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Farro, Jinky Rose S.


REMT 102 DREMT 1-2


600 BC 1571

The realm of the ancient Greeks and German and Austrian miners travel to
Romans is where the earliest railway England using railroaded technology. They
development began. The first rutway, or construct tracks and thus they may manually
contemporary railway, was built at Corinth, move mining carts quickly. Although the
Greece, in history. It's a system of ruts in the original site of these structures is unknown, it
ground that create a path for objects to move is most likely the Lake District.
across.The rutway, also called Diolkas,
served as a public transit system as well as
providing a means of transportation for boats In England, the first steep railway is built. It is
to cross land. intended to bring mined products down to the
river for additional transportation, and it is
situated near to the River Severn.
A railed truck, known as a hund, is
referenced in Italian texts. The hund is said
to be a rail vehicle that travels across Italy's The first wagonway in England was first
Brenner Pass. No one is aware that it was documented by Huntingdon Beaumont.
ever constructed or used. Similar railroads and wagonways soon
began to sprout throughout England.
The earliest recorded period of
hund operations in Europe. It operated in The first "wagonway" construction project
what is now Slovakia, a territory that was begins. The wagonway was propelled by
formerly a part of Hungary. horses. Horses are able to pull carts along
rails. The Wollaton Wagonway was the name
of the first wagon. Other than the fact that the
In Salzburg, Austria, a cable railway opens. wagonway led to the emergence of several
The word Reisszug refers to the cable distinct wagonways across the United
railway. Goods were transported up to Kingdom, little much is known about it.
Hohensalzburg Castle via this privately run
cable train. Though it exists now in a much-
altered form, it is still in use. In 1515, both Scotland is home to the earliest wagonway,
people and animals provided power for this called the Tranent-Cockenzie Waggonway.
cable train. This wagonway was in operation for around
300 years, and Robert Stevenson used some
of the track several decades later when he
was creating his own railroads.
1725 steam locomotives would be built on this
Tanfield Wagonway is built. This was the
world's largest wagonway at the time. It was 1793
built in Tanfield, England. There are still
The first railroad tunnel is constructed.
several wagonways in use today. It's
Between Bullbridge and the Cromford Canal
regarded as the world's oldest railway still in
ran a mile-long limestone route known as the
Butterley Gangroad. It was utilized until 1833
1758 and had several improvements throughout
the years. Even now, portions of the
In England, the Middleton Railway opens
Butterley Gangroad remain visible.
nearby Leeds. Originally a wagonway, but
eventually went on to become one of the 1798
world's first to be run for profit.
In Wakefield, West Yorkshire, the first public
1774 railway in history opens. In England, this is a
wagonway. We call it the Lake Lock Railroad.
James Watt, a Scot, succeeded in creating
Along the three miles of track, people would
the first stationary steam engine. He and his
be pulled by a horse and cart. To the best of
colleagues refined their design over several
historical records, this is the first railroad built
years, allowing the engine to provide
for paying passengers instead than cargo or
sufficient power for a modest 6–8 mph train
The patent for the Boulton and Watt steam
Watt and Boulton created the first steam
engine expires. This implied that everyone
engine. This was just intended to be a tool to
could access steam engine technology. It
make mines operate far more efficiently; it
sparked the notion that perhaps
was not intended for transportation. This
transportation might be powered by these
might have served as the model for the
steam engines. Many individuals exploited
steam engines that appeared a few decades
the technology of the steam engine to
generate ideas for this.
Several advancements in the production of
The first steam locomotive for use in
wrought iron. Though none of it was meant
railroads is created by Richard Trevithick. It's
for railroads, these advancements made iron
uncertain whether the original model was put
production faster and even gave rise to
into production. The usage of it in
wrought iron. A few decades later, the train
Shropshire, England, would have occurred if
would allow railways to grow rapidly.
it had.
Scottish inventor William Murdoch creates
The Surrey Ironway is now accessible. This
what is today recognized as the first steam-
plateway was created initially to
powered vehicle in history. Even though it
accommodate horses and wagons. This is an
wasn't technically a train, the thing was
ironway with two tracks, which is crucial.
propelled by steam. Subsequently, several
Segments of the Surrey Ironway remain
operational today, having been in service for London. His locomotive was not meant to be
well over a century. used for passenger transportation. Rather,
he installed an exhibit in the downtown area
of London. In this exhibit, patrons would have
Using a steam locomotive is documented in to pay to ride his train around a tiny, circular
the earliest serving documents. Moreover, track. His steam locomotive, "Catch Me Who
Richard Trevithick created this. Welsh Can," was to be marketed. He never created
people used it. The steam engine, with all its another steam locomotive after this one.
flaws, did usher in a period of time when the
practice of bringing horses and carts
along rails may gradually become obsolete. The United States created one of the earliest
railroads. In Philadelphia, Scottish inventor
Thomas Leiper began marketing the concept
The opening of the Godstone and Croydon of wagonways. He intended to show that a
Merstham railway, another plateway. This business could transport much larger cargo
was perhaps the first instance in which we using a wagonway than they could by putting
noticed the development of connected a horse and cart on a paved path. Still in
railways. Many railways operated Philadelphia, he carried on creating
independently up to this time, mostly for the additional of similar wagonways until 1810.
transportation of products between locations.
The Surrey Ironway was connected to the
Croydon, Merstham, and Godstone railway. The first steam locomotive used for
commerce is introduced. Although there isn't
much information available, the steam
Swansea, Wales, was home to the locomotive is thought to be known as the
development of the first railway in history Salamanca. It is implemented in Leeds and
built for paying passengers, called the was created by Matthew Murray. Richard
Mumbles Railway, Swansea. The structure Trevithick's steam locomotive demonstration
was a plateway. The horse-drawn railway in London a few years prior served as a major
service required payment from passengers. inspiration for this locomotive's design.
The track was first used to move minerals
from mines, but a Parliamentary Act changed
its purpose to become a passenger railway. The oldest steam locomotive that still exists
It went through several incarnations prior to in the world is created and put into service.
operating till 1960. William Hedley built Puffing Billy. It was
constructed with the Wylam Waggonway in
mind. Later steam locomotives were
In Scotland, the first railway to be opened by influenced by the design of this locomotive.
an Act of Parliament was inaugurated, known This covered the placement of the cylinders
as the Kilmarnock Troon Railway. It was then and the design of the wheels to increase
that George Stephenson tested his steam traction while moving down the rails.
trains some years later, and this would
subsequently play a significant part in the
creation of contemporary trains. George Stephenson explores the world of
steam engines. Scotland made use of his
Richard Trevithick tested the first steam
very first design, Blucher. It was ineffective,
locomotive intended for passenger usage in
though, since at the time the world's railroads been several before it. Significantly, it is the
were not built to support the kind of weight country's first railway to transport paying
that a steam locomotive like this could customers. But like many other railways at
manage. Hence, George Stephenson the time, its main function was to transport
created his own railway lines. goods from mines.

1822 In what is now the Czech Republic, the first

horse-drawn railway line was established.
The first railway line of George Stephenson
This was the longest single railway in
was opened and called Hetton Colliery. This
continental Europe at the time, measuring
is the first railway line designed specifically
over 100 miles.
for the use of steam locomotives and was not
intended for animal power. advancements in the production of pig iron, a
substance that would be widely employed in
the construction of railroads. These
The Stockton-Darlington Railway is unveiled advancements made the process of
by George Stephenson. This is the first producing pig iron quicker and less
railway ever constructed specifically to expensive. The quick development of
transport passengers with steam railroads across the globe would thereafter
locomotives. It was one of the most effective be aided by these advancements.
modes of transportation at the time. The rails
In the US, the development of the Baltimore
could handle the hauling of about 600
and Ohio railways commences. Remaining in
passengers each day. It was finally the age
use until the 1980s, this is the oldest
of rail transportation.
legitimate railway in the country. Around the
1826 country, more railroads were being

In particular, New Jersey in the United States constructed concurrently.

hosts the world's first steam-powered railway 1829

demonstration made by John Stevens. It was
Liverpool hosts the Rainhill Trials. This was
intended for John Stevens to demonstrate
a competition to decide steam locomotives'
the advantages of a steam locomotive, not
future. Among the numerous submissions,
for passenger usage. It was a ½ mile long
Stephenson's Rocket was the most notable.
track that was round. And, it is no longer in
This steam locomotive, which most people
identify with the building of the railways, was
1827 the fastest ever created, reaching speeds of

France opens its first railway. This was a up to 29 mph.

wagonway as it was a horse-drawn railway. The Stourbridge Lion, constructed in

But the railway is credited with starting the England, is transported to the US. Although
growth of France's railway network, which is the nation had been using steam engines for
still fairly extensive today. a few years, this was the first one to arrive

1828 from abroad. It was one of the fastest steam

locomotives in use in the US at the time and
In Philadelphia, in the United States, the
was greatly influenced by Stephenson's
Mauch Chunk Switchback Railway opens for
service internationally. This was the biggest
railway in the United States, but there had 1830
In the United States, the Baltimore and Ohio history of commuter railroad growth, this is a
Railway eventually accepts payments from significant turning point. It was created
passengers. Peter Cooper created the Tom expressly with short-distance commuters in
Thumb steam locomotive, which was tested mind. Only five kilometers separated us.
on a track. It was the first steam locomotive
ever created by an American inventor.
In Germany and Belgium, the first train lines
In the UK, the Liverpool–Manchester Railway
are constructed. Currently, some of these
begins operation. This was the first steam-
routes are used, mostly to enter France. A
powered locomotive track with scheduled
few years later, in 1837, Germany's first long-
operation in history. This indicated that the
distance train line begins for business.
railroads were beginning to encroach on their
current location. The original Liverpool and 1837

Manchester train set out to demonstrate that In England, the London–Bristol line opens.
passenger train services would be the way of Designed to link two cities that were quite
the future. close to one another, this is the world's first

France opens the Saint-Etienne-Lyon railroad. It stretched for 112 kilometers.

Railway. This was France's first steam- Thus, London's first train station (Euston)

powered railway. opened for business.

1831 Scottish inventor Robert Davidson develops

the first electric locomotive.
In the United Kingdom, the Canterbury;
Whitstable Railway keeps expanding its The ticket for the Edmondson Railway is

passenger service offerings. It is obvious by developed. All rail tickets would have been

now that train passenger services are the written by hand till now. But with the railroads

way of the future, and that frequent getting busier by the day, handling this was

passengers will be able acquire season getting to be a hassle. The railroads would

tickets from this railway. function more smoothly and tickets could be
given much more quickly with this type of
ticket. Printed tickets may seem like a pretty
The railroad switch is created. This minor invention, yet they had a significant
technology, which is being deployed now, is impact on the advancement of railroads.
what the world's trains will look like in the
1837 to 1839
future. With the use of Charles Fox's railway
switch, trains would be able to transfer Various countries on mainland Europe

between tracks, which would greatly simplify started to open up their own railways.
service scheduling and engine
The United Kingdom convened the Royal
Construction on the first segments of the Commission on Railway Gauges. It was
New York Central Railroad starts, known as intended to ascertain the appropriate gauge
the Boston; Albany Railroad at the time. for future railways. All upcoming railroads,
the commission concluded, must have a
Ireland's first railway opens for service. This width of 4 feet, 8 ½". Things like these still
was Kingstown Railway in Dublin. In the happen nowadays. Though this will be
phased down, certain established lines were become simpler with the Pullman Sleeping
allowed to maintain their previous gauge. Car. Ultimately, the ability to sleep while
travel facilitates longer-distance travel.
The first international railway is developed.
Paris, France, and Brussels, Belgium were George Westinghouse is credited with
connected up by train. creating the air brake. This would facilitate
the quick slowing down of swiftly moving
trains. His technology is technology that is
The rapid expansion of railway lines still in use today.
throughout Europe. Hundreds of miles of
tracks are laid across the continent.
Vacuum brakes are invented.
American’s first union station is opened up in
Indianapolis. This was the first time that Germany hosts the world's first electric rail
competing railway companies would share a line exhibit. As a result, the world's first true
terminus. electric rail line, the Gross-Lichterfelde
Tramwy, was developed and opened a few
years later.
The Panama Railway is opened. This is the
very first railway to cross continents.
In the US, the Southern Pacific and Northern
Pacific Railways begin operation. Both of
Steel rails were introduced in the UK. They these train routes cross continents.
didn’t spread rapidly, to begin with. However, The Paris to Constantinople route of the
this would mark the transition from iron to Orient Express begins service. Currently, this
steel. is the world's longest train journey. Over the

1858 years, this line takes on several shapes and

operates out of London at one time. 2009
French inventor, Henri Giffard, would invent
saw its inevitable discontinuation, more than
the injector for engines. It would allow steam
a century later.
locomotives to operate much more
effectively and at far higher speeds. 1890

1863 The South London Railway opens. This is the

first railway designed with electrification in
The London Underground's precursor
mind, as well as the first genuine
opened. The first subterranean railway in
subterranean railway (at a deep level).
history was the Metropolitan Railway in
London. Numerous subterranean railroads 1891

all over the world were eventually born out of The Trans-Siberian Railway begins
one particular line. But at this point, the tech construction.
was still quite primitive.
Liverpool Overhead Railway commences
In the US, the first sleeper trains are operations. This was a pivotal moment in
launched. Longer distance rail travel would
railroad history. The Liverpool Overhead trains might move more quickly and
Railway was the first to use color lights and effectively. The monorail and some of the
electric signaling. In order to cope with the fastest trains in the world were developed as
increasing number of people, it also built the a result of this, which is known as maglev
electric escalator (the escalator would arrive technology.
much later). Significantly, this was the
world's first elevated railroad powered by
electricity. The Mallard train in England hits a world
speed record. It can travel at 203 km/h.
The diesel locomotive is introduced in
Switzerland. Articulated trams are invented Diesel-electric locomotives spread around
in the United States. the United States. Many of these follow the
streamlined design showcased in Chicago in
The world's fastest training is none other than
the Flying Scotsman. It accelerates to 100
km/h. A streamlined train is on display at the The very last steam train to be constructed in
Chicago World's Fair in 1934 as well. England is produced. This is the Evening
Because of the design's reduction of air Star. The end of the production of steam
resistance, trains could move more quickly trains would bring on an age of electric trains
and effectively. Over the ensuing decades, designed to be faster than ever before.
this design was refined. Commercial operation of steam trains in the
UK (at least on mainline trains) would end in
The Germans have patented magnetic
levitation trains. With less friction, these
1975 2001

British Rail introduces the APT train. It can Introduction of the first dedicated high-speed
travel at 261 km/h. However, the train breaks track in the UK. This would run from London
down and it disappears for a few years for Waterloo to Paris (through the Channel
improvements to be made. It is only ever Tunnel). Eventually, similar tracks would be
brought into operation on a single line. installed to run between Madrid and
Barcelona, in Spain.
2020 to 2021
The world record for electric train speed is
broken in France. This train can travel at 515 Driverless trains enter operation in Germany
km/h. and China.


Kristensen, S. (2022, September 27). Timeline of

Railway History. Retrieved from Techhistorian:

Rail Transport History-Train Invention-Railway Timeline. (2016). Retrieved from Global Railway Day:

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