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Beatingo, Jannis O.

NCM 109

TOPIC: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Year & Sec: BSN 2-A

1. It`s a condition in which the children that will be born is exposed during mother's pregnancy.

A. Drug Addiction C. Fatal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

B. Sexually Transmitted Disease D. Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

C- (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol before
birth. These effects can include physical problems and problems with behavior and learning. Often, a
person with an FASD has a mix of these problems.

2. What are the other form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?

A. Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with C. Drug-Related Birth Defects

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAEX) and
D. Neurological Disorder Associated with
Alcohol- Related Neurodevelopment Disorder
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
B. Full Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A- Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with prenatal alcohol exposure and Alcohol- Development
related neurodevelopment Disorder. Are the other form of Fatal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder together
with the following:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): FAS represents the most involved end of the FASD spectrum. People
with FAS have central nervous system (CNS) problems, minor facial features, and growth problems.
People with FAS can have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, or
hearing. They might have a mix of these problems. People with FAS often have a hard time in school
and trouble getting along with others.

Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND): People with ARND might have intellectual
disabilities and problems with behavior and learning. They might do poorly in school and have
difficulties with math, memory, attention, judgment, and poor impulse control.

Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD): People with ARBD might have problems with the heart, kidneys,
or bones or with hearing. They might have a mix of these.
3. What are the signs and symptoms of a person with a Fatal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder?

A. Physical Defects, Cognitive Disabilities, and C. Physical Defects, Social Interaction, and
Problem Coping with Daily life Conversing to others

B. Introverted, Cleft Lip, and Congenital Heart D. Cognitive Disabilities, Problem Coping with
Condition Daily Life, and Physical Abnormalities

A- Physical defects, cognitive disabilities, and coping with daily life are the main factors that affect
someone with a fatal alcohol spectrum disorder.

4. What are the correct physical defects that's included in FASD?

A. Small head, Bone Problem and Kidney C. Slow Physical Growth, Heart Defect, and Big
Problem Head

B. Fast Birth Weight, Small Stature, and Small D. Low Weight During Childhood, Small Head,
head Good Hearing

A- Small head, Bone problem and kidney problem are the correct order of physical defects in FASD.

5. What are the first assessment we should do with an Individual with FASD?

A. Growth Deficits and Structural Anomalies C. Check for and Assess for Prenatal Alcohol
B. Developmental, cognitive, or behavioral
concerns D. Look for the signs and symptoms on the

C- The first assessment we should do first Is to check the alcohol history of the mother to check the
cause or factor of FASD

6. What Is FASD?

A. A syndrome in a child that causes brain C. Conditions resulting from lack of nutrients of
damage and growth problems. the fetus resulted in deformities and brain
B. Conditions In a child that results from alcohol
exposure during the mother's pregnancy. D. A syndrome that Is not reversible due to the
mother's lifestyle.
B- FASD Is a condition when the mother drinks alcohol before and during pregnancy resulting in fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder to the baby.

7. What are the primary causes of fetal alcohol C. Inherit and pass down to the baby during
spectrum disorder? pregnancy.

A. Stress, lack of nutrients during pregnancy. D. Naturally develop during pregnancy when
the mother Is too young or too old
B. Exposure to substance(alcohol) during

B- The primary causes of FASD Is taking alcohol before or during pregnancy, resulting in deformities
and growth problems of the fetus.

8. Are there any effective treatments or Interventions available for Individuals diagnosed with fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder?

A. Yes, there Is a treatment for someone with C. Yes' there Is a treatment by taking medicine
FASD. and undergoing therapy.

B. No, because It's a lifetime condition, but we D. FASD varies base on child's conditions.
can Improve their conditions.

B. FASD is a lifetime condition by means that there Is no particular therapy or medicine that can cure
the conditions. But we can Improve the condition of the child, that could help them on their

9. How does FASD affect the child's physical development? (Select all that applies).

A. When someone has FASD aside from C. They have a short palpebral tissue length,
cognitive development, there is a physical thin upper lip, smooth philtrum which Is the
problem also that is involved. most common and see in a child with FASD.

B. It affects their appearance may have D. None of the following, a child with FASD do
deformities also. not have any deformities and physical

A, B, C- Are the following that applies and affect a child's physical development of someone with
FASD, these symptoms are commonly seen.
10. Can FASD be diagnosed at birth or any symptoms typically Identified later In childhood?

A. Yes, FASD can be diagnosed during the C. No, FASD can't be diagnosed during
pregnancy and after birth during consultation. pregnancy or detect It. But FASD can be
Identified after birth of the mother.
B. No, FASD can't be diagnosed during the early
age of the fetus, FASD can be diagnosed at 36th D. Maybe yes or maybe no, depends on the
weeks of pregnancy. alcohol Intake of the mother during pregnancy.

C- During pregnancy conditions such as FASD are hard to detect or diagnosed unless the baby Is out,
that Is the time we can assess the baby personally and look for the symptoms of FASD.

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