Day 4 Worksheet

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Logic Your Way into Writing

Week 4 Worksheet

Day 3,4 Examples

- Below are a list of some of the examples that Kevin will be talking about in class

- Campaign reform is needed because many contributions to political

campaigns are morally equivalent to bribes

- Charles is unpleasant to work with since he interrupts people constantly.

Therefore, I do not want to serve on a committee with Charles

- Although Americans like to think they have interfered with other countries

only to defend the downtrodden and helpless, there are undeniably

aggressive episodes in American history. For example, the United States took

Texas from Mexico by force. The United states seized Hawaii, Puerto Rico,

and Guam. And in the first third of the 20th century, the United States

Intervened militarily in all of the following countries without being invited to

do so: Cuba, Nicaragua, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and

- No physical object can travel faster than light. A hydrogen atom is a physical

object. Hence, no hydrogen atom can travel faster than light.

- The defendant is guilty. After all, he confessed to stealing the jewels and he

was undoubtedly present at the scene of the crime since his fingerprints are

on the safe

- If China attacks Taiwan, Taiwan will fight, for the Taiwanese are ready to

defend themselves. Their air force is formidable. And their navy is well

trained and well equipped

- Although some have argued that nuclear weapons introduce nothing

genuinely new into the disputes about the morality of war, I believe that

nuclear weapons raise novel moral issues. First, nuclear weapons have new

and undreamed-of long-term effects since the radioactive fallout pollutes the

environment and alters human genes. Second, a nuclear war could destroy

human civilization in its entirety. Third, in case of nuclear war, the dust

caused by the explosions would prevent the sun’s rays from reaching the

earth’s surface. So, a nuclear war would result in a drastic lowering of the
earth’s temperature. In other words, a nuclear war would result in a “nuclear

winter.” And no human or human group has a right to gamble with the very

climate upon which life itself is based

Task 2
- Bracket and number the statements in the argument
- Construct a diagram for each argument

1. Photography makes representational art obsolete because no one, not even

the best artist, can be more accurate than a camera

2. While there is much wickedness in the world, there is also much good. For if

there is evil, then there must be good, since good and evil are relative, like

big and small. And no one will deny that evil exists
3. There is no better way to arouse the American citizen than to order him

around or to tell him what to think. Although there are many people in this

country who would like to organize us more thoroughly and tidy up the

freedom we have by a little more control, we still reserve the personal right

to plunge our own way into our own mistakes and discoveries, in art,

philosophy, education, or politics. – Harold Taylor, Art and the Intellect (New

York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1960), p.43

4. Despite the fact that contraception is regarded as a blessing by most

Americans, using contraceptives is immoral. For whatever is unnatural is

immoral since God created and controls nature. And contraception is

unnatural because it interferes with nature.

5. There is no life after death. For what’s real is what you can see, hear, or

touch. And you cannot see, hear, or touch life after death. Furthermore, life

after death is possible only if humans have souls. But the notion of a soul

belongs to a prescientific and outmoded view of the world. And hence, the

belief in souls belongs to the realm of superstition

6. Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral.

It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all.

The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral

because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his

understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is

immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community

and makes brotherhood impossible. – Martin Luther King, Jr., The words of
Martin Luther King, Jr., selected and introduced by Coretta Scott King (New

York: Newmarket Press, 1983), p. 73

Argument Mapping Challenge

- Work with your team and try to map out this paragraph
- Bracket the paragraph as a team so that your numbers are consistent

A standard layout should be required for all web sites. A standard layout would save users

time because everyone would know exactly where to go for the information they want. Also, a

standard layout would make it easier for people to put up their own web sites. This is because

a standard layout could be based on one simple template and a layout based on one simple

template would make DIY programs easy to create and teach. Designers wouldn’t have to

spend as much time coming up with their own layouts either .

Task 2: Informal Fallacies

- Name the type of fallacy and explain why the passage is an example of that type
- If no fallacy, then just write “Not a fallacy”
1. Social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer hold that the development and structure of human societies
can be explained in terms of evolutionary principles such as the survival of the fittest.
2. All the really hot new thinkers are using principles from sociobiology. It’s the new wave in ethics. So,
you should accept the principles of sociobiology.

3. It is quite clear what the proponents of legalized euthanasia are seeking. Put simply, they are seeking
the power to kill anyone who has a serious illness. And that is why I stand opposed to legalized

4. Professor Jackson, this paper merits at least a “B.” I stayed up all night working on it. And if I don’t get
a “B,” I’ll be put on academic probation.

5. Since you became a member of this club, you’ve raised quite a ruckus about women’s rights. And I
know you sincerely believe in feminism. But if you go on holding these extreme views, I will see to it
that you are never voted in as an officer of this club. And you know I can make good on that threat. I
hope you follow me: Your feminist views are too radical and need to be toned down.

6. Dr. Herzheimer has written essays criticizing self-help books from the standpoint of logic and science. I
realize Dr. Herzheimer is a famous philosopher, but I think it’s immature and cold-hearted to criticize
people who are trying to help others get their lives together. Thus, I myself give no credence to Dr.
Herzheimer’s work whatsoever.

7. Mr. Johnson argues that we should stop eating meat. But did you know that Mr. Johnson owns the
Vegetables Forever Produce Company? Oh yes, he stands to gain a lot, financially speaking, if the rest
of us become vegetarians. I think we can safely ignore his line of argument.

8. I do not have very much information about Mr. Reed, but there is nothing in his file to disprove that
he’s a communist. So, he probably is one.

9. The school needs a football team. I hope you agree. One thing I can tell you for sure: If you want to fi t
in around here, you’ll see this issue the way the rest of us do. And we all think the school needs a
football team.

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