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Letter of Employment

Date: 16 Oct 2023

Harkeerat Singh Sadana
Anil Sur Path Uliyan Kadma,
Near River View Colony,
India - 831005
Mobile - +91 9108886377

Dear Harkeerat Singh Sadana ,

With reference to your application and the subsequent interviews and discussions you had with us, you
are provisionally and conditionally selected for appointment as Business Development Executive
(BD6) at a total target annual compensation level CTC of INR 700,000 (including 450,000 as fixed CTC
and 250,000 as target performance based annual variable pay). Detailed break up is provided in appendix
1 and appendix 7.

Confirmation of this appointment is subject to completion of each of the three phases of probation
meeting required levels of performance, effort levels, regularity, leave policy adherence and attendance.

You will start as a Business Development Probationer (BDP) with effect from 17 Oct 2023. You will
be reporting to Balaji Subramani, General Manager, Business Development and Service

Your initial fixed remuneration as Business Development Probationer (BDP) will be Rs.260,000/-

Prior to confirmation you will have a minimum 12 week probationary period during which you will be
offered a probationary period fixed salary and applicable variable pay along with training, guidance,
coaching and mentoring to become a life-long sales professional of high quality. Extensions with Pay for
limited periods will be available for select strong probationers requiring incremental additional time and is
purely subject to management decision. The Company is not liable to pay beyond the designated
probation periods which are adequate for Proof of Performance and Fitness for Confirmation.

Typical Extension with

Phase Job Title(Description)
Duration Pay (Max)
PoP1 Proof of Performance 1 (Sales Training and Guided Practice) 4 Weeks 2 weeks
PoP2 Proof of Performance 2 (Sales Process Proficiency Coaching) 4 Weeks 2 weeks
PoP3 Proof of Performance 3 (Sales Drive and Target Ownership) 4 Weeks 4 weeks

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

1. PoP1, PoP2 and PoP3 are considered Probation period. Pay Grade BD1 and beyond, as
described in Annexure 1, are confirmed positions.

2. The details of next levels of salary are presented in the Annexure (1) - Annexure for Pay
Grades and Career Path.

3. Detailed breakup of all salary levels including deductions and withholdings (such as ESI, EPF
TDS, Security deposit and other allowances as applicable) is provided in Annexure (7)

4. The company will follow a weekly Salary disbursal system. Monthly and Annual Calculations is
only for the use of calculation and understanding purposes. There will not be any monthly
salary disbursements.

5. The weekly take home salary will be your annual take home salary divided by 52. (A calendar
year has 52 weeks.)

Upon successful completion of the three stages above, the position will be confirmed as a Business
Development Executive BD6 leading to a number of potential increments and promotions with Quarterly
Review. Further details and information about subsequent levels and career roles will be shared at the
appropriate stages after the completion of PoP1, PoP2 and PoP3.

2. PROBATION: You will be on probation for the period during PoP1, PoP2 and PoP3. During this
period, the company would invest in your training and professional development. Your position can be
confirmed at any time during this period based on attainment of sufficient levels of performance. The
probation can be extended for a further period at the discretion of the management depending on the
assessment of your overall performance and the probation would have been deemed to be extended until
the issue of a confirmation letter. On satisfactory completion of the probation period your appointment as
BDE(Business Development Executive) with Pay Grade BD6 will be confirmed in writing.

3. AGE OF RETIREMENT: You will retire from the service of the organization on completion of the
age of 58 years, unless the organization decides to retain you beyond this age, in which case, you will be
specifically informed of the same.


(a) At any time, without any previous notice, if the organization is satisfied on medical evidence that you
are unfit (physical or mental), and are likely to continue to be unfit for a considerable period of time
in discharging your duties.

(b) Without any previous notice if you are found guilty of insubordination, intemperance, substance
abuse, undisclosed conflict of interest or other misconduct or breach of any rules pertaining to your
service or conduct or non-performance of your duties. Non-performance of duties includes the
following :

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
1. Report by immediate supervisor or department manager to that effect
2. Four consecutive weeks of non-attainment of minimum targets or results
3. Wilful non-participation in required activities, avoidance of designated efforts and activities
4. Deliberate avoidance of work or other responsibilities
5. Working to Destroy or Disrupt business operations
6. Use of media or external communication to defame or disrupt business or organization

(c) Otherwise, either party can terminate the service by giving a notice period as mentioned in the
Annexure (1) in writing. The notice period is dependent on the highest Pay Grade level achieved until
the date of resignation. In case the organization is unable to fulfill the notice period, they may, with
your full agreement and concurrence, pay fixed remuneration equivalent to the notice period salary in
lieu of the notice period. In case you leave the organization without due notice period as above or
fail to perform adequately or fail to demonstrate due professional diligence during the notice period,
the organization reserves the right to retrieve reasonable equivalent compensation for performance
and productivity losses caused by such a manner of exit.

5. The organization reserves the right to transfer any employee from one department to another (or
location) without prior consultation. On such transfers, you will be governed by the rules, regulations and
model standing orders applicable to that department. The organization reserves the right to operate in
Work-From-Home(WFH) or Work-From-Office(WFO) modes.

6. The organization can reset salary levels or decrease them without notice in the face of
emergencies or pandemics or other acts of God, economic or market downturns or other conditions
beyond the reasonable control of the company. In all such cases, the employee will have the right to exit
as per clause 4(c) of this agreement.

7. During the tenure of your services, you will treat all information as strictly confidential and shall
not disclose or divulge the same except in performance of your functions as per working procedure
approved by the Management.

8. You shall faithfully serve the organization, obey its lawful commands, keep its secrets, diligently
and carefully learn and perform such work and business as may be entrusted to you, attend to your work
regularly during such hours as may be prescribed and perform such duties as may be assigned.

9. You shall devote your whole time to your duties and shall not carry on or be concerned in any
other business or occupation whatsoever. You shall disclose any association with any business or
commercial organization.

10. If at any time you are insolvent or found guilty of dishonesty, disorderly behavior, negligence,
indiscipline, absence from duty without permission or any other conduct considered to be detrimental to
the interests of the organization or violation of one or more terms of this letter, rules, regulations and the
model standing orders in force from time to time, your services may be terminated without notice.

11. If any declaration or information furnished by you proves to be false, or if it is found that you
have willfully suppressed any material information, you will be liable to removal from service forthwith
without any notice and without assigning any reason and without prejudice to such other action as the
organization may deem necessary.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
12. If you absent yourself from the service of the organization without prior written permission or
over stay the sanctioned leave for three consecutive days it will be deemed that you have abandoned the
service voluntarily without giving due notice and your name will be struck off the rolls without any
intimation to you. Any dues from the company will be automatically forfeited. Any unreturned assets or
properties of the company will be recovered through legal means available.

13. You acknowledge that, in the course of your employment, you may be put in possession of
confidential and proprietary information belonging to the Company as well as properties/assets such as
mobile phones, SIM cards, computers, laptops, other computing devices, furniture, eWallets, Cash, Credit
Cards, etc and any other resources belonging to the Company for use strictly for the purposes of business
of the Company. Any use in any other manner or failure to return the same as and when required by the
Company shall constitute a material breach of this agreement causing loss and irreparable injury to the

14. The Security Deposit amount deducted and withheld from time to time will be released as a part
of the full & final settlement (F&FS) upon resignation or termination of your employment provided such
resignation or termination is in accordance with Clause 4(c) above. However, you agree that, in the event
of breach of any of the aforesaid terms set out in this agreement then, without prejudice to any other
right both legal and equitable that the Company may have in relation to such breach, the Company shall
be entitled to adjust the amount of Security Deposit against the loss that may be suffered by the
Company as a result of such breach.

15. You agree to provide all relevant ID details along with proof such as but not limited to PAN,
Passport, Driver’s License, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Bank Account Details and Mobile Number, Email ID,
Address of Stay including temporary and permanent. Any change in your residential address should be
immediately notified to the organization in writing. You agree to the terms & conditions of the
Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality agreement and Code of Conduct provided along with this agreement.

16. Role will be in Work from Home WFH Mode. The terms of Annexure 3 will apply. All results and
activities will be measured and reviewed on a weekly basis.

17. The Company reserves the right to alter or modify its working hours or to increase them so as to
require you to work up to 48 hours in any week and up to 9 Hours on any day. This is a position of
continuous responsibility and does not entail payment of extra time or overtime. During certain periods of
time the responsibility for this position has to be delivered in work-from-home (WFH) mode. This could be
due to government regulation, public health advisory or company policy.

18. The company may occasionally require travel to a central location or corporate office for purposes
of training, review, conference or other professional purposes. Such meetings, whenever they are
mandatory, must be attended.

This agreement includes 7 annexures :

1. Annexure for Pay Grades and Career Path

2. Annexure for Personal Information
3. Annexure for WFH (Work-From-Home)
4. Annexure for Non-Disclosure agreement
5. Annexure for Business/Work Guidelines including WFO (Work-From-Office)
6. Annexure for Exit Procedure & Settlement Process
7. Annexure for Fixed Salary Break-up of all Pay Grades

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

This agreement is to be reviewed carefully and e-signed. Per Section 10A of Indian Information
Technology Act, 2000, it is legally equivalent to a hand-signed paper agreement. A copy of the signed
agreement will be provided to both parties.

This agreement and its terms supersede any earlier appointment orders, offer letters or other forms of
employment documents issued earlier.

Wishing you the very best and we are sure you will have an enjoyable & enriching experience working
with us!

​For Valued Epistemics Pvt Ltd I accept the above terms and Conditions

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

​ 16/10/23

Anand Kannan Date 16/10/23
​Managing Director

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure (1) - Pay Grades and Career Path
(Indicative Pay-scale and Growth Path) As on 17 Oct 2023

Career Path Performance
Designation & Levels Notice Deductions & Fixed Take Home Pay
Period Fixed CTC Withholdings Salary (Variable)
Pay (in Annual Weekly Annual Weekly Annual Weekly
Job Title Grade days) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) Annual (Rs)
Business Development Probationer PoP1 1 260000 5000 30000 578 230000 4423 0
Business Development Probationer PoP2 7 260000 5000 30000 578 230000 4423 50000
Business Development Probationer PoP3 7 260000 5000 30000 578 230000 4423 250000
Business Development Associate BD 1 21 300000 5771 30000 578 270000 5193 250000
Business Development Associate BD 2 21 330000 6349 30000 578 300000 5771 250000
Business Development Associate BD 3 21 360000 6926 30000 578 330000 6348 250000
Business Development Associate BD 4 21 390000 7502 30000 578 360000 6924 250000
Business Development Associate BD 5 21 420000 8079 30000 578 390000 7501 250000
Business Development Executive BD 6 28 450000 8656 30000 578 420000 8078 250000
Business Development Executive BD 7 28 480000 9234 30000 578 450000 8656 250000
Business Development Executive BD 8 28 510000 9811 30000 578 480000 9233 250000
Business Development Executive BD 9 28 540000 10386 30000 578 510000 9808 250000
Business Development Executive BD 10 28 570000 10964 30000 578 540000 10386 250000
Business Development Sr Executive BD 11 56 600000 11541 30000 578 570000 10963 400000
Business Development Sr Executive BD 12 56 660000 12694 30000 578 630000 12116 400000
Business Development Sr Executive BD 13 56 720000 13849 30000 578 690000 13271 400000
Business Development Sr Executive BD 14 56 780000 15002 30000 578 750000 14424 400000
Business Development Sr Executive BD 15 56 840000 16156 30000 578 810000 15578 400000
Business Development Professional BD 16 56 900000 17311 30000 578 870000 16733 400000


1. All the employees who join as a Business Development Probationer (BDP) will be eligible for the
above pay grade revision.

2. You will be given an opportunity for the Pay Grade Revision every quarter, typically coinciding
with the first week of the financial year quarters. For practical operational reasons this frequency
can be reduced or increased.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
3. At the end of every quarter, you will be evaluated based on your performance, professional
development and other organizational criteria. Upon meeting the criteria, you will be able to
move to the next immediate pay grade from the subsequent designated Pay Grade Revision

4. All the criteria will be transparent and will be communicated during orientation/training and
probation period and other subsequent official briefings and updates.

5. Take home salary is the amount you will receive after all the deductions. The deductions include
security deposits and other regulatory deductions. Your take home salary will depend on
company policy and government rules on taxation, labor laws and other such regulations as may
be valid from time to time.
6. Weekly salary details are rounded off to the nearest integer.

7. Notice period changes as per grade, notice period duration for each grade is mentioned in the
above table.

8. The company reserves the sole right to decide the criteria of performance and professional
development necessary for each pay grade based on requirements of the business and its

9. Company reserves the right to redefine the salary levels and job grade levels for reasons of
business, business environment or government regulation.
10. Detailed Break-up of fixed Salaries available at the end of the document (Please refer to
Annexure 7 – Fixed Salary Break-up of all Pay Grades)

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure (2) - Personal Information and Identity Verification

I hereby confirm and verify the following details :

Aadhar Card Number - 991459206664

PAN Card Number - LTNPS7337D
Bank Details:
Bank Name - IndusInd Bank
Account Number - 100190249248
Account Name - Harkeerat Singh Sadana
IFSC Code - INDB0000068

The company’s Payments may be made to the above account.

In addition I agree to provide the following and also inform the company immediately in case of any

1. Aadhar Card Copy

2. PAN card copy
3. Passport Copy(if available)
4. Voter ID Copy (if available)
5. Driver’s License (if available)
6. 10th Marksheet Copy
7. 12th Marksheet Copy (or) Diploma Marksheet Copy
8. UG Marksheets Copy (Consolidated or Semester-wise)
9. Bank Account Details
10. Bank Passbook First Page
11. College or university ID card Copy
12. Permanent Address
13. Name of Father (First Name & Last Name)
14. Name of Mother (First Name & Last Name)
15. Spouse Name (If Married)
16. Number of Children (If Any)
17. Personal Email ID
18. Personal Mobile Number
19. Social Media Accounts: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail
20. Alternate Contact numbers and persons for emergencies

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure (3) - Work from Home WFH Requirements & Conditions

In work from home mode, you agree to :

1. Allocate a special workroom or desk at your home or place of residence or another facility
available to you without restrictions or limitations.

2. The work desk or work room at home shall be maintained with a professional atmosphere,
cleanliness, orderliness and discipline.

3. The work desk shall be without noise and suitable for delivery of professional work.

4. Obtain the complete consent and support of family and other residents for quiet, interruption-free
work on all working days.

5. The work desk or work room shall have the following facilities always accessible :

○ Mandatory :
■ A separate room for work which is quiet and without disturbance
■ Table
■ Chair, preferably a comfortable one with good ergonomics.
■ Data Connection (minimum upload speed 30 MBPS, download speed 30 MBPS)
Broadband or Fiber Optic connection Wi-Fi with at least 99.7% uptime.
■ A dedicated Android phone dedicated for work, (not to be mixed with personal)
meeting requirements as specified by the organization.
■ A dedicated SIM card and a backup SIM card from two different operators. (both
of these are for official work only and not to be mixed with personal)
■ Bank Savings Account in your name (to receive salaries and payments), not
shared or joint account
■ Desktop System or Laptop in good working condition with speakers, webcam,
mic and mouse
■ Consent, Approval and Support of Family to Work from Home
■ Good Mobile Signal and Connectivity
■ Earphones compatible with PC and Mobile phone
■ UPS backup
○ Desirable :
■ Inverter backup
■ Gen-set backup
■ Air Conditioner in the allocated room
■ Soundproof walls and doors. Padded with sound absorbent material if required.
■ Curtains and thick panes for windows to minimize external noise
■ Power bank for mobile
■ Office-Style Swivel Chair for comfort
■ Mobile Hotspot Backup or other Modem Backup

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
6. All employees should Login to designated video calls and video conferences with camera and
audio on as part of work. This shall be through their official email ID/credentials.

7. We follow a "audio-video-always-on" policy in order to best simulate the face-to-face or in-office

experience in the work-from-home mode.

8. Always use a laptop with a professional grade camera and broadband connection (not a mobile
phone) to login and work.

9. Fully separate any private, non-professional issues and interactions from official interactions
during hours of login and work from the designated professional work setting at home.

10. The laptop/desktop and mobile shall have appropriate software as required by the company.
These are tools for productive work and will require exclusive login.

11. The employee may not record or save any video calls, phone calls, emails, business
communication or any other files or data with the customer or other stakeholders of the business
as these are considered to be proprietary and confidential information of the company.

12. Any impediments to fluent, free communication such as face-cover, masks, obstruction of camera
lenses or muffling of audio are not acceptable.

13. The employee may not contact customers, students or employment candidates directly via their
personal mobile, email or other messaging mechanisms. The employee may not store or record
personal identity information of customers or employees or candidates, including mobile number,
email ID or other forms of identity, including government issued identity.

14. The mode of communication during work shall be one of the following: correctly addressed
email, SMS or other messages, enterprise video conference software/apps, webinars, CRM work
management tools and other software etc. as decided by the company.

15. Login and Access shall be limited to the Selected Candidate only for the duration of this

16. Communicate any change of venue, location or place of work immediately and before start of

17. The conversations with the company (including its employees, managers, customers and other
stakeholders) are private and confidential and privileged conversations and shall not be shared or
disclosed or recorded or stored except by the company for purposes of legal record, data analysis
or quality assurance purposes.

18. Whenever video conferencing is used, care should be taken to provide appropriate lighting,
simple and tidy background and minimal noise or interference or interruptions to the video call.
Video calls are highly essential in WFH settings and should be approached like a face to face
meeting with your professional colleagues.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
19. Remote inspection of the work desk whenever required by rotating camera on phone or desktop
as required by the company to satisfy itself of data security and work productivity conditions.

20. Respect the required times and calls for meetings, reports, reviews etc.

21. Report any inability to work or absence from work ahead of time and obtain leave/permission.

22. At all times, one should work in professional or semi-formal or business casual attire. For both
genders, this includes wearing clothes that have sleeves and cover the shoulder downwards. The
face should be visible clearly and not be covered in video calls. Modest, decent attire without any
flashy or provocative design, slogans should be used. You are advised to follow modest attire for
work which does not cause any discomfort or embarrassment to your colleagues.

23. Specifically, appearance in bare body, unclothed or skimpy attire or incomplete attire is absolutely

24. Polite and Courteous language should be used in all the professional interactions which include
interactions with colleagues/office staff members and the interaction with the

25. During working hours, personal calls, personal emails and text messages and social media activity
should be avoided in order to ensure complete focus and attention towards the required results
and outputs.

Signature 16/10/23
Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.


This annexure is a Non-Disclosure Agreement which is a part of the overall contract.

1. The organization seeks a non-disclosure agreement to be executed by the employee, and the
employee in consideration of:

a. joining the organization

b. continuing in the services of the organization
c. having been employed by the organization and having received the emoluments
until the date of termination of the employment
d. received training on the job and specifically to assist in the working

has agreed to do so by signing this agreement.

2. The organization also seeks that the employee may not take employment directly or indirectly,
with a competitor of the organization during his tenure with the organization and also for a
period of TWO years from the date of leaving the organization. The employee in consideration of:

a. joining the organization

b. continuing in the services of the organization
c. having been employed by the organization and having received the emoluments
until the date of termination of the employment
d. received training on the job and specifically to assist in the working

has agreed to do so by signing this agreement.


1. The employee agrees to treat all information received as confidential and shall not divulge
directly or indirectly to any other person, firm, corporation, association or entity for any purpose
what-so-ever, and shall not make use of such information (except for the fulfillment of duties as
an employee), without prior written consent of the organization.

2. ‘Information’ means all information which comes to the knowledge of the employee during the
course of his employment which relates to company business operations e.g. business process &
systems, company’s technology, content, IPR protections, student evaluations & algorithms future
plans etc.

3. Information shall not be deemed confidential –

a. If it is publicly available prior to this agreement or is made publicly available by

the organization without restriction.
b. Rightfully received by the employee from third parties without accompanying
secrecy obligation.
c. Already in the employee’s possession and was lawfully received from sources
other than the organization
d. Approved in writing by the organization for release.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

4. The information may be disclosed to the employee either orally, visually, through electronic
media, in writing, or by way of consigned items either by the organization or its employees or
other persons connected with the business of the organization.

5. The secrecy of the information disclosed to the employee pursuant to this agreement shall be
maintained for perpetuity from the date of disclosure thereof and shall survive the termination of
the employment of the employee with the organization.

6. Upon request of the organization, any written information or any information in electronic media
furnished by the organization shall be returned back forthwith to the organization.

7. The relationship between the organization and the employee and also the terms of his
employment with the organization shall not be disclosed by the employee to any third party
including other employees without the prior written permission from the organization.

8. All patents, copyrights, trade marks, ownerships, methods, processes, applications, knowledge
and other intellectual property rights in any work of any nature carried out by the employee
during the term of his employment with the organization shall vest with and remain the property
of the organization without any act or deed. The employee will not be entitled at any time to
claim any right, title or interest therein.

9. The employee agrees to execute such documents, papers that may be necessary so as to give
the organization the fullest right, title and interest over the work, ideas, processes, methods,
ownerships, etc. developed by the employee during the course of his employment and the
organization is entitled at any time to patent, copyright, or trademark the same. This undertaking
by the employee shall survive the termination of this employment with the organization.

10. The disclosing of confidential Information for purposes other than those set forth in the present
agreement shall be deemed to be a violation of this agreement and in such event, apart from
seeking damages, the organization shall also be entitled to obtain an ex parte injunction against
the employee from divulging the same especially in the event of the employee joining any
competitor of the organization.

The term ‘competitor’ for the purpose of this agreement shall be deemed to include the
organization’s competitors and its holding organization, subsidiaries, associates, affiliates,
nominees, representatives, and any entity in which the competitor has an equity interest.

11. The employee recognizes the competitive value of the confidential information that has been
received from the organization, as well as the damage that the organization could suffer if such
confidential information was disclosed to third parties, including the organization’s competitors
without the previous consent of the organization and for these reasons, the employee hereby
agrees to indemnify the organization for any and all damages that the organization may suffer on
account of an unauthorized disclosure to third parties including the organization’s competitors of
any such confidential information.

12. The organization seeks that the employee may not take employment directly or indirectly, with a
competitor of the organization during his tenure with the organization, and also for a period of

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
TWO years from the date of leaving the organization.

If the employee takes up employment, or attempts to take up employment during his tenure with
the organization or within a period of TWO (2) years from the date of leaving the organization,
with any competitor of the organization, the employee shall be deemed to have violated this
agreement and the organization shall be entitled, in addition to damages, exparte injunctive relief
from an appropriate court without reference to arbitration as hereinafter provided.

13. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of India.

14. Jurisdiction: In respect of all matters / disputes arising out of, in connection with or in relation
to this Agreement, only the civil courts at Chennai shall have jurisdiction, to the exclusion of all
other courts.

15. Arbitration: Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating
to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this contract or the validity or the
breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration &
Conciliation Act, 1996 and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties.
The organization shall nominate the sole arbitrator. The venue of the arbitration shall be at
Chennai and the language for the arbitration shall be English.

16. All payments due and / or payable by the employees as damages or otherwise shall be payable at

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed on the date, month
and year mentioned first as written above.

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Annexure (5) - Business / Work Guidelines at VEPL including work from Office

VEPL firmly believes in building for themselves, a strong reputation for integrity and confidentiality both
within and outside the company. In an effort to make this belief a reality, we have put together a code of
business conduct that defines the company's professional and ethical values. These guidelines form a part
of your terms of appointment at VEPL.

As part of our Admin process, we would like each of you to acknowledge reading and accepting the key
terms and conditions of employment listed below.

1. Conflict of Interest:

A conflict of interest can arise whenever an employee acts in a manner, or participates in any transaction,
relationship or situation that conflicts with or appears to conflict with the best interests of the company.
Situations that give the appearance of a conflict of interest can be just as detrimental as an actual conflict
of interest. Actual or potential conflicts of interest should always be disclosed to the immediate

2. Full Time Employment

All employees at VEPL are full-time in nature, and are therefore expected to devote all your professional
time and attention to your work at VEPL.

An employee wishing to undertake an activity such as teaching or writing can do so provided he keeps his
supervisor informed prior to accepting such commitments to ensure that there is no interference with his
business schedule, and there exists no conflict of interest or intellectual property violation issues.

3. Confidentiality:

All employees on joining the company are required to sign and abide by a confidentiality agreement
(NDA), which is legally binding. All data pertaining to any businesses involving the company must be kept
confidential and protected. It is not to be shared with anyone. This agreement also binds employees to
uphold all ethical practices espoused by the company.

Information about company’s business operations e.g. business process & systems, customer lists, future
plans etc. is a valuable asset and it is the role of every employee to protect it. These include, the
company’s technology, content, IPR protections, Student evaluations & algorithms, etc. Employees are
expected to safeguard all company confidential information and discussions should be limited to those
who “need to know”. Discretion should be used at all stages in handling such information, whether oral
or written.

4. Internet and Network Security:

All employees are required to comply with the copyright or license agreements and should take care not
to violate these at any point. These hold true for such material that may be received from entities
outside of the organization as well.

All employees will be governed by the IT policy of the organization, which is fully explained in the Human
Resources Handbook.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Unacceptable usage of company email and Internet facilities includes transmission, retrieval or storage of
any communication of a discriminatory or harassing nature. This includes material, which is obscene,
gambling in nature, flaring emails, derogatory or inflammatory remarks about individuals or groups.

5. Company Property and Equipment:

All property of the company (cellulars, laptops, etc) should be used for their intended business purposes.
Adequate care should be taken to ensure that equipment is well maintained and handled with care at all

Employees are expected to be sensitive to the overall security aspects of the company and they should
ensure that the premises are well guarded at all times and should they find objects / situations that are
suspicious, the same should be informed to the concerned people immediately.

The office and its property should be viewed as though it belongs to each employee and so adequate
care should be taken at all times to safeguard these. Employees are also expected to maintain a clean,
tidy & hygienic work place and sensitive to facilities that are common user facilities.

6. Personal Conduct:

​ n office premises, employees are expected to conduct themselves in a proper and dignified manner
without disturbing / attracting the attention of other employees during working hours. Appearance,
behaviour, language etc. must be appropriate. Use of abusive language, sexual harassment in any form,
misuse of office property and other such forms of misconduct will be actionable. Employees are
encouraged to report such offences at the earliest.

Every employee shall take adequate care to ensure that his / her performance is not affected in a way by
the influence of intoxicating drinks / drugs. Employees should ensure that they do not report into work
under the influence of such intoxicants.

7. Discrimination:

VEPL is a professional company and believes that no member of the team should be discriminated against
on grounds of community, caste, religion, color, gender, etc.

In particular, sexual harassment is a serious offense that can take many forms - spoken, unspoken or
physical, and will not be tolerated at VEPL.

8. Work hours and Work Week:

Except on declared holidays and applicable holidays, we work Monday-Saturday of each week. (6 days
per week). A list of applicable holidays will be circulated at the start of each year by the Admin

Nevertheless, many of our customers may prefer to contact us or be contacted during the weekend and
therefore you must be prepared to report for work on holidays as well from time to time.

The normal, designated office hours at VEPL are between 12 noon and 9 pm; this includes the regular
break for lunch of approximately 30 minutes. However, to meet customer requirements, you may be
required to start earlier or work later than the regular hours, from time to time.

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

​9. Dress Code

At VEPL, the acceptable dress code is "business casual". Please check with your immediate supervisor if
you need any advice on specifics. For business meetings, we expect you to be dressed appropriately or as

​10. Resignation & Notice Period

During the time of your employment, the period of notice required for separation will depend on the Pay
Grade level and will be as mentioned in the Annexure (1).

All company property including software, documents, books, manuals, cell phones, laptops etc. will have
to be handed back by the employee to his supervisor / Admin / IT prior to leaving the company.

A service certificate will be issued only in case of a specific request from you, and you will be required to
leave a forwarding address for communication and sending of certificates.

11. Miscellaneous:

All team members shall abide by the laws of the land. These include the laws that may be applicable
during travel on company purposes to other countries. Moreover, you should not behave in a manner that
will violate the accepted norms of public decency, which could result in bringing disrepute to the

Any employee convicted by a court of law or arrested on any charge shall report the facts to HR and the
management at the earliest.

You should avoid habitual indebtedness, and VEPL discourages financial transactions of any kind between
members of the team.

Should you find any colleague knowingly or unknowingly breaching the Code of Conduct, please feel free
to advise him or her in private. In serious cases, you should inform your Manager or the Corporate Office
or any of the Directors of VEPL on a confidential basis.

I confirm that I have read and understood the above terms & conditions that govern my
appointment at VEPL.

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure (6) - Exit Procedure & Settlement Process

Normal Exit : The most preferred and normal process of exit from the organization is through
resignation with notice period or natural completion of the tenure of agreement. In such a situation, the
exiting person will be eligible for a service letter, full and final settlement and positive professional

Either party can terminate the service by giving notice period as mentioned in the contract in writing. In
case, the organization is unable to fulfill the notice period, they may, with your full agreement and
concurrence, pay fixed remuneration equivalent to the notice period salary in lieu of notice period. In
case, you leave the organization without due notice period as above or fail to perform adequately or fail
to demonstrate due professional diligence during the notice period, the organization reserves the right to
retrieve reasonable equivalent compensation for performance and productivity losses caused by such
manner of exit.

Abnormal Exit : This form of exit happens when the person’s service is severed for violation,
non-performance or other substantial reasons or if the person abandons the job without adequate notice.
In such cases, the exiting person will not be eligible for service letter, professional reference and may
even forfeit all balances or be liable to be legally pursued by the company for compensation.

1. At any time, without any previous notice, if the organization is satisfied on medical evidence that you
are unfit (physical or mental), and are likely to continue to be unfit for a considerable period of time
in discharging your duties.

2. Without any previous notice if you are found guilty of insubordination, intemperance, or other
misconduct or breach of any rules pertaining to your service or conduct or non-performance of your

3. You shall devote your whole time to your duties and shall not carry on or be concerned in any other
business or occupation whatsoever. Any parallel employment, occupation, job or another employment
with any other organization will be grounds for dismissal or severance of employment.

4. If at any time you are insolvent or found guilty of dishonesty, disorderly behavior, negligence,
indiscipline, absence from duty without permission or any other conduct considered to be detrimental
to the interests of the organization or violation of one or more terms of this letter, rules, regulations
and the model standing orders in force from time to time, your services may be terminated without

5. If any declaration or information furnished by you proves to be false, or if it is found that you have
willfully suppressed any material information, you will be liable to removal from service forthwith
without any notice and without assigning any reason and without prejudice to such other action as
the organization may deem necessary.

6. If you absent yourself from the service of the organization without prior written permission or over
stay the sanctioned leave for three consecutive days it will be deemed that you have abandoned the
service voluntarily without giving due notice and your name will be struck off the rolls without any
intimation to you. Any dues from the company will be automatically forfeited. Any unreturned assets
or properties of the company will be recovered through legal means available.

7. Four or more weeks of not meeting minimum targets is considered as non-performance. The
company reserves to issue warning, place on review, place on performance improvement re-training
plan, decrement paygrade or terminate without notice upon occurrence of non-performance.

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure 7 - Leave & Attendance Policy

In a year, 52 week period, you will be eligible for 21 days of paid leave. Any leave in excess of the eligible
leaves or prior to accrual of such leave will result in loss of pay or unpaid. All leaves shall be upon
approval by immediate supervisor or manager. Leaves may be applied in units of half-day. Unpaid leaves
may be carried forward to the subsequent years of service. Unused Unpaid leaves may be encashed at
the time of leaving the organization as part of Full & Final Settlement Process at the rate of basic salaror
in any announced leave encashment opportunities.

Time of Accrual of Number of Eligible Conditions if Total in 1 year

Paid Leave. Leave Days Accrued applicable

Day 1 (Start of 2 days To be utilized only 2

Quarter 1) after completion of 2

Completion of every 1 day To be accrued on 13

4 weeks Sat/Sun Midnight.
To be utilized after

Start of Quarters 2, 3 2 days Except Day 1 or first 6

and 4 (13 weeks) Quarter. To be
accrued Sat/Sun

The List of Mandatory and Optional Holidays is shared on an annual basis along with dates in
synchronization with Government announced holiday dates.

Other details of the leave policy are to be as announced from time to time. The company reserves the
right to modify, limit or extend leaves to enable business objectives and employee alignment.

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Annexure 8 – Fixed Salary Break-up of all Pay Grades

ESI deductions may apply as per the ESIC rules & regulations. Subject to change as per the ESI guidelines. EPF
deductions may apply as per the EPF rules and regulations. TDS deductions may be applicable as per law from time to

As per current Govt Regulations & Court Rulings you will be treated as an excluded employee, with no PF contribution or
deduction required. If the regulations change or provided information so requires, the PF deductions will apply, both
employee and employer contribution without affecting the overall fixed Cost to Company - CTC.

The Security Deposit shall be deducted on a weekly basis as a non-interest-bearing Security Deposit to secure against
breach of terms and conditions of employment set out herein and released as per Clause [14] of this agreement and
other sections pertaining to security deposit.

Pay Grade Level: PoP1

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 104000 8667 2000
HRA(B) 52000 4333 1000
Other Allowances (C) 74000 6167 1423
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 230000 19167 4423

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions &
Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 260000 21667 5000

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Pay Grade Level: PoP2

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 104000 8667 2000
HRA(B) 52000 4333 1000
Other Allowances (C) 74000 6167 1423
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 230000 19167 4423

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 260000 21667 5000

Pay Grade Level: PoP3

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 104000 8667 2000
HRA(B) 52000 4333 1000
Other Allowances (C) 74000 6167 1423
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 230000 19167 4423

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 260000 21667 5000

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Pay Grade Level: BD1

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 120000 10000 2308

HRA(B) 60000 5000 1154
Other Allowances (C) 90000 7500 1731
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 270000 22500 5193

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 300000 25000 5771

Pay Grade Level: BD2

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 132000 11000 2539

HRA(B) 66000 5500 1270
Other Allowances (C) 102000 8500 1962
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 300000 25000 5771

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 330000 27500 6349

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Pay Grade Level: BD3

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 144000 12000 2770

HRA(B) 72000 6000 1385
Other Allowances (C) 114000 9500 2193
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 330000 27500 6348

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 360000 30000 6926

Pay Grade Level: BD4

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 156000 13000 3000

HRA(B) 78000 6500 1500
Other Allowances (C) 126000 10500 2424
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 360000 30000 6924

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 390000 32500 7502

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Pay Grade Level: BD5

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 168000 14000 3231

HRA(B) 84000 7000 1616
Other Allowances (C) 138000 11500 2654
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 390000 32500 7501

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 420000 35000 8079

Pay Grade Level: BD6

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 180000 15000 3462

HRA(B) 90000 7500 1731
Other Allowances (C) 150000 12500 2885
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 420000 35000 8078

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 450000 37500 8656

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Pay Grade Level: BD7

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 192000 16000 3693

HRA(B) 96000 8000 1847
Other Allowances (C) 162000 13500 3116
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 450000 37500 8656

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 480000 40000 9234

Pay Grade Level: BD8

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 204000 17000 3924

HRA(B) 102000 8500 1962
Other Allowances (C) 174000 14500 3347
Net Salary (Take Home) [A+B+C] 480000 40000 9233

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 510000 42500 9811

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Pay Grade Level: BD9

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 216000 18000 4154

HRA(B) 108000 9000 2077
Other Allowances (C) 186000 15500 3577
Net Salary (Take Home) [A+B+C] 510000 42500 9808

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 540000 45000 10386

Pay Grade Level: BD10

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 228000 19000 4385

HRA(B) 114000 9500 2193
Other Allowances (C) 198000 16500 3808
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 540000 45000 10386

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 570000 47500 10964

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Pay Grade Level: BD11

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 240000 20000 4616

HRA(B) 120000 10000 2308
Other Allowances (C) 210000 17500 4039
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 570000 47500 10963

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 600000 50000 11541

Pay Grade Level: BD12

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 264000 22000 5077

HRA(B) 132000 11000 2539
Other Allowances (C) 234000 19500 4500
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 630000 52500 12116

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions &
Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 660000 55000 12694

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

Pay Grade Level: BD13

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 288000 24000 5539

HRA(B) 144000 12000 2770
Other Allowances (C) 258000 21500 4962
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 690000 57500 13271

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 720000 60000 13849

Pay Grade Level: BD14

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 312000 26000 6000

HRA(B) 156000 13000 3000
Other Allowances (C) 282000 23500 5424
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 750000 62500 14424

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 780000 65000 15002

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.
Pay Grade Level: BD15

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 336000 28000 6462

HRA(B) 168000 14000 3231
Other Allowances (C) 306000 25500 5885
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 810000 67500 15578

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 840000 70000 16156

Pay Grade Level: BD16

Salary Components Annual (Rs) Monthly (Rs) Weekly (Rs)

Basic Pay (A) 360000 30000 6924

HRA(B) 180000 15000 3462
Other Allowances (C) 330000 27500 6347
Net Salary (Take Home)
[A+B+C] 870000 72500 16733

Leave Travel Allowance 15000 1250 289

Deductions & Withholdings

Towards Security Deposit* 15000 1250 289

Cost to Company 900000 75000 17311

Signature 16/10/23

Name: Harkeerat Singh Sadana

Valued Epistemics Private Limited

Address: Unit:201, Floor 2, Indiqube Brigade Vantage, Kandanchavadi, Chennai - 600096.

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