Mazen - Annotated Bibliography

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Department of English

College of Arts and Social Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

how English drama and poetry develop

the communication skills for students.

Annotated Bibliography

Name: Mazin Ahmed Al-Balushi

ID #: 130074
Course: ENGL 3127 Academic Writing
Section: 30
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Al-Alawi
Semester/year: Spring 2024

Suhadi, A. (2023). ELT in literature: Using poetry in enhancing

students’ speaking performance. English Teaching and Linguistics
Journal, 4(1), 24-34.

Srisermbhok, A. (2015). Using poetry to enhance learners’

communication skills. The New English Teacher, 11(1), 120-135.

Eckersley, M. (2016). Using drama to develop communication skills

in the 21st century classroom. International Journal of Bilingual &
Multilingual Teachers of English, 4(1), 45-49.

Ilankumaran, M. & Deepa, P. (2018, July). Teaching literature

enhances communication skills: A study with special emphasis on
poetry. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.6),
Suhadi, A. (2023). ELT in literature: Using poetry in enhancing students’
speaking performance. English Teaching and Linguistics Journal, 4(1), 24-34.


This article discusses using poetry to enhance English speaking skills in literature-
based language teaching. It suggests that poetry can motivate students and create a
positive learning environment. The study examined students' speaking performances
after conducting conversations and narrations using a poem. Poetry was found to
impact vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency positively. Various methods of
integrating poetry into teaching are presented, like cultural exploration, language
exploration, and personal growth exercises. Benefits of poetry in language teaching
include developing language acquisition and communication skills. The research
found students' conversation skills, particularly in vocabulary, fluency, and
pronunciation, improved the most when using a poem as the medium. Therefore,
poetry can be an effective tool to promote speaking ability.


This article provides a useful examination of how poetry can be integrated into
English language teaching to enhance student speaking skills. It thoroughly reviews
relevant literature and presents clear methodology for its assessment of student
conversations and narratives using a poem. The findings indicated that poetry
integration positively impacted vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation. However, the
study focused on a single poem and involved a relatively small sample. Overall, while
not without limitations, the research effectively demonstrated the potential benefits of
literature-based approaches and offered valuable suggestions for implementing poetry
in the classroom to develop oral communication abilities.

Words: 212
Srisermbhok, A. (2015). Using poetry to enhance learners’ communication skills.
The New English Teacher, 11(1), 120-135.


This article investigates using poetry to improve learners' communication skills in

English. It discusses how reading and writing poetry can motivate learning by
engaging imagination and emotion. Poetry was used as part of an intensive English
course for 20 Thai university support staff. Various classical and modern poems were
analyzed, and students wrote their own poems. Results from student poems and
surveys showed that using poetry increased learning motivation and helped students
communicate more creatively and freely in English. Poetry enabled students to
explore ideas, feelings, and culture through a fun and engaging activity. The study
concluded that poetry is an effective way to enhance learners' language development
and communication abilities.


This study provides useful insights into how poetry can benefit English language
learners. Using poetry helped motivate the students and improved their
communications skills, as demonstrated through their poems and survey responses.
However, the sample size was small and not demographically diverse, so the results
may not generalize well. Also, no pre/post tests were used to objectively measure
language gains. Nonetheless, the findings align with previous research and suggest
poetry is a valuable tool to enhance learner engagement and creativity when used
appropriately in the classroom.

Words: 197
Eckersley, M. (2016). Using drama to develop communication skills in the 21st
century classroom. International Journal of Bilingual & Multilingual Teachers of
English, 4(1), 45-49.


This article discusses how drama techniques can be used to develop communication
skills for students in the 21st century. It explores various drama methods like role-
playing, improvisation, and readers theater that engage students and help strengthen
language skills. Specific theorists mentioned include Boal, Stanislavski, and Laban,
whose work on physical expression and character analysis can aid learning. The
author argues drama cultivates skills vital for today's world like empathy, creativity,
and problem-solving. Examples are given of applying drama principles in fields such
as nursing, education, and game development. In conclusion, drama is a tool that
enlivens instruction and prepares students for an unknown future.


This article provides a comprehensive overview of how drama techniques can be

implemented in educational settings to develop students' communication abilities. The
author demonstrates a deep knowledge of various drama theorists and cite research
supporting drama's benefits. Examples are given of drama being applied across
disciplines like healthcare, education, media and more. However, the article only
presents the theories and examples discussed rather than empirical data on the impact
of these drama techniques. Also, it does not consider any challenges to using drama-
based pedagogies. Nonetheless, the broad scope and firm grounding in theory make a
persuasive case for drama as an engaging way to teach valuable 21st century skills.

Words: 213
Ilankumaran, M. & Deepa, P. (2018, July). Teaching literature enhances
communication skills: A study with special emphasis on poetry. International
Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.6), 187-191.


This article discusses how teaching poetry can enhance students' communication
skills. It argues that poetry is an engaging way for students to learn new vocabulary
and literary terms. Several methods are proposed for incorporating poetry in the
classroom, such as reciting poems, discussing their themes, and dramatizing them. A
sample activity involving the analysis and presentation of Shakespeare's sonnet "Shall
I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?" is described. A survey was conducted of
students to gauge the impact of short speech activities on their confidence and
language abilities. The findings suggest poetry can improve students' creative
thinking, speaking skills, and appreciation of figurative language if effectively taught
using varied activities.


This article makes a compelling case for using poetry to develop students'
communication abilities. It effectively summarizes relevant literature on strategies
like dramatization that bring poems to life. The discussion of techniques like
recitation, interpretation and short speeches provides practical guidance for
instruction. The sample lesson on Shakespeare's sonnet models how to stimulate
discussion and apply concepts. However, the methodology could be more rigorous;
the sample size is relatively small and data analysis lacks depth. More qualitative
analysis of outcomes would strengthen conclusions. Nonetheless, overall the article
raises worthwhile points about poetry's benefits and presents a useful template for
engaging language learners through creative works.

Words: 216

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