POE - was famous for his creativity and innovation
6. EDDIE S. ROMERO which paved way for the international
recognition of Philippine cinema.
❖ LINO BROCKA - He was 25 when he started directing films for
- Faced with the import of foreign films and LVN Pictures and was entrusted IBONG
censorship during the 1970s, Brocka’s film ADARNA (1941)
concentrated on the marginalized sectors of - He set up his own production Manuel Conde
society- slum dwellers, prostitutes, and (MC) which produced films like GENGIS
construction workers. KHAN (1950) and SIGFREDO (1951), although
- His debut film, WANTED: PERFECT his budget was limited, the film employed
MOTHER, premiered in 1970 and starred Boots Carlos “botong” Francisco with its production
Anson-Roa design.
- Throughout his career, he produced 66 films, - His famous creation series is the JUAN
garnered national and international award such TAMAD, starring himself and Tessie Quintana.
as Maynila sa Kuko ng Liwanag (1975) Insiang - Conde espoused Philippine values and traditions
- (1976) in comedic innovation.
- His movies that garnered critical attention:
Stardoom (1971), Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang ❖ GERARDO “GERRY” DE LEON
(1974), Jaguar (1979), Kapit sa Patalim (1985), - the first filmmaker to be recognized as a
Macho Dancer (1988) and Orapronobis (1989) Philippine National Artist. His father,
- Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang starred Hermogenes IIagan, was a stage director and
Christopher De Leon and won Best Picture from writer, his mother Casiana de Leon, was a singer.
FAMAS. - In 1937, De Leon played a part in MGA
- Brocka’s socio-political awareness and activism PUSONG DAKILA.
left a lasting impression on Philippine society - In 1938, he directed his first film, the musical
and Filmography. Bahay Kubo.
- Anong Ganda Mo, was his film that was
❖ ISHMAEL BERNAL interrupted by WW2 but eventually released in
- recognized as Director of Films that serve as 1942.
social commentaries and bold reflections on the - During Japanese occupation, he directed stage
existing realities of the struggle of the Filipino. plays and after the war, he directed three films
- managed to send his message across: to fight the for Sampaguita Pictures. – SO LONG
censors, free the artists, give justice to the AMERICA (1946), ISUMPA MO, GILIW
oppressed and enlighten as well as entertain the (1947), and MAMENG, INIIBIG KITA (1947)
audience. - In his films, he departed from the conventions of
- Pagdating Sa Dulo (1971), his first innovative the Tagalog movie and made use of
and directorial and screenwriting job. Nunal Sa expressionist images. Produced many films:
Tubig (1976), experimental films in which he Daigdig ng mga Api, Noli Me Tangere, El
explored new styles and themes, Manila By Filibusterismo, Sisa, Sawa sa Lumang Simbolo,
Night (1980), portrays the fragmented spaces of and Dyesebel.
the city but also reveals the construction of the
concept city under the Marcos regime. ❖ RONALD ALLAN K. POE
- hailed by critics as “the genius of Philippine - began his career as stuntman for Everlasting
Cinema” HIMALA (1982) is a critique of social Pictures and a double for Lilia Dizon in
structures that drive belief within a rural SIMARON (UNTAMED, 1995).
community. - obtained his first acting role in Anak ni Palaris
(1995) where Director Marrio Barri gave him his
❖ MANUEL CONDE screen name, “Fernando Poe, Jr.” because of
- born in Daet, Camarines Norte in 1915. He was his father’s name as an actor.
cited as one of the most important filmmakers in - invested in his own companies FPJ Productions
the First Golden Age of Philippine Cinema and D’Lanor Productions, and began to produce
- He was famous for the film adaptations of and direct his own films under nom de camera
famous Philippine Metrical romances, Prinsipe Ronwaldo Reyes. In many of his films, Poe
played the people’s hero.
- In 2004, he ran as the main opposition candidate 2. LAMBERTO AVELLANA
against Pres. Gloria Arroyo during the 3. SALVADOR F. BERNAL
presidential election but lost the election. Few 4. HONORATA “ATANG” DELA RAMA
months later, he suffered a stroke and passed 5. WILFRIDO MA. GUERRERO
- In 2006, former Pres. Arroyo conferred a 7. ROLANDO S. TINIO
Posthumous National Artist Award but Poe’s
widow, Susan Roces, refused to attend the
ceremony as allegedly cheated of a victory in the
election. The award was only formally accepted
when Pres. Aquino III conferred once more in
- Fernando Poe, Jr. Da King, Ronwaldo Reyes,
D’Lanot- the many names of this man.
- His films remains classics and are constantly
being reinvented as both movies and television

- film “Ganito Kami Noon...Paano Kayo
Ngayon? (1976), set at the turn of the 20th
century during the revolution against the
Spaniards and American colonizers.
- Agila (1980) situated a family’s story against the
backdrop of Filipino history
- Kamakalawa (1981) explored pre-colonial
folklore with takes on romance and adventure.
- His 13-part television series Noli Me Tangere
(1992) introduced Jose Rizal’s novel to a
broader audience.
- Along with Filipino language films, he made
English-language films that became cult
classics, like Beast of Yellow Light (1971), The
Twilight People (1972 and Black Mama, White
Mama (1972) and worked with American actors.

National Artists for Dance


National Artists for Music


National Artists for Theater


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