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Assignment in GE USelf


Assignment Title: Digital Iden�ty Collage

I. Objec�ve:

In this individual ac�vity, students will create a digital iden�ty collage that represents the various layers of their
digital selves. Through visual and textual elements, students will reflect on their online personas, digital interac�ons, and
the impact of technology on their iden��es.

II. Details:

1. Reflect on your digital iden��es, considering how you present yourself online, your interac�ons with digital
pla�orms, and the role of technology in shaping your iden��es.
2. Collect digital materials such as images, screenshots, icons, quotes, and symbols that represent different aspects
of your digital selves. These materials can be sourced from your personal photos, your social media profiles, your
favorite websites, or digital artworks.
3. Sketch a rough outline or concept for your digital iden�ty collage, iden�fying key themes, messages, and visual
elements you want to incorporate.
4. Use digital tools such as graphic design so�ware, collage apps, or presenta�on pla�orms to create your digital
iden�ty collages. You can choose the tool that best fits your skills and preferences.
5. You are encouraged to express yourself crea�vely and authen�cally, capturing the complexity and diversity of your
digital iden��es.
6. A�er comple�ng your collage, prepare a presenta�on that discusses the symbolism, themes, and personal
significance of their digital iden�ty collage. Consider answering only one from these ques�ons such as: (1) What
does this collage reveal about my digital self? (2) How do different elements represent different facets of my
identity? (3) What insights have I gained from creating this collage?
7. Place your collage in a Powerpoint presenta�on (same from the previous presenta�on assignments on topics
Physical Self and Material Self)

III. Criteria

Crea�vity – 10 points
Visual Communica�on – 10 points
Reflec�on – 10 points
TOTAL – 30 points

IV. Examples

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