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Descriptive writing

It’s 9 o’clock in the morning and I decided to go out from our block of flat.

As I stand in front of our building and look around I can see the neighbor highrise buildings which
surround our block as a half circle. It’s still winter and the trees which provide shade during the summer
are completely barren and remind me kind of sad old ladies. It’s Saturday morning and the temperature
is so chilly that I can see my breath in the air. Well, I am really freezing and I must wrap myself up more
in my coat. It is still undoubtable winter I can even smell the smell of this season.

I decide to walk a little and now I am not far from the main road. I can hear the sound of the busy road
from here and I can also see as cars are driving in both directions. An ambulance just rushed and its
deafening siren still can be heard . While I am listening and observing this real hustle and bustle, I begin
to feel the rhythm and tempo of our city which creates a crazy never ending symphony. I wait a little
then I decide that it is time to go back now.

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