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Identify the type of words: S, CBB, CFB

1. Graph

2. Telegraph

3. Merge

4. emerge

5. Democracy

6. Purist

7. Comical

8. Philosophical

9. Sophomore

10. supervise

11. disapproval

12. refusal

13. Carnal

14. Enable

15. Chronometer

16. Mortal

17. Predict

18. Prediction

2. Identify the type of words: S, CBB, CFB, Cp, GS

1. a ‘sharp ,shooter

2. a ,sharp ‘shooter

3. Act

4. react

5. Storekeeper

6. Passbook

7. contain

8. Recur

9. Current

10. Apparatus

11. Unearth

12. Referee
13. Solve

14. Dissolve

15. bull’s eye (target)

16. bull’s eye (of bull)

17. Highlander

18. Inaccessible

3. indicate whether each italicized expression is a word compound (C) or a grammatical structure (GS). Hyphens
have been removed (or spaces added), so that you won’t be distracted by them.

1. Jim’s new car is a hard top.

2. This jar has a rather hard top.

3. It was a jack in the box.

4. There was a plant in the box.

5. A hot dog (C) is not a hot dog.

6. George found his father in law.

7. George found his father in trouble.

8. They bought it on the black market.

9. We were in a black, completely lightless, market when the electricity went off.

4. Explain why the following word is unacceptable: babies sitter.

5. Explain the ambiguity in the following sentences:

a. The fireman burst into the smoking room.

b. The lawyer lost a brief case.

c. We have two French teachers.

6. Give the original words


1. ad advertisement

2. gas gasoline

3. taxi taximètre

4. cab cabriolet,

5. photo photograph

6. curio curiosity

7. memo Memorandum

8. demo demonstration
9. bus omnibus

10. Cello violoncello

11. Fridge refrigerator

12. co-op cooperation

13. Coon racoon?

14. Cute acute

15. Joe Joseph

16. Liz Elisabeth

17. Newsboy newspaper hawker

18. medicare medical care

ACRONYMY (optional exercise)




4. WB

5. WHO

6. Radar

7. VIP

8. Jeep

9. IMF

10. HIV / AIDS

11. GDP / GNP


1. smog

2. telecast

3. motel

4. electrocute

5. splatter

6. multi + university

7. Form new words using


1. happening + circumstance = happenstance

2. automobile + omnibus = autobus

3. escalade + elevator= escalator ( thang cuốn)

4. blare / blow + spurt= blurt

5. squall + squeak= squawk

6. affluent + influential = affluential

7. boat + hotel= boatel

8. guess + estimate = guestimate


The noun greed is back-formed from the adjective greedy.

Write the word that can be formed in this way from the following input word.

1. greedy (adj)  (n) greed

2. flabby (adj)  (n) flab

3. hazy (adj)  (n) ? haze

4. lazy (adj)  (v) ? laze

5. commentator (n)  (v) ? comment

6. editor (n)  (v) ? edit

7. air-conditioner (n)  (v) ? air condition????

8. tape-recorder (n)  (v) ? tape record

9. sightseeing (n)  (v) sight see

10. emotion (n)  (v) ? emote

11. diagnosis (n)  (v) ? diagnose

12. television (n)  (v)?televise

8. These verbs are back-formations. Write the words from which they are formed.

1. bootleg (v)  (n) ? bootlegger

2. typewrite (v)  (n) ? typewriter

3. coronate (v)  (n) ? coronation

4. resurrect (v)  (n) ? resurrection

5. babysit (v)  (n) ? babysitter

6. advance-register (v)  (n)?????

7. laze ((v)  ? lazy

8. jell (v)  ? jelly

9. escalate (v)  (n) ? escalator

10. reminisce (v)  (n) ?

11. orate (v)  (n) ?

12. donate (v)  (n) ? donation

9. Name the word formation processes of the following words.

1. handbook compound

2. advert borrowing

3. porter affixation

4. silence (v) affixation

5. telly clipping

6. radar ( radio detection and ranging) acronymy

7. chunnel blending

8. EFL initialisms

9. transportation affixation

10. escalate back formation

11. tofu borrowing

12. photo clipping

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