Enterprise Resource Planning - Managerial Position Skills

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Using the Internet to do your research, describe a position in a company that you
would like to have after five years of work experience. List the requirements that
you think would be necessary to hold this position

After five years of work experience, the position I would like to have if ever an
opportunity comes is to be a Manager. It is someone who is entrusted with a leadership
role and someone who must carry out responsibilities with integrity and discipline.
Having a Choleric temperament, we are defined as naturally result-oriented. Choleric are
extroverted, quick-thinking, active, practical and strong-willed which can be an
advantage when given a position to be a manager.

The top requirements that would be necessary to hold a managerial position are:
• Interpersonal Skills

Management jobs are mostly about people and being able to build successful
relationships among employees. To lead a team, a manager needs to earn the respect
of his/her colleagues so he/she must know how to effectively deal with people. It is
also important to set a date to get to know team members on both a personal and
professional level, through social activities or team-building training, while still
maintaining good professional boundaries.

• Communication and Motivation

A team manager would be the line of communication between frontline staff and
senior management, so that means he/she will liaise with a variety of people, from
entry-level employees to heads of departments and CEOs, in a number of different
ways. Effective leaders should be able to master all forms of communication
including written, verbal and especially, listening skills. A manager must establish a
trusting relationship with employees so they would feel comfortable sharing
information. Plus, to ensure that
lines of communication remain open, one must need to make himself/herself readily
available and accessible to employees to discuss any issues or concerns that arise.

• Organization and Delegation

Managers juggle multiple responsibilities, so excellent organizational skills are

significant. They manage their own workload, oversee the work of other employees,
attend meetings and training sessions, carry out appraisals and review company
policies. So need managers need to analyze and identify the skills of their employees
and assign duties to each depending on their skillset. Delegation doesn’t mean
laziness or weakness, but it is needed to finish a task more efficiently and effectively.

• Problem solving and Decision-making

In a managerial position, one is tasked with spotting and solving problems on a daily
basis. This requires outstanding attention to detail and the ability to remain calm
under pressure. To ensure that their team is productive and that the workflow runs
smoothly, a manager has to think on his/ger feet when problems arise. Also, being
able to quickly weigh up the pros and cons of a situation and make an informed
decision is very helpful and important.


4 primary temperaments. (n.d.). The Four Temperaments.


Smith, J. (2020). Skills for a successful management career. Prospects.ac.uk.


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