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10 9:27 PM
R. NO.-230054


Good afternoon everyone this is me ojasvi yadav from BA(P) department, Today I am
going to deliver a speech on Importance of self confidence as it is one of the most
important quality which a good public speaker should have if you can't confidently
present your point of view then public will not understand and appreciate you.
So what is self confidence, confidence means trust in a way because when we say
that we have full confidence in him or her it means we trust them. Similarly self
confidence means trusting oneself and our abilities, it is about feeling
comfortable in your own true self, it is an attitude towards yourself. This quality
of self confidence is important because it not only enhances our skills but also
tends to add value in our day to day life
There are following benifits of self confidence :-
1.It leads to better self esteem :- self esteem is about believing in oneself and
one's self worth this helps person to deal with difficulties of life
2. Decreases social anxiety :- Some people have fear of crowded areas,facing and
speaking in front of public this problem happens because lack of self confidence
Some people doubt themselves,their own abilities due to which they remain afraid
3.Helps in building friendships and relationships :- people with lack of confidence
face problem in interacting with others as they can't openly express themselves but
confident person creates his/her own identity in a room full of many people as they
can easily socialise with others
4. This quality is most important if you aspire to become a leader :- because if a
leader is bold,confident it is likely that he will win trust of people, express
his/her ideas and assure changes
And leadership quality is not only limited to politics it is required in other
fields also like in an office boss is a leader and employees are followers
Now, we have understood why leadership is important so let's discuss ways to
enhance self confidence
• First step is Acceptance - we should analyze our weak points and errors,accept
that there is lack of confidence in your personality
• Then Identify yourself,work on those weak points strengthen your skills, reward
and praise yourself for efforts and progress
• The other important thing is to be assertive without being disrespectful in some
cases people with average knowledge win because of confidence as it gives them
ability to convince others in their favour

At last, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that when you will be
yourself raw,real then you will be authentic this will not only make you different
but confident.If you will not trust yourself then no one else will and there's a
famous quote 'God only helps those who help themselves'

Thank you!

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