Solution For Week 10 - Chi Square & Clustering

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Week 10: Chi-square test & Clustering

Q1. Sampling distribution for a goodness of fit test is the

a. Poisson distribution
b. t distribution
c. normal distribution
d. chi-square distribution
Ans : d

Q2. Goodness of fit test is always conducted as a

a. lower-tail test
b. upper-tail test
c. middle test
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
Ans. b.

Q3. State True or False: Statement: Null hypothesis for chi square test of independence
assumes that, all the proportions are equal.
a. True
b. False
Ans. a.

Q4. Statistical test conducted to determine whether to reject or not reject a hypothesized
probability distribution for a population is known as a ________
a. contingency test
b. probability test
c. goodness of fit test
d. None of these alternatives is correct.
Ans. c.

Q5.What is the minimum no. of variables/ features required to perform clustering?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
Ans. b.

Q6. Which of the following method is used for finding optimal clusters in K-Mean algorithm?
a. Elbow method
b. Manhattan method
c. Euclidian method
d. None of these
Ans. b.
Q7. Movie Recommendation systems are an example of______
1. Classification 2. Clustering 3. Reinforcement Learning 4. Regression

a. 2 Only
b. 1 and 2
c. 1 and 3
d. 1,2,3 and 4
Ans. d.

Q8. How can Clustering (Unsupervised Learning) be used to improve the accuracy of the
Linear Regression model (Supervised Learning):
1. Creating different models for different cluster groups.
2. Creating an input feature for cluster ids as an ordinal variable.
3. Creating an input feature for cluster centroids as a continuous variable.
4. Creating an input feature for cluster size as a continuous variable

a. 1. Only
b. 1 & 2
c. 1 & 4
d. 1,2,3 & 4
Ans. d.

Q9. Let x1 = (1,2) and x2 = (3,5) be the co-ordiantes for two objects. The Euclidean and
Manhattan distance between these two objects is __________ respectively
a. 4.2 and 3
b. 3.15 and 2
c. 3.61 and 5
d. None of the above
Ans: c.

Q10. State true or false: Discriminant Analysis does not require the grouping variable to be
known at the beginning
a. True
b. False

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