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CSSP REVIEWER PASADO CUTIE right to privacy, and right to freedom of speech

and expression. Such standards are adequate

standards of ethics because they are supported
Online disinhibition refers to the reduced sense of self- by consistent and well-founded reasons.
restraint and increased boldness that people can
Ethics as Descriptive
experience when communicating and interacting online,
especially when they are anonymous. - Ethics refers to the study and development of
personal ethical standards, as well as
Greek word: ETHOS – Character
community ethics, in terms of behavior, feelings,
Latin word: MORES – Customs laws, and social habits and norms which can
deviate from more universal ethical standards.
Ethics is the branch of axiology, one of the four major - Ethics also means, then, the continuous effort of
branches of philosophy, which attempts to understand studying of our own moral beliefs and conduct,
the nature of morality; to distinguish that which is right and striving to ensure that we, and our
from that which is wrong. community and the institutions we help to
- The Western tradition of ethics is sometimes shape, live up to standards that are reasonable
called moral philosophy. and solidly-based for the progress of human
Professional Ethics
“Ethics are moral standards that help guide behavior,
choices, and actions.” One's conduct of behavior and practice when carrying
out professional work.
Ethics are grounded in the notion of responsibility (as
free moral agents, individuals, organizations, and Examples:
societies are responsible for the actions that they take) - Medical
and accountability (individuals, organizations, and - Legal
society should be held accountable to others for the - Engineering
consequences of their actions). - ICT
Ethics can be viewed from two angles: - Business
- Media
- Normative
- Descriptive ICT Ethics

Ethics as normative - It refers to the ethical principles and values that

should guide decision-making in the field of
- Ethics refers to well-based standards of right and information and communication technology,
wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, including the design, development, use, and
usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to impact of ICT systems and technologies.
society, fairness, and specific virtues.
- Also known as prescriptive ethics. Examples:
- Ethics, for example, refers to those standards - Privacy and Data Protection
that impose the reasonable obligations to refrain - Cybersecurity
from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and - Intellectual Property
fraud. - AI and Automation
- Ethical standards also include those that enjoin - Digital Divide
virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.
- And, ethical standards include standards relating
to rights, such as the right to life, the right to
freedom from injury, the right to choose, the
ICT Ethical Issues Professional Codes of Conduct

Unemployment - The automation of work has caused Confidentiality policies

creative destruction by eliminating some vocations and
- These policies require professionals to maintain
creating new ones.
the confidentiality of sensitive information
ICT ETHICAL ISSUES (U.C.L.E.I.F.D.P) related to their clients or patients. They may
include guidelines on data protection, privacy,
- Unemployment
and information security.
- Crime
- Loss of privacy Conflict of interest policies
- Errors
- These policies aim to prevent situations where
- Intellectual property
professionals may be influenced by personal
- Freedom of speech and press
interests that conflict with the interests of their
- Digital divide
clients or patients.
- Professional ethics
Integrity policies

- These policies require professionals to act with

honesty and integrity in all their dealings with
Professional Ethics clients, colleagues, and the public.

- refers to the moral principles and values that Professionalism policies

guide the behavior of individuals in a particular
- These policies aim to promote a high standard of
professionalism among professionals in the
- involves a set of standards and codes of conduct
industry or field.
that govern the actions and decisions of
professionals in their work. Compliance policies
Codes of Conduct - These policies require professionals to comply
with applicable laws, regulations, and industry
- are sets of guidelines or standards that outline
the principles and values that guide the behavior
of individuals or organizations in a particular EXAMPLES OF CODES OF CONDUCT
- developed by professional organizations, Business codes of conduct
industry associations, or regulatory bodies and - is a set of guidelines that outlines the ethical
provide guidance on ethical behavior, principles and standards of behavior for
responsibilities, and best practices. employees within a company or organization.
- typically include specific guidelines or principles The code is designed to ensure that employees
that individuals or organizations are expected to act in a responsible and ethical manner in their
follow. These guidelines may include rules of interactions with colleagues, customers,
behavior, standards of professionalism, or ethical suppliers, and other stakeholders.
principles that are considered important in a
particular field. Business Codes of Conduct

EXAMPLES OF CODES OF CONDUCT - Confidentiality policies

- Conflict of interest policies
Professional codes of conduct - Discrimination and harassment policies
- are sets of guidelines that establish the ethical - Health and safety policies
principles and standards of behavior expected of - Environmental policies
professionals in a particular industry or field.
EXAMPLES OF CODES OF CONDUCT - involves considering the impact of technology on
individuals, society, and the environment.
Government codes of conduct
Goals of Professional Ethics in Information
- are sets of guidelines that outline the ethical
principles and standards of behavior expected of Technology
government officials and employees. These
- to promote responsible and ethical behavior
codes are designed to ensure that government
among those who develop, use, and manage
personnel act with integrity and adhere to ethical
standards when carrying out their duties and
- includes establishing ethical standards and codes
of conduct, as well as encouraging individuals
Government Codes of Conduct and organizations to take responsibility for the
consequences of their actions and decisions
- Conflict of interest policies
related to technology.
- Integrity policies
- Transparency policies
- Anti-discrimination policies
- Whistleblower protection policies

Information Technology

- refers to the use of computers, software,

hardware, and other digital technologies to
process, store, and transmit information.
- includes a wide range of technologies and tools
that can be used to create, manage, and
disseminate information.

Information Technology Codes of Conduct

- are sets of guidelines and principles that provide

guidance to IT professionals on ethical behavior
and responsible conduct. These codes are
typically developed by professional associations
or industry organizations and outline the
expectations for IT professionals in their roles.

Information Technology Codes of Conduct (C.P.I.S.C)

- confidentiality
- professionalism
- integrity
- security
- compliance

Professional Ethics in Information Technology

- refers to the moral principles and values that

govern the behavior of individuals and
organizations involved in the development,
implementation, and use of technology.
- It is concerned with ensuring that technology is
used in ways that are morally justifiable and
align with human values and interests.

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