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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

Swarm Intelligence and its applications towards

Various Computing: A Systematic Review
Komalpreet Kaur Yogesh Kumar
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Dept. of Computer science & Engineering
Punjabi University Chandigarh Engineering College
Patiala, India Landran, India

Abstract— Swarm intelligence is the discipline deals with interaction occurs and new environment is responded by
artificial and natural systems that consists various individuals other individuals like pheromone trails of ants that search
coordinated using self-organization and decentralized control. for food sources deposited on their way. Stigmergy is the
It consists of simple autonomous agents that come as emergent interaction of indirect type that means the communication
collective intelligence. The commands from global plan or through the environment [4].
leader are not followed by autonomous agent. This type of
As mentioned above the swarm intelligence is the discipline
systems has been seen in various domains that makes swarm
intelligence as a multidisciplinary character. Due to its deals with artificial and natural systems that consist various
popularity, various researchers have started working on it even individuals coordinated using self-organization and
in computing tasks but still they are unable to give a good decentralized control [5]. It consists of simple autonomous
survey on various swarm intelligence algorithms and use of it agents that come as emergent collective intelligence. That’s
in computing work. Most of the people are unaware about the why the autonomous intelligent has become a system
newly most effective invented swarm intelligence algorithms. interacting with its environment that also consist of various
In this paper we have given a comprehensive review on various other agents but they act independently from all other
swarm intelligence algorithms that prove to be efficient in agents. The commands from global plan or leader are not
multiple fields. The main focus is given to Bat algorithm,
followed by autonomous agent. This type of systems has
Firefly algorithm, Lion optimization algorithm, Chicken
swarm optimization algorithm, Social Spider Algorithm and been seen in various domains that makes swarm intelligence
Spider Moneky optimization algorithm. Another thing covered as a multidisciplinary character.
in this paper is the comparative research on use of Swarm Cloud computing is the application that delivered as services
intelligence algorithm in Computing work. Cloud computing is through Internet and data centers software and hardware.
the application that delivered as services through Internet and There are some limitations of cloud computing that are
data centers software and hardware. We have covered the compensated by the introduction of Fog and Edge
research work done by various researchers in cloud computing. The improvement in computing is also done by
computing, Fog computing and Edge computing using swarm the use of various swarm intelligence algorithms. That
intelligence. The motive of this is to show the improvement in
proves to be efficient in terms of performing various tasks of
work comes after the introduction of Swarm intelligence in
computing work. computing.
A. Novelty in the Paper
Keywords— Swarm Intelligence, Fat Algorithm, Spider
Monkey optimization, Firefly Algorithm, Social Spider In most of the fields a better results has been achieved using
Algorithm, Computing swarm intelligence. Due to its popularity, various
I. INTRODUCTION researchers have started working on it even in computing
tasks but still they are unable to give a good survey on
Swarm is a homogeneous simple agent in large number that various swarm intelligence algorithms and use of it in
interacts with themselves locally. It doesn’t have any central computing work. Most of the people are unaware about the
control that allows to emerge a global interesting behavior. newly most effective invented swarm intelligence
Nowadays a swarm based algorithms are emerged as a algorithms.
family of algorithms based on pollution and inspired by In this paper, we have focused on various existing swarm
nature that re able to produce low, fast and cost effective intelligence algorithms that aware people about those
solutions for some of the complex problems [1, 2]. SI is a algorithms that can be prove to be good or efficient when
new area of AI that model the collective behavior of social they use it in their work. Other main motive of this paper is
swarms in nature. Such as Bird flocks, ant colonies and to give the survey or review on existing work done in
honey bees. Although swarm or insects individuals like computing: Cloud computing, Fog computing and Edge
agents are relatively unsophisticated. They are limited with computing or these together using various swarm
their own capabilities and interact together with certain intelligence algorithms. Along with it the main motive is to
behavioral pattern that helps in achieving the tasks that are show the improvement that comes after introducing the
necessary for their survival. Among swarm individuals, Swarm intelligence in their work.
there can be either direct or indirect social interactions [3].
In this, one of the example is honey bees waggle dance like Swarm intelligence (SI) comes an adaptive strategy that
direct interaction done through audio or visual contact [4]. takes the collective intelligence as a behaviour that don’t
When there is change in environment then indirect have any centralized control stricture on behaviour of

978-1-7281-4097-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
individuals. SI rules are not very complex, it is simple, self- • The brightness and attractiveness between various
organizing that’s why it is widely used in searching fireflies are directly proportional to each other [9].
methods, computing improvement, optimizing, Cognitive In this, the less bright fireflies are attracted by
network, Natural Language Processing, etc [6]. There are brighter one that is inversely proportional to the
various paradigm of SI such as cuckoo search, fish distance between multiple fireflies.
schooling, bird flocking and animal herding, etc. In this
section we have covered some of the new SI algorithms There is random movement between the fireflies in case of
such as Bat algorithm, Firefly algorithm, Lion optimization same brightness of both fireflies.
algorithm, Chicken swarm optimization algorithm, Social
spider algorithm and Spider monkey optimization algorithm, The adjacent fireflies light intensity is directly proportional
There are some other SI based algorithms but we have to the attractiveness of firefly. The variation of
covered only these because researchers are not aware about attractiveness is denoted by and distance between flies is
it. r.
A. Bat Algorithm (BA): Bat Algorithm: The BA is based The firefly attract each other
on echolocation of microbats that is used by bats for
finding the food and it was proposed by Xin-She Yang ……(4)
[7]. It use frequency tuning that is one of the first
algorithm in optimization and computational In above equation is the attractiveness when distance
intelligence. It is effective to use BA in nonlinear and
multi-objective problems. And they found their
obstacles, prey using their special high level capability
The movement between two fireflies I and j, where I is
of bio-sonar that is also known as echolocation. Its
attracted towards the j more attracted firefly is determined
efficiecny depends on Automatic zooming that is the
by equation given below:
capability performed on automatic switch to insensitive
exploitation from explorative direction and other is
Frequency tuning that is frequency variation done on the ………….(5)
In above equation is due to attractiveness
In this every bat is encoded with some velocity and of the firefly and a randomization parameter. It
location at iteration t that is denoted as vti and xti
becomes a simple random movement in case of zero
respectively. It is done in a d-dimensional search or
solution space [8]. To particular problem a location can
In FA the new firefly position attractiveness is compared
be consider as solution vector. During iterative search
with old one and if higher attractiveness value is produced
process a current best solution x can be found among n
by new position then firefly will move towards it otherwise
bats in the population. In standard bat algorithm, the
it will remain in the current position [10].
mathematical equtions for updating the new location xi
(t) and velocity vi(t) are:
Application of FA: It is used in digital image compression,
feature selection, engineering design problems, highly
nonliniear, multimodal design problens, antenna design
optimization and scheduling problems.
C. Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA): It is lion’s social
In the above equation b is the random vector with uniform
system inspired pupulation based algorithm along with
distribution under [0, 1], p(t) is the current global solution
its collaboration characteristics that are describe as pride
and the value of and are 1 and 0 respectively.
[11]. In the world, Lion is considered as a strongest
mammal because of its unique social behaviour and its
Application of BA: It is used in scheduling, classification,
algorithm was modelled on the basis of lion two unique
fuzzy logic, Inverse problem, combinational optimization,
behaviours that are:
parameter estimation, continuous optimization, image
processing, data mining and many more [8]. • Territorial defence
• Territorial takeover
On the basis of these two unique behaviours of lion a three
B. Firefly Algorithm (FA): The steps generates a solutions of LO [12]. These three steps are:
Fireflies are insects that produces a light and blink at night. • Each cub solution differentiation is either original
Yang have formulated the firefly metaheuristic algorithm or a derived solution.
inspired by firefly flashing behaviour. The bioluminescent • The existing and new solutions are compared and
phenomenon of communication is formulated with some evaluated by territorial defence.
assumptions such as: • Further the territorial will take over and keep the
• Fireflies are unisex that’s why they attract to each existing solution for further improvement. In this
other regardless of their sex case the existing solution is better than the new
• solution.


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
In working of LOA various steps are: Application of COA: It is used in flexible job shop
• Initialization: In this randomly population is scheduling, communication optimization, disaster and
generation environment assessment, microgrid optimization operation,
reservoir optimization scheduling, social network
After than fitness or cost value of each lion is construction and detection, image recognition processing,
computed using cost function: etc [14].
E. Social Spider Algorithm (SSA): SSA are organism
• Hunting: In order to provide food for female pride living in groups that have aggressive characters among
they search for a prey in a group. To catch and their own species [15]. The SSA is made by their
encircle the prey a specific strategies are used by foraging behaviours and they cooperate to perform daily
hunters. tasks. On the basis of female and male spiders, SSA is
• Moving toward safe place: In this each pride divided into two different evolutionary operators that
territory consist of personal best positions of each divide their tasks for web design, prediction and mating.
member that assist LOA in saving the best solution This optimization method was comes in existence in
obtained so far after some iteration that is used as a 2013 that has attracted the attention of themetaheuristic
valuable information for improving the solutions in community.
The search space is assume as spider and communal spider
• Roaming: In order to emulate the behavior of
web of each candidate solution in the population.
resident males and randomly select the percentage
According to solution fitness value, each spider receives a
of pride territory and visited by that lion. In this the
weight that it symbolizes [16]. In designing the SSA, main
roaming is the string local search that assist LOA
motive is solving a nonlinear global optimization problem
in searching around for a solution to improve it
with box constraint in the form:
Application of LOA: It is prove to be effective in solving
the single or multi-variable and continuous optimization Minimize:
The above equation is subjected to ,a approaches
to R is a nonlinear function.
D. Chicken swarm optimization (CSO) Algorithm: Chicken
are sociable birds who lives in a groups and CSO In SS algorithm each spider let j then according to solution
algorithm [13]. Every cheicken has its own motion laws fitness their weight is wei and its weight is calculated the
and they are identified as hens, roosters and chicks equation:
according to the fitness values of the chickens. In group
of chickens a viatl role is played by hierarchal order that
is used to model CSO algorithm. This is a new inteligent
bionic algorithm based on hens, cocks and chicks food In above equation the is the position of jth spider and
searching behaviour. In this, a hen, chicken and cock best is the best fitness value of whole population and worst
particle swarm are sorted out according to its particle is worst fitness value of whole population.
fitness values that comes after mapping the individual
specific particle in searching space by chicken swarm. Application of SSA: It is used in multispectral image
And a different searching mode is used by each segmentation, clustering for high dimensional dataset, image
subswarm. processing, control, computer vision, filter designing, and
It will work by selecting best fitness swarm particles as cock renewable energy.
particle swarm that is given by equation:
F. Spider Monkey (SM) optimization algorithm: It is a
…………(1) spider monekys intelligence inspired populaton based
optimization algorithm that search the most suitable
Where and are the position of jth dimension of source of food [17]. The fitness of a solution is the
particle i in t+1 and t iterations respectively. Random excellency of food source and its major characteristics
number of Gaussian distribution is represented as and strategies are similar to artificial bee colony
in which is a variance. That can be algorithm. The SM algorithm search for large space with
calculated using equation given below: the exploration and exploitation function that help in
generation of the greatest feasible solutions.
SM is a collaborative iterative process based on error and
(2) trail that contain 6 phases name as global, local, local and
global leader, local and global decision leader learning
phase [18].
In above equation i, k represents the number of cock First step in SMO implementation is initialization of the
swarms. Fitness values of cock particle I and k is denoted by population:
and . represent a very small number.


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
• The current position of each SM is modified in firefly.
local leader phase that is done on the basis of Elaheh Artificial Cloud ABC The use of
experience of local leader experience information Hallaj, Bee Computing algorithm ABC
and local group members experience., Colony reach to an algorithm
(2015), (ABC) optimal for
• The local group members and global leader [22] assignment scheduling
experience used by each SM experience to update of tasks to in
their position in global leader phrase. There is resources. distributed
almost same position update equation is used for computing
area gives
both global and local leader phase. better
• The local leader position is updated by applying results.
greedy selection in local leader learning phase and Xiao-Ke Discrete Cloud To work on The Open
the selection of local leader updated position is Li, et. al., Firefly Computing resource stack c10ud
(2015), algorithm wastage platform is
done on the basis of SM that have best fitness. [23] and energy used for
• After that the best fitness value is obtained by consumptio experiment
taking place of local leader learning, local leader n purpose
decision and global leader decision phase [19]. that shows
a less
Application of SM optimization algorithm: It is used in consumptio
solving numerical optimization problems, Image n and
segmentation, etc. resource
wastage is
COMPUTING proposed
In this section we have given the review on computing field algorithm.
R. Firefly Cloud In It help in
in which various types of Swarm Intelligence algorithms are SundarRaj algorithm computing reasoning reducing
used. In this we have covered the work done in Cloud an,, processing the overall
computing, Fog computing and Edge computing using Ant (2016), an effective completion
colony optimization (ACO), Firefly algorithm (FA), Flower [24] fill is time or
controlled makespan
Pollination algorithm, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Bat by it by evenly
optimization, Lion optimization, etc., Swarm intelligence distributing
are used. the load.
Jaspinder Flower Cloud For task As
Table. 1: Comparison of different application area of machine learning Kaur, Pollinatio Computing scheduling compared
Author Swarm Computing Purpose to Outcomes, n or evenly to Genetic
Intellige approach use it (2017), Algorith allocating algorithm,
nce [25] m the Round
algorith resources to robin and
m task First come
first serve
V. Improved Cloud Scheduling As
Vinothina, Workflo Computing Scientific compared
(2012), w Workflow to results
[20] Scheduli task obtained by
results are
ng using other
achieved in
ACO existing
terms of
(IWSAC algorithms
O) a proposed
approach is Gaith Artificial Cloud Minimize The entire
able to Rjoub, Bee Computing the system load
work well, Colony, makesapn effectively
in terms of (2017), Artificial of the given balanced by
resource [26] Bee task set. MLSCCI
cost and Honey that results
scheduling algorithm in reduction
time. , Particle of average
swarm makespan
Ms. Jumper Cloud Job As
optimizat by 7 to
Nithya.G, Firefly computing Scheduling compared
ion and 75%., algorithm to standard
(2014), firefly
[21] algorithm
and other
results are
Bin Bin GA, Fog Feature Fog


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)
Ma,, Firefly, computing Selection computing, m and of services algorithm
(2018), PSO, using HT (2019), Particle in less gives better
[27] Elephant, coupled [32] Swarm makespan results than
CS4.5 with Optimiza and energy individual
decision FSHarmon tion (GA- consumptio GA and
tree, etc. y could PSO) n in fog PSO in
have a good technique computing terms of
accuracy, environmen energy
low latency t. consumptio
and n and
reasonable makespan
data time.
scalability. Tanissia Discrete Cloud, Fog Evaluation The
Baichuan Markov UAV-Edge- For UAV The use of Djemai, Particles and IoT of total proposed
Liu,, Approxi Cloud swams it is proposed, Swarm system algorithm
(2018), mation computing used to algorithm (2019), Optimiza energy prefers the
[28] based solve able to tion consumptio middle
algorithm routing achieve the algorithm n layers
optimizatio high (DPSO) devices
n problem. efficiency. then it
Chengfeng chaotic Edge For It improve between
Jian,, bat computing improving the learning cloud and
(2018), swarm the speed of model that IoT device
[29] algorithm update and results in according
dynamic achieving to the
parameter the quick application.
mechanism. predicting Hina Hybrid of Fog The The
scheduling Rafique, modified Computing resources proposed
results and, particle of fog approach
also able to (2019), swarm device level gives better
find the [33] optimizat are results in
better ion managed terms of
solution (MPSO) by average
with fewer and resources. response
iterations. modified time,
Nadeem Cuckoo Cloud and Enhancing The results cat execution
Javaid, search Fog the fog shows that swarm time and, with computing performanc the optimizat energy
(2019), Levy e that proposed ion consumptio
[30] Walk reduces the FP and (MCSO). n as
distributi issues CLW Or compared
on related to algorithm NBIHA to state of
(CLW) latency and have the art
and delay. minimum scheduling
Flower response techniques.
Pollinatio time and Kaushik Dominan Cloud Improving The results
n (FP) processing Sekaran, t Firefly computing the demonstrat
time as et. al., algorithm response ed an
compared (2019) [34] time of improveme
to other cloud nt in energy
algorithms. computing consumptio
Mainak accelerat fog-cloud Considerati The and M- n among
Adhikari, ed Computing on of trade- experiment Learning Cloud, particle off between al results and solve servers.
(2019), swarm cost and indicate load
[31] optimizat latency to that the imbalance
ion find a proposed in cloud
(APSO) suitable strategy servers
computing outperform
device for s the
each real existing
time task schemes in IV. CONCLUSION
terms of
Swarm is a homogeneous simple agent in large number that
delay by interacts with themselves locally. It doesn’t have any central
18%, control that allows to emerge a global interesting behavior.
computatio Nowadays a swarm based algorithms are emerged as a
n time by
family of algorithms based on pollution and inspired by
resource nature that re able to produce low, fast and cost effective
utilization solutions for some of the complex problems.SI is a new area
by 27% and of AI that model the collective behavior of social swarms in
cost 23%.
nature. Such as Bird flocks, ant colonies and honey bees. In
Vinita Genetic Fog For optimal The this paper, we have focused on various existing swarm
Yadav, Algorith computing allocation proposed intelligence algorithms that aware people about those


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