Effect of Collector & Frother Concentration On Copper Flotation

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Effect of Collector & Frother Concentration on Copper Flotation

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The flotation process may be considered an interactive system consisting of many chemical,
operational, and equipment variables. Changing any one of these variables causes an overall
system response change. This study examines the effects of simultaneously changing the
operating variables of: (1) frother concentration and air flow rate, and (2) frother concentration
and collector concentration. It is part of a comprehensive study to look at how changes in
several of the major variables may be used to produce interactions which will allow the
rougher flotation process to be optimized.

Experimental Procedure
Series 1 – Air Flow Rate and Frother Concentration: A 3×3 factorial experiment was
designed to observe the effects of simultaneously changing three levels of air flow rate (range:
2.83 to 5.66 l/min.), and three levels of DF-250 frother (range: 15 to 35 g/t) while holding
collector concentration at 12.5 g/t potassium anyl xanthate (KAmX), slurry percent solids at
29%, and grind size at a nominal -225 µm.

Series 2 – Collector Concentration and Frother Concentration: A 4×3 factorial experiment

was designed to observe the effects of simultaneously changing four concentration levels of
KAmX collector (range: 2.0 to 23.0 g/t), and three levels of DF-250 frother (range: 15.0 to 35.0
g/t) while holding air flow rate constant at 4.25 l/min, slurry percent solids at 29%, and grind
size at nominal -225 µm.

Based on the cumulative fractional recoveries, the first order kinetic model with a rectangular
distribution of floatabilities was used for the calculation of the ultimate recovery and flotation

r = R∞{1-1/Kt{1-exp(-Kt)]………………………………………………………….(1)

r = recovery of component at time t

R∞ = ultimate recovery of component

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K = rate constant (time-¹) for this model

Results and Discussion

As air flow rate increases, recovery increases until a maximum is reached at an air flow rate of
-4.25 M/min and then decreases slightly. This is more evident for the lowest level of frother
tested (15.0 g/t). This decrease in recovery at a high air rate is to be anticipated since had
previously noted that excessive air flow can reduce solids suspension capability, as well as
introduce surface geysering in the froth.

Increasing frother (Dowfroth 250) concentration induces higher recoveries. A relatively high
frother dosage tends to produce closely-knit froths which are conducive to high recoveries.
The increase in frother dosage also leads to an increase in flotation rate but with an
accompanying decrease in concentrate grade. These higher frother concentrations cause
excessive froth in the flotation cell which increases the froth overflow rate and thus an increase
in flotation rate. Alternatively, low frother concentrations produce loosely textured froths with
large bubbles which tend to release gangue particles from the froth, resulting in a high
concentrate grade (>20.0% Cu).

Visual observations indicate that froths with low mobility and thin froth depth (tests involving
low frother concentration, i.e., 15 g/t), generally lead to low flotation rates (<5.0 min ) and very
high concentrate grades (>20.0% Cu). These froths are “loaded” with chalcopyrite particles, so
much so that the bubbles break before they can be removed from the flotation cell. Loose
froths with large bubbles, which are low in mobility and thin in depth, tend to release gangue
particles from the froth, thus producing a high grade concentrate.

Air flow rate has a greater influence on flotation rate at high frother concentrations than at low
concentrations. Since increasing the frother concentration increases the mobility of the froth,
increasing the air flow rate will immediately cause an increase in flotation rate.

Excessive aeration causes entrainment of gangue particles in the froth leading to a lower
concentrate grade.
An increase in recovery is seen as frother dosage increases. High frother dosages create
small-bubble, closely-knit froths which lead to high recoveries since they can support
heavy mineral loads and prevent the drop-off of particles from the bubbles.
A high frother concentration produces an excessive amount of froth in the flotation cell.
This increases the froth overflow and flotation rate, but, unfortunately it also decreases
the concentrate grade.

Collector concentration has a significant effect (either linear or non-linear) on all three
quantitative response variables. As collector concentration increases, recovery increases until a
maximum is reached (=93%), after which a slight decrease occurs. For all three frother levels,
the maximum recovery is found at approximately the same collector concentration range of
10-15 g/t. It appears that within the xanthate concentration range or 10-23 g/t, the recovery is
independent of frother concentration for the range of 15-35 g/t.

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As the frother concentration increases, recovery typically increases with the effect being much
more pronounced at the two lowest collector levels. This same trend was also seen in the first
test series where the effect of air flow rate and frother concentration was studied.

Concentrate grade typically decreases as the frother concentration increases except when a
starvation quantity (= 2 g/t) of collector is used. The previous test series showed a similar
decrease in concentrate grade with an increase in frother concentration. An overabundance of
froth leads to excessive entrainment of fine gangue particles in the froth.

The partial substitution of a frother for a collector is a favorable circumstance as the frother
typically sells for half the cost of the collector. It must be taken into consideration, however,
that if the flotation system is driven with a frother, a decrease in selectivity may occur for all
size fractions, whereas if the system is driven with a collector, a decrease in the selectivity of
only the finer particles (say <200 mesh) may occur.

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by Jorge May 26, 2018 Flotation 993

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