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Science Activities

Projects and Curriculum Ideas in STEM Classrooms

ISSN: 0036-8121 (Print) 1940-1302 (Online) Journal homepage:

Teaching Scientific Core Ideas through Immersing

Students in Argument: Using Density as an

Ying-Chih Chen, Jia-Ling Lin & Yen-Ting Chen

To cite this article: Ying-Chih Chen, Jia-Ling Lin & Yen-Ting Chen (2014) Teaching Scientific Core
Ideas through Immersing Students in Argument: Using Density as an Example, Science Activities,
51:3, 78-88, DOI: 10.1080/00368121.2014.915792

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Science Activities, 51:78–88, 2014
Copyright Ó Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0036-8121 print / 1940-1302 online
DOI: 10.1080/00368121.2014.915792

Teaching Scientific Core Ideas through

Immersing Students in Argument:
Using Density as an Example
Ying-Chih Chen ABSTRACT Argumentation is one of the central practices in science learning
Arizona State University, Tempe, and helps deepen students’ conceptual understanding. Students should learn
AZ how to communicate ideas including procedure tests, data interpretations, and
investigation outcomes in verbal and written forms through argument
Jia-Ling Lin structure. This article presents a negotiation model to show how argument can
University of Minnesota–Twin be a vehicle to drive students to learn core ideas of density. The negotiation
Cities, St. Paul, MN
model consists of five phases: (1) creating a testable question, (2) constructing
an argument in groups, (3) critiquing arguments publicly, (4) advancing
Yen-Ting Chen students’ arguments, and (5) writing and reflecting individually.
National Taichung University of
Education, Taichung City, Taiwan KEYWORDS argument, argumentation, density, language of science, scientific literacy

The Next Generation Science Standards (National Research Council [NRC]
2013) are composed of eight practices from A Framework for K–12 Science Educa-
tion (NRC, 2012) to learn a limited number of core ideas thoroughly in science
1. asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering);
2. developing and using models;
3. planning and carrying out investigations;
4. analyzing and interpreting data;
5. using mathematics and computational thinking;
6. constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for
7. engaging in argument from evidence; and
Address correspondence to Ying-Chih 8. obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.
Chen, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers
College, Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. E-mail:
The eight scientific practices identify the reasoning behind, discourse about, and application of the core ideas in science. The importance is to create curric-
ula and learning environments that center learning on the core ideas of the sci-
Color versions of one or more of the
figures in the article can be found ence discipline area through argumentative practices. The Common Core State
online at Standards amplify the importance of argumentation for students being able to
learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language templates consist of five phases: (1) creating a testable
effectively in a variety of content areas: “They [stu- question, (2) constructing an argument in groups, (3)
dents] use relevant evidence when supporting their critiquing arguments publicly, (4) advancing students’
own points in writing and speaking, making their rea- arguments, and (5) writing and reflecting individually.
soning clear to the reader or listener, and they construc- In each phase, students are encouraged to use the
tively evaluate others’ use of evidence” (National argument structure to scaffold critical thinking (see
Governors Association [NGA] Center for Best Practi- Figure 2). There are three components in the argument:
ces and Council of Chief State School Officers question, claim, and evidence (Chen 2013; Chen, Hand,
[CCSSO] 2010, 7). Therefore, a critical aspect of argu- and McDowell 2013) A question is defined as when a
mentation is the requirement of constructing and cri- student encounters uncertainty or confusion seeking
tiquing arguments consisting of claims with the clarifications and explanations. Without a question,
support of evidence (Choi, Hand, and Greenbowe learning science is just a blind groping in the dark
2013; Sampson, Enderle, and Grooms 2013). That is, (Dewey 1938). A claim includes solutions, conclusions,
argument is a vehicle to learn science core ideas and proposition about observations and discussions
through defending, critiquing, and refining claims and that provide answers to the question. It is supported by
evidence (Chen and Steenhoek 2014; Osborne et al. evidence. Evidence is a judgment consisting of data and
2013). Studies have shown that immersing students in individuals’ reasoning to show how or why the claim is
the use of argument as a vehicle to learn science helps true (Chen, Hand, and McDowell 2013). In science,
students achieve a deeper understanding; advance criti- data is a set of qualitative or quantitative information
cal thinking skills; and, ultimately, promote literacy collected from investigations. Scientists provide their
in science (e.g., Chen, Hand, and McDowell 2013; own reasoning to make the data meaningful. They
Cavagnetto 2011; Cross et al. 2008; Sampson and analyze, interpret, and search patterns from the raw
Walker 2012). data to generate a convincing evidence to support a
Incorporating argument as a vehicle to learn science claim. Scientists with different perspectives examine
is challenging for both students and teachers (Duschl the same data set may generate different evidence.
2008; McNeill 2009). To address this challenge, we Not all data are used for evidence (Chen and Steen-
introduce a negotiation model, adopted from the sci- hoek 2013; Villanueva and Hand 2011). Therefore,
ence writing heuristic (SWH) (Hand et al. 2009), to data are not the same as evidence. To make a judg-
demonstrate how argument can be integrated in science ment, however, requires evidence with sufficient and
classrooms as a vehicle to drive students to learn sci- appropriate data and strong reasoning (Sampson and
ence core ideas. The described negotiation model, an Walker 2012).
argument-based inquiry approach, aims to progres- The lesson described in this article is designed to
sively build students’ understanding of the core ideas. help students understand the big idea what density
It is based on the framework of argument, which means and how it is used and calculated. Ideally, stu-
engages students in activities of posing questions, col- dents will understand that the ratio of mass to volume
lecting data, and generating claims supported by evi- determines the density of an object in the end of the
dence. Students are encouraged to use argument as a lesson. The following sections illustrate each phase of
structure to share, debate, organize, and reflect their the model when we employ it in our classroom.
understanding through oral and written discourse. To
depict how the negotiation model may be applied in
science teaching, we integrate the negotiation model in
teaching the unit of density in a seventh-grade class- MATERIALS
room teaching.
 Cups with water
 Writing tools
 Copper, steel, iron, zinc, aluminum, glass, mahog-
THE NEGOTIATION MODEL any, oak, pine, balsa, marble (appropriate sizes
The negotiation model has two templates: a teacher smaller than cups)
template and a student template (see Figure 1). Both  Balance

79 Teaching Scientific Core Ideas

Phase Student Template Teacher Template
1 Creating a testable question Creating a testable question
What are my questions? How are my Exploration of pre -instruction understanding
questions related to the big idea? through individual or group concept
mapping; pre -activities, including informal
writing and designing an essential inquiry
2 Constructing an argument in groups Constructing an argument in groups
Test—What did I do? Participation in laboratory activity for the
Observation—What did I see? gathering of data; constructing written group
Claim—What can I claim? arguments
Evidence—How do I know? Why am I
making these claims?
3 Critiquing arguments publicly Critiquing arguments publicly
How can I strength my argument? Critique arguments as a whole class

4 Advancing students’ arguments Advancing students’ arguments

How can I improve my argument? Conduct another investigation to advance
students’ arguments

5 Writing and reflecting individually Individual reflection and writing

How have my ideas changed? Conduct writing-to-learn activity to help `
students reflect what they learned
FIGURE 1 Negotiation model template for both teacher and students.

Big Idea: One simplified statement that captures
Phase 1: Creating a Testable Question
all of the essential learning from a particular unit
Identifying a question is the first step of the process
and connects question, claims, and evidence
for doing science (Windschitl and Buttemer 2000).
Typical lessons for teaching science include multiple
investigation questions that often result in some diffi-
Scientific Argument
culties for students to determine what they should
Question: A sentence in an interrogative focus on while conducting an investigation (Zangori,
Guide form for discussion or investigation
Forbes, and Biggers 2012). We suggest that teachers use
Question guides one single, concrete, open-ended, and clear “how” or
data collection, Claim: A statement about the solution, “why” investigative question to guide students to col-
analysis, and conclusion, or position to the question
interpretation of
lect data from investigation. This type of investigative
data as evidence Support question effectively guides students to generate explan-
for discussion
Evidence: An explanation consisting of ations from the data, rather than simply confirm or dis-
data and reasoning in support of the claim confirm their hypothesis without any reasoning after
Figure 1. A conceptual model for argument
investigation (Chen and Steenhoek 2014).
Data + Reasoning: Analysis and To create a testable question, we used a preinvestiga-
interpretation of data gathering from tion activity to stimulate students’ curiosity toward the
observations, experience, or references
topic. For example, we posed the following situation of
from materials
sinking and floating (see Figure 3) to ask students
to make their claims and explanations about their
FIGURE 2 A conceptual model for argument structure. observations. This preinvestigative activity makes a

Y.-C. Chen et al. 80

FIGURE 3 An example of sink and float for discussion prior to investigation.

connection between students’ everyday life and sci- do mass and volume of an object affect sinking and
ence, and it fosters brainstorms in explaining phenom- floating in the water?” The focus on a single testable
ena they experience every day. question draws students’ attention not only to the
During discussions of why a log floated on water (see two basic factors of density but also to the relation-
Figure 3), some students considered sizes of materials ship of these two, paving the way to help students
as a factor, while others considered mass of materials as comprehend the conception that the ratio of mass to
a determinant. Students often hold incomplete under- volume determines the density of an object.
standings about why an object sinks or floats in science
(Yin, Tomita, and Shavelson 2008). If they do not
Phase 2: Constructing an Argument
know how to confront misconceptions that they bring
into the classroom, they will not be able to gain deep
in Groups
understandings in learning science. The followings In this phase, we divided students into small teams
were some of their explanations about the phenomena of three or four. Each group was given a packet that
of floating and sinking. includes materials and a worksheet with the goal and
research question for investigations (see Figure 4).
Kyle: I think the larger piece of log would sink. Before conducting the investigation, we asked students
John: I agree. It is bigger and heavier. to make claims with their reasoning. Figure 5 shows a
Mary: Me too, but I think less than half of the larger sample of students’ worksheet. Damion’s worksheet
log floats above the water surface included his claims and evidence of why the materials
Teacher: John, what do you mean bigger? Can you sink or float.
explain it? After conducting the investigation, students should
use their data (i.e., what they know now) to construct
After students discussed their ideas, students’ evidence (i.e., how and why they know it) that fully
learning interest about the topic was greatly answers the question generated as a whole class. To
enhanced because they were able to share their prior support the activity, we provided a worksheet for
knowledge with each other (Chen and Steenhoek students to construct their argument in small groups
2014; Hand et al. 2009). We posed questions for (Figure 6). The worksheet contains guidelines and the
example, Do objects sink and float because of mass? three argument components: question, claim, and evi-
Or because of volume? After students discussed their dence. Figure 7 is an example of students’ argument
ideas about volume and mass, we guided students to that shows how students construct the evidence to sup-
narrow down to generate a single testable question port the claim. Although students have not developed
including the two factors of mass and volume: “How scientifically correct ideas about sink and float in this

81 Teaching Scientific Core Ideas

Testable Question: How do mass and volume of an object affect sinking and floating in the
Goal: You and your group will explore what makes different object sink or float. You will
need to observe and record what happens to each object when you place it in the cup filled
with water. To be successful, you will need to record the findings and collect data from the
investigation. You will need to analyze the data and develop an argument consisting of a
claim and evidence to answer the research question. Your group will present your argument
in the class to convince your classmates that your ideas are acceptable and valid to answer the
Materials: cups with water, wood, iron aluminum, wax, lead, marbles (the sizes of the
materials should be smaller than cups)

FIGURE 4 Worksheet provided for students before investigation.

phase of the negotiation model, as shown in Figure 7, students aware of the following guidelines is particu-
they gradually shifted their views after their preheld larly important during discussion:
ideas were contradictory to what they observed. They
used data they collected from the investigation (e.g.,  Make others’ argument better: Focus on the claim and
copper, lead, iron, aluminum and marble sink; half of evidence, not the person.
wood floats above the water surface) to make a rebuttal  Provide evidence for what you say: When you support,
(e.g., “but wood is heavier than marble and alumi- reject, defend an idea, you must use evidence. Ask
num”) and a judgment (e.g., “weight is not the only fac- questions such as: Does you claim answer the ques-
tor to determine whether or not an object sinks or tion? Does your evidence support the claim? Can
floats”) to support the claim (e.g., “it is not determined you explain how you reach the claim?
by the weight but determined by the characteristics of
objects”). The practice of argumentation facilitated this Teachers play an important role in determining the
change. nature of discourse (Alonzo, Kobarg, and Seidel 2012).
The matrix shown in Table 1 provides three aspects of
how teachers scaffold students’ skills to use argument
as vehicle and provide constructive feedback. The first
Phase 3: Critiquing Arguments aspect focuses on how teachers use argument structure
Publicly (questions, claims, and evidence) to help students to
This phase provides an environment in which stu- debate, discuss, and critique their arguments. The sec-
dents can share, compare, communicate, and critique ond aspect focuses on how teachers use diverse ques-
their claim and evidence in a whole-class negotiation. tioning skills to establish the dialogic interaction. The
Students are encouraged to understand and compare third aspect emphasizes how teachers immerse students
other groups’ arguments to their own arguments. The in discussions that focus on concepts to develop deep
focus of this phase is not to win a debate, but to learn scientific understandings. Teachers can increase their
about others’ ideas and to find patterns. Making effectiveness in scaffolding students’ skills in critiquing
argument publicly significantly by rising from the lim-
ited level toward the exemplary level shown in this

Phase 4: Advancing Students’

Once students experience the discussion about
their arguments in a whole class, they begin to under-
FIGURE 5 An example of students’ prior knowledge including stand both the strength and the weakness of their
claims and evidence. arguments. We set up two events with apparent

Y.-C. Chen et al. 82

Question: How do mass and volume of an object affect sinking and floating in the water?
Claim: (What inferences can I make?)
• Make sure your claim relates to core idea and answers the question.

• Just state one sentence which can lead to your evidence.

Evidence: (How do I know? Justify your claim by providing data and reasoning for it.)
• Don’t forget to always make connections to core idea, class experience, investigations, and
outside resource.

• You are trying to convince your readers. Focus on explanation about why and how! Not just
state what you observe during experiments.

• You can use pictures, math, and graphs to explain your ideas. These help readers understand
your ideas.

FIGURE 6 A worksheet consisting of question, claim, and evidence.

discrepancies for students to further their investiga- piece has a smaller volume and a lighter mass than
tions and arguments. The first event was to provide that of the wood, the iron still sinks.
one piece of wood and one piece of iron with the Next, we guided students to measure the mass and
same size (volume) for students to test (Figure 8). the volume of objects that were tested in previous
After examining these two objects, we asked students experiments, and we asked students to calculate the
to bind 10 pieces of wood together to make the total ratio between the mass and the volume for different
mass of wood heavier than one piece of iron. Stu- materials. We set up different stations for mass mea-
dents can place the bundled wood and iron in a con- surement of different objects first. Then we guided
tainer filled with water. This experiment provided students to measure and calculate the volume of
students with an opportunity to observe that even these objects. For example, students can use a ruler
though the bound wood pieces are now heavier than to measure each side of a rectangle and estimate the
the iron, wood still floats on water. The second event volume of the rectangle, which they have learned
was to provide another piece of iron that is much from mathematics class. After measuring the mass
smaller and lighter than the wood. This experiment and estimating the volume of each object, we guided
allowed students to see that even though the iron students to display the relationship between mass
and volume of different objects in a graph. The
Appendix is a worksheet to guide students to record
the measured masses and volumes of objects as well
as to search if there is any pattern about how the
mass and the volume of an object are related through
a mass–volume plot.
Figure 9 is an example of student’s work that repre-
sents the relationship between mass and volume. We
introduced the ratio of mass to volume for water is
1 g/cm3 and asked students to draw a line that charac-
terizes the mass to volume ratio of 1 g/cm3 in this
graph. In Figure 9, objects placed on the lower right
side float in water. In contrast, all objects on the upper
left side sink in water. When an object has the mass over
volume ratio that is less than that of water, it floats on
FIGURE 7 An example of students’ argument. water. Otherwise, it sinks. We then introduced the

83 Teaching Scientific Core Ideas

TABLE 1 The Matrix of Critiquing Argument Publicly
Level 3: Exemplary Level 2: Basic Level 1: Limited

Science argument Teacher consistently engages Teacher attempts to use the Teacher does not use the
(questions, claims, students to use the three argument structure to drive argument structure to drive
evidence) components of argument, students to reflect their the dialogue or only
examine students’ thinking arguments. attempts to get the correct
based on the three answer for claims and
components of argument, evidence.
and link questions, claims,
and evidence together.
Teacher questions Teacher adopts multiple layers Teacher attempts to elicit and Teacher uses closed-end
of questions (i.e., Bloom’s clarify students’ ideas from questions, asked in rapid-
taxonomy) to engage their arguments, but limits fire fashion to obtain the
students in evaluating their to restate and rephrase correct answer and move
arguments by comparing to students’ arguments. on.
alternative arguments to
consider whether evidence
supports their proposed
Concept focus The conversation focuses on The conversation focuses on The conversation does not
the core ideas of the unit the core ideas of the unit focus on the core ideas of
and builds students’ but does not connect to units.
understanding based on students’ prior knowledge.
their prior knowledge and

concept of “density,” expressed as the ratio of mass to search the pattern of data to construct scientific
volume to describe one of the many physical properties evidence.
of an object (material). The mass–volume graph also Activities in this phase provide students with
illustrates how multiple representations help students to opportunities to master the concept of density

FIGURE 8 An example of wood and iron for testing.

Y.-C. Chen et al. 84

through several approaches. These activities allow
students to apply what they have learned from
mathematics classes (ratio and volume estimation)
to science learning. They also teach students how to
use different representations of the same concept.
For example, students can use tables, diagrams, and
graphs to record the data. Immersing students in
arguments, however, is the core practice that engages
students in critical thinking while making sense of
data that they collected from investigation. They
not only learn how to make a scientific argument
and how to articulate a scientific claim and evidence
through searching the trends and patterns of data
using multimodal representations, but they also mas-
ter the concept of density, its mathematical formula,
FIGURE 9 A diagram to inductively represent objects’ ratio
of mass to volume.
and its practical application.

TABLE 2 Writing Rubric for Argumentative Writing


Component Exemplary (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

Claim: Clarity Makes a scientifically correct Makes a scientifically correct Makes a scientifically incorrect
claim, completely answer claim, but does not answer claim
the essence of the question, the essence of the question  Does not address the
and show understanding of  Addresses what objects sink relationship between mass/
the big idea and what objects float but volume and sinking/floating
 Identifies density as the ratio do not address the
of mass and volume as relationship between mass/
dimensions that are critical volume and sinking/floating
to floating/sinking
Evidence: Sufficiency Evidence uses important and Evidence use some important Evidence uses no data or data
adequate data points data points and a few that is not important
 Organizes multiple data and unimportant data points  Just restates the claim
provides counterevidence  Provides more than one without any data support or
(heavy wood but floats) to piece data but no uses data without any
strengthen the quality of counterevidence meaning
Evidence: Coherence Makes a strong and Evidence attempts to tell how Does not make any connection
sophisticated connection the data support claim but and explanation to claim
between claim and mostly tells what was done  Only addresses what objects
evidence through examples, to test sink and float without any
explanations, and multiple  Provides tables or diagrams reasoning
modes of representations but no/little explanation or
 Explains what density is and reasoning
how the ratio of mass and
volume determine objects
sinking and floating
 Provides different data and
examples (wood, iron, lead,
cooper, etc.) to make
evidence strong
Total Score

85 Teaching Scientific Core Ideas

Phase 5: Writing and Reflecting science instruction is not an easy task. We provide the
Individually negotiation model that helps students learn science
core ideas through participation of argumentative prac-
Writing can help students clarify and strengthen tices to support science teaching. This negotiation
their conceptual understanding and encourage them to model is different from traditional hands-on activities
reflect on and explain what they have learned. Writing that ask students to follow step-by-step or “cookbook-
also allows students to reflect on challenges they have type” instructions with less or no explanations. The
faced and evaluate whether their arguments have negotiation model requires students to build knowl-
answered the research question (Chen, Hand, and edge progressively through the use of argument. As sci-
McDowell 2013; Choi, Hand, and Greenbowe 2013; ence teachers, we must provide learning opportunities
Dlugokienski and Sampson 2008; Sampson and that allow students to engage in generating their own
Walker 2012). Students can compare their initial ideas research questions, collecting data to construct coher-
in the beginning of the unit to their final arguments to ent evidence to support claims, and applying their argu-
trace their progression of learning. Each student was ment to real-world situations.
required to produce a written argument in support of
one of the claims and evidence. We also used students’
argument for the purpose of summative assessment REFERENCES
and as an opportunity to provide students with feed-
Alonzo, A. C., M. Kobarg, and T. Seidel. 2012. Pedagogical content
back at the end of the unit (Chen and Steenhoek 2013). knowledge as reflected in teacher–student interactions: Analysis of
An example of an argumentative writing rubric two video cases. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49(10):
developed to assess students’ understanding of the unit
Cavagnetto, A. 2011. The multiple faces of argument in school science.
of density and their ability to produce persuasive writ- Science Scope 35(1): 34–37.
ing is provided in Table 2. The writing rubric includes Chen, Y.-C. 2013. Writing an argument to a real audience: Alternative
ways to motivate students in writing about science. Teaching Sci-
three components to help craft a high-quality writing ence 59: 8–12.
argument based on the argument framework (see Chen, Y.-C., B. Hand, and L. McDowell. 2013. The effects of writing-to-
Table 2). Teachers can tailor the rubric as needed to fit learn activities on elementary students’ conceptual understanding:
Learning about force and motion through writing to older peers.
a specific unit or a situation. Science Education 97: 745–771.
The following excerpts from one student’s work Chen, Y.-C., and J. Steenhoek. 2013. A negotiation cycle to promote
argumentation in science classrooms. Science Scope 36(9): 41–50.
clearly demonstrate the understanding of density: Chen, Y.-C., and J. Steenhoek. 2014. Arguing like a scientist: Engaging
students in core scientific practices. The American Biology Teacher
The ratio of mass to volume is a factor that makes things 76: 231–337.
float and sink. We call the ratio density. Density is a measure Choi, A., B. Hand, and T. Greenbowe. 2013. Students’ written argu-
of how much mass is squeezed into a given volume. Differ- ments in general chemistry laboratory investigations. Research in
ent objects (materials) have different density: ratio of mass to Science Education 43: 1763–1783.
volume. The ratio of water of mass to volume is 1g/cm3. Cross, D., G. Taasoobshirazi, S. Hendricks, and D. T. Hickey. 2008. Argu-
Wood is about 0.7 g/cm3 and iron is about 7.5 g/cm3. mentation: A strategy for improving achievement and revealing sci-
Therefore, wood floats in water because the mass-to-volume entific identities. International Journal of Science Education 30:
ratio is less than water. Iron sinks in water because the ratio 837–861.
of Iron of mass to volume is bigger than water. Dlugokienski, A., and V. Sampson. 2008. Learning to write and writing to
learn in science. Science Scope 32: 14–19.
Duschl, R. 2008. Science education in three part harmony: Balancing con-
ceptual, epistemic, and social learning goals. Review of Research in
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CONCLUSIONS Dewey, J. 1938. Logic: The theory of inquiry. New York: Henry Holt and
The Next Generation Science Standards and the Hand, B., L. Norton-Meier, J. Staker, and J. Bintz. 2009. Negotiating sci-
Common Core State Standards emphasize the use of ence: The critical role of argument in student inquiry: Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann.
argument as a vehicle to help students deepen their McNeill, K. L. 2009. Teachers’ use of curriculum to support students in
understanding of the core ideas in science learning. Yet writing scientific arguments to explain phenomena. Science Educa-
“lack of guidance or examples about how to convey the tion 93: 233–268.
National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices and
integration of crosscutting concepts, core ideas, and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). 2010. Common
practices” (NRC 2012, 332) in their classrooms presents core state standards for English language arts & literacy in history/
social studies, science, and technical subjects. Washington, DC:
challenges to many science teachers. Specifically, incor- NGA and CCSSO.
porating argument as a vehicle to learn core ideas in uploads/ELA_Standards.pdf (accessed May 6, 2014).

Y.-C. Chen et al. 86

National Research Council. 2012. A framework for K–12 science educa- Sampson, V., and J. P. Walker. 2012. Argument-driven inquiry as a way
tion: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington, to help undergraduate students write to learn by learning to write
DC: National Academies Press. in chemistry. International Journal of Science Education 34: 1443–
National Research Council. 2013. Next Generation Science Standards. 1485.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Villanueva, M. G., and B. Hand. 2011. Data versus evidence. Science
Osborne, J., S. Simon, A. Christodoulou, C. Howell-Richardson, and Scope 35(1): 42–45.
K. Richardson. 2013. Learning to argue: A study of four Windschitl, M., and H. Buttemer. 2000. What should the inquiry experi-
schools and their attempt to develop the use of argumenta- ence be for the learner? American Biology Teacher 62(5): 346–350.
tion as a common instructional practice and its impact on Yin, Y., M. K. Tomita, and R. J. Shavelson. 2008. Diagnosing and dealing
students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 50: with student misconceptions: Floating and sinking. Science Scope
315–347. 31(8): 34–39.
Sampson, V., P. Enderle, and J. Grooms. 2013. Argumentation in science Zangori, L., C. Forbes, and M. Biggers. 2012. This is inquiry. . .Right? Sci-
education. The Science Teacher 80(5): 30–33. ence & Children, 50(1): 48–53.

87 Teaching Scientific Core Ideas

1. Fill in the following table of masses and volumes for cooper, steel, iron, zinc, aluminum, glass, mahogany, oak,
pine, balsa.

Materials X: Volume (cm3 ) Y: Mass (g) Ratio: (Y/X)


2. Plot these points on a mass versus volume graph

Y.-C. Chen et al. 88

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